Hopeless's Legends are Made, not Born


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Herve Esterel wrote:

Herve attacks the goblin between him and the group then

He strikes a perfect blow
Attack 24 Damage 7
Confirm critical Attack 17 Damage 9 He then put his dodge toward the other goblin doubting the first one is still there

Herve fells the oncoming goblin whilst the one behind him is closing the gap the goblins at the top of the rise throw their spears!

Rolled a 2 and 6 even with their adds it won't be any where near enough!

Both spears land several feet between them and Herve and would have probably been more of a threat to the goblin Herve had felled!

Meanwhile the goblin closing on Herve's rear lumbers in with its badly kept flail and misses even as it leaps back to avoid the hooves of Herve's mount...

Herve's turn the others unless someone posts something in the meantime will arrive at the start of the 3rd round

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Herve strikes at the new goblin but this one is much more careful in his attack so Herve miss
Attack 11 Damage 5

Herve Esterel wrote:

Herve strikes at the new goblin but this one is much more careful in his attack so Herve miss

Attack 11 Damage 5

The goblin darts to one side avoiding both Hereve's attack as well as his mount however moving ahead of Herve once more its caught by surprise as one of the goblins at the top of the rise throwing another spear catches it in the side sending it to the ground with an air-splitting shriek!

The remaining goblin on the wall overlooking you fires an arrow that catched your mount 17+3 for 20 to hit (needed 13) and does 1d6 damage rolled a 5 so your mount now has 14hp left.

Please make either a Ride check or Handle Animal check to retain control of your mount otherwise it will run off mostly likely back the way you came

Herve only:

Herve check the xp update under my profile and let me know if you still want to continue as an aristocrat okay?

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Since this would take at least a move action to handle the horse , let it run for the time being

Yes , I'll definitely continue as an aristocrat .I'll update Herve tonight . Just for my information , how did you figure the xp track for Herve ? '

for information , how far will the others be from me at he start of the third round since I think Tenna at least will not close with the goblins but shout at them from afar

Herve Esterel wrote:

Since this would take at least a move action to handle the horse , let it run for the time being

for information , how far will the others be from me at he start of the third round since I think Tenna at least will not close with the goblins but shoot at them from afar

Roughly speaking Talden will reach you at the start of the next round in fact your mount will be reaching sorry going past him this round but Tenna is already in firing range with her long bow

Herve only:

Used 3.5 rules for xp track and halved the xp needed to account for the fact its an npc class might in future games may base it on pathfinder beta xp but for now am leaving it as it is

Bogorin makes his way towards the fight as quickly as he can

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Bogorin makes his way towards the fight as quickly as he can

Bogorin only:

At the moment I'm assuming you're riding on the wagon, are you planning on jumping off to run up the hill?
At present you'd be a round behind Talden if you did try to charge up the hill and leave Willy at the reins of the wagon

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

since this is the round the others can interact , I 'm waiting for thier initiative to act

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy continues driving the wagon up the path as fast as it will go.

When will he a Bogorin reach the battle?

Willard Barnable wrote:

Willy continues driving the wagon up the path as fast as it will go.

When will he a Bogorin reach the battle?

On the third round Talden gets to act, you and Bogorin arrive on round 5, but Tenna gets to act in round 2 if she wants to attack with the bow and Bogorin can use his light crossbow now if he wants although the only target they can see is the goblin still atop the wall as the other foes are at the top of the rise out of sight of all of you except for Herve at this moment

And Brallin?

Brallin the North Wind Warrior wrote:
And Brallin?

Using a sling might mean taking a penalty to hit but you can go the same round as Tenna, have you updated your character with your 1st pc class level?

Sorry, just to understand correctly, which way will get Bogorin into a melee fight the quickest? Whichever way that is, that's what he'll do. He's in a mood to bash in brains, not poke with a little pointy stick ;-)

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Sorry, just to understand correctly, which way will get Bogorin into a melee fight the quickest? Whichever way that is, that's what he'll do. He's in a mood to bash in brains, not poke with a little pointy stick ;-)

Since he's on the wagon he'll either have to wait until round 5 or risk running up the rise which will only mean he'll arrive maybe in round 4 if he goes full pelt since its only because Talden was ahead of the wagon that he'll get there in round 3. I should point out that as long as that goblin archer isn't dealt with he'll get an opportunity attack on anyone on the rise albeit since he doesn't have combat reflexes he only gets the one extra attack and so far he's been trying to hit Herve and his mount stopped him this round.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Attack of opportunity with a ranged weapon ?

Herve Esterel wrote:
Attack of opportunity with a ranged weapon ?

The way I see it if you're using a ranged weapon and you've got foes charging up towards you and you have a couple of rounds before they get into melee range it seems daft that they can't pull an opportunity attack when the same melee fighter gets to do just that if say you cast a spell in their vicinity or that archer has to switch weapons because they don't have precise shot, same goes for power attack when you reduce your accuracy to do more damage to a foe it never made sense that only melee weapons could do it, as far as that goblin is concerned its first attack was foiled by a horse and then it noticed someone else charging up the rise and got confused as to which to fire at and since its atop a wall that horseman isn't going to be able to hit it... perhaps I should start a thread on the discussion section about this the opportunity attack bit I mean.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna will attack with her longbow as soon as she can. I'm a bit confused on whether that's now or next round though(are we counting the rounds starting now, or from the beginning of Herve's fight?).

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

As far as I can understand
1st round : Herve fights alone
2nd round : The others come into view . Tenna and Brallin can shot but Brallin would have a distance penalty
3nd round : Talden and Herve can engage .
4nd round . If they run pell melt , Willy and Bogorin can arrive this round . note that running in fight can be dangerous to your health
5nd round : The ones with the wagon can finally fight if they stayed with the wagon
Ranged OOC : let's discuss this on the discussion thread since this would interest Tenna

Brallin's riding his horse, speeding toward the battle. He can't load and fire a sling while rushing full speed ahead. He's a polearm fighter, and so will ride his horse right into combat. Hopeless, do you really want me to level up my character already? Brallin hasn't actually even done anything yet.

Brallin the North Wind Warrior wrote:
Brallin's riding his horse, speeding toward the battle. He can't load and fire a sling while rushing full speed ahead. He's a polearm fighter, and so will ride his horse right into combat. Hopeless, do you really want me to level up my character already? Brallin hasn't actually even done anything yet.

Discovering the existance of the secret waystation earned a story award enough to level you up, the others received the same reward otherwise nothing to stop you racing up the rise just make a Ride check since the only riders who rode ahead was Talden and Herve but don't forget to amend your character though.

Tenna Milcress wrote:
Tenna will attack with her longbow as soon as she can. I'm a bit confused on whether that's now or next round though(are we counting the rounds starting now, or from the beginning of Herve's fight?).

You're well within range with your longbow, only thing is if you're riding your horse you have a -4 penalty to attack which wouldn't count if you were riding on the wagon. You can attack when you're ready nothing says you can't hold your action until you're closer.

Okay since Tenna might not be available to post

Tenna pulls back behind the wagon her knees grip on her mount tenuously as she draws an arrow and notches it to her bow and pulls it back [ooc} Ride check roll of 15+3 for 18 enough for holding her mount steady as she fires her long bow, and the attack roll is a 20! followed by a 13 which has 4 deducted and then added on again as she's a 1st level ranger I believe not enough for a critical but enough for a hit!
Rolled a 6 which is enough to take down the goblin archer just as it seemed to have decided which of the three targets to go for[/ooc]

The arrow soars past the wagon neatly passes both Talden and then Herve's mount as it nears the young ranger and then strikes the goblin whom topples over and falls off the wall, dead!

Back to you Herve

Herve looks up the rise as the last of goblins nearby falls from the wall.
At the top he can just see the hobgoblin giving orders to somebody but unlike the taller goblinoid his erstwhile goblin troops are too small to see where he is but he does know they're there thanks to the four spears they've thrown.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

How far is the hobgoblin and what is this wall you are speaking of ?
I don't see it on your map

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

When Talden nears Herve he quickly dismounts, readies his shield and axe, and crouches near the wall to get a look at what is going on up the path.

Talden says to Herve, "Getting the party started early I see."

Perception (sight/sound) check = 24

Herve Esterel wrote:

How far is the hobgoblin and what is this wall you are speaking of ?

I don't see it on your map

Okay let me know if you can see these two images

Approach to the Ogre's Lair

Closer view of the approach to the Ogre's Lair

Where Herve is standing he can just about see the hobgoblin who is at the top of the rise yelling orders to probably several someones' out of sight to the left from Herve's point of view.

The hobgoblin is about 135' away from where Herve currently is, the walls on either side now that you're closer probably has some entry point up at the top of the rise allowing the goblins to scamper above you, they're currently unoccupied. You do know there's at least 2 more goblins up there from the spears they've been throwing at you previously but no more than that

Talden Skard wrote:

When Talden nears Herve he quickly dismounts, readies his shield and axe, and crouches near the wall to get a look at what is going on up the path.

Talden says to Herve, "Getting the party started early I see."

Perception (sight/sound) check = 24

[ooc] You can pretty much see what Herve does albeit he'll be acting first, the previous message to this one has a link to two images, the first detailing what Herve experienced when he rode up the rise and the second what he can see up there barring the fact you only know there are some more goblins up there due mostly to the spears that are now lying nearby with one stuck in one of the goblins that jumped off the wall to attack Herve[ooc]

Only if Herve or Talden can understand Goblin:

"Get a move on, summon that damn drunk, we need him here now, alert the Master we have company and there's no sign of his pet assassin!" the Hobgoblin yells.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Double move : 40'
Dodge on first goblin

Herve doesn't reply to Talden

Borgorin seems almost in a panic as her turns to Willy and yells "Hurry up ya blasted slowpoke! At this rate they'll all be dead afore we even git there!"

It takes Willy a moment to realize that Bogo is talking about the goblins he's so eager to kill and not the chance of his comrades passing into the afterlife...

Hopeless, Bogorin speaks Goblin, can you let me know when he's close enough to hear what they're yelling to each other?

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

"I'm goin' as fast as I can!" Willy shouts, just as frustrated as Bogorin. "Come on you worthless nags! Get up there! There better be some gobs left for us!"

Herve Esterel wrote:

Double move : 40'

Dodge on first goblin

Herve doesn't reply to Talden

As you rush up the rise you notice there are two goblins coming into view as they both throw their spears... at Talden.

Rolled a d6 to see which they would target with 1-3 for Herve and 4-6 for Talden and both rolled a 5...
Rolled a 5+2 for a total of 7 for the first attack which is a miss but the second rolls a natural 20 followed by a 7+2 for a total of 9 so its a normal hit doing 1d6 damage which rolls a total of 4 damage as Talden is caught by one of the spears

Meanwhile the hobgoblin has pulled back out of Herve's view even as Willy tries to hurry the wagon's travel up the rise.

Tenna however is now trying to catch up with the wagon after felling the goblin archer.

Herve should reach the top of the rise in 2 rounds, Talden however still has his mount, Herve's mount is about to block the wagon and unless Willy makes a Handle Animal check that mount is going to jump the wagon...

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Hopeless, Bogorin speaks Goblin, can you let me know when he's close enough to hear what they're yelling to each other?

Make a perception check to see if you caught what the Hobgoblin said

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
hopeless wrote:
Talden Skard wrote:

When Talden nears Herve he quickly dismounts, readies his shield and axe, and crouches near the wall to get a look at what is going on up the path.

Talden says to Herve, "Getting the party started early I see."

Perception (sight/sound) check = 24

You can pretty much see what Herve does albeit he'll be acting first, the previous message to this one has a link to two images, the first detailing what Herve experienced when he rode up the rise and the second what he can see up there barring the fact you only know there are some more goblins up there due mostly to the spears that are now lying nearby with one stuck in one of the goblins that jumped off the wall to attack Herve

Only if Herve or Talden can understand Goblin:
** spoiler omitted **

Talden curses as he pulls the spear out and then charges up the hill towards the hobgoblin shouting in goblin,

"Prepare to die kobold b*%$$!"

"For Carter!"

Full move towards hobgoblin = 60'
Intimidate check = 13

Talden Skard wrote:

When Talden nears Herve he quickly dismounts, readies his shield and axe, and crouches near the wall to get a look at what is going on up the path.

Talden curses as he pulls the spear out and then charges up the hill towards the hobgoblin shouting in goblin and then in common.

"For Carter!"

Full move towards hobgoblin = 60'

You quickly catch up and pass Herve on foot, the hobgoblin you can now see turns to look at you and simply replies with a single upraised finger a remarkable human response to your curse, considering.

The hobgoblin moves behind his goblin guards and pushes them forward with his sword.

Those who speak Goblin only:



He hollers at them in Goblin

They're none too please at the what he said but evidently they're more scared of the Hobgoblin because they draw what look like small swords and turn to rush towards you.

1-3 Talden, 4+ Herve, unfortunately rolled a 1 and a 3 so both charge at Talden one rolls a 3 for 7 to hit which misses the other rolls a 16+4 for 20 to hit and does 1d4 so doing 1pt of damage apparently charges don't get the +2 to damage they used to!

The first literally charges straight past, the second however shows better skill with its dogslicer and manages to cut its charge and slice into you.

Herve the goblins had moved forward to the 100' distance when they last threw their spears since the Hobgoblin prodded them forward he's now 60' away from where you are now whilst Talden is 20' ahead of you with 2 goblins around him

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
hopeless wrote:

You quickly catch up and pass Herve on foot, the hobgoblin you can now see turns to look at you and simply replies with a single upraised finger a remarkable human response to your curse, considering.

The hobgoblin moves behind his goblin guards and pushes them forward with his sword.

Those who speak Goblin only:
** spoiler omitted **

He hollers at them in Goblin

They're none too please at the what he said but evidently they're more scared of the Hobgoblin because they draw what look like small swords and turn to rush towards you.

1-3 Talden, 4+ Herve, unfortunately rolled a 1 and a 3 so both charge at Talden one rolls a 3 for 7 to hit which misses the other rolls a 16+4 for 20 to hit and does 1d4 so doing 1pt of damage apparently charges don't get the +2 to damage they used to!

The first literally charges straight past, the second however shows better skill with its dogslicer and manages to cut its charge and slice into you.

Herve the goblins had moved forward to the 100' distance when they last threw their spears since the Hobgoblin prodded them forward he's now 60' away from where you are now whilst Talden is 20' ahead of you with 2 goblins around him

Talden hisses as the goblin's blade bites in but swings his axe down for a vicious strike.

Melee attack against goblin that hit him = 16
Damage = 11

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

New round ?

hopeless wrote:
Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Hopeless, Bogorin speaks Goblin, can you let me know when he's close enough to hear what they're yelling to each other?
Make a perception check to see if you caught what the Hobgoblin said

Nope. The old dwarf can't hear a thing over his and Willy's yelling :P

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy has a loud voice.

"Come on glue buckets, move!"

Willy is pushing the horses hard, the wagon bumping and swaying dangerously up the path.

Handle Animal (1d20-1=13)
Acrobatics (1d20+5=6)

Oops. Willy probably falls off the wagon.

Willard Barnable wrote:
Oops. Willy probably falls off the wagon.

Willard tried to stop drinking ???? Couldn't resist ...

Talden Skard wrote:

The first literally charges straight past, the second however shows better skill with its dogslicer and manages to cut its charge and slice into you.

Talden hisses as the goblin's blade bites in but swings his axe down for a vicious strike.

Melee attack against goblin that hit him = 16
Damage = 11

Which neatly cuts down his opponent leaving the second one who is now deliberating as to whether to turn around, go after Herve or just find someplace to hide as Herve's mount desperately clamber over the wagon seind Willy reeling as it manages to climb across and over the wagon where it heads on now towards Tenna.

To Herve:

You can go now

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Herve moves near the goblin and strikes him soundly
Att 18 Damage 7

'Damn it boy , get back !' ( to Talden )
He then puts his dodge toward the hobgoblin

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
Herve Esterel wrote:


'Damn it boy , get back !' [ooc] ( to Talden )

"And let you have all the fun?! Nonesense!"

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

You are crazy

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)
Herve Esterel wrote:
You are crazy

"Coming from the guy who ran off to face the ogre and goblins by himself? I'd call that crazy because I know you're not stupid."

Herve easily cuts down the last goblin and sharing comments with Talden the pair run up the rise even as the hobgoblin seeing them coming turns and runs off to the left (your left looking up the rise) heading towards what you assume is the Ogre's lair.

Meanwhile Willy barely regains control of the wagon as it continues its passage up the slope.

Tenna however has a scared mount heading towards her.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4
Talden Skard wrote:

"Coming from the guy who ran off to face the ogre and goblins by himself? I'd call that crazy because I know you're not stupid."

This has to be done but it's not a game . And I didn't run off as you say . I did say what I would be doing . You decided to procrastinate

As the panicked animal clambers over them, being none too fond of horses in the first place Bogorin tries to give it a punch (1d20+4=8) hoping to knock it out or send it off course, but with the terrible jouncing of the wagon he doesn't manage to connect.

As soon as they reach the top of the rise he'll jump off (1d20-5=-1) the wagon before it even comes to a stop. His foot catches on the rail just as he's making his leap however and he smashes into the ground face first in a loud and ungainly heap. He pops right back up instantly though, taking any damage in stride, oblivious of the blood now streaming down his face, turning his white beard red.

Desperately looking for something to mash with his massive hammer but finding nothing he barrels up to Herve and Talden and shakes his hammer at them swearing profusely "@$#%$!, blast 'n bloody bones! I Knew ye'd hog all the fun fer yerselves! Leave no Gobbos fer me ta mash agin 'n I may jus have ta mash one o you!"

His Blood definitely now Up now and in no mood to wait for anything, the enraged old dwarf passes them right on by and moves up to the mouth of the cave, peering in with his Darkvision (1d20+3=18). If he still sees no foes (or even if he does), he'll shake his hammer at the air and yell into the cave in Goblin "Tarsh ka reck na toggas! Dreeas Bogorin nama kie lan go an! Forsuk gonru nagga jin Holu!"

If you speak Goblin (or are just curious ;-)

Translated into non-Dwarven Common: "That's right Run you cowards! Mighty Bogorin and his friends are here! We're going to mash you and send you back to your worthless Maker!"

Finally he remembers Tenna's predicament and turns, still raging, to Herve and says "' 'N fer b*+@$#&s sake! Control yer damn animal 'afore it kills one o us ya blasted fool!"

Brallin spurs his mount into action, placing himself between the rushing horse and Tenna. Brallin gestures wildly, and speaks some words of power, trying to calm the rushing beast.

"Whoa! Slow down there! You'll only hurt yourself, friend! You don't want to hurt us. Slow down, horse!"

Cast Speak with Animals, and attempt a Handle Animal, and Wild Empathy check.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Seeing the hobgoblin run away , Herve runs after it without waiting for anyone . "Bogorin, speak less , run more ! "
This is a run action , not a double move

Herve has only a 40' Move so Talden can easily pass him . what is the movement rate of the hobgoblin with his armor ?).

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

Talden pauses for a moment to wait for Willy, Brallin and Tenna to catch up while he looks about for any additional threats.

It looks like Invisible Castle is down. Once it is back up I'll roll his perception check.

Male Half - Elf Warrior/Ranger* (1/2)

Perception (sight/sound) check = 11

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