DM Dave's Second Darkness


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For proper effect, you have to imagine these guys sound like the Deradnoks from the old G.I. Joe cartoon. "Underhanded dealing," one of the thugs says, "Boyos, I think we have been insulted. Let's show this shiny bloke how we do things around here." Two of the thugs step forward and draw their weapons, meanwhile the other one hangs back a little bit.

Uathach Draws his blade, gives a mighty shout (intimidate) and moves to the flank of the one of the left. placing the enemy between his other.

"May Iomedae deliver justice to these souls".

His might shout is only might in his own mind




Initiative: 1d20=5+2=7

Attack 1d20+4=12, 1d8+2=7

Uathach launches a clumsy attack, clearly off-balance against 3 opponents, and he begins to make peace with Iomedae.

Uathatch's blow doesn't meet any resistance, but also does not actually impact anyone. The thugs begin to chuckle, seeing the clumsy display.

Caladan, roll initative.

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2

Using the second roll from my profile - 24

Okay, the initative order is Caladan, Therik, the thugs, and Uathach.

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2

Seeing Uathach's attack sail wide of the mark, Caladan nocks an arrow and releases it at one of the thugs.

Attack on thugs. (1d20+5=18, 1d8=4)

That's assuming I'm a little way back from Uathach and able to use my bow. If I think they're too close, I'll instead use a scimitar...

Alternate attack with scimitar, if I'm too close to use my bow. (1d20+3=10, 1d6+2=3)

Caladan's shot hits the leading thug and slows him down, barely. Therin hits the same thug with his sword and he goes down in a heap. The other sword wielding thug swings at Uathach, but misses. However, the third guy casts a spell and a glowing bolt of energy hit Uathach dead in the chest.
5 damage

Male Human Rogue 1

still here... kick some ass guys =P

"Aauugh" Uathach cries out as the bolts sears into him.

"I hate wizards, Caladan, Therik take him down."

Uathach launches a vicious attack at the thug he's facing. His blade leveled at his neck ,no lack of skill evident in this threat, as Uathach takes advantage the thugs overconfidence.

1d20+4=24, 1d8+2=5
critical threat:1d20+4=15, 1d8+2=7 [ooc]ooo I hope that 15 was enough to hit normally...

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Uathach slashes the head clean off of his opponent.

Caladan is up.

"Iomedae's will be done." Uathach says as he cuts down his opponent, "You're next spellflinger". pointing his blade toward the caster, as blood splatters at his feet. Uathach's confidence restored as the tide of battle turns their way, and as he just dispatched one of the thugs spectacularly, his words hold more weight than before.


Male Half Elven Ranger - 2

Caladan nocks another arrow, releasing it at the thug who cast the spell.

Caladan's second attack. (1d20+5=10, 1d8=5)

Somehow, unless he's trying to catch it, I doubt that's going to hit... :(

Caladan's shot does indeed go wide. Therin rushes the wizard and slashes at him with his sword, but he also misses. The wizard grabs the boys arm and an electric blue discharge surrounds him. Therin drops to the ground, barely breathing.

Uathach is up


Charge the wizard. Smite Evil

Mechanics: 1d20+6=11+3Smite=14, 1d8+2=7+1Smite=8

Uathach slashes across the magic user's chest. The quick strike knocks the person to the ground. He is unconcious, but still breathing.

Uathach will see to Therik, see if I can help him.


Watches battle, tub of popcorn in hand

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2

Stowing his bow, Caladan looks around to see who has noticed the battle and how they are responding. After checking the immediate area, he also heads over to assist Uathach in tending to Therik's wounds.

Sight based perception check. (1d20+11=19)

Aid another heal check to assist Uathach. (1d20+6=14)

Therik stirs and then comes to. "Did anyone get a look at the cart that hit me," he says. Meanwhile to Caladan's surprise, the surronding locals seem less than curious about the events. It almost seems as if they have witnessed such streetfights before.

Uathach opens the door, ready for more enemies or for the family...whichever is there....hoping they're not too late.

Cautiously Uathach pushes the door open. Inside he can see a woman in her mid twenties and two younger girls. They huddle in a corner, their faces clouded with fear. "Please don't hurt us," the woman says. "Why are you doing this to my family?"

Meanwhile Back At The Gold Goblin

Saul is waiting for you when you arrive with the spirits. "Excellent work," he says. "I hope you did not have any trouble. Where are Uathach and Caladan?"

"Calm down, calm down, I'm here with Therik...we're going to get you out of Riddleport. The snake's men are down..."

"Thank you, thank you," the woman says as she leaps to her feet and wraps her arms around Uathach's neck. Realizing what she has just done, she takes a step back and smooths her dress. "You can't imagine what those horrible men did to us," she continues.

"I doubt I could imagine that, since I don't allow my mind to wander in those directions, I keep myself focused on Iomedae's actions, and I try to emulate what she would do...What would Iomedae do?"

"Now quickly gather your things, and make for the Golden Goblin, that will be your safehouse for now, til we can arrange to get you out of the city."

I sure hope Saul agrees

"You promised them what?" Saul rages when Uathach gets back. "As if we weren't getting enough flack the bosses as it is, you go and offer us as a safehouse for people on the run from them?"

"While I'm all for helping those in need, mixing Saul into this problem is hardly a solution. Did anyone see you come in?" Raoh relaxes up against the wall.

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
Raoh wrote:
"While I'm all for helping those in need, mixing Saul into this problem is hardly a solution. Did anyone see you come in?" Raoh relaxes up against the wall.

Caladan shakes his head. "I didnt see anyone," he replies. "To be honest, the people here didnt seem to blink when the fight broke out. I suspect they've seen a lot worse."

"True that a lot of worse things have occured on the streets. Again I think involving Saul in these matters will bring bad new to his door."

"Very well Saul, I shall escort them out of the city tonight...for now, I will get them out of here to some other location, as they may watch the building for signs of them...Where can I go?

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2
Raoh wrote:
"True that a lot of worse things have occured on the streets. Again I think involving Saul in these matters will bring bad new to his door."

"Maybe," answers Caladan with a shrug. "Of course, the reason these people were being held was because someone was trying to disrupt Saul's business. Somehow, I think he was already involved, whether we'd brought them here or not."

"You mentioned these people are on the run from the bosses," states Caladan bluntly as he turns to face Saul. "And that we are copping flak from them? Perhaps you'd like to come clean as to what 'we' may have done to upset them? If you expect us to take such concerns into account, it will help if you let us know the full story rather than leaving us in the dark."

Male Human Rogue 1

Bron smiles to himself as the holy man gets yelled at by Saul. Keeping this information to himself for future use Bron just says flatly "Well no use crying over it now... Whats done is done. The only question we should worry about now is where do we go from here?"

Okay, quick head count. Who is still with us?

Male Half Elven Ranger - 2

*raises hand*

salute, blade in hand


[ooc] looks like we lost Silme (last post 4-15) and Branth (last post 4-9)

Male Half-Elf Cleric-1
Uathach of Iomedae wrote:
[ooc] looks like we lost Silme (last post 4-15) and Branth (last post 4-9)

[ooc]Still around. Real life keeps me from being as involved as I would like, though :(

Huzzah! good to see you silme!

Male Human Rogue 1

sorry for the lack of posting... work/ life been busy lately and hadnt realised the combat was over

Raoh leans back thinking about what to do next, and seeing if Saul answers Caladans question.

"Like I already said," Saul says with hung head., "Clegg has a personal beef with me. My son made the mistake of falling for a whore named Lavander Lil. He went to Clegg's brother to by a love potion. The guy cheated him and when my son found out he went nuts. There was a fight, and Clegs's brother was killed. Clegg blames me end of story. Or at least I though. Clegg has a lot of pull with the other bosses and has decided to make our life hell. You would have thought he would have stopped with this," Saul says gesturing to the stump at the end of his right arm. "look, I was planning on doing this later rather than sooner, but it might make things easier. I'm retiring, and I'm leaving the Goblin to you. Just give me a couple of days to finish up the paperwork and then you never have to deal with me again, unless you want to."

"Ah this would make a perfect temple to Iomedae..."

then, Uathach grins, "joke, this would make a horrible temple...except perhaps to Asmodeus, then I'd have to burn it down."

"Saul, are you planning on leaving the area then? You could escort Therik and his family to Mendev."

"Of course, now I've made an enemy of Clegg."

Male Human Rogue 1

Bron remains silent through talks with Saul. The only thing the rogue says is " Im just here for the adventure" and he continues to lean against the wall

Uathach of Iomedae wrote:

"Ah this would make a perfect temple to Iomedae..."

then, Uathach grins, "joke, this would make a horrible temple...except perhaps to Asmodeus, then I'd have to burn it down."

"Saul, are you planning on leaving the area then? You could escort Therik and his family to Mendev."

"Of course, now I've made an enemy of Clegg."

"Don't worry," Saul says, "I've made arrangments that will keep Clegg from being a problem for you."

Uathach pales slightly

"I won't ask; because I don't want to know, do I?"

"Saul, these plan you've made. You haven't done something you or any of us are going to be regretting"

"No," Saul says. "It's nothing any of us will regret."

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