Azhagal |

this Q is for the flash,quicksilver and any other hero/villain with super speed....how exactly do you run so fast without spontaneously combusting due to the friction of the air particles as you run at that speed, does this mean that you also are incombustible? also how is it that you can both see and hear at that speed, does this mean that your senses are hardwired to adjust to optimum efficiency when going super fast....one more question, how is it you can go that fast and stop instantly without skidding for miles, ddoes this mean that you have the power to negate inertia?

monk by many names |
Dear Emma Frost...
Cyclops, really? I mean couldn't you do any better than Scott Summers?
what, was I supposed to hook up with Beast, heck a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do..
Dear Spider-Man,Why do you only piss off powerful people in your life?? Norman Osborn & JJJ for example. I know that Norman's a jerk, but JJJ was just annoying and is now hunting you down. Good job moron.
for the same reason that my webbing comes out of my wrists instead of my *cough* butt...nobody knows
Dear Superman,
How do you keep your hair cut? Isn't your hair as strong as steel and shouldn't it regenerate as quickly as the rest of your cells?
YBF (*your biggest fan*)
well, the thing is...kryptonians don't actually have hair so we get toupees surgically sewn onto us as babies

Incredible Hulk |

Dear Hulk,
How come your shirt gets ripped off when you "go green" but the waist band of your jeans seems to get 25" wider?

Leeroy Jenkins |

Dear Claire,
Since your cells regenerate as they are damaged, you should have unending strength, right? As your muscles tire, lipids and creatine should constantly reform, and as your tendons and muscles stretch to the breaking point, they would simply repair, making you not only invincible but also insurmountably strong, right? Also, you should never need sleep, because your body would repair itself as it tires, and neurochemical functions would need no downtime. Right...? With all of this in mind, do you even need to eat? The possibilities are endless--you should fire your writers; they're holding you back.

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Dear Superman,
How do you keep your hair cut? Isn't your hair as strong as steel and shouldn't it regenerate as quickly as the rest of your cells?
YBF (*your biggest fan*)
I remember they showed him shaving with his heat vision in the cartoon. That was kinda cool if weird...

Valegrim |

the question of why super speedsters dont burn up has been asked and answered countless times. What I want to know is how the heck to they see where they are going and not run into things, yet super sight is not really noted in their powers. So Reed Richards is supposed to be smart right, but consider how fast a super speedster would have to process data just to keep from smashing into stuff as stuff from their optic sensors have to be fed through the optic nerve; get processed by their mental faculties; then that signal has to go to their muscles. Now how the heck do they do that with normal eyes and brains or near normal anyway?

Prof. Tolkien |

the question of why super speedsters dont burn up has been asked and answered countless times. What I want to know is how the heck to they see where they are going and not run into things, yet super sight is not really noted in their powers. So Reed Richards is supposed to be smart right, but consider how fast a super speedster would have to process data just to keep from smashing into stuff as stuff from their optic sensors have to be fed through the optic nerve; get processed by their mental faculties; then that signal has to go to their muscles. Now how the heck do they do that with normal eyes and brains or near normal anyway?
To whom is this question addressed?

magdalena thiriet |

...and Valegrim uttered the magic words "Reed Richards"...
Dear Mr. Fantastic,
what exactly was the logic behind taking your fiancee and her kid brother with you on unscheduled and potentially dangerous space mission, it's not like they had training or anything?
Dear Mr. Fantastic,
is it really smart to keep a portal to Negative Zone, home to many nasty critters, in the next room of your home and family? Do Child Services know about you?
Dear Mr. Fantastic,
considering that there is no mention of you having superstrength, how do you have the required muscle control to stretch for yards and keep the position without support?

hopeless |

Dear Spider-Man,
Why do you only piss off powerful people in your life?? Norman Osborn & JJJ for example. I know that Norman's a jerk, but JJJ was just annoying and is now hunting you down. Good job moron.
Considering he is neurotic and both of the people you mentioned are power mad jerks for different reasons the better question would be how comes Aunt May never found out?

Valegrim |

<closes the door to his secret sinister lab>
uhm, to any speedster; how do you not run into things at super speed; heck; normals cant even keep from smashing their cars and bikes and whatnot to bits and they dont even go very fast.
Valegrim wrote:the question of why super speedsters dont burn up has been asked and answered countless times. What I want to know is how the heck to they see where they are going and not run into things, yet super sight is not really noted in their powers. So Reed Richards is supposed to be smart right, but consider how fast a super speedster would have to process data just to keep from smashing into stuff as stuff from their optic sensors have to be fed through the optic nerve; get processed by their mental faculties; then that signal has to go to their muscles. Now how the heck do they do that with normal eyes and brains or near normal anyway?To whom is this question addressed?

hopeless |

Dear CK,
How come your clothes burn and are otherwise damaged when you shield someone from an explosion, but your jacket and jeans are never ripped during superspeed or in fights?
His mother found the equivalent of a bag of holding in KalEl's spaceship and found out how to make his clothes out of them unfortunatly capes are unknown on Krypton... and wearing a bath towel seemed a bit much...

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Mac Boyce wrote:Considering he is neurotic and both of the people you mentioned are power mad jerks for different reasons the better question would be how comes Aunt May never found out?Dear Spider-Man,
Why do you only piss off powerful people in your life?? Norman Osborn & JJJ for example. I know that Norman's a jerk, but JJJ was just annoying and is now hunting you down. Good job moron.
Actually, Aunt May found out...twice.
I hate what they did to Spidey. :(

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Dear Daphne,
When you and Ando rescued Hiro, how did you manage to go back in time? Hiro uses his unique power to do this, but you were able to run so fast you...went backwards? Time dilation theory argues for travel to the future, but there is no current understanding for how speed could possibly send you back in time. Quantum gravity seems to suggest a way for special scenarios in the General Theory of Relativity to meet conditions allowing for travel backwards; were you doing this...with superspeed...somehow? Just asking.

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...and Valegrim uttered the magic words "Reed Richards"...
Dear Mr. Fantastic,
what exactly was the logic behind taking your fiancee and her kid brother with you on unscheduled and potentially dangerous space mission, it's not like they had training or anything?Dear Mr. Fantastic,
is it really smart to keep a portal to Negative Zone, home to many nasty critters, in the next room of your home and family? Do Child Services know about you?Dear Mr. Fantastic,
considering that there is no mention of you having superstrength, how do you have the required muscle control to stretch for yards and keep the position without support?
Reed Richards = Egotistical Dick (IMO)
(And everybody knows he gave himself the name "Mr. Fantastic")

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hopeless wrote:Mac Boyce wrote:Considering he is neurotic and both of the people you mentioned are power mad jerks for different reasons the better question would be how comes Aunt May never found out?Dear Spider-Man,
Why do you only piss off powerful people in your life?? Norman Osborn & JJJ for example. I know that Norman's a jerk, but JJJ was just annoying and is now hunting you down. Good job moron.
Actually, Aunt May found out...twice. ** spoiler omitted **
I hate what they did to Spidey. :(
Yeah but you had to love watching him slap Tony Stark around!