"That's good Saul, that's good."
"Where will you go? We do need to get Therik and his family out of here"
"I have family in Sandpoint and Korvosa," Saul says. "I will most likely go to one of those places."
"Well while you two hammer out the details why don't the rest of us get a bite to eat. I'm sure the family could use some grub too"
Male Human Rogue 1
Bron looks over at Raoh and smiles " Now thats the smartest thing I've heard all day . Well played Raoh. I havent eatten in what feels like days"
"Then lets go. I'm sure Uta and Saul have much to plan. And I could go for one of the Goblin's mouth water steaks"
"let's have a bite to eat while we talk Saul"
You eat and discuss plans. Finally Saul agrees to let the family stay there until Uathach can arrange to get them out of town. He also tells you that he needs a few days to get his affairs in order before he leaves.
"So Uta just how do you plan to get the folks otta here?"
Uathach will leave for a little while and try to find out if that riverboat is available again...watching to make sure he's not followed...even stopping around corners etc.
so we can get to the next part of the adventure =D
"Always a pleasure to do buisness with holy folks," the captain says. "They never try and cheat you." The young family is on their way, but Saul insists on staying behind to finish getting his affairs in order. A few days later he comes to you, excited.
"I know how we can get the bosses off our backs forever," he says. "One of my contacts told me that they are having a big meeting out in the boneyard. There will be no bodyguards, just the bosses themselves. If you head out there and talk things over with them, maybe tell them I'm leaving town, you could work out a deal with them."
"I uh, wouldn't say that about followers of Rovagug..." Uathach says to the ship captain. "Thank you, I'll contact you in the future, if I have more refugees sir.
"The boneyard...to talk..."
Sense Motive on Saul
"I hope if doesn't come to blood then Saul, they will most likely just transfer their anger to us, then you. Which of course, will be good for you...and bad for them" Uathach laughs...
XP for the last couple encounters
Male Human Rogue 1
Bron listens with slight intrest before asking " So when does this meeting take place again and what kind of a plan should we set up"
"Between the Blot and this I wonder what else fate has in store for us"
Uathach of Iomedae wrote: "I hope if doesn't come to blood then Saul, they will most likely just transfer their anger to us, then you. Which of course, will be good for you...and bad for them" Uathach laughs...
XP for the last couple encounters
600 for Caladan and Uathach, 400 for everyone else.
Bron Islar wrote: Bron listens with slight intrest before asking " So when does this meeting take place again and what kind of a plan should we set up" "The meeting is tomorrow night," Saul says. "I would rather not know what king of plan you have."
DM Dave wrote: Uathach of Iomedae wrote: "I hope if doesn't come to blood then Saul, they will most likely just transfer their anger to us, then you. Which of course, will be good for you...and bad for them" Uathach laughs...
XP for the last couple encounters 600 for Caladan and Uathach, 400 for everyone else. What XP table are we using? since I'm at 1320 now, I think that's L2 on the fast table.
Uathach of Iomedae wrote: DM Dave wrote: Uathach of Iomedae wrote: "I hope if doesn't come to blood then Saul, they will most likely just transfer their anger to us, then you. Which of course, will be good for you...and bad for them" Uathach laughs...
XP for the last couple encounters 600 for Caladan and Uathach, 400 for everyone else. What XP table are we using? since I'm at 1320 now, I think that's L2 on the fast table. We re using the fast table. 1300 is L2 on the fast table, so you should indeed be there.
"I'm not much for planning. If anything we should just be prepared incase this meeting turns ugly"
If know one has anything to do Raoh returns home and tinkers with gadget, and comes back rested for tomorrow.
Uathach could use some rest before the meeting...if there's time
There should be time for a rest and for Raoh to work on his projects. Just for Raoh's reference, three weeks have passed since the start of the adventure. I would suggest making some kind of a plan before we begin the next encounter.
"Perhaps we should scout the location before the meeting."
"I would not put it past these scoundrels to attempt to kill the lot of us."
DM Dave wrote: There should be time for a rest and for Raoh to work on his projects. Just for Raoh's reference, three weeks have passed since the start of the adventure. I would suggest making some kind of a plan before we begin the next encounter. Yikes! I'll make post some rolls for you than. Post to come later tonight
Male Human Rogue 1
" Leave the scouting to me" Bron says while looking at the group. "I can move with stealth and decieve any who might otherwise know already our faces"
Bron Islar wrote: " Leave the scouting to me" Bron says while looking at the group. "I can move with stealth and decieve any who might otherwise know already our faces" "That makes two of us. Though I'm sure your skill at at are much better than mine" Raoh smirks.
"Why don't the two of us sneak in check the place out. Uta, you and the others wait close by and if we need any help... Well make some noise, or set of a signal of some kind."
"Good Idea, I'll leave the scouting to those who don't wear shiny armor"
Male Human Rogue 1
" Sounds like a reasonable enough plan" Bron says. He then pushes off the wall he was leaning on and adds " ready whhen you are"
Does anyone have anything that they want to do before we proceed to the next encounter?
Male Human Rogue 1
Raoh wrote: Forgot to put this in my first post. First weekly craft check 1d20+6=16. 16*15=240sp. Atleast five more good checks to go. Craft 1d20+6=16, 9, 25. 16*15= another 240sp. 9=A whole weeks worth down the toiler, plus I need to purchase another 500sp in materials. Already deducted from my profile. 16*25=400sp, brings me up to 880sp so far, not counting the 500 I had to eat on that other roll. So I need one more check 15 or better to complete it.
Okay, just to double check, who is still with us? We have only had three people posting for awhile, so I would like to double check.
Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
Still here - just havent had much to say. Although, like Uathach, I've reached level 2. How do you want us to deal with hp gains?
Caladan Delathia wrote: Still here - just havent had much to say. Although, like Uathach, I've reached level 2. How do you want us to deal with hp gains?
Just standard random roll.
"Well let's get this over with. Bron you ready?"
Male Human Rogue 1
With a nod Bron responds with a smile " Lets do this" Right before they leave Bron double checks to make sure he's got all he needs
As Bron and Raoh approach the marsh known as the Bone Yard, they see several figures huddled around a lantern a little ways into the marsh.
Stealth 1d20+5=7, GAH
Raoh clings to the darkness. He turns to Bron "What do thinks going on over there?"
What was suppised to be a whisper, comes out as normal speech and echoes through the night.
Even Uathach hears the excessively loud speech.
sorry connection has been down the last few days
Male Human Rogue 1
Stealth (1d20+8=12)
Bron cringes as Raoh speaks, in response he just kinda shrugs and whispers "Not sure lets try to move in and see what we can hear" Bron then skitters from shadow to shadow trying to get into a good position to eavesdrop on the conversation at hand
If the men gathered around the lantern heard the outburst, the make no notice of it. Instead they contine to talk among thmselves. From this distance though, all you can hear is muffled whispers.
Uathach will scan the area for evil...as he slowly approaches...Caladan is with me? I assume Branth has wandered off?
Undetoured by his outburst Raoh continues on. Moving closer with Bron
Stealth1d20+5=18; Perception 1d20+4=23
Male Human Rogue 1
Bron moves ever closer to the group. As he does he tries to move from shadow to shadow to avoid being noticed as he does he makes it a point to study the surroundings to find a way out should he be discovered.
Stealth (1d20+8=18)Perception (1d20+4=20)
Both Raoh and Bron here noises coming from a mound of dirt west of where you are.
Here the noises Raoh comes to complete stop and looks to his partner, nodding it the sound direction.