Kruelaid |

No point in allowing poiltics...mods finding it difficult in sticking to the forum rules of not advocating criminal activities over the unlawful execution of Osama.
And if ever there was a reason to ban political threads, we just had it.
Isn't YD hired for entertainment purposes or something? Not sayin' executing Osama was legal or anything though....

Kruelaid |

Agreed...I have just the Plan. Which of the Following two Words best describes your Politics?
Labor*Tazer Charging*
Green communist hemp nazi?

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The new focus feature cuts those useless crappy threads out zombeh. Works well with edition war and mechanics discussion threads too. God knows those need a freakin double flush.
That's good to know. Lord knows there are way to many trolls bringing their negative waves onto our beloved messageboards.

bugleyman |

And....bump once again! Although, to tell the truth, I'd much prefer the entire subject was just banned outright. I hate to say that, but I'm beginning to think it's the only way to restore the boards to their normal insanity.
I was actually thinking things were relatively civil of late. Of course, that might just be moderation.
I think a ban is inevitable, and probably the best course of action for Paizo and the majority of its customers. I, however, would miss the discussions -- though as one can plainly see, I often question their utility.

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We're trying a new approach toward moderation of political and other hot-topic threads like alignment or paladins being jerks or role- vs. roll-playing or whatever. The new approach is basically, keep it on topic. The theory is that threads tend to get more out of control if multiple tangents are pursued simultaneously and the arguments kind of snowball into a giant mess.
I still have hopes that we can have civil, lively, engaging, non-threatening discussions here even for contentious topics. If we can't then maybe we will institute a ban on things our community just can't talk about well. But that feels like admitting defeat and conceding that jerks are a greater force for chaos than the rest of us for having a civil society. And I don't want that.
Now if it turns out that we actually can have political discussions without creating a "here there be a+@++@$s" section of the board, then the chances of us actually making a separate forum for political discussions starts to rise. But there is no way we're making one if it's just going to be full of unrelenting grar.

Patrick Curtin |
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Now if it turns out that we actually can have political discussions without creating a "here there be a#$%+@!s" section of the board, then the chances of us actually making a separate forum for political discussions starts to rise. But there is no way we're making one if it's just going to be full of unrelenting grar.
The problem is, the OTD has become the de facto 'Here there be a***%*~s' section of the board. And the rules trolls are sniffing out a fresh source of grar and moseying their warty asses right on down. For those of us that used to like hanging there, it's a real bummer. And only likely to get worse as campaign season ramps up.
I'd still like a Silliness (or otherwise named) subforum spun off the OTD. Then you can keep the OTD as is, and I can triangle the whole mess up. Problem solved. All you need is to move FAWTL, Untitled and a few of the avatar-centric threads like the poodle thread over, and I think you would see a lot less smnrfing and 'mocking' threads. I know I wouldn't bother anymore. Heck, I wouldn't go near the OTD then with a 39 1/2-foot pole. You did it for technology, why not silly threads?

Patrick Curtin |

Oh,a Politics section wouldn't make people start threads that end up in flame wars.Not at all
Sphar, I am not sure if you are aware of it, but there are currently half-a-dozen flaming political/religious threads currently burning in the Off Topic Discussion forum. This discussion is debating the utility of either segregating those flame-bait threads into their own private section or segregating the non-political OTD threads into an alternate subforum. That is all.

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It would help a lot if focus was not so buggy. You focus a thread, but it does not remove from your option unless you enter the thread. Then it goes away until you get maybe 10-15 new posts, then it comes back. There is no way to get rid of it. Very frustrating.
I'm not really clear on what you're saying. Could you rephrase that, perhaps with specific "go here and click this" directions?

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Time to resurrect this thread. Yeah, I know that we have a "hide" feature now, and the usual advice is "flag it and move on. Problem is, forthe folks who do participate in these political screaming matches, a lot of ill will gets generated, and that seems to spill over into the non-political threads.
So, if we can't have a specific politics section, could we at least ban that crap completely?

Stabatha |

Even though I have strong political views , I don't feel this is the right place to discuss politics. don't forget it's a big political season here in the states, and it looks like a firestorm is on the horizon.
I come here to get away from that stuff, and escape for a few hours.
I vote No < if i get a vote > and if it we get a forum I will not be visiting it
there's my 2 cents :)

Doug OBrien |

Although I'm all for open debate and discussion in the proper arena, I don't understand why Paizo doesn't just implement a "No Politics" policy and delete and any all threads and major topic derails that head in the direction of politics.
After all, this is a business and one based on a hobby people should be focusing on in a positive fashion. Paizo doesn't owe it to us to offer a venue for political debate or for others to get their rocks off by being purposefully negative on the topic.
Deleting the topics would be work for the mods, to be sure, but I would think it would cause less of the problematic and repetitive work than skimming an active cesspool.

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Politics would spill over into non-politics threads, then. The way things are, after an average dweller of OTD is done flaming all those pinko nazi obamist flamingo arab drag queen cyclists found in Politics, he/she has seldom time and strength left to vomit on other, more important, areas of the forum.

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Although I'm all for open debate and discussion in the proper arena, I don't understand why Paizo doesn't just implement a "No Politics" policy and delete and any all threads and major topic derails that head in the direction of politics.
Personally, this is the course of action I would most prefer, and one previously brought up in this thread. Since it always seemed like they wouldn't ban the crap outright, a nice little collapsible section for anyone unintrested to lock it all away in seemed like the best alternative. The "hide" feature helps, but only to not see the threads. The general ill will generated by them, however, seems to leak out a lot. Much like certain douche bags in other sections of the boards.

Ruggs |

Isolation can have the opposite effect, for many of the reasons listed above. Through isolation, you're effectively encouraging a "meeting of like minds." And "creating an advertising board."
This is not always a net positive.
One response that I've seen that does work is to set a tone that that sort of topic is generally unwelcome. ...and then enforce it, firmly but kindly.
I really like the "keep it on topic" response, above.

The Shogun of Harlem |
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These boards are not the place to talk politics, we are supposed to talk about whether or not to power game or role play, what feats work best where, how to build some rediculous movie/comic book character we have seen, or rule questions and the like (you know, to have fun). People are rude when speaking of such things and it is never contained in one spot. It will leak into other areas contaminate this site.
A politics section is a communist plot to pollute this site and its user's precious bodily fluids.

Kobold Catgirl |

Agreed...I have just the Plan. Which of the Following two Words best describes your Politics?
*Tazer Charging*
These two.
Keep fighting the good fight, Aberzombie. But what do we classify as "politics"? Are social justice issues "politics"? How about the "diversity in Pathfinder" threads, then? Not to mention the politically controversial movies/books (haha just kidding nobody posts in the Books subforum, do we even have one of those?). Politics tend to bleed into everything, especially this time of year.

Kobold Catgirl |

I'm not in favor of banning politics completely. I think that ultimately hurts us more than it helps us. I have found several political discussions on these boards to contain perfectly interesting and enlightening portions, and a mindless ban would lose those. You're throwing out a pearl just because there's a moldy oyster around it.
A politics subsection would be nice, though.