Pathfinder Society Rules 2.0 F.A.Q.

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Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
But you can't by a large maul under normal circumstances, even with 50 or 60 prestige points.

Wait, this isn't right, is it?

Guide to PSOP wrote:
For example, Bob’s character has achieved a Prestige Award of 27 with the Cheliax faction. As a result, Bob’s character may now purchase any item below 11,750 gp that’s legal for play. Purchasing items in this way represents your faction’s willingness and ability to find and sell you new and better gear, equipment, weapons, and magic items.

It doesn't say "any magic item", it says "any item". So, unless Mr. Frost outlaws large weapons altogether, as long as she has enough Prestige Award to afford it, Amiri should be able to buy that large bastard sword.

Bob Hopp wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
But you can't by a large maul under normal circumstances, even with 50 or 60 prestige points.
Wait, this isn't right, is it?

I'm pretty sure you can buy Large-sized mundane equipment because it's described in Chapter 6 of the Core rulebook and therefore qualifies as an "always available item". If you couldn't, then that means that you can't buy barding for a horse (for instance), which seems silly.

hogarth wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
Sanakht Inaros wrote:
What about the Loremaster? What are the requirements for that?
I don't understand the question. The prerequisites are no different for the Loremaster in PFS than they are in the Core Rulebook, at least as far as I've read. Is there a particular reason this should be mentioned specifically in the Guide to PFS that I'm not grokking?

There are no item creation feats in PFS, and the prerequisites are:

"Any three metamagic or item creation feats, plus Skill Focus (Knowledge [any individual Knowledge skill])."

Presumably he's wondering if Spell Focus can substitute for item creation feats in the prerequisite list.

Spell Focus is my default replacement for item creation feats when it comes to either item creation feats gained as part of a class feature or item creation feats needed as part of a PrC requirement. So, yes, Spell Focus can be substituted for the required item creation feats for Loremaster.

hogarth wrote:
Bob Hopp wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
But you can't by a large maul under normal circumstances, even with 50 or 60 prestige points.
Wait, this isn't right, is it?
I'm pretty sure you can buy Large-sized mundane equipment because it's described in Chapter 6 of the Core rulebook and therefore qualifies as an "always available item". If you couldn't, then that means that you can't buy barding for a horse (for instance), which seems silly.

Since small, medium, and large weapons are detailed (price-wise) on page 144 of the PRPG Core Rulebook and that chapter is part of the "always available for purchase" section of the Guide to PFS OP, large weapons can be purchased.

This came up in another thread:

Is there any PFS rules in regards to Regional Affinity? (relevant for PFS-legal Regional Feats/Traits)
Any limits on the # of Affinities you can have to start?
Is there any rules on how you may gain them, like playing N number of PFS modules in said Region?
Would all PFS characters be assumed to have Absalom Affinity?

Sorry if this is in the latest guide and I missed it :-)

Scarab Sages 1/5

To be clear,

I believe you can upgrade weapoms (other items) with out having to sell them. For example, a masterwork scimitar (315gp) to a +1 scimitar (2315gp) and only pay the difference in gold.

What if after a scenario your character learns that silver can bypass a creatures natural DR and wishs to upgrade the weapon to a +1 silver scimitar. Does the character only pay the difference?

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Since small, medium, and large weapons are detailed (price-wise) on page 144 of the PRPG Core Rulebook and that chapter is part of the "always available for purchase" section of the Guide to PFS OP, large weapons can be purchased.

On a slightly different issue, the currently rules allow the purchase of oversize weapons (like Amiri's large bastard sword) through the Always Available Items in Chapter 10 and through faction access with PA per Table 11.2. Chronicle access to large weapons is never allowed, though. Would you consider removing the size restriction "for their size so long as their size is Small or Medium" from the second-to-last paragraph of Chapter 9? That same paragraph already reminds players of the cost difference when buying equipment of sizes other than small or medium. That seems a little odd since the Guide just prohibited them from doing so a few sentences ago.

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Quandary wrote:

This came up in another thread:

Is there any PFS rules in regards to Regional Affinity? (relevant for PFS-legal Regional Feats/Traits)
Any limits on the # of Affinities you can have to start?
Is there any rules on how you may gain them, like playing N number of PFS modules in said Region?
Would all PFS characters be assumed to have Absalom Affinity?

Sorry if this is in the latest guide and I missed it :-)

You select one affinity at character creation which, most of the time, is the land you grew up in or your character is most-associated with (as this applies to traits).

Masika wrote:

To be clear,

I believe you can upgrade weapoms (other items) with out having to sell them. For example, a masterwork scimitar (315gp) to a +1 scimitar (2315gp) and only pay the difference in gold.

What if after a scenario your character learns that silver can bypass a creatures natural DR and wishs to upgrade the weapon to a +1 silver scimitar. Does the character only pay the difference?

You can upgrade but you can't make the sword suddenly of another material (steel to silver). So, no.

Bob Hopp wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Since small, medium, and large weapons are detailed (price-wise) on page 144 of the PRPG Core Rulebook and that chapter is part of the "always available for purchase" section of the Guide to PFS OP, large weapons can be purchased.
On a slightly different issue, the currently rules allow the purchase of oversize weapons (like Amiri's large bastard sword) through the Always Available Items in Chapter 10 and through faction access with PA per Table 11.2. Chronicle access to large weapons is never allowed, though. Would you consider removing the size restriction "for their size so long as their size is Small or Medium" from the second-to-last paragraph of Chapter 9? That same paragraph already reminds players of the cost difference when buying equipment of sizes other than small or medium. That seems a little odd since the Guide just prohibited them from doing so a few sentences ago.

No. There are small and medium base characters in Pathfinder Society (hence the ability to get that medium +2 longsword off the chronicle as a small +2 longsword for my gnome barbarian) but there are no large base characters in Pathfinder Society.

I asked this before, but I don't think I got an answer:

Table 11.2 states the maximum item value (not including "always available" items or items from a chronicle) that you can purchase for a given amount of prestige. Is it possible to break an item into two, less-expensive "chunks" for purposes of buying it?

For instance, suppose Balthazar has 22 prestige and thus he can purchase an item worth up to 8,000 gp. That's not enough to afford a +1 flaming club (8,300 gp). So is it legal for Balthazar to buy a +1 club for 2,300 gp and then pay the additional 6,000 to give it the "flaming" property?

No. He cannot own an item worth more than 8,000 gp at that prestige level unless he's acquired it from a chronicle sheet.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

You can upgrade but you can't make the sword suddenly of another material (steel to silver). So, no.

In the specific case of steel to silver, I had thought that the process could be done later.

Certainly one cannot alter steel to become mithral, adamantine or the like, but I thought that silver was placed on the weapon after forging.

From the PDF of the Pathfinder book: "A complex process involving
metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes." and a sentence or two later "The alchemical silvering process can’t be applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals such as adamantine, cold iron, and mithral."

It would seem as if it could be in this specific case,


Liberty's Edge 3/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
When you convert to Season 1 and the 2.0 and PRPG rules, you start over completely. :-)

So, my friends and I are starting at exactly the right time? We get to play all the Season 0 adventures under the PFRPG rules, as-is, no conversion necessary, and we/they get all the toys and prizes contained therein?

And the people who played them under 3.5 don't?

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Well, Saint Meerkat, that's mostly true. The folks who played them under 3.5 convert their characters, with experience intact, new gold with which to buy loot (including loot they may not have had access to during their 3.5 career), and increased faction prestige. (Indeed, the people who played Season 0 under 3.5 and then convert their characters will have a trifle more PF than someone playing them under Pathfinder rules.)

But you're right, insofar as you'll have the opportunity to buy equipment off the chronicle sheets.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Masika wrote:

To be clear,

I believe you can upgrade weapoms (other items) with out having to sell them. For example, a masterwork scimitar (315gp) to a +1 scimitar (2315gp) and only pay the difference in gold.

What if after a scenario your character learns that silver can bypass a creatures natural DR and wishs to upgrade the weapon to a +1 silver scimitar. Does the character only pay the difference?

You can upgrade but you can't make the sword suddenly of another material (steel to silver). So, no.

In that vain what about alchemist silver? I am presuming that is fine. I am not sure what the cost is for that.

What is the cost for making a silver or cold iron weapon? what value to add at masterwork stage?


I'm asking these here because it could potentially affect how people build and play their characters, and depending on how the rules work, GMs could end up butting heads over not allowing builds based on these rules, or on missed items.

Intimidate Skill (Demoralize)-- Can you demoralize the same being more than once, and have the effects stack? The way I read the skill, being demoralized is something that a given thing is or isn't, but others are reading that demoralized isn't something inflicted on a creature, but a function of the skill which can be stacked.

If it is the later, I need to know that this is how the rules work, so that if someone builds their character to scare off opponents in two or three rounds, I don't disallow this to work because I read the ability differently, and waste a lot of their time and effort that the player put into building an "intimidator."

Secret Doors (Elf Racial Traits)-- There is still a reference in the section of the rules for secret doors that references an elf noticing secret doors without actively looking for them. This ability is no longer listed in the elf racial traits. Are elves suppose to have this ability or not? If there is a secret door that someone doesn't look for, I wouldn't want to make a given part of the adventure less challenging because I "gave away" something hidden, but if the ability should be something an elf can do, then some other GMs might be ruling that they don't get the ability, which means they are missing out on a racial ability.

Thank you.


Hey Josh, can you comment on scrolls here? Thanks!


I'm confused about Prestige Awards. XX/YY, where XX= Current unspent Prestige Awards.
YY= Maximum amount of Prestige Awards.

How is YY calculated? Is YY equal to the number of Chronicles times 2?

Preston Poulter wrote:

I'm confused about Prestige Awards. XX/YY, where XX= Current unspent Prestige Awards.

YY= Maximum amount of Prestige Awards.

How is YY calculated? Is YY equal to the number of Chronicles times 2?

No, it's the total amount of prestige that you ever earned with that PC (regardless of whether you spent it or not).

Sovereign Court 2/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Preston Poulter wrote:

I'm confused about Prestige Awards. XX/YY, where XX= Current unspent Prestige Awards.

YY= Maximum amount of Prestige Awards.

How is YY calculated? Is YY equal to the number of Chronicles times 2?

All Season 1 scenarios give players the opportunity to earn 2 prestige. Most Season 0 scenarios were 1 each, although a few were 2.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

Spending Prestige Award/True Resurrection

I was reading chapter 11 in PFS Guide, and it said that True Resurrection costs 77 PA. Is it even possible to get 77 Prestige Award Points. The way I calculate the maximum possible is 72.

My math:
2 Max PA Per Mod x 3 Mods per level x 12 possible levels = 72.

Since you can't pool prestige awards points, how is it possible to get 77.

Did I miss something?

Matt Harris

I believe that there are going to be modules for 12th level characters; you might not get XP for them, however.

If you consider one prestige point to be worth about 375 gp, then the price is about right (28,875 "gp" vs. 26,530 gp).


Please help me understand gear. I just finished GMing SIlent Tide as a homegame. At the end of the scenario, there's a bad guy who's got a lot of gear: Potions and scrolls and so on.

Once the game ends, can the players sell that gear for gp, or do they merely have the option of purchasing it if they want it?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Preston Poulter wrote:

Please help me understand gear. I just finished GMing SIlent Tide as a homegame. At the end of the scenario, there's a bad guy who's got a lot of gear: Potions and scrolls and so on.

Once the game ends, can the players sell that gear for gp, or do they merely have the option of purchasing it if they want it?

Let me explain the Organized Play system regarding gear and monetary rewards.

The pathfinders pick up *everything* valuable they can find and take it to the Lodge. At the lodge, the local customs office determines the value of the loot and gives an equal share to each Pathfinder in the group. If the party size is less than 6, the tariff will be increased.

And there's a brain chip in each pathfinder's head that prevents him/her stealing any valuables from the loot (no save). Without a brain chip the Decemvirate would be very very angry.

Liberty's Edge

This may have posted already but I'll ask anyway...

After running a scenario and gaining partial credit, does a GM gain that chronicle sheet as one of his "previous chronicles" to gain access to items for purchase?

PFS Guide states that a GM doesn't gain "special" items from the chronicle, but it doesn't mention anything about the other items on the sheet.

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Intimidate Skill (Demoralize)-- Can you demoralize the same being more than once, and have the effects stack? The way I read the skill, being demoralized is something that a given thing is or isn't, but others are reading that demoralized isn't something inflicted on a creature, but a function of the skill which can be stacked.

The shaken condition gained in this matter cannot be stacked to create a stronger condition. If you succeed at another demoralize attempt, you just extend the shaken condition's duration. There was a sentence left out of the skill description that will be noted in a future errata update.

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Secret Doors (Elf Racial Traits)-- There is still a reference in the section of the rules for secret doors that references an elf noticing secret doors without actively looking for them.

Under the elf racial traits on page 22 there are no listings for this trait. The reference later in the rules is an artifact that needs to be removed in a future errata update.

CorzatTheGray wrote:
After running a scenario and gaining partial credit, does a GM gain that chronicle sheet as one of his "previous chronicles" to gain access to items for purchase?




1. Are you and your family feeling better?
2. Are you done travelling for a while?
3. Anything we can do to convince Lisa that you need a mini-Josh for the office?

The Exchange 5/5

Craig Shackleton must have sent Josh some mushrooms from the ironbloom harvest again, he made a speedy recovery.

As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen. If we can both grow the membership AND report the sessions that are being played then Lisa will find room in the budget for an Assistant PFS Coordinator. Since the marketing information isn't shared we'll never know how close we are to that magic number of members. We'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.


Deussu wrote:

Let me explain the Organized Play system regarding gear and monetary rewards.

The pathfinders pick up *everything* valuable they can find and take it to the Lodge. At the lodge, the local customs office determines the value of the loot and gives an equal share to each Pathfinder in the group. If the party size is less than 6, the tariff will be increased.

And there's a brain chip in each pathfinder's head that prevents him/her stealing any valuables from the loot (no save). Without a brain chip the Decemvirate would be very very angry.

I'm still confused. So at the end of every scenario, the gear that they bring back should be tallied (presumably halfed) and that value divided amongst the players?

Sczarni 4/5

Preston Poulter wrote:

I'm still confused. So at the end of every scenario, the gear that they bring back should be tallied (presumably halfed) and that value divided amongst the players?

kind of.

At the end of the scenario, they loose anything they picked up off of kills/chests/ect. The DM then totals up the GP value of each encounter the PCs complete (the GP value is listed in the module at the very beginning of each encounter) Each player gets that much gold.

Kyle Baird wrote:


1. Are you and your family feeling better?
2. Are you done travelling for a while?
3. Anything we can do to convince Lisa that you need a mini-Josh for the office?

1. Me: no. Family: yes.

2. Done traveling? Me? NEVER!

3. Nope. But there are plans in the works for something similar but not this. Stay tuned.

Doug Doug wrote:
As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.

This. x10

The Exchange

Doug Doug wrote:
As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.

A Frost Golem?

Dark Archive 1/5

Concerning the Demoralize aspect of Intimidate; does it affect only one target or multiple targets? My interpretation says that it only affects one, but I have players who believe it affects all who can see within 30 feet. If it works the way these players view it, it then makes Dazzling Display useless. How is Demoralize supposed to work opponent-wise? wrote:

Demoralize: You can use this skill to cause your opponents to become shaken for a number of rounds. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target's Hit Dice + the target's Wisdom modifier. If you are successful, the target is shaken for 1 round. This duration increases by 1 round for every 5 by which you beat the DC. You can only threaten opponents in this way if they are within 30 feet and can clearly see and hear you.

Action: Using Intimidate to change an opponent's attitude requires 1 minute of conversation. Demoralizing an opponent is a standard action. wrote:

Dazzling Display (Combat)

Your skill with your favored weapon can frighten enemies.

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon.

Benefit: While wielding the weapon in which you have Weapon Focus, you can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your display.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
The shaken condition gained in this matter cannot be stacked to create a stronger condition. If you succeed at another demoralize attempt, you just extend the shaken condition's duration. There was a sentence left out of the skill description that will be noted in a future errata update.

Does this mean that a Shaken condition imposed by a Demoralise use can never upgrade an existing Fear condition no matter what the source?

E.g. a character is Shaken by successfully saving against a Cause Fear spell, but in the same round another character Demoralises the character - the character still just Shaken, or is he now Frightened?

Equally, does it mean a Shaken condition imposed by a Demoralise can never be upgraded by another use source of a Fear condition.

E.g. a character is Shaken from a successful Demoralise. He then succeeds on a save against a Cause Fear spell. Is he now Frightened or still just Shaken?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lylo wrote:
Doug Doug wrote:
As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
A Frost Golem?

The not-so-secret initiative to develop a network of regional coordinators. Definitely not as cool as a frost golem!


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Doug Doug wrote:
As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
This. x10

If you insist...

  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.
  • As for a mini-Josh, it mostly is up to us to make that happen...we'll just have to keep promoting and plugging PFS until Lisa surprises us with a Joshua Frost simulacrum.

dm4hire wrote:

Demoralize: You can use this skill to cause your opponents to become shaken for a number of rounds. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + the target's Hit Dice + the target's Wisdom modifier. If you are successful, the target is shaken for 1 round. This duration increases by 1 round for every 5 by which you beat the DC. You can only threaten opponents in this way if they are within 30 feet and can clearly see and hear you.

Action: Using Intimidate to change an opponent's attitude requires 1 minute of conversation. Demoralizing an opponent is a standard action.

Single target. Bolds are mine.

dm4hire wrote:

Dazzling Display (Combat)

Benefit: While wielding the weapon in which you have Weapon Focus, you can perform a bewildering show of prowess as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your display.

Multiple targets in range. Bold is mine.

DigitalMage wrote:
Does this mean that a Shaken condition imposed by a Demoralise use can never upgrade an existing Fear condition no matter what the source?


DigitalMage wrote:
E.g. a character is Shaken by successfully saving against a Cause Fear spell, but in the same round another character Demoralises the character - the character still just Shaken, or is he now Frightened?

He's still shaken, but the duration of the shaken effect is now increased. So the shaken effect from the successful save vs cause fear lasts 1 round but if that NPC is demoralized the same round before he acts and he's shaken for 1 round from the demoralized effect, he's now shaken for 2 rounds.

DigitalMage wrote:
Equally, does it mean a Shaken condition imposed by a Demoralise can never be upgraded by another use source of a Fear condition.

Correct. Though, as noted above, it can extend the duration of the shaken condition.

DigitalMage wrote:
E.g. a character is Shaken from a successful Demoralise. He then succeeds on a save against a Cause Fear spell. Is he now Frightened or still just Shaken?

He's shaken, but as noted above, the duration is increased.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
DigitalMage wrote:
E.g. a character is Shaken from a successful Demoralise. He then succeeds on a save against a Cause Fear spell. Is he now Frightened or still just Shaken?
He's shaken, but as noted above, the duration is increased.

Does this idea that Shaken + Shaken only increases the duration of the Shaken condition come into effect only when Demoralise is in the mix?

For example, two PC spellcasters ready actions to cast Cause Fear at the same target. When triggered they both cast their spells but the target saves against both.

Is the target now Shaken for 2 rounds (each spell imposing the Shaken condition for a round)?
Is the target Frightened for 1 round?

If the former, then this looks to be a change to how Fear effects work in general not just Demoralise. If its the latter then it seems a limit just on Demoralise as is implied by the discussion so far.

E.g. The same as above but a third PC readies to Demoralise the target as well (and is successful).

Is the target Shaken for 3 rounds (1 for each Cause Fear spell and one for the Demoralise)?
Is the target Frightend for 1 round (for the two Cause Fear spells) and Shaken for a round after that (for the Demoralise)?

Sorry for all the questions, but what I thought was a simple case of upgrading of Fear conditions seems a bit more complicated now and I want to gain clarity on the matter.

DigitalMage wrote:
Does this idea that Shaken + Shaken only increases the duration of the Shaken condition come into effect only when Demoralise is in the mix?


OK, so basically Intimidate has it's own exception so that "Fear Stacking" does not escalate the "Fear Tier" but only duration (which will be spelled out when errata is updated), but all other Fear effects DO escalate the "Fear Tier" amongst themselves (i.e. not with Intimidate/Demoralize),..??? Is that about the gist of it?

Hopefully when the first SUBSTANTIAL Rules Errata/update gets out, you'll have less to worry about...

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
DigitalMage wrote:
Does this idea that Shaken + Shaken only increases the duration of the Shaken condition come into effect only when Demoralise is in the mix?

Cool, thanks (my cleric in the other Pathfinder game I am in uses Cause Fear so it is good to know)

Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
CorzatTheGray wrote:
After running a scenario and gaining partial credit, does a GM gain that chronicle sheet as one of his "previous chronicles" to gain access to items for purchase?

It may be a few days late in coming but thanks for the quick reply!


I have a couple of questions from the Rules forum that apparently needs an official PFS interpretation:

Question 1: If you are using a heavy shield, can you cast a divine scroll with only one free hand?

Question 2: If you are a human cleric with an INT of 7, how many skill points do you gain each level-excluding any from favored class?

Preston Poulter wrote:

I have a couple of questions from the Rules forum that apparently needs an official PFS interpretation:

Question 1: If you are using a heavy shield, can you cast a divine scroll with only one free hand?

Question 2: If you are a human cleric with an INT of 7, how many skill points do you gain each level-excluding any from favored class?

Scrolls need to be seen and read to be cast. So, yes, you can do that one-handed. Keep in mind that casting a scroll is just like casting a spell when it comes to arcane spell failure chance.

Humans always get a bonus skill rank. Regardless of Intelligence you always get one skill rank. So humans get 2.

Honestly, none of these rules need PFS interpretation. They're PRPG rules that need to be answered in the PRPG rules forum. There is nothing in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play that deals with either of these questions and the last thing I want to do is clarify every single PRPG rule in the context of an OP campaign. For most of these types of questions, ask in the PRPG rules forum or get an on-the-spot ruling from your GM.

The Exchange 5/5

I had a new player contact me about how a Wizard is supposed to add spells to their spellbook under PFS guidelines. Having played PFS since Season 0 this seemed a pretty simple question, but I had trouble trying to explain it to him in terms that were absolutely clear. After going back-and-forth via e-mail I finally succeeded, but he suggested the following:

PFS Newbie wrote:

It is quite unclear in the context of PFS how Wizards add spells to their spellbooks (but it is very clear in the Core Rulebook). My suggestion would be that Josh (and I don't know him, perhaps you do) add a final paragraph on page 19 of the section "Wizards and their Spellbooks" to read something along the lines of the following:

Wizards may add new spells to their spellbooks in the following ways:
(1) Upon gaining a new level, as described in the Core Rulebook.
(2) Upon finding treasure (spellbooks or scrolls) within an adventure or as listed on an AR as described here in the Guide v. 2.01.
(3) Or by, after an adventure, purchasing scrolls according to Prestige Points rules, as described here in the Guide v.2.01

As it is now, only (1) and (2) are clear to a reader of the Guide v. 2.01. My question to you was essentially, "how else can a Wizard add spells to a spellbook," and you have answered by providing (3) above.

Furthermore, Josh needs to be clear what happens when two Wizards are at the table--can they copy from each other, and how many, and is this away to get around Prestige Points access. See, by not being explicit, it is not only not clear, it is also open to abuse.

If you think this is helpful, please consider it for addition into the next version of the Guide to PFS Organized Play. Thanks!

Sovereign Court 4/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Honestly, none of these rules need PFS interpretation. They're PRPG rules that need to be answered in the PRPG rules forum. There is nothing in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play that deals with either of these questions and the last thing I want to do is clarify every single PRPG rule in the context of an OP campaign. For most of these types of questions, ask in the PRPG rules forum or get an on-the-spot ruling from your GM.

I need to quote this every time I see a rules question here that has nothing to do with PFS. I, too, have grown tired of people misdirecting their questions.

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