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Sharoth wrote:So what are your favorite SciFi TV series, James?Currently? Lost.
My top five SciFi TV shows of all time would probably be:
1) Lost
2) Battlestar Galactica (the SciFi channel incarnation, not the original)
3) X-Files
4) Twilight Zone
5) Star Trek (Next Gen)
So yeah I stole this from another Thread but James got me thinking what mine were so here goes!
1) Babylon 5
2) Star Trek (TNG)
3) Farscape
4) Dr. Who
5) Alien Nation
Honorable mentions: Sliders, Stargate SG-1, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Quantum Leap.
Here's a good article if you need to look up some... LINK
--Vrocket man!

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1. V
2. Battlestar Galactica (current series).
3. Babylon 5
4. Stargate SG-1
5. Mystery Science Theatre 3000
V was awesome, if a bit of a sleeper. Can't top BSG currently. B5 just felt so different from Star Trek that it always felt fresh. Stargate was that awesome show you watched while insomnia kept you awake at 2 AM. Does MST3000 even count?

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1. BSG (current series)
2. Babylon 5
3. Buck Rogers (hey, I was in love with Erin Grey; first season was great, second season... not so much)
4. Space 1999 (yes, super-70s cheese, but I loved it)
5. ummm... Does BJ and the Bear count? :) No, fine, how about BSG (original series)...
Honorable mention would have to go to Jason of Star Command from Saturday mornings, if only for the excellent name of the main character.
P.S. I always liked Star Trek just kinda okay. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. I could probably put the original series of TNG in at #5, and I probably should just as payback for the abomination that was "Galactica 1980." Eccchhh...
I dunno if I'd call Twilight Zone a sci-fi series. It always seemed more on the edge of horror to me, though often with a sci-fi twist.

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1) Star Trek(TOS,TNG,DS9)
2) Babylon 5
3) X-Files
4) Buffy
5) Starblazers(How many of you can still sing the complete intro?)
For some reason I thought we were going live action, but if we are including cartoons then absolutely Star Blazers FTW, and yes I can still sing the complete intro (Gamilon... I think I'm missing a line or two on the Comet Empire intro).

Tensor |

1. Firefly
2. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
3. The Six Million Dollar Man
4. Star Trek (all)
5. BSG (old & new)

Sol |

1. Firefly (there has never been a funnier, better, cleaner made, every damn episode is great, show made that stand sup in so few episodes).
2. Battlestar Gallatcia (new) - So intense, so well paced, so damn wired (can we say Baltar ala Jesus?). It had to make the creme of the creme.
3. X-Files - sure there were terrible seasons, but it is still a behemoth in the dark sci-fi TV and movie world.
4. Star Trek (inclusive) - where would we all be without the trek?
5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2 Whedon's in the top 5). While I would often not call Buffy sci-fi (except for the occasional robot step-father, military Frankenstein monster, side show freak), it deserves to hit the top 5.

Shadowborn |

1) Manimal
2) Automan
3) The Sentinel
4) Werewolf!
5) Sigmund and the Sea Monsters
You just made milk come out of my nose. Seriously. The scary thing is, I wasn't even drinking milk...where the heck did it come from?!
The great thing about Werewolf was it was identical to the Incredible Hulk, only with a guy that turned hairy instead of green.

Tensor |

I had some posting issues. This is my 2nd try.
1. Firefly
2. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
3. The Six Million Dollar Man
4. Star Trek (all)
5. BSG (old & new)
1. Buffy
2. Xena
3. Highlander
4. Friday the 13th: The Series
5. Land of the Lost

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1. Stargate SG-1
2. Star Trek TNG
3. Highlander
4. V
5. Star Trek TOS
And an honorable mention to The Greatest American Hero (my favorite show as a kid, although I'm sure if I watched it now it wouldn't feel the same) and Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles (not on the air long enough yet to make the list, IMO).

Cotillion |

Hmmmm tough one! I only get five.
In no particular order
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Deep Space Nine
I wish to say that Stargate SG1 (the first three seasons) as well as Space: Above and beyond deserve mention.
What's the call on the show Supernatural? because I'd bump someone off the top five list for that.

Drakli |

#5 The X-Files
#4 Cowboy Bebop
#3 Invader Zim
#2 The Real Ghostbusters *
#1 Dr. Who **
* First season and 1/2 or so.
** Inclusive, though Tennant's my favorite, with Baker a close 2nd.
Yes, I know 3/5s of my list are cartoons. I love animation. Heck, I imagine in animation.
Is it just me or do the good sci-fi shows seem to outnumber the fantasy series? Kind of a shame.
And... of course, the list (Except Dr. Who) is always subject to potential revision. Such is life.

Curaigh |

1) Manimal
2) Automan
3) The Sentinel
4) Werewolf!
5) Sigmund and the Sea Monsters
I think Sean (title character on Psych) has quoted all of these. Can Werewolf be found anywhere?
Star Trek (inclusive: some good some bad)
Firefly (first season only (hah had to be said! :)
The last is a little harder as I have watched them all regularly (or on disc):
Red Dwarf, Hercules/Xena, Battle of the Planets, Smallville, Highlander, Dukes of Hazard,* Knight Rider.

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Krypter wrote:Seldriss wrote:5. The Martian ChroniclesI just read the book. It's a tv show now?I think Fox made a mini-series about 15 years ago...
I don't think it ever made it to debut stage for television, but I could be wrong.
I take it back. It aired in 1980. I must've seen a rerun.