Hollow's Last Hope (4e)


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Female Human Warlord 2
Thorin 'Thumpy' Ironhands wrote:

"A joke? You mean undead people can laugh?" quavers Thumpy.

"I know vampires can. Of course those laughs are usually of the 'evil, taunting' variety. Whether the dead can actually feel enough to enjoy a joke is for the scholars to debate. I just figure if anyone can make a corpse laugh, it would be our Clovis." She smiles at Thumpy and Clovis.

Female Human Warlord 2

"Felwyst, before you kick the door in, could you do me a favor and knock first? Once again, I want to reiterate, we have no idea this woman's power. It is always best to be nice, until nice does work anymore." Tatsu says to Felwyst.

Male Elf Avenger 4

Felwyst bows to Tatsu, "As you request, Lady." Then he approaches and knocks firmly on the door.

After a moment without response...
Strength check:
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

Male Elf Avenger 4

That looks like it might be another knock. Thumpy, a little assistance please?

"Um, okay."

The dwarf gives the door a shove.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Male Elf Avenger 4
Thorin 'Thumpy' Ironhands wrote:

"Um, okay."

The dwarf gives the door a shove.


You forgot to add half your level.

Oops. Thanks.

male Halfling Chaos Sorcerer/Wild Mage/Deadly Trickster 29

Finally updated Clovis. He's still quite strange.

Male Elf Avenger 4

If the door is locked, I can try Thievery: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Felwyst and Thorin double team the molded door. It's sent off it's hinges and crashes loudly to the old cottage's floor. Year worth of dust is unsettled. Coaking the air the coating everything in a heavy coat.

"Hah ... hah ... Hachoo!" sneezes the dwarf. Stays at the threshold, unwilling to enter first.

male Halfling Chaos Sorcerer/Wild Mage/Deadly Trickster 29

"That's knocking politely? I could have done that..." Clovis heads inside.

"Hi there. Anyone home? Don't mean to trouble you, but we've got ourselves a problem."

He puts on his most beguiling tone and stops just inside the door.

Male Elf Avenger 4

Felwyst gives Tatsu a preemptively abashed look as the door gives way. "Old wood..." he says with a shrug before following Clovis.


male Halfling Chaos Sorcerer/Wild Mage/Deadly Trickster 29

Laz has been having computer issues I believe.

Oh, gotcha.

Female Human Warlord 2

And the world went black.

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