The Roleplaying Game

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The Steel Tsar wrote:
The three gems on The Steel Tsar's helm glow like small stars.

Kaelar slams his staff into the middle gem, hoping to shatter it, as a block of ice rises before Mirathan.

Aritha the Tarnished wrote:

Oh you can keep it as a souvenir. It might be too late to put it where it was supposed to end up though. What the capering man did might have completely changed that fate by now.

I hope you have a telekinesis in your array.
She flips the knife in the general direction of Kobold Cleaver.

Kobold Cleaver catches it, and it disappears.

It reappears, floating in front of Lynora.
"You must take it. Hurry."

Emperor7 wrote:
Spring Sapling wrote:
Spring Sapling falls to the trampled earth. Her elk mount nuzzles her prostrate form

E7 pauses in his approach, just before reaching his target.


E7 feels a presence around him

Grandfather. The harlequin cursed me to die again. But he only plays his part in the Green's plan. My spirit has one more task to accomplish...

A long shaft of willow wood tipped with an green glowing spearhead appears in E7's hands

You know what you must do Grandfather. Farewell until the next cycle...

Innocent Blood wrote:
Innocent Blood flies above the fray, ocassionally loosing a green bolt upon the Army of Life. Animal's broken bodies are thrown about, liquefying almost immediately into rancid ooze from the tainted green energy.

Recovering, E7 flies after IB, pelting her with blasts of fire and sunlight.

You shall pay for your crimes, Despoiler!

The Steel Tsar heads for JH, swinging his sword in great arcs


Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Aritha the Tarnished wrote:

Oh you can keep it as a souvenir. It might be too late to put it where it was supposed to end up though. What the capering man did might have completely changed that fate by now.

I hope you have a telekinesis in your array.
She flips the knife in the general direction of Kobold Cleaver.

Kobold Cleaver catches it, and it disappears.

It reappears, floating in front of Lynora.
"You must take it. Hurry."

She takes the knife shuddering at the evil inside it. As if in a trance she begins to walk towards Innocent Blood, following the path Azuri'ith has been making for her.

Spring Sapling wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Spring Sapling wrote:
Spring Sapling falls to the trampled earth. Her elk mount nuzzles her prostrate form

E7 pauses in his approach, just before reaching his target.


E7 feels a presence around him

Grandfather. The harlequin cursed me to die again. But he only plays his part in the Green's play. My spirit has one more task to accomplish...

A long shaft of williow wood tipped with an green glowing spearhead appears in E7's hands

You know what you must do Grandfather. Farewell until the next cycle...

E7 stares at his hands and the weapon he holds. He sheds a tear as he hurls it towards IB.

Fly well Spring Sapling.

The willow wood spear flies through the air, singing a keening song as it splits the air. Innocent Blood turns, her black eyes widening. The shaft transfixes her. She screams and drops to the ground. An explosion rocks the ground when she hits. Her undead army quails and begins to scatter.

The elven man mumbles and waves, and a third of the host of dreams and nightmares fly off to assail the yugoloths, slashing and raking at them with claws and fists that trail every type of elemental energy, and freeze to the touch.
There you go. Just to show we're dealing with you on the level for now...
Kobold Cleaver can probably tell that Aritha is a dragon in elven form, but because of Azran's dual nature - being both and elf AND a dragon, Azran will probably look like an elf to him at the moment, even to true sight.

The Steel Tsar wrote:

The Steel Tsar heads for JH, swinging his sword in great arcs


JH strides towards the Tsar, his eyes as black as the coal beneath the ground, the veins of gold upon his granite skin glowing, and the gems adorning him glistening in the small spots of sunlight.

The Tsar begins to feel the metal surrounding his unholy form being called, drawn to JH and yet drawn apart from itself.

Your skin will not help you Foul Demon. I am the Stone. I am the Metal that surrounds you.

The Steel Tsar staggers and bellows


His sword winks out, leaving only a hilt. He casts it aside, his mailed fists morphing into his trademark buzzsaws. He continues his advance on JH

Prince Azran wrote:

The elven man mumbles and waves, and a third of the host of dreams and nightmares fly off to assail the yugoloths, slashing and raking at them with claws and fists that trail every type of elemental energy, and freeze to the touch.

There you go. Just to show we're dealing with you on the level for now...
Kobold Cleaver can probably tell that Aritha is a dragon in elven form, but because of Azran's dual nature - being both and elf AND a dragon, Azran will probably look like an elf to him at the moment, even to true sight.

"Umm...not them. They're on our side. Infiltrators."

The explosion catches a distracted LJ entirely off guard and she falls to the ground, stunned, the dagger laying beside her.

lynora-Jill wrote:
The explosion catches a distracted LJ entirely off guard and she falls to the ground, stunned, the dagger laying beside her.

Frogskin flies over and grabs the dagger.

"Take it! Or we are doomed!"

The Steel Tsar wrote:
The three gems on The Steel Tsar's helm glow like small stars.

Kaelar slams his staff into the middle gem

Gotta go, I'm being kicked off by my sister.

He waves and shouts and calls them off.
Well, a world with a few less... uh-oh.
He trails off.

Esmerelda runs over and, with her last strength, heals Lynora completely.

Jay Frogskin wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
The explosion catches a distracted LJ entirely off guard and she falls to the ground, stunned, the dagger laying beside her.

Frogskin flies over and grabs the dagger.

"Take it! Or we are doomed!"

"What am I supposed to do with it?" she murmurs, struggling to sit up, and reaching once more for the dagger. "Everything has changed from what I Saw."

lynora-Jill wrote:
The explosion catches a distracted LJ entirely off guard and she falls to the ground, stunned, the dagger laying beside her.


A bloodied squirrel stands guard over the dagger, daring anyone to approach. She chitters with as much force as she can.

EDIT: Ninja'd. The squirrel allows LJ to take the dagger. No one else.

Jack Hammer wrote:

Your skin will not help you Foul Demon. I am the Stone. I am the Metal that surrounds you.


Rents appear in the Steel Tsars' armor. He swings his buzzsaws at JH

Ohhh.... what's she doing here?
Aritha has gone very pale.

Night rises in the west, sweeping up and over the battlefield, a canopy of vast wings, in which there are no moon and stars.

The Bard wrote:

Kaelar slams his staff into the middle gem

The midddle gem shatters with a chime like a huge gong echoing over the field. The Tsar screams:


Somewhere in the darkness burn twin points of red- perhaps baleful stars, or the eyes of something very big...

The Steel Tsar wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

Your skin will not help you Foul Demon. I am the Stone. I am the Metal that surrounds you.


Rents appear in the Steel Tsars' armor. He swings his buzzsaws at JH

JH adjusts his size to match that of the Tsar. The squeal of the buzzsaws upon his granite/metal/encrusted skin is ear-piercing. He drops his stone hammer and grabs the Tsar's wrists with his hands.

Jack Hammer wrote:
The squirrel allows LJ to take the dagger. No one else.

As the squirrel allows LJ to grab the dagger it suddenly shoots up on a column of water. The Giggler reforms and plunges the dagger into Lynora-Jill.

And so the prophecy comes true
That I become the end of you ...

Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
The explosion catches a distracted LJ entirely off guard and she falls to the ground, stunned, the dagger laying beside her.


A bloodied squirrel stands guard over the dagger, daring anyone to approach. She chitters with as much force as she can.

EDIT: Ninja'd. The squirrel allows LJ to take the dagger. No one else.

"What are you doing here, little one? You are supposed to be safely back in the Grove." She touches the squirrel and all of its wounds are healed.

She looks with distaste at the evil dagger in her lap. "I don't understand."

To Kobold Cleaver:
Can you think of any reason why you might have attracted the attention of a very irate, very powerful, force, from practically the beginning of time?

Jack Hammer wrote:

JH adjusts his size to match that of the Tsar. The squeal of the buzzsaws upon his granite/metal/encrusted skin is ear-piercing. He drops his stone hammer and grabs the Tsar's wrists with his hands.

The Steel Tsar attempts to free himself, but is held fast


The Steel Tsar wrote:
The Bard wrote:

Kaelar slams his staff into the middle gem

The midddle gem shatters with a chime like a huge gong echoing over the field. The Tsar screams:


JH smiles at the Tsar.

You didn't like that much, did you?

He calls to one of the remaining gems.

Come to me, Stone.

edited out:

The Giggler wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
The squirrel allows LJ to take the dagger. No one else.

As the squirrel allows LJ to grab the dagger it suddenly shoots up on a column of water. The Giggler reforms and plunges the dagger into Lynora-Jill.

And so the prophecy comes true
That I become the end of you ...

"Not you, you fool!" A raven appears and sends a blast of incredible cold into the Giggler. Any attempts to 'melt' will end in a frozen puddle.

The Giggler wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
The squirrel allows LJ to take the dagger. No one else.

As the squirrel allows LJ to grab the dagger it suddenly shoots up on a column of water. The Giggler reforms and plunges the dagger into Lynora.

And so the prophecy comes true
That I became the end of you ...

She screams as the dagger pierces her heart.

The scream changes into something else entirely, a Song of Life that fills the battlefield. There is a massive eruption of positive energy throughout the battlefield, large beacons of it rising up in the pattern of a spiral galaxy centered on LJ. The pattern begins to swirl bathing the entire area with massive amounts of positive energy.

LJ dissolves into wind. For a moment the wind lingers near JH and he can feel a wave of love and longing before she is gone.

Prince Azran wrote:

To Kobold Cleaver:

Can you think of any reason why you might have attracted the attention of a very irate, very powerful, force, from practically the beginning of time?


Ninja armies approaching!

Uhh, got to go....
Arm in arm with Aritha, the man runs, desperately calling the army to cover his retreat.

Jack Hammer wrote:

He calls to one of the remaining gems.

Come to me, Stone.

The gem rips out of the Steel Tsar's helm


The Night Dragon wrote:

Somewhere in the darkness burn twin points of red- perhaps baleful stars, or the eyes of something very big...

A shocker lizard appears next to them.

"Yippity yappy,
What you doing here dragon?
I is heard of you."

Claws of terror and darkness reach out, smashing through and scattering the patterns rising from the fallen Lynora-Jill.
They snatch at the armies of dreams and nightmares screening the retreat of the pair of apparent elves, and within moments the dreams and nightmares are gone. A primeval screech of rage shakes the battlefield.

The pair of elves reach a portal and escape.

The Night Dragon wrote:

Claws of terror and darkness reach out, smashing through and scattering the patterns rising from the fallen Lynora-Jill.

they snatch at the armies of dreams and nightmares screening the retreat of the pair of apparent elves, and within moments the dreams and nightmares are gone. A primeval screech of rage shakes the battlefield.

"A dragon angered

A war won at a great cost
And I is just watch.

The waves of energy from Lynora-Jill rip through the undead Army of the Damned, vaporizing them. The field clears of the minions of the Black

lynora-Jill wrote:

For a moment the wind lingers near JH and he can feel a wave of love and longing before she is gone.

The feeling is familiar, but JH can't recall where he knows it from. He focuses on the Tsar again.

How can one such as you feel pain? Is it your imagination?

He headbutts the Tsar, aiming the strike at the final gem.

JH currently has a heart of stone. Hence the spark and keep it safe request.

Words -promises- are snarled in an ancient and terrible language, as the baleful stars gaze after the elves.
Then they blink, there is a swirl of noisome and choking air, and darkness disappears, back into the west, withdrawing to a point, and is gone.

Jack Hammer wrote:

He headbutts the Tsar, aiming the strike at the final gem.

The final gem shatters, the glimmering fragments surrounding Jh's head. He suddenly experiences a feeling of the Jack's Clubhouse. He has just shattered the infamous 2,000th post gem the peasant once stole from his brothers. Its power enters him, filling him with Jack energy

NOOO ...

The Tsar staggers, his riven armor buckling further. One buzzsaw hand jams.

E7 lands after IB falls. Knowing that SS's body will not be there he turns to aid the forces of Life. When LJ falls, the wave of energy finishes the job he began so many centuries ago.

He senses the new threat, and turns towards it.

The Yugoloths manage to avoid the positive burst, teleporting out. Kobold Cleaver sighs, and vanishes. Esmerelda and Meepo disappear, Frogskin reluctantly following.
Jack Hammer hears a voice in his head. It's Plantjack. "I am sorry for your loss, Jack Hammer. We are the last Jacks to stand and fight. Now you are the last. Live, for Lynora.
He feels great strength, as the final power of the Cleaver--what's left--flows into him.

And I'm gone. Great playing with ya'll.

The Army of Life, emboldened by the disappearance of the undead, remew their attacks on the Army of Freaks. The ragged carnies begin to fall into panic

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