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So I'm reading
Damn your art supplies, you made me attracted to a damn ghoul. Now I'll never be clean again.
A @#$%ing ghoul.
Good pic and all, it's just that it's a bit upsetting.
So I got to thinking, "Why do we give vampires a free pass on the whole moving-corpse thing?" I mean those dhampir have to come from somewhere. Is it on the basis of their mostly human appearance alone? Just the century of good PR they've had amongst horror/fantasy fans?
No I'm not trying to justify ghoul-love!

Davi The Eccentric |

Well, along the flesh axis of solid undead (skeletons at one end, vampires at the other), I pretty sure ghouls fall roughly in the middle, slightly behind wights but way ahead of zombies. In other words, the ghoul in question was probably on the higher end of ghoul wholeness, and is thus able to be fantasized about without it being necrophilia.
EDIT: For the sake of this discussion, let's assume the upper half of the flesh axis is attractive enough to not initially be necrophilia, but generally less attractive as you move closer to the 50% mark.

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Well let's not forget about True Ghouls (thank you Wolfgang Baur)... they're civilized undead and if I'm not mistaken the Darklands region of Sekamina has Ghouls as an abundant "race."
My Guess is some ghouls in Golarion are just as necropolitan as the True Ghouls of Greyhawk.
--Vrocket Launcher Tag!

Edhel |

No I'm not trying to justify ghoul-love!
No need, don't be squeamish.
Undead women, plain old corpses, aliens, semi-animate floral women - it's all good after you read a couple of Clark Ashton Smith stories.
Morthylla - One can only be satisfied by undead women.
The Death of Ilalotha - Corpses are seductive too!
The Door to Saturn & The Monster of the Prophecy - "The sorcerer and the inquisitor were impressed, even if not captivated, by the mountainous amplitude of her charms and by their highly novel arrangement." & "--there were females of a sort, if one were not too squeamish.")
The Garden of Adompha - "Now, as if in suppliance, the semi-vegetable arms reached out towards Adompha with their human hands. The king felt a revival of his old interest in Dwerulas' horticulture, a queer excitement woke within him before the mingled grotesquery and beauty of the grafted plant."

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I thought necrophilia was boinking a corpse. Which would mean technically even liking vamps means you'd dip into that murky water. I remember a Dragon Magazine cover awhile back with a hot mummy on it ... you know, those usually shriveled and dried skinned things?
... honestly I don't know what to think anymore. Up is down, left is right, and Jesters give good advice.
World's Ending.

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There was a "Tales of the Crypt" episode (I think) where a guy explores under a cemetary with a pretty attractive woman only to find out at the end that she's a ghoul. Because she still looks mostly human she serves as a lure for their food. It was a pretty twisted episode, but then that tends to be how that show worked.

Kuma |

Well, necrophilia refers to banging a corpse. That's all we've got in the real world, so we've never come up with one specifically for mobile corpses; but I would think your average true necrophile would find a body that talks back to be pretty unappealing.
That horrible splat book full of pictures of naked hippies and goth kids actually had some interesting thoughts along this line. (That and their theories on mixing various races for breeding were just about the only good parts of that book. And you still had to get past the pictures... *shudder*)

raoul |

....anyone seen "Otto: or up with dead people"?
no spoiler if i told you it was about zombies who are "accepted" by humans as part of life and have jobs etc. spool forward to some graphic penis in abdomen gay porn then complete the movie feeling entirely unsatisfied that it was an excuse to artfully discuss the nature of some humans who exist their way through life.

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Well, necrophilia refers to banging a corpse. That's all we've got in the real world, so we've never come up with one specifically for mobile corpses; but I would think your average true necrophile would find a body that talks back to be pretty unappealing.
That horrible splat book full of pictures of naked hippies and goth kids actually had some interesting thoughts along this line. (That and their theories on mixing various races for breeding were just about the only good parts of that book. And you still had to get past the pictures... *shudder*)
What horrible splat book are you talking about?

raoul |

Kuma wrote:What horrible splat book are you talking about?Well, necrophilia refers to banging a corpse. That's all we've got in the real world, so we've never come up with one specifically for mobile corpses; but I would think your average true necrophile would find a body that talks back to be pretty unappealing.
That horrible splat book full of pictures of naked hippies and goth kids actually had some interesting thoughts along this line. (That and their theories on mixing various races for breeding were just about the only good parts of that book. And you still had to get past the pictures... *shudder*)
this is also relevant to my interests.....

Franz Lunzer |

Misery wrote:this is also relevant to my interests.....Kuma wrote:What horrible splat book are you talking about?Well, necrophilia refers to banging a corpse. That's all we've got in the real world, so we've never come up with one specifically for mobile corpses; but I would think your average true necrophile would find a body that talks back to be pretty unappealing.
That horrible splat book full of pictures of naked hippies and goth kids actually had some interesting thoughts along this line. (That and their theories on mixing various races for breeding were just about the only good parts of that book. And you still had to get past the pictures... *shudder*)
Book of Erotic Fantasy? (Just a guess)

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raoul wrote:Book of Erotic Fantasy? (Just a guess)Misery wrote:this is also relevant to my interests.....Kuma wrote:What horrible splat book are you talking about?Well, necrophilia refers to banging a corpse. That's all we've got in the real world, so we've never come up with one specifically for mobile corpses; but I would think your average true necrophile would find a body that talks back to be pretty unappealing.
That horrible splat book full of pictures of naked hippies and goth kids actually had some interesting thoughts along this line. (That and their theories on mixing various races for breeding were just about the only good parts of that book. And you still had to get past the pictures... *shudder*)
Seen it and I remember the hippies but not the goth kids (which is what confused me). Then again it has been awhile.

Wolf Munroe |

"Wow, that's kind of freaky hot. Must be an elf-vampire or something. Reminds me of the girl from that Lenny Kravitz video. Diggin' it." And I look over at the stats.
Damn your art supplies, you made me attracted to a damn ghoul. Now I'll never be clean again.
A @#$%ing ghoul.
You should have known it was a ghoul from the freakishly long tongue. (Yes, I know that's just in Pathfinder/GameMastery modules, but it's fairly consistent in the depictions of ghouls by Paizo.)
Maybe she keeps herself "fresh" using Gentle Repose? She's a ghoul cleric.
One of the GameMastery modules explicitly stated that one of the undead in it used that method to stay beautiful.

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Mikaze wrote:"Wow, that's kind of freaky hot. Must be an elf-vampire or something. Reminds me of the girl from that Lenny Kravitz video. Diggin' it." And I look over at the stats.
Damn your art supplies, you made me attracted to a damn ghoul. Now I'll never be clean again.
A @#$%ing ghoul.
You should have known it was a ghoul from the freakishly long tongue. (Yes, I know that's just in Pathfinder/GameMastery, but it's fairly consistent.)
It wasn't that long...okay, it was a bit...
I just thought she was being kinky...

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I think a big reason vampires are given a pass is because we MADE them hot. Anyone want to tell me how THIS is hot?
Over the years people have decided that "Hey, let's make em hot." I mean it's not like any girl would likely want that old Nosferatu paying them attention.
So technically an artist could or Hollywood or writer or whoever could wake up one morning and decide "Hey, let's make zombies SMEXY!" and if it caught on, then twenty years from now it would be the norm ... sorta.
It goes against everything WE know now but that can change (and more easily for the next generation).

seekerofshadowlight |

well vampires being hot started with stroker. And then the penny dreadful books pushed it, then silent films started to push it, then Hollywood started to push it.....so bout 160 years later here we are.
what we call vampires are not mythic vampires . We made em but oddly stuck the name undead on them yet use the same name for things which clearly are not the same type

Franz Lunzer |

Back on the subject of sexy undead I think vampires get a pass to most people as well, they don't fit the walking corpse thing. They still have a need to feed and rest and flesh is warm. You cant really put them in the same rang as zombies
Uh... Vampires aren't normally 'warm'. At least not according to Vampire: The Masquerade.

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Want great vampires? Read Dresden Files. They're incredibly hot and sexy - until they shed their disguise...
They also have narcotic saliva that makes you euphoric and willing.
*nods* Though the White Court scares me more. A predator that shreds its mask I can handle. the Raiths just distrub me.
I really need to stat out DresdenVamps. Maybe borrow some stuff from McWoD. (Which makes a perfect Dresden Files RPG)

Kuma |

I was indeed referring to the "Book of Erotic Fantasy". I only half remembered the title and wasn't sure I wanted to give them a name drop anyway.
The whole thing felt like an excuse for some very creepy people to have a very creepy photoshoot, and it made me want to take a shower.
I waded through it to look for innovation, of which there was a small amount, god help you if you do the same.

lynora |

I was indeed referring to the "Book of Erotic Fantasy". I only half remembered the title and wasn't sure I wanted to give them a name drop anyway.
The whole thing felt like an excuse for some very creepy people to have a very creepy photoshoot, and it made me want to take a shower.
I waded through it to look for innovation, of which there was a small amount, god help you if you do the same.
Okay, I'll grant you that the pictures are dreadful. I mean really dreadful. But I thought there was a lot of useful stuff in that book.

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well vampires being hot started with stroker. And then the penny dreadful books pushed it, then silent films started to push it, then Hollywood started to push it.....so bout 160 years later here we are.
what we call vampires are not mythic vampires . We made em but oddly stuck the name undead on them yet use the same name for things which clearly are not the same type
actually it began with Sheriden Le Fanu's Carmilla, one of the 1st vampire stories... hot lesbian vampire by the way...

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Well many sorces films/ books and the like use the ideal that flesh is warm after feeding.
D&D used this as well. 2E Ravenloft books covered this alot, as did some 3e books. Played vampire once in 98 it was so bad I wouldn't look at white wolf till last month
don't blame White Wolf, blame the GM
believe me all the experience depends on the GMI waded through it to look for innovation, of which there was a small amount, god help you if you do the same.
some fets are useful :P
but what I ALWAYS use... or at least my cleric... Confidence Armor... +2 to Cha... and the Cha modifier goes to the will saves... can someone spell Iron Will besides that?
Doc_Outlands |

The Garden of Adompha - "Now, as if in suppliance, the semi-vegetable arms reached out towards Adompha with their human hands. The king felt a revival of his old interest in Dwerulas' horticulture, a queer excitement woke within him before the mingled grotesquery and beauty of the grafted plant."
Is it bad that -
- I read this thread
- I read the above story
- I came back to read the new posts and post that
- I now have an idea for an adventure-arc based on that story???
Thanks for the story links, btw. Oh and Carmilla was a good one.

seekerofshadowlight |

same name for things which clearly are not the same typeactually it began with Sheriden Le Fanu's Carmilla, one of the 1st vampire stories... hot lesbian vampire by the way...
I had forgotten that one...I even have that one in a stories collection, I Liked the style far better then strokers really.