Forums are Way Too Long!!!

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I'm ascairt a grasshoppers!!!



This thread seems slower than usual.

Scarab Sages

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
This thread seems slower than usual.

Maybe it's just you...


Dark Archive

Maybe it is the roting smell you bring with you ;)

Silver Crusade

This thread needs a topic to get the posts flowing again.

Dark Archive

Find David a job sounds like a good topic to me.

Dark Archive

Also I would like to thank the unknown person who went and bought me a copy of the new Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Tht was an awesome thing to do. You guys are the greatest.

Celestial Healer wrote:
This thread needs a topic to get the posts flowing again.

Rampant unfounded speculation on why CH hates hippehs?

Tonight, it iz a speciol night! It iz Italian dinner night!

First, you must make ze italian bread. Take 3¼ cups flour, ½ T active yeast, ½ t sugar and ½ t salt and mix togezer with a whisk in a large bowl. After all ze dry ingrediants are mixed, add 1¼ cups of water and knead ze dough togezer for about 15 minootes! Zen cover ze entire bowl with a tea towel and let zit for 90 minootes.

After 90 minootes are up, punch down ze dough as if it were a insignificant peasant. Take ze tea towel and sprinkle some corn meal (or more flour if you are too heazenistic to 'ave corn meal) and shape ze dough into a loaf shape and place on ze corn meal. Fold up ze tea towel to cover ze loaf, but not tightly zince you need to leave room for it to rise again (just as if you cast Raise ze Dead, non?) for anozer 45 minootes.

Pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees (fahrenheit, you american imbeciles!). Once ze dough 'as risen, spread some corn meal (or your faux pas flour) on a pizza stone (you do not 'ave one? Non! Go buy one right now! I shall wait...) and place ze loaf on ze stone and bake for 45 minootes. Ze bread is finished when the crust is golden-brown and tapping on it produces a hollow sound. For a chewier crust, you can brush on an egg wash before baking.

Once ze bread is done, remove from ze oven and let rest on baking rack for 15-20 minootes. Just enough time for you to make ze dinner!

Start with crumbling up four sausage links (I recommend ze spicy italian sausage... You zick pigs! Zat iz NOT what I meant) in a large cast iron skillet. Let it cook over medium-high heat until it iz browned. Zen add to ze pan a cup of chopped mushrooms, a tablespoon for minced garlic, a tablespoon of minced onion, 16 ounces of crushed tomatoz and season with salt, pepper, basil and oregano to taste. Turn ze heat down to a simmer and cover.

Fill a large pot (about three-quarters of ze way up) with water and add a teaspoon of kosher salt and two tablespoons of light olive oil. Bring to a boil. Once it iz boiling, add ze noodles to ze water. Personally, I usually break ze noodles in half before add zem. Zis allows the noodles to be fully immersed in ze water from ze beginning (instead of zem slowly sinking if you do not break zem) and also prevents ze diners from 'aving to cut ze noodles later.

While ze noodles are boiling, slice ze bread and place on a plate. Cover with another towel (do not use ze same one from earlier! Zat is disgusting!) and place on ze table.

After boiling ze noodles for 8-12 minootes (zey will be done when ze noodles are stretchy but still firm), drain ze water from zem. Do NOT rinze ze noodles with cold water zince ze will break down ze structure and make zem mushy. Pour ze noodles into a large serving bowl and pour ze sauce over zem in ze bowl right away. Serve on ze table with ze bread and watch your diners eat with ze joy!

Zome side accompaniments to ze meal would be parmigiana cheese, powder garlic and butter. Serve with your favorite beverage (which is probably not ze fabulous french wine, but your poor american 'soda pop').

Bon Appetit!

Liberty's Edge

that's too much reading.

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
that's too much reading.

At least you can read, I never learned how. Do you know how difficult it is to participate in these threads when you're illiterate?

My apologies... Bake ze bread for 30 minootes, not 45. ;)

Silver Crusade

Chief Chef to Pres. Moorluck wrote:
My apologies... Bake ze bread for 30 minootes, not 45. ;)

I burned my bread thanks to you.


Celestial Healer wrote:
Chief Chef to Pres. Moorluck wrote:
My apologies... Bake ze bread for 30 minootes, not 45. ;)

I burned my bread thanks to you.


I apologize profusely! I forgot to convert it from ze metric system! ;)

Chief Chef to Pres. Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Chief Chef to Pres. Moorluck wrote:
My apologies... Bake ze bread for 30 minootes, not 45. ;)

I burned my bread thanks to you.


I apologize profusely! I forgot to convert it from ze metric system! ;)

G*!*@#n frenchie! Always screwing things up! Grrr.....

Dark Archive

Has anyone tried Hassari? Just how spicy is it?

Celestial Healer wrote:

I burned my bread thanks to you.


{sees no Angel Fish around} You know the French chefs are a recent offshoot of the main Hippeh bloodline. You are lucky your whole kitchen didn't burn down.

Silver Crusade

Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I burned my bread thanks to you.


{sees no Angel Fish around} You know the French chefs are a recent offshoot of the main Hippeh bloodline. You are lucky your whole kitchen didn't burn down.

*aims celestial shotgun at the chef*

So today is a good news day!

First our son was able to slide into the ONLY charter school in the area with only one slot left! it is an amazing little school that is run like a private school, uniforms and all. He is a little upset at having to cut his hair, but excited at the new possibilities that have opened up for him.

Second, I just applied for my bachelor's program through University of Phoenix!!!! I will graduate with my Associates degree in Jan. and then straight onto my bachelors program!!! :)

Sigh, almost done!

Other than that it is game nite! Which s always great news!!!!

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:

So today is a good news day!

First our son was able to slide into the ONLY charter school in the area with only one slot left! it is an amazing little school that is run like a private school, uniforms and all. He is a little upset at having to cut his hair, but excited at the new possibilities that have opened up for him.

Congratulations. I hope he has a better school year this year.

Dark Archive

Spicy Orange Chicken
2 oranges
1/4 cup mild molasses
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons cornstarch
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baing powder
3/4 cup waer
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, cut into 1 inch pieces
3 cups vegetable oil
1 teaspoon chili oil
4 whole dried chili peppers
2 cloves garlic, miniced
1 1/2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh ginger
hot cooked rice

Juice oranges to measure 1/2 cup juice. Combine juice, molasses, soy sauce, and cornstarch in small bowl. Set aside.

Combine flour, salt, and baking powder in medium bowl. Whisk in water to form smooth batter. Add chicken; set aside.

Heat 3 cups vegetable oil in wok over medium high heat, until the oil registers 375 degrees on deep fry thermometr. Shake off excess batter from one-third of the chicken ; carefully add chicken to wok.

Cook about 4 minutes or until chicken is golden brown and no longer pink in the center, stiring occasionlly to break up pieces with spoon. Remove chicken with slotted spoon to tray lined with paper towels, drain. Repeat process two more times with remaining chicken, rehesating oil between batches.

Pour off oil from wok. Reheat wok oil over medium heat until hot. Add chili oil. Add dried chili peppers, garlic, and ginger; stir-fry 30 seconds to one minute, or until fragrant.

Stir cornstarch mixture; add to wok. Cook and stir until sauce boils and thickens. Return chicken to wok; mix well. Transfer to serving dish, serve over hot rice.

Liberty's Edge

cook it. I'll eat it.

Scarab Sages


Dark Archive

I just watched the cops arrest the ice cream man for DUI outside of my house.

Liberty's Edge

GTFOOH! Is that true or are you jacking with me!

Scarab Sages

I always knew there was something funny about that guy.

Dark Archive

Heathansson wrote:
GTFOOH! Is that true or are you jacking with me!

True story. At first I thought they had pulled him over for DWM, Driving While Mexican for those who don't know, But when the sarted pulling forties out of the truck and emptying them, Iknew it was the real deal.

Silver Crusade

You should have flagged him down and bought a creamsicle while he was being arrested.

David Fryer wrote:
Also I would like to thank the unknown person who went and bought me a copy of the new Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Tht was an awesome thing to do. You guys are the greatest.

The people on these boards are nothing short of extraordinary!

Good luck, David. I wish I could help you in your job search.

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
You should have flagged him down and bought a creamsicle while he was being arrested.

That's the thing. He was out selling his stuff when they pulled him over. He was only two houses up from where he had last stopped when the cops lit him up.

Dark Archive

Emperor7 wrote:

Good luck, David. I wish I could help you in your job search.

Thanks. I already have had one call. unfortunately the place wanted to pay $12.00 and hour for 20 hours a week. I would make more than that on unemployment, and I don't have to move. I will move if I need too, but I at least need full time work if I'm going to do it. I did apply for a couple of my dream jobs, since they were open. I'm hoping to get a call in a few weeks offering me an interview for asisstant historian to the Senate or Director of Educational Outreach at the National Holocaust Museum.

David Fryer wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Good luck, David. I wish I could help you in your job search.
Thanks. I already have had one call. unfortunately the place wanted to pay $12.00 and hour for 20 hours a week. I would make more than that on unemployment, and I don't have to move. I will move if I need too, but I at least need full time work if I'm going to do it. I did apply for a couple of my dream jobs, since they were open. I'm hoping to get a call in a few weeks offering me an interview for asisstant historian to the Senate or Director of Educational Outreach at the National Holocaust Museum.

Are you still looking to teach? Edison State College ( and Ave Maria ( here had several open positions recently although they are probably a pay cut, and AM is Roman Catholic.

Dark Archive

I would still like to teach, but ultimately I will take anything that pays decent enough that I can support my family.

The Exchange

Well your still in the Moore Clans thoughts, David, and good luck with those dream job aps!

The Exchange

HAHA! first post on my demanded return to the boards. :D

David Fryer wrote:
I would still like to teach, but ultimately I will take anything that pays decent enough that I can support my family.

Well, if you're not adverse to working in muggy SW FL and dodging hurricanes, you might try them both. I think Edison has plans to open a fourth campus, and Ave Maria probably wouldn't be too bad if you can resist/fake the strong pro-RC atmosphere.

Edit: Just checked -- FGCU ( is looking for instructers/teachers too.

Good luck in whatever you choose. Also, the housing market down here sucks for sellers, so maybe you can afford a modest house too.

Dark Archive

So my sister is working in a call center doing fundraising for the Fraternal Order of Police. She's been calling places in L.A. and calls some guy. The guy tells her, "hell no I'm not donating to them. My brother was just minding his own buisness, doing the only thing he knew how to do to make a living as a black man in Compton, dealing drugs. Then some crooked, corrupt undercover cop comes along and sends him to prision. After he gets out, nobody will hire him so he goes back to doing the only thing he knows how to do to support his family, dealing drugs. Then the cops come along and send him back to prison. Why would I want to give them money?" I swear I'm not making this suff up.

Dark Archive

Have you ever wondered why the people who claim to dislike drama are the ones most likely to start it?

Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:
Have you ever wondered why the people who claim to dislike drama are the ones most likely to start it?

Why do you always have to be so cruel?!? CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?!?

All I want is one bite of your brains! You can keep the rest, really!

Mmmmm... Brains...

Scarab Sages

Yeah, what Casper said!

You can have my brain when you pry it from my cold, dead, claws!!!

Gagvoyle wrote:
You can have my brain when you pry it from my cold, dead, claws!!!

It's not legal until you put it in your will. Please do so now.

Dark Archive


Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:

Visa or Mastercard?

Has anyone zeen zee Lord Zecretary of Kicking Azz lately?

Seriously. Is something up with Taig?

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