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Alaina, priestess of Calistria wrote:

Alaina emerges from the portal and heads directly to Ash.

You and me have some unfinished business 'friend'...

Alaina uncoils her Wasp whip and streaks it over to the Erinyes' wings, taking feathers off

Oh, so that's how you want to play, is it? Well, then two can play at that game, she says with a smirk, dropping a small device. In a matter of moments there are two Ashaundra's, perfect copies of each other.

The Bookkeeper wrote:
The hag quickly conjures up a half dozen shades to protect her from the coming assault, and tries to move even more quickly to the end of the ritual.

Shades? Is that the best you can do?

WJ begins wading thru the shades, his holy axe cleaving thru the insubstantial forms as if they were solid. They hardly slow him as he rushes to the hag.

*He begins singing in Celestial* Shades and spooks, and nutty kooks. Time to die, Time to fry. The Sun's Light touching the land and the sky.

Devlyn closes the distance, noting the proliferation of dark, flitting things around the altar as Jack, Alaina and WJ engage Ashaundra and the hag. He notes that the masked one is holding back, probably waiting for more of them to come through.

"I have a score to settle too," Poetry says to Ash, her rapier flashing. She slashes at the devil, slashing a bloody gash across her abdomen.

The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.

Allura summons up the divine power within her and sends a stream of roilling acid at the Bookkeeper, striking the hag in her shoulder.

Ashaundra wrote:

Oh, so that's how you want to play, is it? Well, then two can play at that game, she says with a smirk, dropping a small device. In a matter of moments there are two Ashaundra's, perfect copies of each other.

More to kill b1tch.

Starts to lay into both copies with abandon, insectile whip snapping and striking with poisoned stinger into both Ashes.

Ashaundra wrote:

Ash steps forward, drawing her flaming scimitar as she squares off with Jack Hammer.

Bring it, big guy, she says saucily

JH tries to respond but it only comes out in a roar, as the spirit of the Lion King accepts the challenge. The double Ash causes a bit of a pause, but is overcome with a quick use of True Seeing.

Guess the cat got his tongue. ;)

He swings with his hammer and alternates with blows from his clenched fist. The flames of the scimitar cut and burn his fist as he attacks and Ash parries. He seems oblivious to the pain. With each hit of the hammer a wave of positive energy is released in a 5' radius.

Though oblivious to them, his new wounds slowly begin to close as the fast healing kicks in. Still sap seems to pour from the deeper slashes. He doesn't focus on defense. He seems focussed on pummeling Ash into the ground.

The Bookkeeper wrote:
The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.


Devlyn is going to get within 30 feet of the altar area, and scan with the amulet of true sight. If there are no wards, he's going in for the kill. I don't want to step on anybody's toes with this, on the faint chance that it actually works, so let me know if that won't work for you. I have another idea that might, just in case... :)

The Bookkeeper wrote:
The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.

The shades scored a few hits but the celestial armor is strong in positive energy. The robots though, they will give the hag time. Time he cannot afford to give. He has failed twice before. He will not do so again.

He hurls his axe as hard as he can, aiming for the tome, hoping to break the ritual. And leaving only his hard fists and his armor to fend off the robots.

The Seductress wrote:
Allura summons up the divine power within her and sends a stream of roilling acid at the Bookkeeper, striking the hag in her shoulder.

The hag shrieks in pain and summons forth more shades to harry Allura as she tries to complete the ritual in spite of her wounds.

Warforged Jack wrote:
The Bookkeeper wrote:
The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.

The shades scored a few hits but the celestial armor is strong in positive energy. The robots though, they will give the hag time. Time he cannot afford to give. He has failed twice before. He will not do so again.

He hurls his axe as hard as he can, aiming for the tome, hoping to break the ritual. And leaving only his hard fists and his armor to fend off the robots.

There is a wave of negative energy released as WJ's axe pierces the book, cutting it in twain.


Now that the book has been destroyed there are no further wards. Go ahead.

The Bookkeeper wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

On it...

Devlyn Shadow Jumps in behind the hag, ramming his blade through the base of her skull. He then gets between the Masked Titan and the altar/body parts, keeping his scent and blindsight peeled for anything outside his field of view, and simply tells her:


readies action, for what it's worth... :)

Ash is reeling from her wounds, both of her. She tries to planar shift but she can't get enough space to cast the spell. For the first time, the Erinyes starts to panic. She isn't going to make it. Well, so be it then. She was going to do everything in her power to take Lyn's boyfriend with her. She unleased a flurry of powerful attacks against JH, putting all the force of her smite good behind it.

The Bookkeeper wrote:
Warforged Jack wrote:
The Bookkeeper wrote:
The hag shrieks as she sees how close the dwarf has come. Her creatures didn't even slow him. In desperation she tossed down a handful of pellets. The pellets unrolled and grew until there were several robots standing there. They were not substantial protectors, but hopefully they would buy her a few precious seconds.

The shades scored a few hits but the celestial armor is strong in positive energy. The robots though, they will give the hag time. Time he cannot afford to give. He has failed twice before. He will not do so again.

He hurls his axe as hard as he can, aiming for the tome, hoping to break the ritual. And leaving only his hard fists and his armor to fend off the robots.

There is a wave of negative energy released as WJ's axe pierces the book, cutting it in twain.

The strong wave seems to bypass the armor's protection, and has an unexpected affect on the dwarf. He is knocked on his feet, and begins to obviously age. He is vulnerable to both the robots and the few remaining shades.

Seeing that Ash is distracted by JH, Poetry slips in behind her and stabs her with the rapier. Then she reaches in and uses her death touch attack on the eyrine.

The bookkeeper may be dead, but the shades continue to attack Allura, Devlyn, and WJ, and the robots divide equally between WJ and Devlyn, shooting a constant stream of bullets with questionable aim. One of the bullets grazes LJ's leg.

The Exchange

Angel arrives for the battle late and fires her crossbow at Ash. The bolt hits the woman square in the chest. It explodes and releases a wave of frost across the woman's chest.

Angel's stats are up.

The Assassin wrote:
Seeing that Ash is distracted by JH, Poetry slips in behind her and stabs her with the rapier. Then she reaches in and uses her death touch attack on the eyrine.

One of the Ashes falls down dead while the other continues to press her attack against JH.

The remaining Ash screams as the frosty bolt hits her, but still stands, through gravely wounded.

Ashaundra wrote:
Ash is reeling from her wounds, both of her. She tries to planar shift but she can't get enough space to cast the spell. For the first time, the Erinyes starts to panic. She isn't going to make it. Well, so be it then. She was going to do everything in her power to take Lyn's boyfriend with her. She unleased a flurry of powerful attacks against JH, putting all the force of her smite good behind it.

JH returns the blows in force, hoping to keep the slippery one from casting of any kind. Her counterstrikes feel a bit odd, but his mind is full of blood rage again. 'She shall not harm our mates' the three voices in his head seem to scream as one.

There is no surrender or escape. There is only fail or succeed.

The 'memories' of 20 years of pain from his 'last failure' fill him with power and purpose.

The onslaught of blows is finally too much for the Erinyes, and she crumples to the ground in a bloody heap.

Allura summons an Elemental Vortex to deal with the rest of the Bookkeeper's shades. The whirling vortex of elemental chaos batters the shades.

The Bookkeeper wrote:
The bookkeeper may be dead, but the shades continue to attack Allura, Devlyn, and WJ, and the robots divide equally between WJ and Devlyn, shooting a constant stream of bullets with questionable aim. One of the bullets grazes LJ's leg.

Warforged lacks the strength to defend himself. His magical protections have failed from the blast of the evil book. The robots and shades overwhelm him. He ceases to struggle. His enemies turn to focus on live threats, leaving a battered ancient dwarf with a snow white beard laying in a pool of blood.

As he dies, he whispers Jack. I wish to be named Jack.

The Bookkeeper wrote:
The bookkeeper may be dead, but the shades continue to attack Allura, Devlyn, and WJ, and the robots divide equally between WJ and Devlyn, shooting a constant stream of bullets with questionable aim. One of the bullets grazes LJ's leg.

Why am I having visions of the scene at the end of The Mummy... ah well :P

"Don't give up yet, WJ!!!"
Devlyn calls on the power of his Mantle and unleashes a Mass Heal to help his allies (most notably Warforged Jack and Lynora-Jill at the moment) and finish off the shades.

After that, he calls on the Mantle again and engages a Haste effect, and starts shredding whatever gets near, always being aware of the Masked Titan's actions and location (as best he can be).

The shades and robots fall easily under the attacks. But the pieces of the goddess are still trying to coalesce into a solid form.

The 'heal' has done LJ a world of good. Her wound closes up as do the injuries inflicted by the shackles. She is still unconscious, but her color is better and she looks like she is starting to come around.

The Bookkeeper wrote:
The shades and robots fall easily under the attacks. But the pieces of the goddess are still trying to coalesce into a solid form.

"Oh like hell you will!!!" Devlyn shouts at the eerily moving body parts.

Devlyn switches carving the coalescing pieces apart again.

"Somebody get her out of those shackles and away from these things now!! We've got to keep them separated long enough to destroy them or scatter them!"

JH rushes to the altar, dripping sap as several of his wounds refuse to seal over. He begins swinging with all of his strength at the chains holding Lyn.

*The lion voice again* Chains! We do not like to be chained!

With each strike of the hammer the head tries to bite at the chains as well.

"Hold very still," Allura tells LJ. Summoning up her strength, she uses her dragon breath spell to create streams of electricity to shatter the mannacles.

The Exchange

With a mighty roar, Angel once again takes her true draconic form and breathes a cloud of icy breath at the pieces of the dark goddess. The pieces become entombed in chunks of ice, which serve to keep them seperated.

Liberty's Edge

Ashaundra wrote:
The onslaught of blows is finally too much for the Erinyes, and she crumples to the ground in a bloody heap.

Ethisa rushes to Ash's body. This is not the end," she says. Lifting the eyrine's broken body she summons a portal to take the two of them to the Carnival of Shadows.

The manacles finally break and LJ breathes a sigh of relief as her arms and legs are finally able to relax and she can shift her weight off of her wings.

Jack Hammer, she whispers as her eyes finally open. I was so afraid I would never see you again.

Angel of Violence wrote:
With a mighty roar, Angel once again takes her true draconic form and breathes a cloud of icy breath at the pieces of the dark goddess. The pieces become entombed in chunks of ice, which serve to keep them seperated.

The Dales-cicle looks at Angel through the ice, slightly miffed at the lack of warning... :)

Just Kidding...the image made me laugh though! :)
Devlyn springs out of the way at the last second, making sure nothing joins up before the ice entombs the parts

Alrighty - time for my commute home. Not sure if I have to take my sweety out to get more medicine or not, so I dont' know if I'll be able to log back in when I get home. He'll stick with the group unless something specific happens to demand otherwise. I'll try to hop back on in an hour or so! :)

lynora-Jill wrote:

The manacles finally break and LJ breathes a sigh of relief as her arms and legs are finally able to relax and she can shift her weight off of her wings.

Jack Hammer, she whispers as her eyes finally open. I was so afraid I would never see you again.

Losing you once was too much to bear. I was not going to let it happen again.

Are you OK?

I'm also heading home. I'll see you all tomorrow.

Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:

The manacles finally break and LJ breathes a sigh of relief as her arms and legs are finally able to relax and she can shift her weight off of her wings.

Jack Hammer, she whispers as her eyes finally open. I was so afraid I would never see you again.

Losing you once was too much to bear. I was not going to let it happen again.

Are you OK?

What do you mean, losing me once? she asks, confused. She tries to sit up, but is still too weak and shaky to manage it.

I guess I'm still a little shaky. They stripped away the divine power that SunnyG gave me, and they weren't exactly nice about it. Oh, her eyes widen in alarm, you're hurt.
She tries to cast a healing spell, but doesn't have the energy to make it work. She is practically ready to cry in frustration.
I can't fix it right now. I'm so sorry.

lynora-Jill wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:

The manacles finally break and LJ breathes a sigh of relief as her arms and legs are finally able to relax and she can shift her weight off of her wings.

Jack Hammer, she whispers as her eyes finally open. I was so afraid I would never see you again.

Losing you once was too much to bear. I was not going to let it happen again.

Are you OK?

What do you mean, losing me once? she asks, confused. She tries to sit up, but is still too weak and shaky to manage it.

I guess I'm still a little shaky. They stripped away the divine power that SunnyG gave me, and they weren't exactly nice about it. Oh, her eyes widen in alarm, you're hurt.
She tries to cast a healing spell, but doesn't have the energy to make it work. She is practically ready to cry in frustration.
I can't fix it right now. I'm so sorry.

Don't worry about me.

Helping Lyn sit up, JH surveys the wreckage. The wounded, the dead, the bits of the goddess entombed in mid-air, the split tome with the axe laying btwn the pieces, and finally his eyes find the still form of Warforged.

Oh noo...

Now that she was upright she could see the mess that was left on the battlefield. The old hag was dead. She certainly wasn't sorry about that. She turned her head to see what was wrong when she heard JH's sound of dismay. She didn't bother trying to stop the tears as she saw WJ's body.

No. He was always so kind to me. And he tried so hard to protect me. He deserved better than this.

Looking back to the split tome and WJ's axe

He stopped her...

On his way to somewhere else the flunkie pauses in his scuttle across the thread. He surveys the scene - The dead hag, the frozen chunks of flesh, the broken warforged, and the split book. The latter seems to cause him some alarm.

The book? Someone broke the book and let what was in there out? Uh. Not good. Uh, not good to the extent of exactly what a resident of the Palace of Skulls really *wanted* that to happen, but only a champion of good could do it. I just hope someone's taken care of that creepy undead aasimar sidekick of his, or this could be REAL trouble. At least when what was in the book was trapped in the book the powers of evil could access it for advice but not gain any more use from it.

Her eyes went from the broken form of Warforged Jack to the broken book to the frozen pieces of goddess.
They were almost done with the ritual. It would have taken mere moments. All they needed was my blood and they would have been able to resurrect the goddess. She spoke softly, trying to deal with the horror of realizing how close a call it had been.

<The Witch Hunter General's Flunkie shakes his head once again, then scuttles off out of the thread, keeping on glancing back over his shoulder at the broken book as he goes.>

lynora-Jill wrote:

Her eyes went from the broken form of Warforged Jack to the broken book to the frozen pieces of goddess.

They were almost done with the ritual. It would have taken mere moments. All they needed was my blood and they would have been able to resurrect the goddess. She spoke softly, trying to deal with the horror of realizing how close a call it had been.

Looks like I have a few minutes. I'll see what I can do with that :)

Devlyn turns at her words, wishing that he didn't have to interrupt them, but still saying gently:

"But they didn't, and you're safe now. You two should go some place safe and rest. We can take care of the rest and find a more permanent solution to this" glancing back to the frozen pieces of the goddess then stepping away from them so they can have some privacy.

The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn turns at her words, wishing that he didn't have to interrupt them, but still saying gently:

"But they didn't, and you're safe now. You two should go some place safe and rest. We can take care of the rest and find a more permanent solution to this" glancing back to the frozen pieces of the goddess then stepping away from them so they can have some privacy.

Put her somewhere with lots of positive energy. Those, she nods towards the frozen pieces are basically undead since her life energy is still trapped inside my blood. Positive energy should render the pieces dormant if not destroying them altogether. Maybe putting them somewhere with lots of positive energy and then smashing them...

lynora-Jill wrote:
Put her somewhere with lots of positive energy. Those, she nods towards the frozen pieces are basically undead since her life energy is still trapped inside my blood. Positive energy should render the pieces dormant if not destroying them altogether. Maybe putting them somewhere with lots of positive energy and then smashing them...

"Got it - lots of positive energy. I think we can take care of that."

Both Pat and David are out for the night, and they are the only ones with enough positive energy to lay down that would work. Do we want to wait until they are back to finish this? I have to sign off in half an hour anyway. What do you think would be best?

board acting weird...can you guys see my last post about what to do with the goddess?

Edit: well, the Dalesman can at least :)

Suddenly, the raven appears.
"Hmm. This was unexpected. But this is not a bad thing."
Before anybody can react, he grabs the book. The pieces of the goddess rise up magically.
"This will be interesting."
It all disappears, along with the raven.
"Very interesting indeed."
If you guys don't want this to happen, I can change my plan. Otherwise, he will keep these. Or I can change it so he only takes half of them.

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