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Dammit! first I love Eccleston. he's the reason I started watching. then he's ripped away. next I love Piper, and she leaves. i finally start liking Donna and she leaves. Piper is finally back and she's kicked out again. and now Tennant is gone??? Why does this show enjoy messing with me so much??? It tries so hard to make me love the characters knowing they're going to be ripped away.
anyhow, i have no idea who could possibly be the doctor next, but I have a feeling it's gonna be something to try and shock us. prolly female or something, though i don't think that's possible i also don't think it's ever explicitely been stated that it isn't.

R-type |

If anything, change is one of the main reasons I love WHO.
I'm really glad to see Tennant leave (my favorite doctor by the way) but it's good to shake things up and there are TONS of great actors that could bring something new to the show.
I wonder what the new personality of our favorite Time Lord will be like?
James Nesbitt was hotly tipped to be the next Doctor, although today the radio said he says he wont be doing it. (Yay! Can't stand his work and dislike his voice.)
Robert Carlise (Begby from Trainspotting) is also strongly rumoured to be the new guy in the policebox.
Richard E Grant is another one people keep bringing up along with Rhys Ifans.
But I think it may actually be Paul McGann (the 8th doc returning) as Russell T Davis said recently that it's never been stated in the show what number Doctor Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant were playing. Therefore there may even be people (and new stories) in between McGann and Eccleston's adventures.
Also the newspapers here (a couple of months ago) leaked that McGann has been filming parts set after or during the timewar to be shown in the specials with Tennant next year....
My theory is that Mcgann will be doc for a little bit, dies and passes the torch to a new actor and we get a series set before the 'new Who' for lots of time loopy weirdness that's also right up (the new man in charge) Steven Moffat's alley!
Cue: Russell Tovey (who RTD loves big time and wishes was the next Doctor?!)
Or I may be completely wrong, lol! :P

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I would like to see David Oyelowo in the role. I really enjoyed his work on Spooks or MI-5 here in the states. I just feel that he would make an excellent replacement for Tennant. Tennant was the one who really sealed the deal for me on the new series. I always felt that Eccelston was too angsty to be the Doctor, although I have enjoyed his work on other projects.

Vigil RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |

Problem with your theory R-type is we do have the Doctor regenerating from Sylverster McCoy to Paul McGann.
Now it's true that David's doctor could be the 11th, 12th or 13th doctor, but Paul's is the 8th.
I recall hearing somewhere that every twelfth regeneration is supposed to be an evil Doctor. Is that true? If it is, we can rule out David's Doctor as the 13th, since he's clearly not evil.

R-type |

Problem with your theory R-type is we do have the Doctor regenerating from Sylverster McCoy to Paul McGann.
Now it's true that David's doctor could be the 11th, 12th or 13th doctor, but Paul's is the 8th.
Sorry if I wasn't clear (it was typed fast). Yeah, we saw McCoy turn into McGann but I mean we didn't ever see McGann's 8th Doc regenerate into Christopher Eccleston. So there is room for a Doctor (or lots) in between McGann (Doctor eight) and Eccleston (generally assumed Doctor nine. ;)

R-type |

Matthew Morris wrote:Problem with your theory R-type is we do have the Doctor regenerating from Sylverster McCoy to Paul McGann.
Now it's true that David's doctor could be the 11th, 12th or 13th doctor, but Paul's is the 8th.
I recall hearing somewhere that every twelfth regeneration is supposed to be an evil Doctor. Is that true? If it is, we can rule out David's Doctor as the 13th, since he's clearly not evil.
One weird rumour doing the rounds is that John Simm (who we last saw playing The Master) might be playing the new Doctor. I hope not.

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Vigil wrote:One weird rumour doing the rounds is that John Simm (who we last saw playing The Master) might be playing the new Doctor. I hope not.Matthew Morris wrote:Problem with your theory R-type is we do have the Doctor regenerating from Sylverster McCoy to Paul McGann.
Now it's true that David's doctor could be the 11th, 12th or 13th doctor, but Paul's is the 8th.
I recall hearing somewhere that every twelfth regeneration is supposed to be an evil Doctor. Is that true? If it is, we can rule out David's Doctor as the 13th, since he's clearly not evil.
Ya...that doesn't make much sense to me. I suppose if the regenerations are truly random then there's a chance that it could happen. on the other hand, i prefer to think that all the regenerations are encoded on their DNA, and so it wouldn't happen. i dunno...that's just me. i figure it's about the same as two identical people being born to two seperate genetic trees...
On a side note, I loved the way Simm played the master and I was unhappy he only got to do it for a couple of episodes.

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There was once a rule where each Time Lord got only thirteen regens each, then there was an episode (80's) in which The Master was given another thirteen by the Council. New Who may have changed this or perhaps being 'the last Timelord' this no longer applies to The Doctor.
Ya...i never really understood how the council had the authority to do that. i know he had an item or something that let him keep going (I think it was that ring, but it prolly wasn't and i might be imagining things), and i could see where maybe a highly advanced item could do it, but that's a like a judge in a court telling you that you get to restart life from infanthood...
edit: my bad, i was mistaking the item for his attempts with the harmony to get more. I could've sword he got more some other way where he could just keep going. the more i read, the more i suspect it's a psychological thing where the timelords believe thay only get 13, and if they believed they got more they'd have more. i might be wrong, but it's interesting to consider.

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R-type wrote:There was once a rule where each Time Lord got only thirteen regens each, then there was an episode (80's) in which The Master was given another thirteen by the Council. New Who may have changed this or perhaps being 'the last Timelord' this no longer applies to The Doctor.Ya...i never really understood how the council had the authority to do that. i know he had an item or something that let him keep going (I think it was that ring, but it prolly wasn't and i might be imagining things), and i could see where maybe a highly advanced item could do it, but that's a like a judge in a court telling you that you get to restart life from infanthood...
edit: my bad, i was mistaking the item for his attempts with the harmony to get more. I could've sword he got more some other way where he could just keep going. the more i read, the more i suspect it's a psychological thing where the timelords believe thay only get 13, and if they believed they got more they'd have more. i might be wrong, but it's interesting to consider.
It was covered in one of the books (I forget which one, sorry) the council of time lords imposed a limit on regenerations to control overpopulation of existing time lords and allow room for births of new time lords. I think it was a one for one trade, one death one birth

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It was covered in one of the books (I forget which one, sorry) the council of time lords imposed a limit on regenerations to control overpopulation of existing time lords and allow room for births of new time lords. I think it was a one for one trade, one death one birth
Ok, but how would they have the power to do that? it would seem to imply that Time lords could just keep going as much as they want, and the only thing stopping them is a bunch of old guys going "nope. only 13". i dunno. seems odd to me. although i seem to recall that i read somewhere that the eye of harmony is tied to their regeneration somehow to keep everything in balance. if that was the case, then i could see it working.

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Ubermench wrote:It was covered in one of the books (I forget which one, sorry) the council of time lords imposed a limit on regenerations to control overpopulation of existing time lords and allow room for births of new time lords. I think it was a one for one trade, one death one birthOk, but how would they have the power to do that? it would seem to imply that Time lords could just keep going as much as they want, and the only thing stopping them is a bunch of old guys going "nope. only 13". i dunno. seems odd to me. although i seem to recall that i read somewhere that the eye of harmony is tied to their regeneration somehow to keep everything in balance. if that was the case, then i could see it working.
The council of time lords have always been used as a "deus ex machina" for Dr. Who stories, so of course the explnation seems odd. Also the council has all the powers taken from Rassalon making them somewhat godlike.

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Well I don't really know who Paterson Joseph is (the front runner for the position at the moment), but if they're gonna have a black Doctor (which I think would be cool, a nice break from tradition), then my vote is for Colin Salmon.
EDIT: I wonder what they'll do once they hit the 13th Doctor? This Doctor (no mattter what his actaul number in the progression is) is number 11. That means only 2 more Doctors.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
I'd like to see Anthony Head (Giles from Buffy) as the next Doctor, though I wouldn't mind a few seasons of flashbacks to the Eighth Doctor fighting the Time War.
I'd also like to see the Doctor's daughter return as a permanent companion (especially if the older Anthony Head were cast as the Doctor). The interaction between her and the Doctor was great fun.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Well I don't really know who Paterson Joseph is (the front runner for the position at the moment), but if they're gonna have a black Doctor (which I think would be cool, a nice break from tradition), then my vote is for Colin Salmon.
I don't know. I've always thought the Doctor's various incarnations should have a bit of a family resemblance to one another (and I wasn't a big fan of the Fifth Doctor as a result).
I wonder what they'll do once they hit the 13th Doctor?
That's a good question.
Also, do you remember the Valeyard? He was the evil Doctor from the possible future (sometime between the Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors) who was plotting to take over the Doctor's final regeneration.

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R-type wrote:One weird rumour doing the rounds is that John Simm (who we last saw playing The Master) might be playing the new Doctor. I hope not.Ya...that doesn't make much sense to me. I suppose if the regenerations are truly random then there's a chance that it could happen. on the other hand, i prefer to think that all the regenerations are encoded on their DNA, and so it wouldn't happen. i dunno...that's just me. i figure it's about the same as two identical people being born to two seperate genetic trees...
When Jon Pertwee (the third Doctor) and Roger Delgado (the first Master) decided to leave the show in 1973, a story called The Final Game was planned as the final episode for both actors. In it, it was to be revealed that the Master was actually an aspect of the Doctor's personality. Roger Delgado's death in an auto accident prevented that story from being completed.

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kessukoofah wrote:When Jon Pertwee (the third Doctor) and Roger Delgado (the first Master) decided to leave the show in 1973, a story called The Final Game was planned as the final episode for both actors. In it, it was to be revealed that the Master was actually an aspect of the Doctor's personality. Roger Delgado's death in an auto accident prevented that story from being completed.R-type wrote:One weird rumour doing the rounds is that John Simm (who we last saw playing The Master) might be playing the new Doctor. I hope not.Ya...that doesn't make much sense to me. I suppose if the regenerations are truly random then there's a chance that it could happen. on the other hand, i prefer to think that all the regenerations are encoded on their DNA, and so it wouldn't happen. i dunno...that's just me. i figure it's about the same as two identical people being born to two seperate genetic trees...
Do you have any more about that? it sounds fairly interesting, and while i could possibly see how ti could work, i'd rather have outside confirmation. i mean, it's been shown he's not a figment of his imagination in his interactions with others, and the fact that he's regenerated tells us he's a seperate time lord. I'm just curious about how they had planned to explain it.

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Vic Wertz wrote:When Jon Pertwee (the third Doctor) and Roger Delgado (the first Master) decided to leave the show in 1973, a story called The Final Game was planned as the final episode for both actors. In it, it was to be revealed that the Master was actually an aspect of the Doctor's personality. Roger Delgado's death in an auto accident prevented that story from being completed.Do you have any more about that? it sounds fairly interesting, and while i could possibly see how ti could work, i'd rather have outside confirmation. i mean, it's been shown he's not a figment of his imagination in his interactions with others, and the fact that he's regenerated tells us he's a seperate time lord. I'm just curious about how they had planned to explain it.
The info I've found on the net is pretty sparse, and spread across a bunch of websites. (Here's a pretty good google query...) There was some discussion of it in About Time 3 (mostly under the entry for Planet of the Spiders) and in About Time 4 (in the essay accompanying the Shada entry, "What Else Didn’t Get Made?"), but I don't recall if those include any info you can't find on the net. (I highly recommend the About Time series if you're interested in really in-depth information about classic Doctor Who stories—but you might want to wait for the upcoming 2nd Edition of About Time 3).

Charles Evans 25 |
R-type wrote:Vigil wrote:One weird rumour doing the rounds is that John Simm (who we last saw playing The Master) might be playing the new Doctor. I hope not.Matthew Morris wrote:Problem with your theory R-type is we do have the Doctor regenerating from Sylverster McCoy to Paul McGann.
Now it's true that David's doctor could be the 11th, 12th or 13th doctor, but Paul's is the 8th.
I recall hearing somewhere that every twelfth regeneration is supposed to be an evil Doctor. Is that true? If it is, we can rule out David's Doctor as the 13th, since he's clearly not evil.
Ya...that doesn't make much sense to me. I suppose if the regenerations are truly random then there's a chance that it could happen. on the other hand, i prefer to think that all the regenerations are encoded on their DNA, and so it wouldn't happen. i dunno...that's just me. i figure it's about the same as two identical people being born to two seperate genetic trees...
On a side note, I loved the way Simm played the master and I was unhappy he only got to do it for a couple of episodes.
Some time-lords can control the regeneration process, as was demonstrated when Romana regenerated (from Mary Tamm to Lalla Ward) in Destiny of the Daleks; she fancied looking like Princess Astra, from the end of the previous season, and so she ended up looking like her.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Some time-lords can control the regeneration process, as was demonstrated when Romana regenerated... in Destiny of the Daleks; she fancied looking like Princess Astra... and so she ended up looking like her.
If you listen to his dialogue at the end of The Sound of Drums, you'll notice that the Master does the same thing. As he dies, the Master observes that the current Doctor is very youthful and declares that he can be youthful, too. At which point the regeneration process makes him exactly that.

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If you listen to his dialogue at the end of The Sound of Drums, you'll notice that the Master does the same thing. As he dies, the Master observes that the current Doctor is very youthful and declares that he can be youthful, too. At which point the regeneration process makes him exactly that.
Recent episodes suggest that the Doctor's regenerative forms have more to do with his moods and demeanor. He was feeling all depressed after the Time War, and ended up a black-clad hoodlum. He fell in love with Rose, and became a much more upbeat, dapper, playful character.
Given his mood at the end of the fourth series, he'd probably come back as Patrick Stewart, playing a dour little monk.

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I think I recall the ring as well.
Hey, Russell Brand should be the new Doc, lol!
Rather unlikely, given the current embarrasment he caused the BBC.
Then presenting the tape of the incident to be broadcast to the nation.

Charles Evans 25 |
Epic Meepo wrote:I'd also like to see the Doctor's daughter return as a permanent companion...Oh, God, no.
That episode was cringe-inducing, precisely for that character. A Mary-Sue of the worst kind.
It might be interesting, but would depend on who wrote the scripts.
Further thought: in the same way that Taggart* has carried on after Jim Taggart was gone, maybe they're exploring options for carrying on Doctor Who after the Doctor uses up his last regeneration and is gone.
*A police drama series set in Glasgow for those not familiar with UK television.

Zombieneighbours |

I would like to see David Oyelowo in the role. I really enjoyed his work on Spooks or MI-5 here in the states. I just feel that he would make an excellent replacement for Tennant. Tennant was the one who really sealed the deal for me on the new series. I always felt that Eccelston was too angsty to be the Doctor, although I have enjoyed his work on other projects.
Going with the spooks things. Miranda Raison, who plays joe in spooks would make a cool doctor.