Joe Quesada needs to go now.


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I just saw G4's interview with Quesada at Comic Con and I've concluded the man needs to go. Yay! Red Hulk gets a Red She-Hulk and there's going to be a story called World War Hulks!
Are you kidding me? And the way they're bring back Steve Rogers. Bleah.
The guy makes me want to barf.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

But the he said that the story and Red-Shehulk would be awesome! He wouldn't lie, right... right?

RPG Superstar 2012

Yay! She-Rulk! :)

Quesada (with some help from a bloke named Bill Jemas) did some remarkable things to turn Marvel around. However, there is a time when you need to realize you've stayed too long. Much as I like Brian Bendis, he needs to have a smaller role in Marvel's decision-making too.

Grand Lodge

I think there's a reason I gave up on Marvel a long time ago

Liberty's Edge

What's Red Hulk?

Him latest in long line of ideas from puny Quesada that Makes Hulk Angry!

Also, for color blind Red Hulk give Hulk bad reputation.

A few years ago, I would have assumed that Joe was just yanking everyone's chain with an obviously goofy comment, but way too many of Marvel's storylines have been about of this caliber.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Heathansson wrote:
What's Red Hulk?

Is it like Red Bull?

wspatterson wrote:

I just saw G4's interview with Quesada at Comic Con and I've concluded the man needs to go. Yay! Red Hulk gets a Red She-Hulk and there's going to be a story called World War Hulks!

Are you kidding me? And the way they're bring back Steve Rogers. Bleah.
The guy makes me want to barf.

Preach on, I've been saying that years.

Heathansson wrote:
What's Red Hulk?

Well, I don't really know either. I know the Gray Hulk is basically Bruce's repressed teenage rebeliousness, and the Green Hulk is basically his anger over his father hitting his mother, but what's Red Hulk supposed to be?

(On a side note, the many different Hulk personalities over the years are based on the fact that Bruce isn't right in the head, so what's She-Hulk doing with getting another personality-manifestation-thing? Did she go crazy while we weren't looking?)

Liberty's Edge

I looked it up on Wikipedia.

Man, Marvel *used* to be da shiznit back in the day.

Just wait . . . you haven't seen anything yet. After reading about how similar Captain America's "death" is to another superhero's death, I'm waiting to find out about Orange Hulk, Yellow Hulk, Blue Hulk, Indigo Hulk, and Violet Hulk, and how World War Hulks culminates in the prophesy of the coming of the Black Hulk.

Well, I just read his Wikipedia article. Wow. Just... Who thought this would be a good idea?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The only Marvel book I read regularly anymore- albeit as the trades come out- is Ultimate Spider-Man. But like any comic book geek worth his salt I keep up with the storylines running in most books, DC and Marvel. Considering the abattoir that's the Ultimate universe after Ultimatum, and Spider-Man: One More Day (I can't help but feel that story might be the most cheap and despicable thing done in comics, although

Gwen Stacy fathering Norman Osborn's kids might be a damn close tie)
I'm at the point that throwing twenty bucks at marvel for a trade paperback might be too much support.

As an artist, I loved Joe's work when he was penciling Spelljammer and The Ray. But as an editor he's a road apple.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
KnightErrantJR wrote:
After reading about how similar Captain America's "death" is to another superhero's death

I just looked at the wiki synopsis of Reborn. Seems like Ed Brubaker read Final Crisis, too.

Well, at least Marvel can't copy Blackest Night too closely . . . the only people that could come back would be Uncle Ben and Thunderbird.

Liberty's Edge


Me am perfectly able to be copied by another company. Fat Joey can copy me with impu . . . impru . . . no trouble from lawyers.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

KAL hELlboy HULK!!!

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
KnightErrantJR wrote:
Well, at least Marvel can't copy Blackest Night too closely . . . the only people that could come back would be Uncle Ben and Thunderbird.

When Mimic was revealed to be alive I lost all remaining faith in humanity.

Kluh? Rarhg! Now Hulk have to go back to stupid Marvel Universe with stupid Red Hulk . . . Hulk not happy about being tricked into saying his name backwards when Hulk barely able to read . . .

Liberty's Edge



the ideas are flowing faster than this forum'll let me post.

Please enjoy my new comics, and stick around for the debut of Red-ty Ross!

Liberty's Edge

rooobyrooby roo!!!

Wow. Red Hulk is Marvel's Scrappy Doo.
Stupid idea, worse execution.

Heathansson wrote:




the ideas are flowing faster than this forum'll let me post.

I think you are onto something . . . since Hulk and Wolverine both have sons now, why not let Logan and Banner have a son together! What's that you say . . . not biologically possible? Poppycock!

Just give me some time . . . I know there is an explanation in this somewhere . . .

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Howard the Hulck, trapped in a world he never made but would like to SMASH!

"Weapon Hulk am best there is am what he do, and what he do is sell summer crossover books! Rargh snickt!"

Don't forget Red Rick Jones, in the completely original comic book series The Chronicles of Red Rick!

Liberty's Edge

IconoclasticScream wrote:
Howard the Hulck, trapped in a world he never made but would like to SMASH!

Wow. Quesada is a master of quack fu.

Liberty's Edge

She-Rulk wrote:

Don't forget Red Rick Jones, in the completely original comic book series The Chronicles of Red Rick!

How about Red Sgt. Rock?

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
She-Rulk wrote:

Don't forget Red Rick Jones, in the completely original comic book series The Chronicles of Red Rick!

How about Red Sgt. Rock?

He could fight Red Skulk.

So, whatever doesn't get the "Red" prefix gets the "Dark" prefix? I was just wondering how many Dark teams we'll see before the trend dies. I'm hoping to see Dark Power Pack myself.

Liberty's Edge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
"Weapon Hulk am best there is am what he do, and what he do is sell summer crossover books! Rargh snickt!"

What me am do am not very nice.

Make Marvel am laughing stock.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Heathansson wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
She-Rulk wrote:

Don't forget Red Rick Jones, in the completely original comic book series The Chronicles of Red Rick!

How about Red Sgt. Rock?
He could fight Red Skulk.

In SecRED Invasion...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Red Ronin, Red Skull, Red Sonja, the Red Queen, and Crimson Dynamo are all feeling very ignored right now.

Liberty's Edge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
So, whatever doesn't get the "Red" prefix gets the "Dark" prefix? I was just wondering how many Dark teams we'll see before the trend dies. I'm hoping to see Dark Power Pack myself.

I don't even know what the Dark Avengers are. I guess it's like Michelob Dark for comics.

I don't want to know anymore.
Galactus ate Marvel earth for all I care. I just don't care.

I like the Goon, Northlanders (when they're not getting all p.c. preachy), and Batman and Robin and that's it.

IconoclasticScream wrote:
Red Ronin, Red Skull, Red Sonja, the Red Queen, and Crimson Dynamo are all feeling very ignored right now.

If they are already Red, then they have to switch to Dark to get attention.

Heathansson wrote:

I don't even know what the Dark Avengers are. I guess it's like Michelob Dark for comics.
I don't want to know anymore.
Galactus ate Marvel earth for all I care. I just don't care.

I like the Goon, Northlanders (when they're not getting all p.c. preachy), and Batman and Robin and that's it.

What, you didn't see the Dark X-Men?

Heathansson wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
So, whatever doesn't get the "Red" prefix gets the "Dark" prefix? I was just wondering how many Dark teams we'll see before the trend dies. I'm hoping to see Dark Power Pack myself.

I don't even know what the Dark Avengers are. I guess it's like Michelob Dark for comics.

I don't want to know anymore.
Galactus ate Marvel earth for all I care. I just don't care.

I like the Goon, Northlanders (when they're not getting all p.c. preachy), and Batman and Robin and that's it.

As far as I can tell, the Dark Avengers are a team Norman Osborn (who shouldn't even be alive, but that's a rant for another time) put together by taking some villains, putting them in the costume of the superhero closest to their abilities (Bullseye's wearing Hawkeye's costume, Venom is bulked down to the point he looks like Spiderman in the black suit, ect.), and they do... something. Let's face it, I really only know about the comic because I lurk in a comic-related forum occasionally.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Dark Avengers


The government assigned the team's redevelopment to Norman Osborn (the reputedly reformed supervillain the Green Goblin) whom the government had previously assigned to head the superhero team the Thunderbolts and who had become a public hero for his role in repelling the Skrull threat. Osborn, also given leadership of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., reforms that agency into H.A.M.M.E.R. and creates a new Avengers team under its aegis.

The premiere issue introduces this new version, mixing former Thunderbolts with other characters. The initial line-up consists of the Sentry, Ares, Noh-Varr (now Captain Marvel) as well as disguised supervillains Moonstone (portraying Ms. Marvel), Venom III (portraying Spider-Man after being given a formula that resets the symbiote back to the size it was when it possessed Spider-Man), Bullseye (portraying Hawkeye) and Wolverine's disgruntled son Daken taking on the Wolverine mantle. Osborn also takes on the identity of Iron Patriot in a red, white, and blue themed Stark-tech armor. In the first storyline, the team is shown rescuing Doctor Doom from Morgan le Fay. Upon returning from Latveria Osborn deals with the aftermath of Ronin's coming out on live TV and reminding the public of Osborn's murderous past and how he should not be trusted. Currently, Norman Osborn has attempted to recruit his son Harry into the Avengers. After Norman reveals his possession of Lily Hollister (who is pregnant with Norman's child) Harry accepts the invitation. Norman plans to make him the Captain America counterpart of his Avengers: the American Son. After Harry realized what Norman was doing to Spider-Man, Harry put on the American Son armor and nearly killed Norman, were it not for Spider-Man's interference.

The Dark Avengers arrive in San Francisco to set up martial law and to quell the anti-mutant riots due to the anti-mutant reproductive rights. In doing so, Norman set up his own team of X-Men consisting of Cloak and Dagger, Mimic, Emma Frost, Namor, Daken, Weapon Omega and Mystique (posing as Professor X) much to the chagrin of his Avengers.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Heathansson wrote:
He could fight Red Skulk.

You mean Red Red Skull, don't you?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


She-Hulk's deal is that Jennifer was originally a mousy little thing too timid to properly speak her mind. Must have made a great lawyer. One transfusion of gama-blood later and suddenly she's all big and tough and free to speak her mind. They pretty well did away with the whole "the madder she gets, the stronger she gets" thing, which was originally a part of the story. And it still pops up every so often.
The Red Hulk is supposedly someone with a history with the Hulk, and I guess General Ross was somehow behind him. Or something. Who cares. He supposedly stole a gun designed to fit the Hulk's hand from Tony Stark, which of course begs the question of why such a weapon would exist. Then fights the Abomination in Russia, even though he hasn't been in Russia since the 1960s, and uses said gun to kill him. Say what? And then Rick Jones suddenly turns into A-Bomb, an Abomination-like monster. When did he get irradiated? Come on! Seriously? Who gave this garbage the thumbs-up? I know these are comics, but this is just stupid.
This was written by Jeph Loeb and I've never liked his work. This is the worst.
This all makes Captain America Reborn seem like a reasonable story.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

F (put)
I (in)
R (for)
E (proper)
! (spacing)

Joe Quesada did several necessary things when he inherited Marvel Comics in 2000. Marvel at the time was still recovering from the bursting of the 1990's comic's bubble (and didn't have a huge owner like Warner Brothers to pull them through).

  • He redirected Marvel toward Graphic Novels story arcs. (To get into the -more financially stable- book store market)
  • He created the Ultimate Series to try to escape the "continutity lockout" that many long running comic titles were suffering.
  • He created and continues to foster, the Marvel digital lines (which reduce the overhead cost of printing books that end up not being sold.)

That said, it is hard to dispute that many of his editorial decisions (Marvel's Civil War comes directly to mind) have not been great. But even so, I don't know if he is "done" as a comic editor or artist.

Abbasax wrote:
wspatterson wrote:

I just saw G4's interview with Quesada at Comic Con and I've concluded the man needs to go. Yay! Red Hulk gets a Red She-Hulk and there's going to be a story called World War Hulks!

Are you kidding me? And the way they're bring back Steve Rogers. Bleah.
The guy makes me want to barf.
Preach on, I've been saying that years.

Amen! Joe Quesadilla will go down in Marvel history as the chump who had the chance of a lifetime but ended up drowning in his own toxic creation...and will probably become some type of Abomination himself! Geez! Somebody please get rid of him. Say something Stan!!!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Quesada almost makes me wish Jim Shooter was back. Almost.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Quesada deserves credit for turning Marvel around money-wise.

However, as has been frequently highlighted to me throughout my life, what makes a profit and what is quality entertainment don't often go hand in hand.

As good as Quesada has been on the business end, he has been terrible in terms of putting together actually interesting comic book stories. The story arcs in the Marvel Universe right now, particularly Jeph Loeb's direction for the Hulk, makes the Clone Saga of the 90s look good.

Charlie Brooks wrote:

Quesada deserves credit for turning Marvel around money-wise.

The story arcs in the Marvel Universe right now, particularly Jeph Loeb's direction for the Hulk, makes the Clone Saga of the 90s look good.


After coming off World War Hulk I was expecting an amazing new run on the character. What I kid is Dick Sprang era Batman. A big let down. However, the Incredible Hercules books have been pretty fun.

The current Dark Reign story arc has been pretty decent. A little rushed by putting Norman Osborn in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. but it has been pretty cool.

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