Savage Blight - aka Son of Rune Stones

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Whiteclaw can have a shield with no problem. I could have sworn I gave her an armour upgrade, but if not, I'll deal with that asap on the game thread.

@ Rambler - and I thought my life was busy ...

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Profile updated. Worked this time.

Also, Rosey, wanted to fill you in on Whiteclaw's new encounter power from her PP.

Rime Shackles is a typical melee attack with the added effect on a hit of immobilization until the end of my next turn. Basic enough. But, it gets trickier. If on my next turn, I hit that same target with a Primal Cold Power (and with her axe, all of her powers are cold by default), it gets immobilized, again, until the end of it's next turn.


My cup runneth over :)

OK. You'll have to remind me of this one, but I'll try and keep it in mind. I have a grim feeling that it's going to become very familiar rather quickly.

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)
Rev Rosey wrote:

My cup runneth over :)

OK. You'll have to remind me of this one, but I'll try and keep it in mind. I have a grim feeling that it's going to become very familiar rather quickly.

Oh, I will :) I just wanted to give you a heads up, since it's the first power I've seen that has that sort of effect.


New thread is up here.

I'd be grateful if Arianwyn and Reason could let me know which rituals they've picked up.

Reason's will auto-inscribe as runes on his onyx tablet. Arianwyn's are rough copies which he will need to transcribe once he picks up a ritual book.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

I have to have at least 1 bard ritual per level (where one is available) _ I think. It may only apply if one takes bard as a main class. Whatever, I shall do so anyway:

Level 1

Traveler's Chant
Secret Page
Arcane Mark
Comprehend Language
Animal Messenger

Level 2

Seek Rumour
Last Sight Vision

Level 3

Battlefield Elocution

Level 4

Transfer Enchantment
Call of Friendship
Enchant Magic Item

Level 5

Object Reading
Magic Circle
Hunter's Blessing
Animal Friendship
Speak with Nature


You can have all of those but Secret Page. That is a ritual that would have no meaning at all in Kargzant.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Doh, yes of course. I was going to put Amanuensis down as well. Ha!

Grand Lodge

Radiant Dude stuff:

Illuminating Attacks: Radiant powers score a crit on 19-20

Radiant Action: When Reason spends an AP, he can designate an enemy within 5 squares to take ongoing Radiant damage (Reason's level, se)

Will be swapping Cause Fear for Divine Glow.

New Feat: Devastating Critical - extra d10 damage on a crit.

Sorry, how many rituals can I access? I would definitely like to pick up Consult Mystic Sages (surprise, surprise)

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

I was going to ask for that one too.


You can both take Consult Mystic Sages without any problem.

Reason - you may take three rituals with a Healing or Religion check up to Level 11 for free.

Anything else you will have to buy (which shouldn't be a problem as you're all flush with gold nuggets). Bear in mind that Kargzant isn't the best place to pick up pure Arcana rituals, but tell me what you want and I'll let you know if you can have them.

All - may I tentatively suggest that you have a party fund for components?

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter

I would agree, but I didn't just get a lump of gold! (That, and needing two weapons and an implement really soaks up cash.)

For the mounted among us, this might be relevant soon:

Compendium wrote:

Squeezing: When the mount squeezes, the rider is also considered to be squeezing.


Smaller Space: ... a Large creature that squeezes has a space of 1 (1 square) instead of 2 (4 squares) ...

Half Speed: As part of the same move action, move up to half your speed.

–5 Penalty to Attack Rolls: You have a –5 penalty to attack rolls until you return to your normal space.

Grant Combat Advantage: You grant combat advantage to all enemies until you return to your normal space.

Provoke Opportunity Attacks: If squeezing causes any part of your space to leave a square adjacent to an enemy, that enemy can make an opportunity attack against you.

Ending a Squeeze: You can end a squeeze as a free action. You return to your normal space. You have to occupy a space that includes the space you occupied when you stopped squeezing.


Tutavak was given gold nuggets by Ogrol. He would not wish his son to be under-equipped and have to rely on the charity of the Chosen :)

M Human / Kargzant Hybrid Fighter/Ranger 14 / Soul Igniter


I have one inexpensive thing on my wishlist. Then I'll be able to help with components.

Will update tonight (US).

On a loot note - are we under equipped? It seems from looking at parcel rules and all, which I've been doing for my game, it seems that players should have level-1 magic items, though upgrades would be included in that. I know Whiteclaw has a lot of empty slots and I wonder if that's normal. She's my first level one to Paragon character, so I'm not sure how they are normally geared :)

I could toss some funds into a ritual pool, though I need to share with Ixu as well.

Yes, I think you are. That's my fault. I'm bad at treasure dumps.

I'm also somewhat inexperienced in equipping paragon level pcs from level 1 as none of mine either in game or in real life have made it that far.

As a general rule of thumb, building a pc at level 11 should leave you slightly under-equipped and that does not appear to be the case here.

The Kargzant nuggets are worth about 9,000 in actual gold so you will be able to kit yourselves out with hand/foot/arm/head/wondrous knick-knackery once you hit the Courts.

You should all have at least one and more likely two +3 "big three" items and a wider variety of miscellaneous stuff than you have.

Unfortunately, you've spent levels 8-11 in the middle of nowhere, but I will give you a chance to shop just as soon as I can.

I was really just curious :) I'm starting to really study the treasure rules for my game, so I thought I'd ask to see what others thought.


Just a thought here. How would everyone feel about using the inherent bonus system?

Fabes raised this with me and I like it as a concept. You just essentially get better at what you do anyway as you level, but if you have a magic item that tops your inherent bonus, you can use that instead.

The relevant book is out of my grasp at the moment (DMG2), but I think it might work well, especially for a pbp.

I like the concept, though I'm utterly unfamiliar with the details.


Upgraded the mount slot to Martyr's Saddle. Also -- this seemed reasonable in the circumstances -- bought Cold Iron Bracers. Still have 2520gp.

While I like it as a concept - as you know I talked to you about that when working up Ceara's replacement :) - I think it's best planned for from the start. I wouldn't protest if we went to it, it just feels strange doing so midstream. I also don't know well it would work being mixed with magic items.

A quick copy and remake of Whiteclaw with inherents and no magic items shows minimal differences - she'd lose 1 AC, that's it, though a of other build options would be off.

It seems like it's made for Darksun, given the way that that setting seems to cry out for less items.


I knew I'd talked about it to someone else :) OK, let's not fix what isn't exactly broken and I'll try and remember to make sure you get chances to shop.

@ Pat - those changes are fine.


Re-dotting. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, this is not good. No dots on re-dotting either. I will never find everything.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

How Fabes got his dot back. Dig it.


It's my own thread and I can't dot it. Whine, whine, weeble.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Hi gang, I am in honeymoon from tomorrow, and won't be back til 18 Sep.

What, you won't be gaming? How depressing for you.


See you in two weeks!


Aha! I can run Arianwyn ...

Have a wonderful time, Fabes :D

Grand Lodge

Just realized that my update on Reason got eaten over the weekend. Will have to try again, but might not get to it until tomorrow.


My entire DM profile got eaten over the weekend. The screams could probably be heard across the Atlantic.

Grand Lodge

That's what that noise was. I thought it was the delight of the local children about the impending return of school.


Congratulations to our very own Radiant Dude - now Venture Captain for Ontario :) - see the Paizo blog for details.

I have the clearest image of Reason sadly allowing pcs to kill themselves with a gentle swish of his tail.


With great responsibility, comes great time-sumping. Neil has asked to be gently written out over the course of this adventure and he and I are working on that.

I'm also working on the gentle introduction of a new pc. This is a friend of Pat's who is currently in one of my Tomb of Horrors groups. I'm slowly bringing him up to speed on the backstory, and will be finding ways to insert him into the action as you go along so we can have an easy transition and you can all get accustomed to each other. I'll send him a message and invite him to post here and introduce himself :)

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

We'll miss you, Reason. The gentlemanly librarian cleric. How did he end up with such loons?

Male Human Student/12, CollegeStudent/4, Master Student/3, Epic Student/6
Rev Rosey wrote:
I'm also working on the gentle introduction of a new pc...a friend of Pat's... I'll send him a message and invite him to post here and introduce himself :)

Message received, discussion thread found, Introduction commencing:

Hello all. You will soon be seeing an description for a currently un-named ardent drow (details and background still to come). I hope that he will fit nicely in the group, but I am still catching up on your [cough, cough] short history here. Anyway, looking forward to getting involved with this campaign. Thanks for the invite (Rev Rosey) and the reference (Pat o'NP).


Welcome :) Let me know via the usual channels when you're a little more sorted and I'll start winding you into the mixture.

Female Drow Ardent 13

Chary the impetuous ardent drow is present and mostly accounted for. Character sheet soon to be uploaded.


Excellent :) I shall put up a nice post for you and you can jump in when you want to.

It'll suck to lose Reason, but welcome Chary :)


Chary - you have a spoilered post waiting for you on this thread.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Ha, just saw post from 2 years ago when we were just Level 3.

Anyway, here's the loony warlock...

>>>>iplay4e profile<<<<


Jeepers. That's right. You'd just started Savage Blight two years ago.

Female Drow Ardent 13

@Rev Rosey: Question for you (and anyone else who wants to chime in). Chary has an immediate reaction as follows:
Healing Bond

You strengthen the bond between two allies, so that when one prospers, they both benefit.

Daily Healing, Psionic
Immediate Reaction Ranged 5

Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you spends a healing surge

Target: One ally other than the triggering ally

Effect: The target regains hit points as if he or she had spent a healing surge.
My question is about the wording of the effect. If he or she regains hit points "as if he or she had spent a healing surge", seems to me to mean that s/he regains hit points without spending the healing surge? That seems very powerful...but then again, it is a daily. Am I interpreting that correctly?


That is certainly the way I would interpret the wording. The target gets the hp without spending a surge. A lot of leader healing powers do that - often as a daily power.

Yes. They don't have to spend a surge.

Grand Lodge

Hi all,

I wanted to come on and apologize for my sudden, unexpected departure. I got busy, fell behind on updating Reason, then I was behind on the posts, lack of a sufficiently functioning brain.....

Definitely not the way I wanted Reason to bow out.

Bottom line, it is no reflection on how much I enjoyed playing this game with all of you over the past few years. You are a creative lot, and I have had a lot of laughter and intellectual stimulation, over some incredibly trying personal times.

Special thanks to Rev Rosey for her patience and hard work. The rest of you are in the best of hands.

If any of you visit The Great White North, you have a place to stay.


Thank you for the kind words and both you and Reason will be much missed. It's good to see you once more, even if only for the purposes of saying goodbye, but it has been a great ride. Please stop by from time to time and see how the heroes get along.

With your permission, may I use Reason as an npc if I need to in the future?

Also - thank you for the offer :) Trust that if we ever make it to Canada, we will very happily take you up on it.

Probably human Bard/5, (tech)wizard/9

Yeah. Sorry to see you go, you were really fun to have in the party. You may well get Rev and me appearing on your doorstep one day. Always wanted to go to Canada...

Male Tiefling Cleric 11

I am happy to be of service.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

"A tiefling in an arctic waste? The irony is delicious."

Good luck, you'll be missed!


Just a housekeeping note. Could everyone provide me with a wishlist of items up to level 16 please. Preferably stowed somewhere on your profiles for ready access.

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