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I was also wondering about the fly skill. Jason once said you can now try to shoot down dragon(or something like that). Any idea on this?

Dennis da Ogre wrote:

KaeYoss wrote:
Dennis da Ogre wrote:

  • Human Katana: 1d10/ 18-20 x4 (trip/ disarm/ finessable/ ignores DR up to 10/)
  • Weaksauce.
    Most of my jokes are.

    I meant the sword. It's a KATANA. Please tell me it's a light one-handed weapon and that you can use both keen and improved crit with it. Oh, and, of course, that you multiply sneak attack in case of a crit. Otherwise, you just cannot play a ninja in PFRPG!

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:

    Cleave is a standard action called Cleave, it is not an Attack Action.

    In Valeros preview:

    "All of this assumes that Valeros begins his turn adjacent to an enemy. If not, he can charge up and make a single attack with his longsword using both Power Attack and Improved Vital Strike."

    In Beta, charging is a full-round action (dont think it has changed) but Vital strike would apply....
    This will need further clarification

    Is shot on the run changed at all?

    Old One:As a full-round action, you can move up to your
    speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during
    your movement

    Skullking wrote:
    Skullking wrote:

    Anybody able to tell me what the powers and spells for the Darkness and Death domains are?

    Anybody? Please :)

    Pretty Please?

    Pretty please with sugar on top?

    Amazon says my delivery is estimated between 4-8 September and I don't have a credit card for the PDF (Paizo doesn't except paypal for some reason) so this forum is all I got!

    Got a couple of questions:

    What happens when you use Power Attack with a one-handed weapon used two handed? In 3.5 you did apply the -1/+2, same as two-handed weapons, as the feat description included this "If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls". In Beta that reference to one handed weapons disappeared.

    Is there any modification to Arcane Strike or EK's Spell Critical so you can use both of them in the same round? Same for Arcane Armor Training.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

    Darkness - Blind-Fight feat for free
    1st - Touch of Darkness - give your target a 20% miss chance on all his attacks for (1/2 class level rounds), 3 + Wis mod/day
    8th - Eyes of Darkness - see through any sort of darkness, even magical for 1/2 class level rounds/day

    1st - Bleeding Touch - target bleeds for 1d6 dam for (1/2 class level) rounds, 3 + Wis mod/day
    8th - Death's Embrace - heal negative channeled energy, just like undead (but only from channel energy)

    Kvantum wrote:

    Darkness - Blind-Fight feat for free

    1st - Touch of Darkness - give your target a 20% miss chance on all his attacks for (1/2 class level rounds), 3 + Wis mod/day
    8th - Eyes of Darkness - see through any sort of darkness, even magical for 1/2 class level rounds/day

    1st - Bleeding Touch - target bleeds for 1d6 dam for (1/2 class level) rounds, 3 + Wis mod/day
    8th - Death's Embrace - heal negative channeled energy, just like undead (but only from channel energy)

    Thanks Kvantum!

    Skullking wrote:

    Amazon says my delivery is estimated between 4-8 September and I don't have a credit card for the PDF (Paizo doesn't except paypal for some reason) so this forum is all I got!

    Actually, all rules will be revealed tomorrow (? or very soon) in a FREE "Pathfinder Reference Document" web site hosted right here on

    Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I know some monk questions have been asked/answered, but I couldn't find this one.

    I read from the preview that monks get Stunning Fist or free. What level does he receive it?

    Thanks in advance.

    Scarab Sages

    Matthew Morris wrote:
    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I'm quite underwhelmed by it. It does 0.5 points of damage above the Falchion, but that's it. How does that justify the "exotic" status?

    I don't see the point in a finessable twohander either. If you're finessing, your Strength is most likely not going to care about being multiplied by 1.5, especially if you could carry a shield instead. I guess it could make some marginal sense on an elven fighter with Str 14 and Dex 18.

    Now if Finesse were to allow to substitute one's half Dex bonus for the Str bonus on damage, or the full Dex bonus on a two-handed weapon, that would be cool...

    Liberty's Edge

    Catharsis wrote:
    Matthew Morris wrote:
    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I'm quite underwhelmed by it. It does 0.5 points of damage above the Falchion, but that's it. How does that justify the "exotic" status?

    I don't see the point in a finessable twohander either. If you're finessing, your Strength is most likely not going to care about being multiplied by 1.5, especially if you could carry a shield instead. I guess it could make some marginal sense on an elven fighter with Str 14 and Dex 18.

    Now if Finesse were to allow to substitute one's half Dex bonus for the Str bonus on damage, or the full Dex bonus on a two-handed weapon, that would be cool...

    It fills a niche that wasn't there before. You want to play an agile, dextrous character that happens to wield a big 2 handed sword? Now you can, if that's the flavor you're going for.

    Don't want to play a character like that? Than ignore it, just like you'd ignore the rest of the exotics that don't fit your character concept.

    Catharsis wrote:

    I don't see the point in a finessable twohander either. If you're finessing, your Strength is most likely not going to care about being multiplied by 1.5, especially if you could carry a shield instead. I guess it could make some marginal sense on an elven fighter with Str 14 and Dex 18.

    Ha! I'm playing an elven fighter/rogue at the moment with 14 Str and 18 Dex. This might be up my alley!

    What does the Law domain get?

    Grand Lodge

    toyrobots wrote:
    What does the Law domain get?

    1. Touched willing creature treats all attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws and ability checks as rolling an '11' for 1 round.

    2. Grant a weapon the 'axiomatic' quality for rounds equal to 1/2 cleric level.

    Ninjaiguana wrote:
    toyrobots wrote:
    What does the Law domain get?

    1. Touched willing creature treats all attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws and ability checks as rolling an '11' for 1 round.

    2. Grant a weapon the 'axiomatic' quality for rounds equal to 1/2 cleric level.

    All hail the power of mediocrity!

    Grand Lodge

    toyrobots wrote:
    Ninjaiguana wrote:
    toyrobots wrote:
    What does the Law domain get?

    1. Touched willing creature treats all attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws and ability checks as rolling an '11' for 1 round.

    2. Grant a weapon the 'axiomatic' quality for rounds equal to 1/2 cleric level.

    All hail the power of mediocrity!

    Eh, I can see some uses for it. Could be good versus disease and poison, for example. As for the axiomatic, all the aligned ones have the 'treat a weapon as <correct aligned>' one as their 8th.

    Though now I have images of Abadarian clerics shouting 'all hail the power of mediocrity!' and then crying into their soup. Great big tears running down their moustaches to plop into their leek and onion broth. Bad scene, man.

    Ben Jolly wrote:

    I know some monk questions have been asked/answered, but I couldn't find this one.

    I read from the preview that monks get Stunning Fist or free. What level does he receive it?

    Thanks in advance.


    1st level whether or not they meet the normal prerequisites.

    toyrobots wrote:
    Ninjaiguana wrote:
    toyrobots wrote:
    What does the Law domain get?

    1. Touched willing creature treats all attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws and ability checks as rolling an '11' for 1 round.

    2. Grant a weapon the 'axiomatic' quality for rounds equal to 1/2 cleric level.

    All hail the power of mediocrity!

    Our players would have loved that last week, the whole session none of our fighters could roll in the double digits.

    Dark Archive

    Catharsis wrote:
    Matthew Morris wrote:
    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I'm quite underwhelmed by it. It does 0.5 points of damage above the Falchion, but that's it. How does that justify the "exotic" status?

    At least it does more damage. The spiked chain on the other hand does even less damage than the heavy flail with the only advantage of being finessable.

    Unless otherwise stated, penalties, even from the same source, now stack with each other - Page 12.

    Ray of Enfeeblement specifies that it does not stack with itself, but spells like Bane and Crushing Despair will self stack.

    Grand Lodge

    toyrobots wrote:
    What does the Law domain get?

    to carry a badge...

    But, "we don't need no stinkin' badges" is what Chaos gets!

    Dark Archive

    toyrobots wrote:

    1. Touched willing creature treats all attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws and ability checks as rolling an '11' for 1 round.

    All hail the power of mediocrity!

    Hey, that would be one of my playtest suggestions! It's supposed to be more "all hail the power of predictability" ... :) I had suggested the power to grant "taking 10". It appears Jason was generous and changed it to "taking 11". Which, of course, is one more than 10, so it's better. :)

    KaeYoss wrote:


    KaeYoss or anyone who live in Europe

    You live in Germany right? Same time zone as Sweden. When will the PDF be up? That is Central European Time?
    /Kind regards. .

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Zark wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:


    KaeYoss or anyone who live in Europe

    ** spoiler omitted **

    19:00 CET.

    Jadeite wrote:
    Catharsis wrote:
    Matthew Morris wrote:
    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I'm quite underwhelmed by it. It does 0.5 points of damage above the Falchion, but that's it. How does that justify the "exotic" status?

    At least it does more damage. The spiked chain on the other hand does even less damage than the heavy flail with the only advantage of being finessable.

    Is that still kind of pointless if you are making a trip build, like 3.5? As in, in 3.5 trip was Str based, so having a Dex > Str (for who weapon finesse was meaningful) was actually a bad idea. Or are the new trip rules allowing you to use Dex instead of Str to try and trip someone?

    RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

    Catharsis wrote:
    I don't see the point in a finessable twohander either. If you're finessing, your Strength is most likely not going to care about being multiplied by 1.5, especially if you could carry a shield instead. I guess it could make some marginal sense on an elven fighter with Str 14 and Dex 18.

    How about for power-attacking purposes. A 12th level fighter with a 14 strength can still power-attack for -4 to hit and +12 damage under the new power attack rules. And he can have a high dex and weapon finesse to have both a decent armor class/reflex save and decent to-hit bonus.

    Shadow Lodge

    I know this is continuing a tangent on spiked chain so I'll put in a spoiler ...

    Spiked Chain Tangent:

    Though not core rules, but still useable in organized play ... you have feats like the two below from the Cheliax Companion ...

    Cornugon shield [Combat]
    You can use your spiked chain as both armor and weapon.
    Prerequisites: Dex 15, Weapon Focus
    Benefit: When wielding a spiked chain, you gain a +1 shield bonus to your AC. When you are fighting defensively or using the total defense action, this shield bonus increases to +2.

    Cornugon Trip [Combat]
    You can throw your spiked chain to make trip attacks.
    Prerequisites: Dex 15, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus (spiked chain).
    Benefit: You may throw your spiked chain (as if it were a thrown weapon with a range increment of 10 feet) and can make trip attacks when throwing it. Failing at this attack does not knock you prone.

    The Exchange

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    toyrobots wrote:
    Less talk. More spoilers.

    Clerics get their spells renewed at a set time of day but do not require rest.

    Edit: (Ooops this was always there)

    Will the Clerics still be "Channeling Energy" as they did in the Bata?

    Bugmage wrote:
    Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    toyrobots wrote:
    Less talk. More spoilers.

    Clerics get their spells renewed at a set time of day but do not require rest.

    Edit: (Ooops this was always there)

    Will the Clerics still be "Channeling Energy" as they did in the Bata?

    That's a yes. Although the mechanic has been changed.

    Now, they choose Damage OR healing when the channel. And turning effects have been made into a Feat.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
    Bugmage wrote:
    Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    toyrobots wrote:
    Less talk. More spoilers.

    Clerics get their spells renewed at a set time of day but do not require rest.

    Edit: (Ooops this was always there)

    Will the Clerics still be "Channeling Energy" as they did in the Bata?

    Only a third as effectively, though. You pick to heal the living or damage the undead. You can't even make undead flee without burning a feat for Turn Undead. And then you can't heal or damage them, just make 'em flee.

    Hence the 180+ post thread on the cleric's loss of heavy armor on top of all the other needless and unnecessary nerfing that the cleric class has undergone, on top of the warranted toning down of their spell roster.

    Liberty's Edge

    pres man wrote:
    Jadeite wrote:
    Catharsis wrote:
    Matthew Morris wrote:
    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I'm quite underwhelmed by it. It does 0.5 points of damage above the Falchion, but that's it. How does that justify the "exotic" status?

    At least it does more damage. The spiked chain on the other hand does even less damage than the heavy flail with the only advantage of being finessable.
    Is that still kind of pointless if you are making a trip build, like 3.5? As in, in 3.5 trip was Str based, so having a Dex > Str (for who weapon finesse was meaningful) was actually a bad idea. Or are the new trip rules allowing you to use Dex instead of Str to try and trip someone?

    Ah, that's actually a question I've been wondering for awhile and don't think I've seen answered yet: does weapon finesse also apply to combat maneuvers or is the Agile Maneuvers feat still in?

    Kvantum wrote:
    Only a third as effectively, though. You pick to heal the living or damage the undead. You can't even make undead flee without burning a feat for Turn Undead. And then you can't heal or damage them, just make 'em flee.

    Whew! You scared me for a second there. At first I thought you meant that channel energy only progressed 1/3 levels instead of 1/2. My channelling specialist build remains intact.

    Turn Undead? Why would anyone waste a feat on that when you can easily destroy them. Wasn't that the whole point of turning traditionally. I can make them run away unless I'm powerful enough; then I can destroy them. I'll have to see how it works to know for sure. If it's not restricted to generally weaker creatures than you, I could see it having it's uses.

    I don't suppose you could share the capstone abilities for Envokers, Conjurers, and Universalists (Wizard Class) if they still have them...

    Here's one that makes me happy: Death by massive damage is now an optional rule.

    Eric Tillemans wrote:
    Here's one that makes me happy: Death by massive damage is now an optional rule.

    Haha- my DM got tired of me dying from stuff like that (playing a Wizard) so we did away with the rule at the start of our last campaign.

    Frogboy wrote:
    Turn Undead? Why would anyone waste a feat on that when you can easily destroy them. Wasn't that the whole point of turning traditionally. I can make them run away unless I'm powerful enough; then I can destroy them. I'll have to see how it works to know for sure. If it's not restricted to generally weaker creatures than you, I could see it having it's uses.

    It's not restricted to weaker creatures.. so you might have an undead with significant hitpoints that might not be dropped by channeling energy. Since the DC to save scales with the level of the cleric, you might want to put some distance between you and a higher level undead, just because you can't kill them fast enough.

    I'm not arguing that it makes the Turn Undead feat perfect.. this changed surprised me and I'm not sure how I feel about it.. but I see some rationale for taking it.

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    KaeYoss wrote:

    I meant the sword. It's a KATANA. Please tell me it's a light one-handed weapon and that you can use both keen and improved crit with it. Oh, and, of course, that you multiply sneak attack in case of a crit. Otherwise, you just cannot play a ninja in PFRPG!

    Ninja... would not be using a katana, perhaps you're thinking Samurai? a Ninja would be using a ninja-to (my spelling bad) which is essentially a short sword. And obviously there's no reason such a weapon can't be keen, or that you can take the improved crit feat with it once you qualify.

    Liberty's Edge

    LazarX wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:

    I meant the sword. It's a KATANA. Please tell me it's a light one-handed weapon and that you can use both keen and improved crit with it. Oh, and, of course, that you multiply sneak attack in case of a crit. Otherwise, you just cannot play a ninja in PFRPG!
    Ninja... would not be using a katana, perhaps you're thinking Samurai? a Ninja would be using a ninja-to (my spelling bad) which is essentially a short sword. And obviously there's no reason such a weapon can't be keen, or that you can take the improved crit feat with it once you qualify.

    Lol...I think the point was that the keen quality and improved crit would stack with the weapon - which is against the rules in 3.5 (but not in 3.0, if I remember right).

    2 questions, whoever answers gets a dozen of my sin-a-man buns!

    1. what does the rune domain get(if changed)?

    2. did they expand on the monks ki pool, or is it still magic fist at 4th, lawful at 10th, and adamantine at 16th?

    Count Buggula wrote:
    pres man wrote:
    Jadeite wrote:
    Catharsis wrote:
    Matthew Morris wrote:
    Darn on the elven blade (that it's not a true 'elven bastard sword', I don't mind a finessable 2-H weapon.)

    I'm quite underwhelmed by it. It does 0.5 points of damage above the Falchion, but that's it. How does that justify the "exotic" status?

    At least it does more damage. The spiked chain on the other hand does even less damage than the heavy flail with the only advantage of being finessable.
    Is that still kind of pointless if you are making a trip build, like 3.5? As in, in 3.5 trip was Str based, so having a Dex > Str (for who weapon finesse was meaningful) was actually a bad idea. Or are the new trip rules allowing you to use Dex instead of Str to try and trip someone?
    Ah, that's actually a question I've been wondering for awhile and don't think I've seen answered yet: does weapon finesse also apply to combat maneuvers or is the Agile Maneuvers feat still in?

    Agile Maneuvers is there for what you are talking about. I have looked but found nothing yet in reguard to the spike chain and using dex for trips. Although dex does add in for CM Defense.

    Kvantum wrote:
    Only a third as effectively, though. You pick to heal the living or damage the undead. You can't even make undead flee without burning a feat for Turn Undead. And then you can't heal or damage them, just make 'em flee.

    A third as effective? Under 3.5 you could either turn or destroy and then it was a weird mechanism. You didn't get the choice, you couldn't opt to heal instead. I see this as a huge increase in cleric power... I don't get this "it's a nerf" bit on channel/ turn at all.

    Previously: if there were no undead in an adventure all your turning uses were useless. Now you don't encounter undead and you have channel which frees up a significant number of spells which might otherwise be burned in healing. Alternately if you are evil/ neutral you have an attack power.

    You are looking at the beta playtest which was exactly that a test, many groups had issues with the channel energy in the playtest and said that. If you want to talk about nerfage, look at the Universalist Wizard who lost 1 SLA/ level plus had most of it's school powers nerfed. Lots of things got pulled back after the beta, not just the cleric.

    Azhagal wrote:

    2 questions, whoever answers gets a dozen of my sin-a-man buns!

    1. what does the rune domain get(if changed)?

    2. did they expand on the monks ki pool, or is it still magic fist at 4th, lawful at 10th, and adamantine at 16th?

    Rune.. Scribe Scroll as a Bonus Feat, Blast Rune (Sp), Spell Rune (Sp) at 8th level

    Blast Rune looks similiar to the Beta Power, but Spell Rune allows you to also attach one of your spells to it...

    Domain spells:
    2-secret page
    3-glyph of warding
    40Explosive rune
    5-lesser planar binding
    6-Greater glyph of warding
    7-instant summons
    9-teleportation circle


    Monk looks the same, but I only skimmed.

    Azhagal wrote:

    2 questions, whoever answers gets a dozen of my sin-a-man buns!

    1. what does the rune domain get(if changed)?

    2. did they expand on the monks ki pool, or is it still magic fist at 4th, lawful at 10th, and adamantine at 16th?

    Blast ruin level 1. Deals various elemental damage (you get a choice from a list) to those entering a square next to you when you use it.

    Level 8 you can link a spell you can cast to the ruin and it will effect those entering the squre.

    Ki Pool is 1/2 you monk levels + wis mod. The rest seems as you mentioned it.

    I don't think I've seen this on here yet but rangers get medium armor prof and:

    "The benefits of the ranger's chosen style feats apply only when he wears light, medium or no armor..."

    Shadow Lodge

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    Lots of things got pulled back after the beta, not just the cleric.

    Which in my mind is the way to do it. You find out where the far limit is and then pull back from it ... rather then guessing where that limit might be.

    Nice work Paizo.

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:

    I don't think I've seen this on here yet but rangers get medium armor prof and:

    "The benefits of the ranger's chosen style feats apply only when he wears light, medium or no armor..."

    Yes he can use his style in medium armor. Looked for that while reading through the class.

    Watcher wrote:
    Azhagal wrote:

    2 questions, whoever answers gets a dozen of my sin-a-man buns!

    1. what does the rune domain get(if changed)?

    2. did they expand on the monks ki pool, or is it still magic fist at 4th, lawful at 10th, and adamantine at 16th?

    Rune.. Scribe Scroll as a Bonus Feat, Blast Rune (Sp), Spell Rune (Sp) at 8th level

    Blast Rune looks similiar to the Beta Power, but Spell Rune allows you to also attach one of your spells to it...

    Domain spells:
    2-secret page
    3-glyph of warding
    40Explosive rune
    5-lesser planar binding
    6-Greater glyph of warding
    7-instant summons
    9-teleportation circle


    Monk looks the same, but I only skimmed.

    a dozen sin-a-man buns to you sir!

    Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Any further clarifications in the book on what sneak attacks and critical hits affect, as far as monster types go?

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