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But what about converting class abilities that have changed (for instance, channeling energy, ranger's favored enemy adding to hit and damage) or adding additional feats?
All of that would need to be run under the Pathfinder rules system. To my understanding, the "backwards compatibility" of Pathfinder, the fact that a 3.5 stat block makes sense under the newer rules system, is why there wouldn't need to be an extensive re-write for the first 28 scenarios.
However, as you note, some characters will have dramatically different capabilities under the Pathfinder rules, even if the feats have the same names. I'd double-check the tactics sections of opponents with class levels to make sure they employ their (new) strengths.

Joshua J. Frost |

1. Rune Domain- gets Scribe Scroll as a feat. What do they get instead?
2. How does Ironwood work in Pathfinder Society?
3. How does Ooze companion(feat) work?
4. Bestiary isnt out yet. Should Druids use the monster manual till then?
5. Can players take feats from the Bestiary?
1. Spell Focus
2. I am unsure what you're looking for here. Give me an example or be more specific?3. Also unsure. Doesn't the feat spell out how it works?
4. Yep! Use the 3.5 MM until the Bestiary is out.
5. If they're applicable for player characters, yes.

Joshua J. Frost |

Simple question: will the new familiars and animal companions from the Bonus Bestiary be included in Pathfinder Society at some point in the future?
I'm asking because I've got a Paladin who'd love to have a chocobo... er, I mean an axe beak as his mount. ;)
I'll look into this once the Bestiary is out. I suspect the answer is "yes" but not willing to say yes just yet.

Joshua J. Frost |

Another question from me:
How is arcane bond item upgrading handled in society? Do wizards get it for half price, full price, or unupgradeable?
Reading the Arcane Bond entry for Wizards on page 78 of the PRPG and then re-reading your question leaves me confused. Can you be more specific?
From my reading, the item can be upgraded only if the wizard has the appropriate item creation feats. PFS doesn't have item creation, so there's no way to upgrade the item.
Also, a wizard can select a current magic item as his arcane bond, effectively replacing his old item. But there's nothing there about upgrading.
Let me know if I'm missing something in your question.

Joshua J. Frost |

If you are running a season 0 scenario for characters who have been converted to the Pathfinder rule system then should you also convert the NPCs to Pathfinder?
No. Other than calculating CMB or CMD on the fly when necessary, the scenarios need not be converted. PRPG is backward compatible with 3.5.

Joshua J. Frost |

You have to Convert everything that needs converting, if The NPC does nothing but talk to them I would say you don't need to convert them. 3.5 rules are no longer legal in PFS, so if you are running a season 0 Scenerio what ever needs to be converted should be converted by the GM.
Incorrect. Nowhere have I indicated that you MUST convert a 3.5 scenario to be able to run it. In fact, I've stated the opposite. Please do NOT feel that you have to convert anything. These scenarios should be run as is since PRPG is backward compatible with 3.5.

Joshua J. Frost |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Per this thread, I'll be adding to a future update of the Guide that clerics of Irori do, in fact, receive the Improved Unarmed Strike feat so they can use their deities favored weapon without provoking an AoO.

Joshua J. Frost |

2. How does Ironwood work in Pathfinder Society?Is the item created PERMENANT(ie more then one mod)?
3. How does Ooze companion(feat) work?
This feat currently does not work as written after the conversion. Any changes coming to make this work with the new way animal companions are built?
Ironwood has a duration of 1 day/level. So in Pathfinder Society it's 1/scenario or 1 day/level, whichever happens first. It ends at the end of the scenario if the spell is still going.
I'll have to review ooze companion and update that in a future Guide update.

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I think that the feat Master Craftsman should probably be added to the banned feat list on p. 14 of the guide to PFS. Technically, a character taking this feat doesn't break anything, but since the feats it allows a non-caster to take (craft magic arms and armor and craft wondrous item) are banned from PFS, Master Craftsman is pretty useless.

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Dragnmoon wrote:You have to Convert everything that needs converting, if The NPC does nothing but talk to them I would say you don't need to convert them. 3.5 rules are no longer legal in PFS, so if you are running a season 0 Scenerio what ever needs to be converted should be converted by the GM.Incorrect. Nowhere have I indicated that you MUST convert a 3.5 scenario to be able to run it. In fact, I've stated the opposite. Please do NOT feel that you have to convert anything. These scenarios should be run as is since PRPG is backward compatible with 3.5.
Then I apologize Josh...*Red Embarrassed Face*
I think I may have read your statements as you can't use 3.5 rules in PFS once the PFRPG is out and that Paizo won't be updating the old Scenarios the GMs have to *2 Separate statements* as GMs can't use the old 3.5 rules in the old scenarios and have to update them.
I never seen you state the opposite though, but at the same time not seen all your posts *Shrugs*. Thanks for correcting me.
That said GMs Can update them though right? I do want to run Season 0 Scenarios, but not if I can't Update them.
Edit: I apologze to Wintergreen to for given him bad info.
Edit Again: Note to self, To not Quote Josh, with out actually quoting josh to verify I am saying what I thought I was saying, or Think I know what I am saying ;).

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Reading the Arcane Bond entry for Wizards on page 78 of the PRPG and then re-reading your question leaves me confused. Can you be more specific?
From my reading, the item can be upgraded only if the wizard has the appropriate item creation feats. PFS doesn't have item creation, so there's no way to upgrade the item.
Also, a wizard can select a current magic item as his arcane bond, effectively replacing his old item. But there's nothing there about upgrading.
Let me know if I'm missing something in your question.
A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat in Chapter 5). If the bonded object is a wand, it loses its wand abilities when its last charge is consumed, but it is not destroyed and it retains all of its bonded object properties and can be used to craft a new wand. The magic properties of a bonded object, including any magic abilities added to the object, only function for the wizard who owns it. If a bonded object’s owner dies, or the item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary masterwork item of the appropriate type.
The bolded section would indicate the wizard does not need to spend a feat in order to upgrade (add additional magic abilities) his or her bonded item.
Of course this would mean the wizard would be the only class to benefit from crafting magic items, thus getting one of his or her magic items (like an amulet) upgraded at half price.
In case this extra benefit would become forbidden, I hope the bonded object can be changed into another existing magic item at no additional cost.

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Joshua J. Frost wrote:Reading the Arcane Bond entry for Wizards on page 78 of the PRPG and then re-reading your question leaves me confused. Can you be more specific?
From my reading, the item can be upgraded only if the wizard has the appropriate item creation feats. PFS doesn't have item creation, so there's no way to upgrade the item.
Also, a wizard can select a current magic item as his arcane bond, effectively replacing his old item. But there's nothing there about upgrading.
Let me know if I'm missing something in your question.
PRD wrote:A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat. For example, a wizard with a bonded dagger must be at least 5th level to add magic abilities to the dagger (see the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat in Chapter 5). If the bonded object is a wand, it loses its wand abilities when its last charge is consumed, but it is not destroyed and it retains all of its bonded object properties and can be used to craft a new wand. The magic properties of a bonded object, including any magic abilities added to the object, only function for the wizard who owns it. If a bonded object’s owner dies, or the item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary masterwork item of the appropriate type.The bolded section would indicate the wizard does not need to spend a feat in order to upgrade (add additional magic abilities) his or her bonded item.
Of course this would mean the wizard would be the only class to benefit from crafting magic items, thus getting one of his or her magic items (like an amulet) upgraded at half price.
In case this extra benefit would become forbidden, I hope the bonded object can be changed into another existing magic item at no additional cost.
I agree. Even though I am german and I might not grasp the intricacies of your language, but "as if" sounds to me that you do not need the feats for your particular bonded item.
Should it be legal, I hope you do not want to change it. Since it can only be used for one item which only would serve the owner and the enhancement bonus would not be significant because of the Lvl. Cap, it would be yet another tremendous blow against the arcane classes (no Leadership, no Magical Knack).
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I would like to ask another question:
For what I undestand the factions are similar to the meta-organization of Living Greyhawk. In the meta-orgs you could paticipate by starting carrers like soldier, priest of a certain believe or agent. As your char advanced in lvl he was also able to rise in his carrer if he acted on behalf of his organization (e.g. from soldier to knight etc...). Are you planing such a thing for PS? Many players would love it and it adds more flavour to the campaign, because the PC can identify themselves stronger with their faction.

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Thanks to everybody for responding to my question. (Dragnmoon, thanks and I understand where you were coming from with your answers.)
So from Josh's answers I've got the message that you don't have to convert anything , you just use the Pathfinder version of any abilities and feats. But I take it that if you want to convert NPCs then you can do and it remains a legal game. Is that correct?

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I would like to ask another question:
For what I undestand the factions are similar to the meta-organization of Living Greyhawk. In the meta-orgs you could paticipate by starting carrers like soldier, priest of a certain believe or agent. As your char advanced in lvl he was also able to rise in his carrer if he acted on behalf of his organization (e.g. from soldier to knight etc...). Are you planing such a thing for PS? Many players would love it and it adds more flavour to the campaign, because the PC can identify themselves stronger with their faction.
Actually the factions aren't like meta-organisations. Yes, you do accumulate prestige award points, but frankly you're always going to be their Go-To guy, the messenger, the janitor, the guy who does the odd jobs.
Though I agree it'd be an intriguing idea, but I wouldn't put any mechanical aspect to it... it'd just be time-consuming.

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So from Josh's answers I've got the message that you don't have to convert anything , you just use the Pathfinder version of any abilities and feats. But I take it that if you want to convert NPCs then you can do and it remains a legal game. Is that correct?
That's exactly as I understand it, yes.

Joshua J. Frost |

Wintergreen wrote:So from Josh's answers I've got the message that you don't have to convert anything , you just use the Pathfinder version of any abilities and feats. But I take it that if you want to convert NPCs then you can do and it remains a legal game. Is that correct?That's exactly as I understand it, yes.
And that's exactly as I wished to imply it. You two are correct. :-)

Joshua J. Frost |

... it would be yet another tremendous blow against the arcane classes (no Leadership, no Magical Knack).
Cutting the Leadership feat and the Magical Knack trait are not a "tremendous blow" to the arcane classes. Leadership hasn't existed in Pathfinder Society since day 1 (over a year ago) and Magical Knack was left off the new trait system for Pathfinder Society to preserve balance. Nowhere in the design of the wizard for PRPG did we think, "Hey, this class's abilities are centered on the Leadership feat and Magical Knack."
A "tremendous blow" would be something more akin to me saying, "Hey, in PFS, arcane casters don't get 2nd level spells."
As for the issue of the arcane bonded item, I'll go over that text with Jason and Sean, judge their intent, and make a decision. I'll post it here.

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1) "You may only play a scenario once."
I know a GM needs to play a mod before he runs it since once he runs the mod he can no longer play it.
But does this also mean that you can't have two PFS characters that share any single mod? If I wanted a Druid and a Monk so I could play a different character depending on what the table has available, do I need to make sure I never play the Druid AND the Monk in the same module? Not simultaneously, but day 1 play module #5 with Druid and on day 9 play module #5 with Monk.
2) "Season 0 modules require no converting to be played after the start of Season 1"
Does this mean I can create a PRPG legal Season 1 character, then play Season 0 modules and get access to Season 0 module loot as detailed in the AR?
Or do I need to play all the Season 0 modules I want now, then convert my character to PRPG using the conversion rules and forever more never play a Season 0 module?
3) "You can only buy items from the current and two previous modules"
If I convert to PRPG after having played Season 0 modules, I can only buy specific items from the last two Season 0 modules I played? Or since all items available in Season 0 modules were Core items they can just be bought straight away during character creation without worrying about which module they appeared (provided you have the cash?)
4) "Some prices have changed between Season 0 and Season 1"
If you buy a season 0 item do you buy at that price in the Season 0 module or do you use prices in PRPG core book?
5) "All spells end at the end of the module"
How does PFS handle a player that gets Baleful Polymorphed during a scenario. Do you stay a toad forever (Duration: Permanent) or do you get "cured" of the affliction for free? If neither, you need to pay for a spell caster (or party member) to cast the correct removal spell?
Similar question for Wish, buying a wish or buying an item containing wish that is below your faction's GP limit to be used to gain inherent bonuses. This appears to be legal.

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Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:... it would be yet another tremendous blow against the arcane classes (no Leadership, no Magical Knack).Cutting the Leadership feat and the Magical Knack trait are not a "tremendous blow" to the arcane classes. Leadership hasn't existed in Pathfinder Society since day 1 (over a year ago) and Magical Knack was left off the new trait system for Pathfinder Society to preserve balance. Nowhere in the design of the wizard for PRPG did we think, "Hey, this class's abilities are centered on the Leadership feat and Magical Knack."
A "tremendous blow" would be something more akin to me saying, "Hey, in PFS, arcane casters don't get 2nd level spells."
As for the issue of the arcane bonded item, I'll go over that text with Jason and Sean, judge their intent, and make a decision. I'll post it here.
Sorry for the little exxageration. While I still think that Leadership is vital for the Sorcerer and Magical Knack nice for multiclassing purposes, it was just an inconveniece to my character-concept. But this is of course not of importance to the hole campaign. It was cheap propaganda to make it harder for you to disallow a bonded item ;).

Joshua J. Frost |

1) "You may only play a scenario once."
But does this also mean that you can't have two PFS characters that share any single mod?
Correct. You, the player, may only play a scenario once regardless of whether you have one character or seven characters.
2) "Season 0 modules require no converting to be played after the start of Season 1"
Does this mean I can create a PRPG legal Season 1 character, then play Season 0 modules and get access to Season 0 module loot as detailed in the AR?
Or do I need to play all the Season 0 modules I want now, then convert my character to PRPG using the conversion rules and forever more never play a Season 0 module?
You can play Season 0 scenarios with PRPG characters. Since PRPG is backward compatible, these can be played with very little conversion on the part of the GM (mostly CMD/CMB issues). You can gain access to the loot on Season 0 scenarios, but keep in mind that some of that loot may have changed in price or description and some of it may simply have vanished in PRPG. You cannot take loot off Season 0 scenarios that don't exist in PRPG and you cannot use 3.5 loot, you must use PRPG loot. As for playing Season 0 characters right now, you cannot. Season 0 ended on August 12 and as of August 13 all characters must be PRPG characters and all official games must run as PRPG games.
3) "You can only buy items from the current and two previous modules"
If I convert to PRPG after having played Season 0 modules, I can only buy specific items from the last two Season 0 modules I played? Or since all items available in Season 0 modules were Core items they can just be bought straight away during character creation without worrying about which module they appeared (provided you have the cash?)
During character conversion, you don't use your chronicle sheets off your scenarios, you use a set amount of gold with a spending limit as detailed in the conversion section of version 2.0 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
4) "Some prices have changed between Season 0 and Season 1"
If you buy a season 0 item do you buy at that price in the Season 0 module or do you use prices in PRPG core book?
You have to buy it at the PRPG price. We are no longer using 3.5.
5) "All spells end at the end of the module"
How does PFS handle a player that gets Baleful Polymorphed during a scenario. Do you stay a toad forever (Duration: Permanent) or do you get "cured" of the affliction for free? If neither, you need to pay for a spell caster (or party member) to cast the correct removal spell?
Similar question for Wish, buying a wish or buying an item containing wish that is below your faction's GP limit to be used to gain inherent bonuses. This appears to be legal.
Any "conditions gained" that are not cleared by the end of the scenario are noted on that scenario's chronicle sheet and your PC must then try to clear that condition at the beginning of the next scenario. The intent with the statement on page 18 of the Guide book ("Simply put, any spell cast during a scenario ends at the end of that scenario.") is to limit the spells cast by PCs (animate dead, etc) and not to magically erased gained conditions like diseases, poisons, etc. To clear a condition, you'll need to use the options available to you to do so (such as a helpful party member, paying a spellcaster, or using your faction).
As for wish--be more specific. How does one "buy" a wish?

Joshua J. Frost |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As for the arcane bonded item for a wizard, I am making no changes to the way the arcane bond works on page 78 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. Though PFS doesn't have item creation feats, the arcane bonded item for a wizard still allows that wizard to use those feats per the rules on page 78 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. Please insure that you have fully familiarized yourself with those rules as there are several easy-to-miss steps in there. Specifically, the line
"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the level prerequisites of the feat."
means the wizard still has to pay the associated costs and must have the correct item for the feat. (For example, he must have an arcane bonded item "wand" to add wand abilities or must have an arcane bonded item "sword" to add weapon abilities, etc.)

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As for the arcane bonded item for a wizard, I am making no changes to the way the arcane bond works on page 78 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. Though PFS doesn't have item creation feats, the arcane bonded item for a wizard still allows that wizard to use those feats per the rules on page 78 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. Please insure that you have fully familiarized yourself with those rules as there are several easy-to-miss steps in there. Specifically, the line
PRPG Core Rulebook wrote:"A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the level prerequisites of the feat."means the wizard still has to pay the associated costs and must have the correct item for the feat. (For example, he must have an arcane bonded item "wand" to add wand abilities or must have an arcane bonded item "sword" to add weapon abilities, etc.)
Ok nice. Thats brings me back to my first question:
1.) how is it handled with enhancing existing Magic Items like a luck blade or a oathbow?Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:I would like to ask another question:
For what I undestand the factions are similar to the meta-organization of Living Greyhawk. In the meta-orgs you could paticipate by starting carrers like soldier, priest of a certain believe or agent. As your char advanced in lvl he was also able to rise in his carrer if he acted on behalf of his organization (e.g. from soldier to knight etc...). Are you planing such a thing for PS? Many players would love it and it adds more flavour to the campaign, because the PC can identify themselves stronger with their faction.Actually the factions aren't like meta-organisations. Yes, you do accumulate prestige award points, but frankly you're always going to be their Go-To guy, the messenger, the janitor, the guy who does the odd jobs.
Though I agree it'd be an intriguing idea, but I wouldn't put any mechanical aspect to it... it'd just be time-consuming.
2.) Is Deussu right with his assumption. Or are can we advance in the hierachy of the factions (or at least a possibility to get further involved).

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Appreciate the answers, I read all thru all 300 posts but still had those questions.
1) Correct. You, the player, may only play a scenario once regardless of whether you have one character or seven characters.
2) As for wish--be more specific. How does one "buy" a wish?
1- So this limits you to one character every 2 years if the limit is level 20?
The 2.0 guide lists Tier 12 as the current highest tier. Is 12th level it? Or is it because it would require playing and/or running 36 modules or more to reach 12th, which not many would be able to manage?
Do you plan on expanding the level range to 15th level? 20th level?
2- You can "buy" wish several ways as I read it:
a- Chapter 8 Purchasing Spellcasting Services 25000+17*9*10=26530 gp
b- Luck Blade (62360 gp)
c- Ring of Three Wishes (120000 gp)
d- Manual/Tome of X +5 (131250 gp)
All of which are below the Chapter 11 limit of 157500 gp with 67 prestige points.
A prestige point of 40 allows you to buy a casting, which if you had the cash you could buy 5 in succession (potentially from multiple casters) for a 1400 gp premium above the Manuals/Tomes.
Additionally, Intelligent Items appear to be allowed.

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When a PC purchases remove disease in a PFS scenario, is it assumed that the disease is automatically removed? Or does the GM need to make a CL check assuming minimum caster level for the spell? Also, does it matter how many times the PC contracted the disease?
For example: My character contracted filth fever three times in one scenario. At the end of the scenario, she'd like to procure the services of a cleric so she can get back to living her decadent second life in Taldan high society. Does she need to purchase three separate castings? (Or more if the CL check fails?)
An inquiring barbarian wants to know! :)

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"Simply put, any spell cast during a scenario ends at the end of that scenario."
So what about spells cast by foes that leave you a condition, either with a very long duration (Geas) or is permanent (Bestow Curse)? I'm guessing the pathfinders are deemed to buy cures for these things themselves, either by money or using Prestige Award points.

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We had a situation come up in session that I don't disagree with the DM's resolution, but I'd like to get an "official" response.
I know our spell effects last either to the end of the listed duration or the end of the session (whichever is shorter), but what about non-spell effects on us.
For example:
Let's say I'm the beefy group fighter with a strength of 18 and I take a bad roll on poison saves and wind up 10 points down (Strength 8) due to the strength damage. I decide I'm going to tough it out and finish the adventure with a strength of 8.
What do we do then? Technically strength will be regained at one point per day of rest, so does it get affected like the spell durations and I pop back up to 18 automatically at the beginning of our next session, or am I going to have to suck up the lesser restore rolls?

Joshua J. Frost |

Ok nice. Thats brings me back to my first question:
1.) how is it handled with enhancing existing Magic Items like a luck blade or a oathbow?
It's handled just like improving magic items are handled in PFS--you pay the difference in cost for the increase rather than repaying for the entire thing again.
2.) Is Deussu...
Yes, there is no advancement in your faction beyond your Prestige Award. You're Pathfinders first and foremost, anyway. And advancement in their organization is slooooooooooooooooow.

Joshua J. Frost |

2) As for wish--be more specific. How does one "buy" a wish?
1- So this limits you to one character every 2 years if the limit is level 20?
The 2.0 guide lists Tier 12 as the current highest tier. Is 12th level it? Or is it because it would require playing and/or running 36 modules or more to reach 12th, which not many would be able to manage?
Do you plan on expanding the level range to 15th level? 20th level?
The level cap is 12th level. There will be 3-4 level cap scenarios each year. This means that roughly once every 18 months you'll need to create a new PC to continue playing all of the scenarios. (Note that this assume you already play every single scenario during the month in which it's released.) There are no current plans to expand the level cap. All of this will be made much more clear in version 2.01 of the Guide.
2- You can "buy" wish several ways as I read it:
a- Chapter 8 Purchasing Spellcasting Services 25000+17*9*10=26530 gp
b- Luck Blade (62360 gp)
c- Ring of Three Wishes (120000 gp)
d- Manual/Tome of X +5 (131250 gp)All of which are below the Chapter 11 limit of 157500 gp with 67 prestige points.
A prestige point of 40 allows you to buy a casting, which if you had the cash you could buy 5 in succession (potentially from multiple casters) for a 1400 gp premium above the Manuals/Tomes.
Additionally, Intelligent Items appear to be allowed.
a- The intent was that you can't get spells cast on you beyond the level cap. There just aren't a lot of spellcasters on Golarion who can cast 9th level spells--certainly not enough of them to just be available any time you need a wish spell. In fact, there are very few spellcasters on Golarion who can cast 7th level spells are higher. The higher the spell level, the much much MUCH rarer that spell is in our world. I'll clarify this further in 2.01.
b-If you want to save up all of your money and have a PA level above 49, you can certainly purchase that blade. To be clear, though, that's a HUGE percentage of your wealth just to get a +1 bonus to an ability score. :-)
c-Same as b.
d-Same as b.
As for the PA level allowing you to purchase wish castings, see my point above in (a).
As for intelligent items ... please explain your perception of how they apply to the wish discussion?

Joshua J. Frost |

When a PC purchases remove disease in a PFS scenario, is it assumed that the disease is automatically removed? Or does the GM need to make a CL check assuming minimum caster level for the spell? Also, does it matter how many times the PC contracted the disease?
For example: My character contracted filth fever three times in one scenario. At the end of the scenario, she'd like to procure the services of a cleric so she can get back to living her decadent second life in Taldan high society. Does she need to purchase three separate castings? (Or more if the CL check fails?)
An inquiring barbarian wants to know! :)
Remove disease functions per the spell on page 332 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. You'd buy the spellcasting, the GM would make the proper checks against each disease on you, and the success or failure of that roll would determine if you needed to purchase another service.

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Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:Ok nice. Thats brings me back to my first question:
1.) how is it handled with enhancing existing Magic Items like a luck blade or a oathbow?It's handled just like improving magic items are handled in PFS--you pay the difference in cost for the increase rather than repaying for the entire thing again.
Ok, I understand that if you want to upgrade your +2 Sword to +3 you have to pay 18000-8000=10000, 5000 if you craft it yourself.
But what happens if you would like to add the keen special ability to your sun blade (or something similar). Do you leave out all the fancy enhancements and specials for the calculations, and just upgrade it from the +2 to +3 and paying just 10000/2 GP for adding the keen ability to the 50,335 GP sword?I don't know how I should structure my question to present my problem. Am I the only who is puzzled about enhancing items like the Luck Blade, the Sun Blade, the Oathbow or every other Item that is not just a +2 Flamming Longsword?

Joshua J. Frost |

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play" wrote:"Simply put, any spell cast during a scenario ends at the end of that scenario."So what about spells cast by foes that leave you a condition, either with a very long duration (Geas) or is permanent (Bestow Curse)? I'm guessing the pathfinders are deemed to buy cures for these things themselves, either by money or using Prestige Award points.
To requote myself from just up the thread a bit:
The intent with the statement on page 18 of the Guide book ("Simply put, any spell cast during a scenario ends at the end of that scenario.") is to limit the spells cast by PCs (animate dead, etc) and not to magically erase gained conditions like diseases, poisons, etc. To clear a condition, you'll need to use the options available to you to do so (such as a helpful party member, paying a spellcaster, or using your faction).

Joshua J. Frost |

We had a situation come up in session that I don't disagree with the DM's resolution, but I'd like to get an "official" response.
I know our spell effects last either to the end of the listed duration or the end of the session (whichever is shorter), but what about non-spell effects on us.
For example:
Let's say I'm the beefy group fighter with a strength of 18 and I take a bad roll on poison saves and wind up 10 points down (Strength 8) due to the strength damage. I decide I'm going to tough it out and finish the adventure with a strength of 8.
What do we do then? Technically strength will be regained at one point per day of rest, so does it get affected like the spell durations and I pop back up to 18 automatically at the beginning of our next session, or am I going to have to suck up the lesser restore rolls?
See my post just above this one. You need to clear the condition.

Joshua J. Frost |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:Ok nice. Thats brings me back to my first question:
1.) how is it handled with enhancing existing Magic Items like a luck blade or a oathbow?It's handled just like improving magic items are handled in PFS--you pay the difference in cost for the increase rather than repaying for the entire thing again.
Ok, I understand that if you want to upgrade your +2 Sword to +3 you have to pay 18000-8000=10000, 5000 if you craft it yourself.
But what happens if you would like to add the keen special ability to your sun blade (or something similar). Do you leave out all the fancy enhancements and specials for the calculations, and just upgrade it from the +2 to +3 and paying just 10000/2 GP for adding the keen ability to the 50,335 GP sword?I don't know how I should structure my question to present my problem. Am I the only who is puzzled about enhancing items like the Luck Blade, the Sun Blade, the Oathbow or every other Item that is not just a +2 Flamming Longsword?
I'm specifically confused at how often you feel that wizards will take Oathbows and Sun Blades as their bonded items. They're incredibly expensive and don't specifically aid the wizard in any way. Beyond wizards and their bonded item, there are no item creation rules in Pathfinder Society. I just don't see this being a huge issue.

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What do we do then? Technically strength will be regained at one point per day of rest, so does it get affected like the spell durations and I pop back up to 18 automatically at the beginning of our next session, or am I going to have to suck up the lesser restore rolls?
See my post just above this one. You need to clear the condition.
Either you've answered my question or I miss-communicated. What if the "poison" condition is cleared though and I'm left with stat damage? At that point I no longer have a "condition", I have "damage". Hit point damage is healed between scenarios, but per what you said, I have to pay for the lesser restores because stat damage isn't healed between scenarios?

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Elora wrote:Remove disease functions per the spell on page 332 of the PRPG Core Rulebook. You'd buy the spellcasting, the GM would make the proper checks against each disease on you, and the success or failure of that roll would determine if you needed to purchase another service.When a PC purchases remove disease in a PFS scenario, is it assumed that the disease is automatically removed? Or does the GM need to make a CL check assuming minimum caster level for the spell? Also, does it matter how many times the PC contracted the disease?
For example: My character contracted filth fever three times in one scenario. At the end of the scenario, she'd like to procure the services of a cleric so she can get back to living her decadent second life in Taldan high society. Does she need to purchase three separate castings? (Or more if the CL check fails?)
An inquiring barbarian wants to know! :)
Of course Elora, note it's "each disease". The same disease doesn't stack on itself or other afflictions in general (see the exception under Poison on this).

Joshua J. Frost |

Joshua J. Frost wrote:Either you've answered my question or I miss-communicated. What if the "poison" condition is cleared though and I'm left with stat damage? At that point I no longer have a "condition", I have "damage". Hit point damage is healed between scenarios, but per what you said, I have to pay for the lesser restores because stat damage isn't healed between scenarios?What do we do then? Technically strength will be regained at one point per day of rest, so does it get affected like the spell durations and I pop back up to 18 automatically at the beginning of our next session, or am I going to have to suck up the lesser restore rolls?
See my post just above this one. You need to clear the condition.
Correct, stat damage is not healed between scenarios. I misunderstood your question.

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Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:I'm specifically confused at how often you feel that wizards will take Oathbows and Sun Blades as their bonded items. They're incredibly expensive and don't specifically aid the wizard in any way. Beyond wizards and their bonded item, there are no item creation rules in Pathfinder Society. I just don't see this being a huge issue.Joshua J. Frost wrote:Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:Ok nice. Thats brings me back to my first question:
1.) how is it handled with enhancing existing Magic Items like a luck blade or a oathbow?It's handled just like improving magic items are handled in PFS--you pay the difference in cost for the increase rather than repaying for the entire thing again.
Ok, I understand that if you want to upgrade your +2 Sword to +3 you have to pay 18000-8000=10000, 5000 if you craft it yourself.
But what happens if you would like to add the keen special ability to your sun blade (or something similar). Do you leave out all the fancy enhancements and specials for the calculations, and just upgrade it from the +2 to +3 and paying just 10000/2 GP for adding the keen ability to the 50,335 GP sword?I don't know how I should structure my question to present my problem. Am I the only who is puzzled about enhancing items like the Luck Blade, the Sun Blade, the Oathbow or every other Item that is not just a +2 Flamming Longsword?
I was thinking about a gish. Since bonded item functions like the craft feats its not dependent on Wizard level but on caster level.
I would like to play a Fighter1/Wizard5/Eldritch Knight6 (Max caster Level 10 = +3 Item).
His bonded Object should be a Luck Blade (without wishes) as soon as he can afford one. One costs 22,000 GP and 36 Prestige Points (ergo earliest possibility would be after Scenario 18 = Lvl 6). And I am thinking about upgrading the Blade with the keen ability(=+1).
How (much)?
I am sorry if I am a little bit pesky, but this one really bothers me.

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Of course Elora, note it's "each disease". The same disease doesn't stack on itself or other afflictions in general (see the exception under Poison on this).
Thanks for the clarification, Majuba! I wasn't sure about this after reading the section on diseases (neither was my GM, which makes me feel not quite so ignorant :).

Joshua J. Frost |

I was thinking about a gish. Since bonded item functions like the craft feats its not dependent on Wizard level but on caster level.
I would like to play a Fighter1/Wizard5/Eldritch Knight6 (Max caster Level 10 = +3 Item).
His bonded Object should be a Luck Blade (without wishes) as soon as he can afford one. One costs 22,000 GP and 36 Prestige Points (ergo earliest possibility would be after Scenario 18 = Lvl 6). And I am thinking about upgrading the Blade with the keen ability(=+1).
How (much)?
Assuming I've not read your question incorrectly (and I retain the right to correct this later) adding keen to a Luck Blade would cost 10,000 gp (the difference between a +2 and +3 weapon) or 5,000 gp for a wizard 5 adding this ability to his bonded Luck Blade.
In the future, just spitting out what you're trying to get at will help me answer your question much faster than leading questions that lead up to what you're getting at. :-)

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MisterSlanky wrote:Correct, stat damage is not healed between scenarios. I misunderstood your question.Joshua J. Frost wrote:Either you've answered my question or I miss-communicated. What if the "poison" condition is cleared though and I'm left with stat damage? At that point I no longer have a "condition", I have "damage". Hit point damage is healed between scenarios, but per what you said, I have to pay for the lesser restores because stat damage isn't healed between scenarios?What do we do then? Technically strength will be regained at one point per day of rest, so does it get affected like the spell durations and I pop back up to 18 automatically at the beginning of our next session, or am I going to have to suck up the lesser restore rolls?
See my post just above this one. You need to clear the condition.
Can't you just say either at the beginning of the next scenario or the end of the one you got the stat damage that you're going to rest for 4 days or something and let it heal naturally?

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Can't you just say either at the beginning of the next scenario or the end of the one you got the stat damage that you're going to rest for 4 days or something and let it heal naturally?
That was kind of the basis of the question. Frankly I'm a little surprised by this ruling. We're talking ability score "damage" not "drain". Damage is cured at one point per day of rest. Making players pay gold to repair conditions that could easily be repaired the time between scenarios seems really arbitrary.
It's not like we're asking for free curing of diseases (which may kill a character in the down time), or blindness/deafness (permanent), but to say our beneficial spells don't last beyond a session because of the assumed time between sessions, but that negative effects which go away in the same time persist is kind of silly.

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Wolf Alexander Vituschek wrote:I was thinking about a gish. Since bonded item functions like the craft feats its not dependent on Wizard level but on caster level.
I would like to play a Fighter1/Wizard5/Eldritch Knight6 (Max caster Level 10 = +3 Item).
His bonded Object should be a Luck Blade (without wishes) as soon as he can afford one. One costs 22,000 GP and 36 Prestige Points (ergo earliest possibility would be after Scenario 18 = Lvl 6). And I am thinking about upgrading the Blade with the keen ability(=+1).
How (much)?
Assuming I've not read your question incorrectly (and I retain the right to correct this later) adding keen to a Luck Blade would cost 10,000 gp (the difference between a +2 and +3 weapon) or 5,000 gp for a wizard 5 adding this ability to his bonded Luck Blade.
In the future, just spitting out what you're trying to get at will help me answer your question much faster than leading questions that lead up to what you're getting at. :-)
Thanks, I will keep that in mind.
I failed to notice that the special abilities of such items obviously do not count for prize calculations. So I am assuming that upgrading a Sword of subtlety (a nice bonded item for a Arcane Trickster) with keen would be +1 to +2=6000/2 GP.------------------
- Are we going to see anything out of the ordinary (generic magic items, etc...) upon future "chronical sheets". Like Favors, titles, special weapons, access to more spells, feats, prestige classes? Right now, they feel kind of empty.
Thanks in advance, and thanks for the effort thus far. I really appreciate it.

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Assuming I've not read your question incorrectly (and I retain the right to correct this later) adding keen to a Luck Blade would cost 10,000 gp (the difference between a +2 and +3 weapon) or 5,000 gp for a wizard 5 adding this ability to his bonded Luck Blade.
It may be that this was a Living Greyhawk specific rule, but I seem to recall that in that campaign you could only upgrade weapons which had a clear enhancement-bonus equivalence.
So there (where there was item creation) you could upgrade a + 1 flaming longsword (+2 equivalence) with the keen ability (adding another +1) costing one-half of (18,000-8,000) or 5000gp and 400XP. You could not ever make any change to a sun blade or luck blade or any other 'specific weapon'.
With a quick look, I couldn't see a clear rule in the PFRPG rules to explain how much it costs to add special abilities to specific weapons.
Perhaps that helps (and perhaps it doesn't!)