DM Dave's Second Darkness


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Uathach of Iomedae wrote:
"So...Saul where might this new employee be...what position is she interviewing for, and what are you looking for in her?"

"She is interviewing to be a greeter," Saul says. "Manly you just need to decide if she would be a good fit for us. She should be here any minute"

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1

Okay, so all but Uathach are headed out to investigate the blot, right? We should probably go have a talk with the cyphermages to see what they know about it. Perhaps a DM'ed Caladan can take the lead on this, as he was the one asking Saul last night about the blot?

A few minutes after the others leave, a stunning red haired half-elf walks into the Gold Goblin. "I'm Samaritha Beldusk," she says. "I've come about the greeter position.

The rest of the gang
The trip to the Cypher Lodge is convoluted and long, since it sits on the other side of the river from the Gold Goblin and Riddleport has no bridges. However, after about an hour and a half, you stand in the shadow of the Cyphergate. Knocking on the great doors elicites a prompt response, and the door is opened by a middleaged woman with glasses, wearing a green and gold gown. "May I help you," she says.

Imagine her with a snooty British accent

DM Dave wrote:


A few minutes after the others leave, a stunning red haired half-elf walks into the Gold Goblin. "I'm Samaritha Beldusk," she says. "I've come about the greeter position.

"Well met Lady Beldusk" Uathach says as he begins to scrutinize her with detect evil. "What brings you to the Golden Goblin looking for work?"

"Well, I came here looking for work," she says. "I had hoped to become a Cyphermage but none of them are taking apprentices as of now. I need work to be able to live until I can become an apprentice."

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1
DM Dave wrote:

The rest of the gang

The trip to the Cypher Lodge is convoluted and long, since it sits on the other side of the river from the Gold Goblin and Riddleport has no bridges. However, after about an hour and a half, you stand in the shadow of the Cyphergate. Knocking on the great doors elicites a prompt response, and the door is opened by a middleaged woman with glasses, wearing a green and gold gown. "May I help you," she says.

Imagine her with a snooty British accent

Branth waits for Raoh or someone with a bit more social grace to take the lead.

did I detect any evil on her?

"Cyphermage eh? Trying to figure out that gate?"

No, you do not detect any evil.
"Well that is my hope, eventually," the girl tells you. "Right now though, I just want to figure out how I'm going to eat and where I'm going to live."

DM Dave wrote:
** spoiler omitted **"Well that is my hope, eventually," the girl tells you. "Right now though, I just want to figure out how I'm going to eat and where I'm going to live."

"Well for eating, I'll buy you lunch (breakfast? dinner?)" Uathach calls for a barwench. "If Saul hires you, as he did with us, perhaps he'll give you a room as well."

Raoh acknowledes the lovely woman with a nod, "Good day, I'm showing my friends here around Riddleport and thought no place better than your grand lodge. Plus I think a few of them have an interest in the Blot and would like to ask a few questions while here"

Uathach of Iomedae wrote:
DM Dave wrote:
** spoiler omitted **"Well that is my hope, eventually," the girl tells you. "Right now though, I just want to figure out how I'm going to eat and where I'm going to live."
"Well for eating, I'll buy you lunch (breakfast? dinner?)" Uathach calls for a barwench. "If Saul hires you, as he did with us, perhaps he'll give you a room as well."

"That would be excellent," she says. "Do you think I'll be hired?"

Raoh wrote:
Raoh acknowledes the lovely woman with a nod, "Good day, I'm showing my friends here around Riddleport and thought no place better than your grand lodge. Plus I think a few of them have an interest in the Blot and would like to ask a few questions while here"

"We are quite busy," the women says. "However, I guess we could find someone who can answer your questions. Follow me." She leads the way, to a finely appointed parlor. "Please wait here," the woman says.

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1
DM Dave wrote:
Raoh wrote:
Raoh acknowledes the lovely woman with a nod, "Good day, I'm showing my friends here around Riddleport and thought no place better than your grand lodge. Plus I think a few of them have an interest in the Blot and would like to ask a few questions while here"
"We are quite busy," the women says. "However, I guess we could find someone who can answer your questions. Follow me." She leads the way, to a finely appointed parlor. "Please wait here," the woman says.

Branth is clearly uncomfortable in the refined room. She wanders over to a small, ornate table where tea cups and thin, fragile plates are arranged. Turning to Raoh with an expression somewhere between a grin and a grimace, she asks, "Care for a spot of tea, Raoh?" in a poorly-rendered mockery of the woman's snooty accent.

Male Human Rogue 1

Looking aroun Bron begins to assess the surroundings. he wonders if there are any riches ripe for the picking in here or maybe some magical item of unknown power he thinks to himself. He wonders the room and looks for anything that might be just that
Perception (1d20+4=20)

"The final decision will be Saul's of course, so how are you with people? can you read people's intentions, able to sense their motives to alert us if someone might be trouble?"

"Sorry, my talents extend to transmutation, not divination," she tells you. "I can hold my own in a fight though, if I have to."

Bron Islar wrote:

Looking aroun Bron begins to assess the surroundings. he wonders if there are any riches ripe for the picking in here or maybe some magical item of unknown power he thinks to himself. He wonders the room and looks for anything that might be just that

Perception (1d20+4=20)

The room seems distinctivly void of anything worth stealing. It almost seems like it was intentionally set up that way.

"This place is real cozy. I wouldn't mind renting a room here, but at the rate they charge... I'll pass" Raoh walks around the lodge taking in the scenery.

"Once we're done her we can head for the gate. Or tour threw the some of the residential areas."

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1

"Gah! I hate waiting in this place!" exclaims Branth in an outburst of sudden anger. She clenches a fist and looks like she is ready to hit something, smash some teacups, or otherwise do something that she might regret after her flaring temper subsides.

Male Human Rogue 1

Looking over at Branth, Bron cant help but smile and mutters "Hehe my shes a fiesty one though wouldnt want to get on her bad side" he then heads back over to the group and puts his back against the wall and waits for the lady to return

The door opens again and in walks a middle aged man with balding red hair. "I am Argentus Blakely," he says. "I understand you have questions about the Blot."

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1

As the man enters and introduces himself, Branth blurts out, "Damn right we've got questions about the Blot! Any idea what it is? Where it comes from?" She speaks rapidly, getting worked up, and moves towards the man as she does. "Who's behind it? What's going on? Lots of strange things've been happening, and I'm getting fed up!" She seems to be losing it, and has really gotten in the man's personal space by the end of this rant.

Intimidate = 1d20+5 = 22

She's not consciously trying to intimidate the man, but she's irritable this morning and doesn't like the stuffiness of the lodge, so she's edgy and unpleasant. ;)

"Transmuter eh? I suppose that makes sense, why not just be a spell-for-hire then? even the loweliest of spells I'm sure will get you more in a day than working as a greeter for a bar..."

Branth Bummugboar wrote:

As the man enters and introduces himself, Branth blurts out, "Damn right we've got questions about the Blot! Any idea what it is? Where it comes from?" She speaks rapidly, getting worked up, and moves towards the man as she does. "Who's behind it? What's going on? Lots of strange things've been happening, and I'm getting fed up!" She seems to be losing it, and has really gotten in the man's personal space by the end of this rant.

Intimidate = 1d20+5 = 22

She's not consciously trying to intimidate the man, but she's irritable this morning and doesn't like the stuffiness of the lodge, so she's edgy and unpleasant. ;)

"The Blot seems to be a magical side effect of another spell. Some sort of convergence of magical focus. I have used magic to examine it up close, and despite an unnatural coldness in the interior, it appears to be no more dangerous then an ordinary cloud. It does seem to grow and shrink in connection with the tides however," Blakely says.

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
DM Dave wrote:
"The Blot seems to be a magical side effect of another spell. Some sort of convergence of magical focus. I have used magic to examine it up close, and despite an unnatural coldness in the interior, it appears to be no more dangerous then an ordinary cloud. It does seem to grow and shrink in connection with the tides however," Blakely says.

"And nobody has any idea what spell is causing it? Or who may be responsible?" Caladan asks with a slight frown.

If it fluctuates with the tides, then perhaps it is some kind of natural event thinks the half-elf to himself, although something about the dark stain makes him very uneasy.

Uathach of Iomedae wrote:
"Transmuter eh? I suppose that makes sense, why not just be a spell-for-hire then? even the loweliest of spells I'm sure will get you more in a day than working as a greeter for a bar..."

"I have been offered many jobs that would pay better than this," the half-elf says. "Let's just say I'm looking for something that will allow me to maintain my virtue, if you get my meaning."

DM Dave wrote:
It does seem to grow and shrink in connection with the tides however," Blakely says.

So kinda like the tides rise and fall with the moon, right?

Raoh wrote:
DM Dave wrote:
It does seem to grow and shrink in connection with the tides however," Blakely says.
So kinda like the tides rise and fall with the moon, right?

"Exactly," Blakely says.

"Very well" Uathach scrutinizes her once more...

"Saul, I sense no lies or evil in her motives or speech, if you wish to hire her, up to you sir."

Male Human Rogue 1

Bron felt uneasy while everyone talked to Argentus. Tides, moon, he didn't quite understand what they were talking about, but what caught his mind so to speak was that the blot was a by product of another spell. Stepping forward off the wall Bron says " So let me get this straight, the blot was an after affect of a spell and that it seems to be effected by the tides?"

Bron reiterated Caladan's question " What kinda of spell and who cast it would leave such a mark?"

"I wish I could tell you that," Argentus says. "Unfortunately I have not been able to discerne the spell or it's source. For all I know it could be something tied to our own attempts to use magic to discover the secrets of the Cypher Gate."

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1

Branth boggles at the man's words. "You mean the Cyphermages could be responsible for the damn thing, but you don't even know? How irresponsible!" She rolls her eyes in irritation and mutters to herself some curses about magic. After this, she blurts out, "Can't anything be done?"

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
DM Dave wrote:
"I wish I could tell you that," Argentus says. "Unfortunately I have not been able to discerne the spell or it's source. For all I know it could be something tied to our own attempts to use magic to discover the secrets of the Cypher Gate."

Caladan ponders Argentus's words, his fingers absently cradling the holy symbol hanging around his neck.

"Has there been any attempt to use divination? There must have. Either by yourselves or the priests of the town. If it may have been caused by somebody here in Riddleport..." he breaks off, shaking his head slightly. "Falling rocks, unnatural weather, it wont be long before people are hurt."

Caladan Delathia wrote:

Caladan ponders Argentus's words, his fingers absently cradling the holy symbol hanging around his neck.

"Has there been any attempt to use divination? There must have. Either by yourselves or the priests of the town. If it may have been caused by somebody here in Riddleport..." he breaks off, shaking his head slightly. "Falling rocks, unnatural weather, it wont be long before people are hurt."

"But lets say the cyphermages already tried divining, and failed. What would you suggest to find what's causing the blot?"

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
Raoh wrote:
"But lets say the cyphermages already tried divining, and failed. What would you suggest to find what's causing the blot?"

Caladan gives a rueful smile and a slight shrug in response to Raoh's question.

"I wish I knew," he answers. "When we became aware of the blot over Riddleport, it seemed sensible for my master to send me here to investigate. I'm afraid that, now I'm here, I find myself at a loss as to what I should do..."

I don't know how well I'll be able to get on-line and involved for awhile. I've been having problems with my internet connectivity, and the touchpad on my laptop has stopped working about half the time, so even when I can get on-line it's hit or miss on whether I can actually do anything. Sorry.

DM Dave wrote:
I don't know how well I'll be able to get on-line and involved for awhile. I've been having problems with my internet connectivity, and the touchpad on my laptop has stopped working about half the time, so even when I can get on-line it's hit or miss on whether I can actually do anything. Sorry.

d'oh that's the SUCK!

I had a problem with my net connection for a bit also...

Scarab Sages

DM Dave wrote:
I don't know how well I'll be able to get on-line and involved for awhile. I've been having problems with my internet connectivity, and the touchpad on my laptop has stopped working about half the time, so even when I can get on-line it's hit or miss on whether I can actually do anything. Sorry.

you can always get a little USB mouse to use instead of the touchpad, I hate the touchpad on I usea trackball.

Alright, let's move on, unless anyone has any more questions fr the Cyphermage.

Night falls and the Gold Goblin is bustling with crowds. The no weapons policy hasn't been an issue, if anything there are more people here as a result. A few hours into the night, Saul calls you up to the catwalk. "See that man there?" he says, pointing to a large man with short brown hair. The rest of the patrons are giving him a wide berth. "That's Clegg Zincher, our biggest rival. I want you to keep an eye on him and see if you can figure out what he's doing here."

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
DM Dave wrote:

Alright, let's move on, unless anyone has any more questions fr the Cyphermage.

Night falls and the Gold Goblin is bustling with crowds. The no weapons policy hasn't been an issue, if anything there are more people here as a result. A few hours into the night, Saul calls you up to the catwalk. "See that man there?" he says, pointing to a large man with short brown hair. The rest of the patrons are giving him a wide berth. "That's Clegg Zincher, our biggest rival. I want you to keep an eye on him and see if you can figure out what he's doing here."

Caladan nods once. "I'll keep an eye on him through the night," he promises quietly. "If he's up to anything improper, I'll see it."

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2

In case it's needed for the evening:

Perception check watching Clegg Zincher. (1d20+9= 15 (17 if sight/sound))

Hmm, perhaps Caladan was a trifle overconfident..

Raoh walks amongst the crowd making sure no ones up to anything. He greets them and gets to know them.

Perception 1d20+4=24, WOHO critical perception!

Scrutinizes Clegg with detect evil. I will also look around to see if anyone, besides us, is watching him. I'll take 20 for that if possible, I'm taking my time.

Male Human Rogue 1

Bron keeps a watchful eye near the main entrance and exit to cut off any kind of retreat that might be made from that way if trouble does arise Perception (1d20+4=11)

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1

Perception: 1d20-1 = 0

lol--not the most astute individual, this Branth.

Branth tries to pay attention to the big man that Saul indicated, but keeps getting distracted by all the people coming in and out of the front door where she is posted.

Uathach gets the sense that Clegg is most definately evil. However, It does not seem to anyone that he is activly up to no good. In fact to Raoh, it appears that he might intentionally be losing.

Branth Bummugboar wrote:

Perception: 1d20-1 = 0

lol--not the most astute individual, this Branth.

Branth tries to pay attention to the big man that Saul indicated, but keeps getting distracted by all the people coming in and out of the front door where she is posted.

Checking out the wallpaper Branth? Or are you near-sighted?

Raoh walk up to the table Clegg is playing at. "How's everyone doing tonight", he greets the players.

"How about I go and the table some drinks, looks like we have some big spenders here".

Sense motive 1d20+4=17; Trying to discern by Cleggs body language why he's losing.

Female Half-Orc Barbarian (Favored) 1

I'll be on a trip from 3/14 until 3/21. Sorry for the absence. DM Dave, please DMNPC Branth while I'm gone. Her tactics are basically intimidate, attack, rage, repeat. Thanks.

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