Mairkurion {tm} |
There are threads for those losing hope and those who've aren't excited anymore. I personally have little interest in trying to argue at this point: people feel the way they feel or judge how things have developed heretofore from their own unique perspective. But, for myself...
I'm still excited.
Whether you want to give your reasons for your continued excitement or just proclaim it, sound-off here:
Jyu1ch1 |
There are threads for those losing hope and those who've aren't excited anymore. I personally have little interest in trying to argue at this point: people feel the way they feel or judge how things have developed heretofore from their own unique perspective. But, for myself...
I'm still excited.
Whether you want to give your reasons for your continued excitement or just proclaim it, sound-off here:
Archade |
I have seen changes to Pathfinder come directly from our gaming group, and our feedback. Even if we the playtesters don't get named in the final product, I can point to a couple of rules, and say 'that was our group that helped with that rule'. I have found Jason to be open and accepting of commentary (although I wish he was around more on the boards -- however, when he drops off for two days, he comes back with a Magic Item Web Enhancement, so I really can't complain, can I?).
I find the Pathfinder rules to run more simply than 3.5 -- as a DM, it makes my life easier. Making high level multiclassed NPCs, having characters have more choices and be more versatile, having the skill system streamlined, identifying magic items for the party, grappling, it's all smoother.
While after character creation, there aren't a lot of differences to the game, it's better, our 10-year group is preferring it, and it's a guaranteed win for our group, which will be playing the Pathfinder Adventure Paths for years to come.
I'm still excited too.
ShinHakkaider |
There are threads for those losing hope and those who've aren't excited anymore. I personally have little interest in trying to argue at this point: people feel the way they feel or judge how things have developed heretofore from their own unique perspective. But, for myself...
I'm still excited.
Whether you want to give your reasons for your continued excitement or just proclaim it, sound-off here:
Thank you for this. I jsut posted a response in one of those threads and then deleted it because honestly, what good would it do?
Anyway I'm still excited about Pathinder as well.
Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |
I'm definitely excited :)
Our particularly gaming group had stopped with 3.0 D&D (finances and annoyance at the thought of then rebuying books when we felt an addendum book of "we changed this" would have been more practical).
We had also looked at 4.0, and realized it really wasn't our style of D&D anymore.
But we're all hardcore players from YEARS back ... I personally have been playing since Jr. High!
So, knowing the quality of the Pathfinder APs, we were all jazzed about the Beta, and so far have been thrilled! Yes, we've houseruled a few things for our style of play (adjusting the Crafting skill as I've posted elsewhere being one), but we're having a blast, and finding playing to be easier than we've had in years :)
hazel monday |
My group's still buying it. I'm excited they got rid of rage points.
I'm extremely pleased with the changes to the Paladin.
Overall I think most of the rules changes are improvements (skill points, mobility, and channel energy) and the few changes I don't like I'll just house-rule back the way they were (Power attack, I'm looking at you).
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
I am excited they got rid of rage points, too (sorry Jason!).
It's funny, but a lot of the comments I see on non-Paizo sites are complaints about stuff that has been specifically addressed with the playtest.
It's easy to become overwhelmed by the feedback, but I encourage folks who are not excited by what they've seen to far to wait until the final edition and make their decision based on that.
Not that I need to tell you guys in this thread that.
You are still excited!
Watcher |
Still excited!
I mention often that I have two gaming groups that I GM for.. both are doing Runelords. One is using the Beta and the other is using 3.5.
The 3.5 Group actually mentioned that they're excited and encouraged by PFRPG too. They just don't want to switch until the rules are finalized. I'm sure many others feel the same way.
I think you'll see a lot of cool energy in this game once it's finished.
Jason Bulmahn Director of Games |
I have found Jason to be open and accepting of commentary (although I wish he was around more on the boards -- however, when he drops off for two days, he comes back with a Magic Item Web Enhancement, so I really can't complain, can I?).
Glad to hear folks are still excited. Sorry about some brief vanishing acts. Sometimes these other documents overwhelm my time for posting (but fortunately not for reading).
And yes, rage points are being shifted somewhat.... they still exist to keep track of total rounds of rage per day, but the powers no longer feed off them.
And yes... I am Still Excited
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
Jess Door |
I have concerns about some aspects of PRPG, but I'm still excited. :)
I've played a few sessions of 4.0, and am still far from inspired. Getting any fun roleplay is a struggle, characters are so restricted in flavor and mechanics, it makes me want to cry or throw a fit.
PRPG has fixed some problems with 3.5, the skill system is so elegant and easy to use, and Paizo's fresh and well thought out fluff is always a joy.
I think my biggest concerns at this point are high level play fixes (we can patch little symptoms to infinity or try a deeper fix) and increasing martial character versatility. Either which way, though, Paizo's got one certain customer for the final product, who is trying to convince her poor benighted 4.0 group to try it out, as well as building another group of fans from her RotRL pathfinder playtest game.
Keep up the good work!
grrtigger |
Erik Mona wrote:So has the rage system been changed again? (Or are you referring to the design focus rage one? Just please don't tell me that its gone back to the way it was with the rage per day mechanic.)I am excited they got rid of rage points, too (sorry Jason!).
I think he's referring to this Alternate Rage System thread - it was news to me, too! So many things to keep up with ...
ps, yes I'm also still very excited about Pathfinder!
houstonderek |
I'll be honest, I have to houserule the living daylights out of 3x to get it to play the way I like (as Kirth has pointed out, I'm an unappologetic 1e AD&D fanboy), and i'll likely have to do the same for PfRPG, but, you know what? I don't care. I really like what they've done to some of the classes, the skills, CMB, and other thingd, don't care for some stuff (but that's where the houseruling comes in), and am ambivalent about other things.
For me, it doesn't come down to what the final rules look like. It comes down to this: I REALLY like the way Paizo does business. I want them to succeed, I want them to continue to publish cool adventures and Golarion materials, and I want them to keep the good people that work for them employed.
I've been playing RPGs since '79, so I have some of that "D.I.Y." mentality ingrained into my gamer DNA. As long as Paizo provides a solid chassis for me to modify, I'm a happy camper. :)
So I guess that means I'm still excited ;)
Set |
I pre-ordered the Pathfinder rules sight unseen. I've seen nothing to make me change that.
I may choose to completely tweak a few things to suit *my* tastes, but that's my choice, and it's no different than what we've done in 1st edition, 2nd edition (where I invented two dozen specialty priest classes for various Realms dieties, with a chart/table to generate new ones and assign appropriate class abilities based off of a point structure!), 3rd edition, Vampire, V&V, M&M, Trinity, etc., etc., etc.
I'm still stoked.
The SRD is *full* of awesome ways to tweak anything that doesn't perfectly work for me anyway, like Fractional BAB, Magic Rating, Incantations, variant class features, etc. and it's all open content.
selios |
It's easy to become overwhelmed by the feedback, but I encourage folks who are not excited by what they've seen to far to wait until the final edition and make their decision based on that.
Yes I want to see the final product and decide by then if I want to use it or not.
But one month ago, I would have bought it blindly. Now, from what I have read here, I will try to look at it before spending 50$ on a book I could not use much (especially since I want to buy the campaign setting and the 4 AP in 3.5).Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
Erik Mona wrote:It's easy to become overwhelmed by the feedback, but I encourage folks who are not excited by what they've seen to far to wait until the final edition and make their decision based on that.Yes I want to see the final product and decide by then if I want to use it or not.
But one month ago, I would have bought it blindly. Now, from what I have read here, I will try to look at it before spending 50$ on a book I could not use much (especially since I want to buy the campaign setting and the 4 AP in 3.5).
I think that is completely reasonable. There is no way we're going to be able to please everyone with every choice we make, and while I hope every gamer in the world buys the Core Rulebook, I'm aware that that's an unreasonable expectation.
I hope you like what you see come next August. Please do keep us updated.
selios |
I think that is completely reasonable. There is no way we're going to be able to please everyone with every choice we make, and while I hope every gamer in the world buys the Core Rulebook, I'm aware that that's an unreasonable expectation.
I hope you like what you see come next August. Please do keep us updated.
Be sure I will!
Even if I don't switch to PathfinderRPG, I'm sure I will find other Paizo products to buy, whether it is Golarion's stuff or APs, Paizo are my favorite for adventures and Golarion looks nice.(By the way, I want to thank you again for all the Greyhawk support you have done in all these years of Dragon/Dungeon mags, I already strongly miss it).
Shisumo |
I am still excited about Pathfinder.
I'm so excited, in fact, that I wrote a big huge long post talking about why I am excited, pointing out the building excitement in my local gaming area, and how PFRPG is literally nothing but a positive over the 3.5 rules. And I am so very, very excited for the PFRPG that what that post was EATEN BY THE POSTMONSTER, I got very, very mad.
But I'm better now.
Yes, I am still excited about Pathfinder.
silverhair2008 |
I am happy that someone has taken upon themselves to try to maintain the style and fun of playing D&D. While I am a relative newby to D&D (having begun playing with 3.0) I am excited that I don't have to reduce my library to begin a new one (4th). I share some material with some friends who are guests of the State of Texas, and having a continuation of the sets I have sent them is a plus for me.
I made several entries before the actual playtest schedule came out. I just hope some of my comments were helpful.
Overall I would claim to be excited to see what the final product looks like even though I will buy it regardless. See the tag above.
Good work and good luck to all at Paizo. May you all have long and happy lives.
Charles Evans 25 |
I am excited that a 3.5 compatible system will exist in print in eight or nine months time.
The second edition of the Golarion Campaign Setting will be incredible too, six stars at least, ENnie award winning, with 'Region' spelt correctly, and all the cities and national boundaries back where they belong... ;)
The Weave05 |
Ever since I found these forums, I noticed a pleasant surprise: Everyone is very open and nice! Even the people who dislike PF are very respectful and treated with such respectfulness in return. What I enjoy most though is the amount of participation that the designers take in these forums too. It's always great to have Jason post his thoughts on something yet still be open to other commentary and suggestions, while still being very informative and capable of regulating many problems.
Also, my players love PF! Granted, there's just a few things we houserule differently, but c'mon, EVERY system has its houserules; its about play style! We all hope Pathfinder continues in its excellence, and I'm sure I can speak for all my players when I say:
Jason Bulmahn Director of Games |
I'm still excited... I just can't hide it...
Can't believe I completely missed that new Rage system. For the record - I *liked* Rage points.
It should be noted that they are still alive, they are just a bit simple to use now in conjunction with rage powers.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
Zombieneighbours |
Majuba wrote:I'm still excited... I just can't hide it...
Can't believe I completely missed that new Rage system. For the record - I *liked* Rage points.
It should be noted that they are still alive, they are just a bit simple to use now in conjunction with rage powers.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
where is the semi-demise of the rage point detailed? I really liked the rage point
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Montalve |
ok i will have to check the changes in the rage powers... our barbarian would have to see them, je i liked them, lets see if i like them more
i would later read all the thread... i am sorry for not noticing this thread earlier :P was arguing in the thread where people complain...
its good to see how much people is still exited :) because i am exited too about Pathfinder RPG
i like the changes on the races and classes, skills are made easier, ok feats i haven't cheked all oto weel since i am not very combat direct :P nor prestigue classes
and just for once i will leave alone James & Jason and not come with my usual 2 complains :P whichanyway i homerule at home, and we threaten DMs with revolt if they don't approve :P (very Galt-like)
just once :D
Absinth |
The GreenFeyBoy ist still excited!
...and it get's better and better! I love the playtesting and I love reading the thoughts of other DMs and players testing all over the globe and I love to see my favorite system evolving before my eyes! Thanks for this experience, Paizo! Thanks for sharing the excitement!