![]() The Grandfather wrote:
I'm not official, but here's a thought. Have you ever made an extra attack that is not at highest BAB, unless the ability that allows you to do the attack specifically stated that you don't do it at your highest BAB? ![]()
![]() Dennis da Ogre wrote: You can't make a full attack during the surprise round so this feat would never apply in combination with a full attack. That's not exactly true. Normal Pounce lets you full attack even on a surprise round, provided you can charge. How that works with Hellcat pounce, I have no idea. ![]()
![]() lostpike wrote:
Where would this revised list be found? Also, check errata.Edit: Actually, I'll show it to you:
Errata wrote:
![]() Are you new to pathfinder society, or old but have trouble keeping your character alive? Look no further, this thread is for you. Here I'll list a few things to buy and use that help you reach your first tier 5-6 scenario. Things to buy after your first adventure: Some healing items. If you're sure you won't adventure with a cleric or a druid in the party, buy potions of cure light wounds. If you think there will be clerics or druids playing with you, buy one potion and a couple scrolls. The healer can't always come to your aid, and the potion might save your life. If you are a healer, buy a potion anyway. When you're the only healer, it sucks to bleed to death simply because nobody can cast a cure on you. This is so important I'm going to say this again as simply as possible. Even if you aren't a healer, you should buy healing items. In a global campaign, you can't count on someone else to have spells and items to heal you when you get hurt. Protip: infernal healing is a great spell for healing between combats. It heals more than cure light wounds and can be used by arcane casters in addition to divine casters. It can be found in Cheliax, Empire of Devils. If you own the book, look into it, but don't rely too much on the spell. As far as combat healing goes, it's horrible. Get a few vials of alchemist's fire and a dozen or so pints of oil. You will encounter monsters that you can't hurt with weapons (too high DR, too high AC, swarm, etc). When this happens, don't panic. Toss an alchemist's fire on the enemy, and when he's burning, continue with oil. Oil is cheap, only 1 sp per unit. One more thing, while the rules in equipment chapter say it takes a full round action to prepare a flask of oil with a fuse, forget about it. You're not building a Molotov Cocktail out of your oil flask. You're going to break it onto your enemy so the heat from alchemist's fire can ignite the oil. An oil of magic weapon and bless weapon might save you if you run into DR/magic or DR/Evil. These cost 50gp per oil. If you can cast these spells yourself, get scrolls instead. While getting HP might save your character's life, getting ability damage back can make a difference for your party. Lesser restoration helps here. If you need to use the spell in a battle, drink a potion. Don't use a scroll, a wand or cast the spell yourself. Drinking the potion is a standard action, but casting the spell takes three rounds. Protip: Buy your lesser restorations from paladins. Paladins get the spell at 1st spell level and sell them dirt cheap. A scroll costs 25gp and a potion/oil costs 50gp. While we're talking about paladins and their spell lists, rangers deserve a special mention. If you need resist energy cheaply, look there. Their resist energy is cast as a 1st level spell, thus making potions, scrolls, and wands cheaper than those made by clerics and druids. Actually, after you have been on a few adventures, you might want to invest in a few scrolls, just in case. If an adventure looks like it might have something to do with poison, get a vial of antitoxin. After this you should save to buy your combat gear like armor and weapons, if you use any. Remember to have a few weapons so you can do all three kinds of damage (bludgeoning, piercing and slashing). Also, get a weapon made of cold iron and another made of silver. These will help you get through any DR your enemies might possess. cheapskate tip: Club costs nothing, does 1d6 bludgeoning damage for medium creatures and can be thrown. When you've accumulated your first 9 prestige points, you can move from scrolls to wands. When you do, don't sell the scrolls. Wands are cheaper than scrolls per charge, and thus cure light wounds, infernal healing, lesser restoration and resist energy wands will most likely be of some use to you. Resist energy and lesser restoration might be used too rarely for some characters to justify buying a wand full of them. If you think you don't need them, pack a few scrolls or potions just in case anyway. A wand of magic weapon will be pretty pointless, because you should invest in a real magic weapon instead of a wand. If you have anything to add, feel free to do so. Help this thread keep new pathfinders alive. Edits: OP's grammar sucks. ![]()
![]() udalrich wrote: Assuming you [snip] wanted to houserule a way to do it, what would you set the DC at? Something like 20 + caster level or 15 + 3*spell level seems reasonable to me. I like the last one, since it means that rogues can't keep up with actual casters in their ability to recharge a staff, but can still do it. I'd houserule that you have to be an artificer and spend your infusions instead of spells in addition to succeeding on a UMD check to use the staff. ![]()
![]() Mahrdol wrote:
Needs less greatsword and more reach weapon + standstill. 30' threatened area where enemies just don't move is hard to beat. Edit: Unfortunately, this actually doesn't work as well as I'd hoped. Replace reach weapon with guisarme and tripping will work as well. ![]()
![]() kitenerd wrote:
It's powerful, yes. But broken? Depends on where you set the average power level. Unfortunately, now that there's virtually no way to get any decent damage on a single attack compared to a full attack, archers will be married to their full attacks and 5' steps. Ranger archers doubly so, since they can take improved precise shot at 6th level and forget about cover and concealment. They don't have to move around to get that clear shot when they can just full attack round after round after round. ![]()
![]() james maissen wrote: In general a metamagic'd spell bumped up the proper levels is in keeping with a normal spell of that level, so why have a lower DC? There doesn't really seem to be a game balance reason for this that I'm seeing. Simple example: Empowered Fireball vs cone of cold at caster level 10. Empowered fireball (5th level slot) at caster level 10 deals 10d6 * 1.5 This is roughly the same as 15d6. A Cone of cold (5th level slot) at caster level 10 deals 10d6 points of damage. ![]()
![]() ohako wrote: Throwing a two-handed improvised weapon takes a full-round action, so that's out. There don't seem to be any actual two-handed weapons that can be thrown at all so far. Spear. Does 1d8 damage, but is a two handed thrown weapon with a 20 ft. range increment. Edit: But throwing one is still a full round action. ![]()
![]() A question about enchanting a wizard's bonded object. A wizard wants to make his bonded ring into a ring of freedom of movement (market price: 40 000 gp, creation cost 20 000 gp). Let's assume he is sufficiently high level to do so and would succeed on any checks required, so core rules don't get in the way of this question. How much maximum prestige award does he require, if any? a) No maximum prestige award required, because he's making it himself instead of buying from somewhere else. b) Enough maximum prestige award points to buy an item worth the ring's creation cost (36 in this case to get access to items worth less than 23 000 gp), or none if he could buy it from a recent scenario chronicle. c) Enough maximum prestige award points to buy an item even worth the ring's market price (45 in this case to get access to items worth less than 41 000 gp), or none if he could buy it from a recent scenario chronicle. d) Something else, what? ![]()
![]() Alizor wrote: In regards to this, what if your other character became a "pregen" for the session? I.E. you wouldn't get a reward, however there wouldn't be a cost either. There's a backside to this too. If there is no cost, you can go crazy with all the scrolls, potions and wands your character has. In effect, you could spend all your money on single use items and become a powerhouse for the scenario that has no effect on your character. You can also act more suicidal if you want to without any fear of permanent death. This will reduce the danger others should face in the scenario. While actual pregens face a bit of the same problem, they don't have the resources to pull this off as well as player made characters, because most of their wealth is spent on their permanent items. ![]()
![]() Quijenoth wrote: Back onto the discussion, I would rule that metamagic feats work on spells of 1st level and higher. Cantrips are "like" spells of 0-level but aren't actually 0 level spells. At no point does a metamagic feat refer to it having an effect on a cantrip, only on spells. Interesting house rule. Cantrips would be something like like Beta's spell-like ability cantrips, except with components? Quijenoth wrote: *throws in the Alchemist's fire and runs for cover* >:) Sorry, doesn't work. I've cast resist energy (fire) to survive the flames here. :P ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: The rules as intended and as they should be interpreted are that you only get to cast 0 level spells at will. Once they're prepared with higher level spell slots, they follow all the rules for how higher level spell slots work. But that's the core of this argument. I'm arguing that spell slots follow the same rules all the time, and the unlimited metamagic cantrips is a feature of cantrips being zero level spells, not cast from zero level slots. Obviously it's not how it was intended, but as this thread shows, an argument can be made that it works regardless. A bit of errata would be nice to bury this argument for good. ![]()
![]() Dracon wrote: I have seen perfect proof of both sides here, Im sorry but you are not the only one who has posted proof validating their viewpoint from the rules. Dismissing out of hand is not fair to any of the previous posters simply because it doesnt fit your view of the ruling. I wasn't responding to the entire thread. I was responding to one specific poster who happened to leave proof of his claims out of his post. Others have made their cases better than just stating how they think things are. Simply stating how they are does not bring anything new into this discussion. Having proof to back it up does. Also, the sorcerers don't have 0-level slots is totally relevant to this discussion. If they don't have 0-level slots, cantrips can't be spell slots. If they're not spell slots, they're the spells themselves. And even though they're spells, they have this little bit of rules stating that they "do not consume any slots and may be used again" Edit: DigMarx, Is it cool to insult people on the internet? ![]()
![]() Diego Winterborg wrote:
Yes. These rules were hidden in magic chapter. prd wrote:
![]() LazarX wrote:
All you need is exotic proficiency. Once you have that martial prof is irrelevant. Also, you don't need martial prof. for exotic prof. ![]()
![]() LazarX wrote:
True. LazarX wrote: , which means you run out of level 1 spell slots after you shoot them all. Well, no. Sorcerer is pretty clear about not having anything called a 0-level slot. Cantrips for a sorcerer say they don't consume any slots and can be used again. LazarX wrote:
See pages 1-4 of this thread for why empty words don't take this discussion anywhere. If you have any proof of your claims feel free to share them. ![]()
![]() James Risner wrote:
A heightened spell is actually higher level, so this wouldn't work in any case. And now to tie this post into metamagic cantrip discussion:
![]() hogarth wrote:
You might want to read the context of that quote. It talks of different types of feats. Later on in metamagic section rules concerning metamagic are actually explained. Actually, I'll provide the context for you. PRD wrote:
Then it talks about combat, item creation and critical feats in depth. After that, it talks about metamagic feats more than just giving a single sentence description of what metamagic is like. That description was quoted in my previous post. ![]()
![]() Dracon wrote:
This quote was in the section that tells us what different types of feats are. When we move on to what metamagic feats actually are and how they work, we'll see this: prd wrote:
IMO, this part of rules is a better source for definition of metamagic. [Edit], because some of the quote tags were messed up.[/edit] ![]()
![]() neceros wrote:
Read the whole thing before jumping to knee-jerk conclusions. Two of the ways mentioned have nothing to do with multiclass. Besides, multiclassing gets you pounce and that's what was asked. This being the case, bringing up multiclassing does not mean I've failed. Besides, what exactly is wrong with multiclassing? It's a viable game mechanic to make unique characters. Edit: Also, 3.5 splatbooks are filled with ways to gain pounce without polymorphing. ![]()
![]() cmaczkow wrote: So, if I have a ring of wizardry I, does that mean I get to cast twice my number of first level spell slots worth of empowered maximized magic missiles? Because, hey, it's still a first level spell, right? And spell slots are different from spell levels... Ring of Wizardry refers specifically to spells per day (or spell slots, as I've called them in this thread), not spells themselves. ![]()
![]() Let's see what Swarm Traits are. Preview Bestiary wrote:
There's nothing here about entangle, so they can be entangled. ![]()
![]() Navdi wrote: Wizards copying spells into their spellbooks from scrolls found during scenarios or from the spellbooks of other wizards (PC or NPC). This has been answered already. Wizards can copy spells from each other, and scrolls don't have to be purchased in order to scribe them. Scribing costs have to be paid. --- I think we need some place to put all these questions and answers so that we don't have to go through a nine page thread to find them. ![]()
![]() @Hogarth: Yeah. quickened acid splash for preventing regeneration is the only one I can come up with that actually does anything at all after enemies have more than 4 HD. Even that I can only see sorcerers doing. No wizard worth his salt will waste a 4th level slot to have at-will swift action acid splashs. ![]()
![]() Fake Healer wrote:
No. PRD wrote:
Well, enough thread derail for now. ![]()
![]() That's interesting. I seem to recall something about me being "able to use my existing library of 3.5 products" if I switch from 3.5 to PFRPG. ![]()
![]() Diego Winterborg wrote:
Let's see. Multiclass into druid and wildshape, get a wizard to cast polymorph, multiclass into wizard and cast beast shape II, use beast shape II from a scroll with UMD. Those were only using the core rulebook. ![]()
![]() Diego Winterborg wrote: And actually your point goes both ways - why are people so willing to twist and bend the system until it breaks in order to get a very limited advantage? At best I find it infantile and af worst I consider they might have a dubious agenda. Dude, if we pretend there's no problems in the rules, they'll never get fixed. I consider it infantile to close your eyes and refuse to see the problem. Edit: @Galnörag, This wasn't powerful until post 62. Then it became problematic.