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Off-Topic Discussions

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Kruelaid wrote:
Naked? Who's naked? Women? I love naked women.

Then you'll love my new laws. All hot women must go unclothed at all times. I call it the "Got it must flaunt it" bill.

Woodraven wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Naked? Who's naked? Women? I love naked women.
Don't we all

Well, there's Jeremy. And not all the girls are into staring at each others bewbies...

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Naked? Who's naked? Women? I love naked women.
Then you'll love my new laws. All hot women must go unclothed at all times. I call it the "Got it must flaunt it" bill.

then what about those who don't got, We all have seen someone or know someone that thinks they got but obviously they don't.

Kruelaid wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Naked? Who's naked? Women? I love naked women.
Don't we all
Well, there's Jeremy. And not all the girls are into staring at each others bewbies...

one word Tequilla.

Woodraven wrote:
Ok, VP HD I hereby submit my application for either the sun, wealth, protection, and possibly alcohol, whichever you decide good sir. VP HoustonDerek ** spoiler omitted **

I saw that!! I will not stand for this! Let me sit and tell you that you have proven yourself worthy of the Wealth Domain.

Woodraven wrote:
Ok, VP HD I hereby submit my application for either the sun, wealth, protection, and possibly alcohol, whichever you decide good sir. VP HoustonDerek ** spoiler omitted **

I think something can be arraigned...

Spends PP on hookers, blow and ammo

flash_cxxi wrote:
I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Charm, Knowledge or Madness...

Hmmm, your request seems to be lacking something...

*holds out palm*

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Well I'm a big fan of naked women and their boobies, so maybe the Madness Domain is out...
That leaves Charm or Knowledge.

I'm thinkin' the Charm would help me get in good with all 'o them naked boobies!

Muha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Lord Secretary of Nature! (I saw we are putting the gilding of nobility over our facade of democracy, and I like it!)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Vice President HD wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Charm, Knowledge or Madness...

Hmmm, your request seems to be lacking something...

*holds out palm*

I'll hook you up with a couple of bottles of this.

And maybe some of these since you're a biscuit fan...

Sorry Lord President Moorluck. I hope you can forgive my insolence. I am sure I can help the VP find his hookers and blow, now the ammunition I would perfer to leran and have a place big enough to load my own.

Lord President Moorluck


slips 101 pp to Lord President Moorluck

The Exchange

Vice President HD wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Charm, Knowledge or Madness...

Hmmm, your request seems to be lacking something...

*holds out palm*

Just to let you know HD, my oldest son just said "The Vice President is on Paizo... thats so cool Dad!"

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Muha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Lord Secretary of Nature! (I saw we are putting the gilding of nobility over our facade of democracy, and I like it!)

I thought you would Lord Secretary.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Charm, Knowledge or Madness...

Hmmm, your request seems to be lacking something...

*holds out palm*

I'll hook you up with a couple of bottles of this.

And maybe some of these since you're a biscuit fan...

Make it a couple of bottles of this, and we may have a deal. Rum gives me headaches and makes me sing calypso music...

Woodraven wrote:

Sorry Lord President Moorluck. I hope you can forgive my insolence. I am sure I can help the VP find his hookers and blow, now the ammunition I would perfer to leran and have a place big enough to load my own.

Lord President Moorluck
** spoiler omitted **

We will begin converting that stupid rose garen into the Royal Presidential Firing Range next week!

Moorluck wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring for Charm, Knowledge or Madness...

Hmmm, your request seems to be lacking something...

*holds out palm*

Just to let you know HD, my oldest son just said "The Vice President is on Paizo... thats so cool Dad!"

Tell him if he eats his Wheaties and minds mom and dad, he too can hold ultimate power!


I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.

Woodraven wrote:
I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.

I second this motion, and change the title to "Most High Judicial Rat Bastard"!

Just remember, when you go looking for your hookers and blow, you must first ask yourself, "Do I want artificial hookers and blow?" If your answer is no, then Welcome to the Domain of Nature. Requisition forms are kept with my front office manager, Miss Dryad, who may be reached through my front office greeter, Miss Nereid. Yeah, I get an office up and running fast, Lord President.

Who will head the Domain of Death (Lord High Executioner)?

Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.
I second this motion, and change the title to "Most High Judicial Rat Bastard"!

I second the motion to rename the title.

Hey VP HD lets go gets those hookers and blow now.

Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.
I second this motion, and change the title to "Most High Judicial Rat Bastard"!

I was thinking High Pony of Justice.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Just remember, when you go looking for your hookers and blow, you must first ask yourself, "Do I want artificial hookers and blow?" If your answer is no, then Welcome to the Domain of Nature. Requisition forms are kept with my front office manager, Miss Dryad, who may be reached through my front office greeter, Miss Nereid. Yeah, I get an office up and running fast, Lord President.

Who will head the Domain of Death (Lord High Executioner)?

Always go natural. No synthetic blow or hookers. Allergic to silicone, after all...

Lord High Executioner? I could pull double duty there, I have a deer lease in Texas...

Woodraven wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.
I second this motion, and change the title to "Most High Judicial Rat Bastard"!

I second the motion to rename the title.

Hey VP HD lets go gets those hookers and blow now.

Is your passport up to date? I see a "fact finding mission" to Mexico coming on!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Vice President HD wrote:

Make it a couple of bottles of this, and we may have a deal. Rum gives me headaches and makes me sing calypso music...

Not a scotch fan, but I know Macallans is a good one, so that's a deal...

(I used to manage a Bottleshop... liquor store)

Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.
I second this motion, and change the title to "Most High Judicial Rat Bastard"!

I second the motion to rename the title.

Hey VP HD lets go gets those hookers and blow now.

Is your passport up to date? I see a "fact finding mission" to Mexico coming on!

Mexico? Oh you must mean Southern Texas. I invaded it last night, no passport needed to travel to the 51st state. :)

Moorluck wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Vice President HD wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
I nominate Sebastion as Chief Justice.
I second this motion, and change the title to "Most High Judicial Rat Bastard"!

I second the motion to rename the title.

Hey VP HD lets go gets those hookers and blow now.

Is your passport up to date? I see a "fact finding mission" to Mexico coming on!
Mexico? Oh you must mean Southern Texas. I invaded it last night, no passport needed to travel to the 51st state. :)

Good, that durned Bush kid made a passport necessary to get back in last year!

What should the wealth's domain name be (thinking lord Rich uncle moneybags, or Lord Scorge McDuck) any help

Are we talkin', Scotch made of Natural resources? (Motions to administrative assistant.)

Woodraven wrote:
What should the wealth's domain name be (thinking lord Rich uncle moneybags, or Lord Scorge McDuck) any help

Daddy Warbucks. Dude's got "War" in his name. Make our enemies think they're living a "hark knock life"!


Lord Secretary War-Bucks it is then!!

Let the other nations of the world know how we managed to eliminate taxes.

At least for our own citizens... hehe.

Announcing the 52cnd state of the Union.... Iscoldup'er, formally known as Canada, since I am only appointing Paizonians to goverment ranks I need a Lord Regent to govern the new state. Any suggestions?

Reporting for duty sir. and Mair, make sure any filing fees collected from the use of natural items, materials, resources are documented in triplicate with your mark.

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Announcing the 52cnd state of the Union.... Iscoldup'er, formally known as Canada, since I am only appointing Paizonians to goverment ranks I need a Lord Regent to govern the new state. Any suggestions?

I nominate courtfool. With his command of the poodles, there is enough space to practice deploying landmines without upsetting any other group. and with the french section IIRC Quebec as it was called CDP will have a hayday biting everyone. And I nominate Callous Jack for Southern Texas, since he is a construct even montezuma can't take revenge on them, plus I hear the Jills love tequilla and that is the source.

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Announcing the 52cnd state of the Union.... Iscoldup'er, formally known as Canada, since I am only appointing Paizonians to goverment ranks I need a Lord Regent to govern the new state. Any suggestions?

We're going to have to open reeducation camps. Those Ex-Canadians have some crazy ideas...

Sovereign Court

Moorluck wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Yes! I wish to press charges against one Dark Solnes!

There is no identity theft!!! I am your alternate universe doppleganger!! You have stolen MY identity!!!


I can solve this one. Since you want her identity you must be willing to do everything she does here in this world..... and I don't think you wanna go there. ;p


So I guess that means I'm sleeping with you huh...

Scarab Sages

Did I see people applying for Domains? If so, I'd like to get the Undeath Domain.

Ok. so here's what I have so far...

Supreme First Lady Solnes (Travel,Healing,Charm,Good)
Lord Vice President Houstonderek (Magic,Chaos,Evil,Trickery)
Lord Secretary of Nature Maikurion (Animal,Plant,Earth,Water,Air)
Lord Secretary of Kicking A** taig (War,Protection,Strength)
Lord High Executioner Aberzombie (Death,Undeath)
Lord Secretary of Foreign Affairs Flash (Charm,Chaos,Luck)
Lord Secretary War-Bucks Woodraven (Wealth,Trickery,Evil)
Most High Judicial Rat Bast**d Sebastian (Law,Trickery,Knowledge)

Antone opposed to these choices will have to take it up with #4 on the list.


(EDITED per Lord Secretary of Natures Advice.)

A word of politic in thine ear, m'lord.

Edited: What, you think you get to see the top secret advice I give the Prez?

Otherwise, great! I share domains with no one! (Failed sharing in Kindergarten.)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

A word of politic in thine ear, m'lord.

** spoiler omitted **

Otherwise, great! I share domains with no one! (Failed sharing in Kindergarten.)

Sound Advice you give Lord Secretary, I shall have to keep an eye on you in the future.

The ways of Nature are wise, Lord Prez.

Now on to the business of running the nation, so who wants to join Willie and I on the balcony for a smoke? Then I thought we would set about rounding up those darn poodles and sending them to the new state of Iscoldup'er. And did we ever decide who would be in charge of "re-educating" the former Canadians?

Dark Archive

I would like to toss my hat in for the Charm, Destruction, and Knowledge domains.

I just checked and can someone tell me why the state of Southern Texas has so many people that don't speak english? I mean who's in charge of this country....oh I am... uhm... I hereby appoint David Fryer to the position of Lord Secretary of Education his domains shall be as follows, Knowledge,Good, and Charm.

(EDIT, changed domains to closer reflect his wishes)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Lord President Moorluck wrote:

Ok. so here's what I have so far...

Supreme First Lady Solnes (Travel,Healing,Charm,Good)
Lord Vice President Houstonderek (Magic,Chaos,Evil,Trickery)
Lord Secretary of Nature Maikurion (Animal,Plant,Earth,Water,Air)
Lord Secretary of Kicking A** taig (War,Protection,Strength)
Lord High Executioner Aberzombie (Death,Undeath)
Lord Secretary of Foreign Affairs Flash (Charm,Chaos,Luck)
Lord Secretary War-Bucks Woodraven (Wealth,Trickery,Evil)
Most High Judicial Rat Bast**d Sebastian (Law,Trickery,Knowledge)

Antone opposed to these choices will have to take it up with #4 on the list.


(EDITED per Lord Secretary of Natures Advice.)

I'm ready to start. I think we can declare Great Britain as a member of the Axis of Evil, since it's harboring Nick Logue. I've put 12 squadrons of bombers on alert to attack as soon you give the word.

taig wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:

Ok. so here's what I have so far...

Supreme First Lady Solnes (Travel,Healing,Charm,Good)
Lord Vice President Houstonderek (Magic,Chaos,Evil,Trickery)
Lord Secretary of Nature Maikurion (Animal,Plant,Earth,Water,Air)
Lord Secretary of Kicking A** taig (War,Protection,Strength)
Lord High Executioner Aberzombie (Death,Undeath)
Lord Secretary of Foreign Affairs Flash (Charm,Chaos,Luck)
Lord Secretary War-Bucks Woodraven (Wealth,Trickery,Evil)
Most High Judicial Rat Bast**d Sebastian (Law,Trickery,Knowledge)

Antone opposed to these choices will have to take it up with #4 on the list.


(EDITED per Lord Secretary of Natures Advice.)

I'm ready to start. I think we can declare Great Britain as a member of the Axis of Evil, since it's harboring Nick Logue. I've put 12 squadrons of bombers on alert to attack as soon you give the word.

Then may I say WORD!!

Bring me Logue, or whats left of when your done.

On second thought, I want him alive, I may have use for him in my re-formated CIA.

Whoa, whoa. Don't go hatin' on my the realm of my people just b/c that sicko is hiding out there. Let me send the trees to round him up. That'll learn 'im.


Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Whoa, whoa. Don't go hatin' on my the realm of my people just b/c that sicko is hiding out there. Let me send the trees to round him up. That'll learn 'im.

Don't worry Lord Secretary, we're using new Magic Missle smart bombs these days, they never miss the intended target! Your homeland will be safe from harm, even more so once the evil Logue is safely out of their borders. But could you have the trees "paint the target" so as to ensure no mishaps occur?

Gets out the trusty Remington, Betsy...

"Reporting for 'reeducation' duties!"

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