Players seeking PbP games - Post here!

Gamer Connection

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Still sorta new to these forums....

Don't see a lot of PbP games starting up. Maybe a thread like this will help those who are considering starting a campaign see who is out there interested....

Well, I will be first. Others folks who want to be players in an existing campaign are also free to post here as well. Any game system and style. Let the DM's out there know what we are interested in playing! :)

Personally, I am interested in playing in a PF Beta (and eventually Core) PbP set in Golaron. First level to start. Published campaign fine. DM Homebrew fine too. I am familiar with role-playing, but not familiar with PF stuff yet. No set preference on race or class yet, I kinda would like to try some different things to get the flavor of the game. :)


Same here, I'd really like to do a Pathfinder or a 3.5 campaign with one of my newer characters. I'm DMing one right now so DMing two would be a bit much, but I'd love to play in a campaign. :3

New to the whole forum and pbp campaign concept as well. Very interested in playing! Either D&D 3.5 or PRPG Beta.

check this every time you log in games fill very, very fast. You will see a couple pop up a week on average

The Exchange

Just wait till the new Adventure Path becomes available. I'd be willing to bet at least 4 or 5 games start up pretty wuickly then :).


at lest 3 games have started in the last 3 days that I know of

I'd like to join up in a Pathfinder game, homebrew or otherwise. I'm currently DMing a game for two of my buddies but would like to try playing in a game as well.

seems the pbp games I get into dont really ever get off the ground; I have tried like eight times and someting comes up and the gm cant continue; sigh; I have like 8 or 9 characters now from failed games. While the game I gm is at a couple thousand posts, I too would like to play in a game that is more than one post a week and is a game that the players and gm are motivated and really want to make happen.

My advice is just to keep watching this thread - as others have stated, games crop up here almost on a daily basis and frequently there are games looking for new players to replace ones who have dropped out. Of course, games are hit and miss (seems that there are more misses than hits) so you could easily jump in a game that doesn't really even get off the ground.
Looking at some of your aliases, both Dave and Valegrim have some solid character concepts that would fit well in just about any game. I particularly like Farevon Mills-Redleaf (Valegrim) and Nayr Goldwyn (Dave) - well conceived and would be good in a game together I think.
If I were running a game...I'd be looking at this thread to recruit. :)

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:
seems the pbp games I get into dont really ever get off the ground; I have tried like eight times and someting comes up and the gm cant continue; sigh; I have like 8 or 9 characters now from failed games. While the game I gm is at a couple thousand posts, I too would like to play in a game that is more than one post a week and is a game that the players and gm are motivated and really want to make happen.

I downloaded a guide to PBP or PBEmail games off of Sean K Reynold's website years ago that said that 91.2% of PBP are over before they even get started. And then another 12.66% die within six weeks. (My math is foggy.) So I felt like the one I played in for eight months before imploding was pretty special.

I am guilty, myself, of starting a couple of games and ejecting my warp core while still in drydock.

The Exchange

Just a shout out to Valegrim here.

Wanted to say hi. I was in the startup group for your first homebrew but then real life caught me way short and i pulled out of all my PbP's. When I finally got time to get invovled in PbP's again yours was over a thousands posts long and was going to be too hard for me to get back in.

Wanted to say I still think of your homebrew as one of the best fully realised worlds I've played in to date. Cheers for that opportunity.

If I get the time I'd like to give you the opportunity back, but I'm running one PbP at the moment and back teaching again, so not soon I'm afraid.

Will keep you in mind if a position comes up in my game though Vale.


Scarab Sages

Just wanted to chime in and say that I'm looking for a Pathfinder/3.5 game as well. I will continue to check these boards for any that are starting-but wanted to put my name out there too!


I understand; I can always write you back in; there are not so many players that I cant keep track; so no problem there; am a spin master of plot threads hehe, so no problem I can get you back in at any time with no problem.

Thanks for all the kind words also.

Wrath wrote:

Just a shout out to Valegrim here.

Wanted to say hi. I was in the startup group for your first homebrew but then real life caught me way short and i pulled out of all my PbP's. When I finally got time to get invovled in PbP's again yours was over a thousands posts long and was going to be too hard for me to get back in.

Wanted to say I still think of your homebrew as one of the best fully realised worlds I've played in to date. Cheers for that opportunity.

If I get the time I'd like to give you the opportunity back, but I'm running one PbP at the moment and back teaching again, so not soon I'm afraid.

Will keep you in mind if a position comes up in my game though Vale.


Savage Worlds? As a player. I DM too many games already.

Scarab Sages

Valegrim wrote:
seems the pbp games I get into dont really ever get off the ground; I have tried like eight times and someting comes up and the gm cant continue; sigh; I have like 8 or 9 characters now from failed games. While the game I gm is at a couple thousand posts, I too would like to play in a game that is more than one post a week and is a game that the players and gm are motivated and really want to make happen.

Happens to me a lot as well Vale...

And the ones I'm running tend to get a lot slower also...

FabesMinis wrote:
Savage Worlds? As a player. I DM too many games already.

Maybe ...

Cleric looking for pbp game.

I'd like to play in a 3.5 or PFRPG game as well. Maybe even 4e since I have yet to try it.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:

I understand; I can always write you back in; there are not so many players that I cant keep track; so no problem there; am a spin master of plot threads hehe, so no problem I can get you back in at any time with no problem.

Thanks for all the kind words also.

Vale, if you can come up with a way to tie Erkholt back into your game, I'd be happy to give it a go again. I won't have time to go back over and read the two and half thousand posts that have happened since i had to drop out though sorry :). Let me know what you wnt from me and I'll do what I can.


Take a look at my namesake homebrew two game; they could use a cleric; game just got started; the discusson board is something like" game in progress/ DM wanted; but you can just click on my pic then recent posts and find it that way easier.

Brother Kedan wrote:
Cleric looking for pbp game.

Pretty easy to do; their underground; your a dwarf; real easy to do; hehe; there is a little blue guy who is in the area and is famous for making doors that go to some other doorway; messes with pc's all the time giving them gifts and drawing doorways; he doesnt talk; but he is right near you so you could easily meet him and end up with the party or vise versa ;hehe he is a little stinker hehe.

Just say when.

Wrath wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

I understand; I can always write you back in; there are not so many players that I cant keep track; so no problem there; am a spin master of plot threads hehe, so no problem I can get you back in at any time with no problem.

Thanks for all the kind words also.

Vale, if you can come up with a way to tie Erkholt back into your game, I'd be happy to give it a go again. I won't have time to go back over and read the two and half thousand posts that have happened since i had to drop out though sorry :). Let me know what you wnt from me and I'll do what I can.


Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I would like to try my hand at a pbp. I have never been in one before but I haven't been able to really play in over a year. They only people I know that do play are so munchkin that I can't play with them. So if anyone is looking for a newbie player I will give it a whirl.

I could also try to DM a game but I am not sure how I would do at it. I am rusty in real time so via the net I have probably already been digested by a Rust Monster and left behind in a cave somewhere.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:

Pretty easy to do; their underground; your a dwarf; real easy to do; hehe; there is a little blue guy who is in the area and is famous for making doors that go to some other doorway; messes with pc's all the time giving them gifts and drawing doorways; he doesnt talk; but he is right near you so you could easily meet him and end up with the party or vise versa ;hehe he is a little stinker hehe.

Just say when.


I'll pop into the ooc thread sometime this week as Erkholt and we can bash out some idea for what Erkholt's been doing for that time if it's ok with you. Will be good to brush the cobwebs of my dwarven cleric.


damnitall22 wrote:

I would like to try my hand at a pbp. I have never been in one before but I haven't been able to really play in over a year. They only people I know that do play are so munchkin that I can't play with them. So if anyone is looking for a newbie player I will give it a whirl.

I could also try to DM a game but I am not sure how I would do at it. I am rusty in real time so via the net I have probably already been digested by a Rust Monster and left behind in a cave somewhere.

Playing in a pbp game can be fun... although munchkins can be a part of pbp too. This is why I try to be selective & communicative with my players as a DM.

DMing d20 games is ridiculously harder than being a player, and I think that inhibits things. I barely have enough time to do the storytelling to an adequate level, nevermind the arcane d20 ruleset (map-based play doesn't help me paint a picture that much better & kind of makes my job harder).

I'd still want to play in a Pathfinder pbp game that doesn't blow itself up... and nobody seems all that interested in non-mainstream systems/settings as players.

I am still trying to find that balance. 4E is faster to adjudicate, but I like my battlemaps to look good, so I spend ages on them.

3.x and its descendants, however, I find to be extremely arcane, so I spend ages looking up rules, but the combats are over quickly because of the swinginess.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
bref_weapon wrote:

I'd still want to play in a Pathfinder pbp game that doesn't blow itself up... and nobody seems all that interested in non-mainstream systems/settings as players.

To be honest if I had access to any other game systems I would be interested. I just don't have anything else.

In my last group one of the guys did a type of on the fly system. We told him what types of characters we wanted to play and he told us our strengths and weaknesses and then we played. Whatever you wanted to do you could try. Even if that consisted of grappling the enemy to the ground then taking a grenade and shoving it into under him. Hoping that when it went off his body armor would absorb most of the force and you could live. (I managed to but it was close.)

I ended two games back in May/June - a long Red Hand of Doom email game and a homebrew Forgotten Realms game on another forum. Both were 3.5 and a lot of work. Needless to say, I breathed a great sigh of relief to be done.
So, in thinking about the Fall and starting a new campaign, I'm torn as to what to do. Some of players are clamoring for another 3.5 game while some are asking for...2nd edition - yes, we still love it so! I've been researching games and modules and sites for a couple of months, purchasing a few Dungeon modules and digging up stuff from my backlog of discs. And I think I've about convinced myself to run another email 3.5 game. The setting will be Greyhawk and I'm heavily leaning on the Istivin trilogy of adventures that were published in Dungeon 117, 118, and 119. That is...until I change my mind. :)

As for players, man, I've went through them over the years. Some who I thought were gonna be great and started off strong and then got all mad about the least little discrepancy or others who took offense that their character's stupidity got them killed. In my game, I have two mottos:
1/ Your character is just a piece of paper. And this is kind of old since we are now in the digital age.
2/ Regarding magic items..."Use them or lose them."

So, finding the right balance/mix of players is important to the game. As a DM, I'm always skeptical about new players until they have been with me for awhile and can adapt to my style of running a game. I'm a "rules-lite" DM and like to create a good story with lots and lots of action. Blood, guts, and gore baby! Mature fantasy...that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh!

Basilforth wrote:

Still sorta new to these forums....

Don't see a lot of PbP games starting up. Maybe a thread like this will help those who are considering starting a campaign see who is out there interested....

Well, I will be first. Others folks who want to be players in an existing campaign are also free to post here as well. Any game system and style. Let the DM's out there know what we are interested in playing! :)

Personally, I am interested in playing in a PF Beta (and eventually Core) PbP set in Golaron. First level to start. Published campaign fine. DM Homebrew fine too. I am familiar with role-playing, but not familiar with PF stuff yet. No set preference on race or class yet, I kinda would like to try some different things to get the flavor of the game. :)


This is a great idea. Kudos, and good luck.

damnitall22 wrote:
bref_weapon wrote:

I'd still want to play in a Pathfinder pbp game that doesn't blow itself up... and nobody seems all that interested in non-mainstream systems/settings as players.

To be honest if I had access to any other game systems I would be interested. I just don't have anything else.

I've been checking out games from smaller companies, and I wouldn't expect the players to have "the book" (or pdf) in those situations. Teaching the system is just part of that kind of game.

The issue is that people just happen to like D&D-style fantasy, and occasionally stray over to D&D-style Star Wars. My recruiting thread is for neither of those things. It's only natural for players to want the D&D/SWSE games since they are a substantial investment.

In the end, I would rather the players find my game rather than try to grab people who weren't so interested in the first place. It took weeks for my Star Wars Saga Edition game to begin due to lack of interest, which was a good thing to me.

Of course, if I had a 3.5/Pathfinder game that I just had to run, I'd look here... and I am looking for a Pathfinder game myself.

Silver Crusade

I would do a 4e pbp if the opportunity arose.

Shadow Lodge

i used to have pbp game kind of died. i am willing to start up a new one.

Celestial Healer wrote:
I would do a 4e pbp if the opportunity arose.

I've got a 4E game going with 3 players MIA at the moment, If by the end of the weekend I don't hear anything I'd like to restaff as if it were.

Silver Crusade

Tieren wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I would do a 4e pbp if the opportunity arose.
I've got a 4E game going with 3 players MIA at the moment, If by the end of the weekend I don't hear anything I'd like to restaff as if it were.

Let me know.

I would like to play in a 3.5 game; or sci fi or rifts or WOD or something; even pathfinder, but I only have the starting pathfinder stuff. I just like to play and roleplay; any setting; any character; all good to me; just something fairly stable that is ok with my schedule; I like running the two games I am GM for; but get the ich to play.

Celestial Healer wrote:
I would do a 4e pbp if the opportunity arose.

If you would like to make your way over to our discussion thread, we can get started on getting you worked into the game.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:
I would like to play in a 3.5 game; or sci fi or rifts or WOD or something; even pathfinder, but I only have the starting pathfinder stuff. I just like to play and roleplay; any setting; any character; all good to me; just something fairly stable that is ok with my schedule; I like running the two games I am GM for; but get the ich to play.

Hey Vale, I may have a spot in my game if you're keen. We post pretty much every night weeknights though, and not som much on weekends. Check out the thread and have a think about it. I have 5 players who are going great guns right now and I could easily introduce you to the game failry soon.

Would be good to have you in there, but I understand if the posting schedule doesn't suit.

Game Thread

OOC thread

All the character creation stuff is in the ooc thread.
Let me know


Liberty's Edge

Looking for a pbp game. I would prefer Pathfinder Beta rules and the Pathfinder or Forgotten Realms setting.


cool; will def check it out.

Wrath wrote:
Valegrim wrote:
I would like to play in a 3.5 game; or sci fi or rifts or WOD or something; even pathfinder, but I only have the starting pathfinder stuff. I just like to play and roleplay; any setting; any character; all good to me; just something fairly stable that is ok with my schedule; I like running the two games I am GM for; but get the ich to play.

Hey Vale, I may have a spot in my game if you're keen. We post pretty much every night weeknights though, and not som much on weekends. Check out the thread and have a think about it. I have 5 players who are going great guns right now and I could easily introduce you to the game failry soon.

Would be good to have you in there, but I understand if the posting schedule doesn't suit.

Game Thread

OOC thread

All the character creation stuff is in the ooc thread.
Let me know


The Exchange

Do Valegrim, it would be good to game with you again, and Wrath has got some sweet moves. The little.......


am reading away...

French Wolf wrote:

Do Valegrim, it would be good to game with you again, and Wrath has got some sweet moves. The little.......


Dark Archive

Hi, all. I'm looking for a game or two, using Pathfinder Beta for the main rules, but open to other sources, like Unearthed Arcana and such.

I'll throw my hat into the ring as well. Would like to try Ars Magica, Arcana Evolved, or FATE spinoff, but will happily join any d20-derivative.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looking for a pbp game to jump in on. This would be my first time trying out the PFRPG rules, but from what I've seen, they look great. I've played D&D for over a decade, but have fallen out of the habit for the past 2-3 years. Although I've still kept up with everything online, I just haven't actually been in a game for a while. Life has calmed down a bit, and I thought a pbp would be a good re-entry into an active game.

So - if anyone's looking for another player, I'd happily toss my hat into the ring. Just know, that you might have to explain some of the rules nuances that others might have already picked up on.

Eager to join a PBP game. New or Running.

My job entails sitting infront of a pc the whole day. I am pretty much always online, so a fast paced group would be the best.

Would love to play the pathfinder campaign setting but im pretty open minded.

Give me a shout! or email me at

Email Address:

Ah, dang an' bugger it! I'll put me hand up fer another one if'n any folks'll be havin' me. ^^;

E-Mail address:

Yes, this is a more real 'Me'. Peebothulhu

I'm kind'a in'na 'half-way' state with Real Life issues, so's postin' about once a day (relative times an' all) is still me limit.



Liberty's Edge

Willing to play almost any system in any setting, though I'd prefer to avoid d20 for the most part (Star Wars d20 Revised and the Pathfinder beta are the main exceptions).

I'm looking for Pathfinder games in particular, but I'll play 3.5 or 4E. Willing to play in an already running game(In real life I usually have to have my character inserted into the pre-existing games of the few groups I can find) as well as new ones, will play classes the party needs.

Shadow Lodge

hedgeknight wrote:
If I were running a game...I'd be looking at this thread to recruit. :)

And so I am. Looking for a group to play a 3.5 game where you have been charged with horrible crimes(up to you if you actually have committed crimes before, but this is not one of them) and sent to an island far out in the ocean as a death sentence. You will have all your gear and do not have to stay together as a group, though it is advised. You will eventually be able to get off the island(thus proving your innocence since only the innocent get off the island). 32 point buy, 7th level, 19,000 starting gold.

Silver Crusade

I have time for an additional 4e PBP. If anyone is looking for players, let me know.

I'd like to play D&D 3.5/Pathfinder. Can't have enough of that PbP. If a DM wants to try running tha APs, I'd definitely be interested, since I've never tried one.

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