Hopeless's Legends are Made, not Born


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Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna will be standing next to Willy, whereever he is now.

Tenna cursed and yelped as she hopped out of the corridor with the wires. "What was that!?" she managed as she made it out, her hair standing on end where her hood wasn't holding it down. Gods, it was like lightning in there? Is that what it feels like to get hit by it?!
Seeing how badly Willy was hurting, she quickly fished around in her pouch for one of the wallet of healing packets they had been given. "Willy, lemme help ya there."
How much do they heal again?

Same as a cure light wounds: 1d8+1hp

Updated Map

Let me know where you want your character to be standing

Herve Esterel wrote:

F5 heading toward A6

"I'll watch the west side . Holler if you need help "
Willy , how are you healthwise ? I remember you were not healed after the last fight


At A-6 the corridor stretches a short distance ending in a set of double doors on the far left, but between there and the entrance of the corridor you're looking down on the right is what looks like an alcove.
What Herve can see

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2
Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Hopeless, what are the squares of the lab and where would we be standing now? Unless I misunderstood something?

I get it now. The L-shaped block is the workbench and the square block is the table.

Healing on Willy: 5

Tenna carefully applied the medicine over some of Willy's more obvious wounds, but it didn't seem like quite enough. "Willy, does that feel better? Ya think you need more?"

She'll use another dose if he needs it, otherwise:

Tenna noticed the pegs with the cloaks and slowly approached them. She looked through them to see if there was anything of value or note among them, but mostly to count them. Might get an idea of how many people we're dealin' with here...

Moving to F3

Perception: 25

Bogorin hasn't stopped and is still moving as fast as he can towards the screams he thinks are Dale. A part of him knows he may be barreling into another trap but hearing (what he thinks is) his dear Dale screaming his flipped his switch. He has murder in his eyes and is not planning to let anything get in his way.

Shield raised in front of him, hammer ready to swing, booking down the S-SE passage (assuming that's where the screams are coming from). If that last perception roll hasn't been used, please use that. PS what's the other dwarf doing?

Tenna Milcress wrote:
Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:
Hopeless, what are the squares of the lab and where would we be standing now? Unless I misunderstood something?

I get it now. The L-shaped block is the workbench and the square block is the table.

Tenna carefully applied the medicine over some of Willy's more obvious wounds, but it didn't seem like quite enough. "Willy, does that feel better? Ya think you need more?"
She'll use another dose if he needs it, otherwise:

You run the risk of an overdose if you do

]Tenna noticed the pegs with the cloaks and slowly approached them. She looked through them to see if there was anything of value or note among them, but mostly to count them. [i wrote:

Might get an idea of how many people we're dealin' with here...[/i]

Moving to F3
Perception: 25

There are 4 cloaks on the pegs underneath one is a broom.

There's a tray on the table holding a number of different coloured vials

Updated Map

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Bogorin hasn't stopped and is still moving as fast as he can towards the screams he thinks are Dale. A part of him knows he may be barreling into another trap but hearing (what he thinks is) his dear Dale screaming his flipped his switch. He has murder in his eyes and is not planning to let anything get in his way.

Shield raised in front of him, hammer ready to swing, booking down the S-SE passage (assuming that's where the screams are coming from). If that last perception roll hasn't been used, please use that. PS what's the other dwarf doing?

The dwarven scholar is in even worse shape than Willy and is barely able to head towards the table as he follows in Herve's wake leaning heavily against the table to the south of the room where he seems interested in a set of books left on the top even as Tenna is looking around the northern part of the workshop.

Bogorin only:

Bogorin's View
As you approach the mouth of the Southern Corridor you can clearly hear even over the tumult of the alarm behind you the ringing sound of a hammer on wood echoing off the cavern walls as you approach the portcullis.
A thick rope attached to the portcullis ascends into the ceiling where it disappears but next to the portcullis is a level that looks like it has a similar looking rope attached to it that disappears inside the wall beside it.

Leafy only:


The chamber is 30' and 40' long holding a number of wooden cages currently guarded by 3 chelish soldiers and a lone goblin jailor.
Only three of the cells are in actual use a young andoran woman dressed in a torn maid's outfit in one, Leafy himself in another left garbed in a loin cloth and his former patron a gnome merchant known as Jonas in the third.
There was a fourth prisoner a dwarf who had been put to work forging some silver into a fine circle but he was carted out of the cell along with the material he was forging about a day ago and hasn't been seen since.
All of a sudden an alarm from the main chamber you were led through upon arrival is almost blocking the sounds of hammering as the goblin jailor is busy making repairs to the other cells which ominously indicated they were expecting company but their reactions suggest they wasn't expecting the alarm making it clear someone had broken into the compound making all three of you start yelling for help.
Leafy's View

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Coast clear here for the moment !

hopeless wrote:

Leafy only:

** spoiler omitted **

Upon hearing a commotion coming from outside the cell where he was being held, Leambo Leafwalker walked up to the bars and looked outside. "Is there someone out there?", he called. He waited, and listened, and watched. The Goblins that had captured him and brought him to this place stripped him down to his loincloth and took his all of his belongings that he had on him at the time of his capture.

He had heard that there was trouble brewing with caravans being raided by some Ogres and Goblins near the settlement, and decided to see if he could gather some intelligence for the Eagle Knights that would help them deal with the problem.

All was going well, that is, until he managed to walk himself into an ambush. He managed to take out a couple of the Goblins that he had run across before he was knocked unconscious and brought to this place.

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5
Teena wrote:
"Willy, does that feel better? Ya think you need more?"

"Ya, its better some. Thankya much." He gives Teena a big toothy grin and follows her over to the cloaks. "Wonder who dees belong to, eh?"

Just a wee lil friendly reminder folks, but, unless I'm mistaken, we are hearing screaming right now...would we really be hanging out and checking out...cloaks and stuff at this time? Please do as you wish of course but was just reminding in case ya missed it or forgot : )

Also, Hopeless, not sure if it affects Bogo's map position or not but he is running so that's 4X move, so 80' a round, yes?



Just to make sure I understand correctly, the tunnel Bogo's running down ends in a portcullis? And this is where the screaming was coming from? And the halfling is imprisoned behind the portcullis? Or in the passage past it? And can Boggo hear or see him yet?

If the screaming is coming from this passage and the portcullis is blocking his path, Boggo will slow and look for a means to open it. He'll also be wary for traps keeping a close eye out. (you can roll)

If the screaming is not coming from the passage than Bogo is Not running down it. he's running towards the screams, wherever they're coming from.

If he is in the right tunnel he yells out again "Dale! Can ye hear me lass! Hold strong! Bogo's a comin' for ye!" And again, only if he Is in the right tunnel and has seen no traps, he'll make sure he's standing near the wall (avoiding potential trap doors) and pull the level to hopefully open the portcullis.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Oops, sorry! Please consider Tenna and Willy's heads to still be fuzzy from the electricity!(at least that's my excuse!)

Tenna shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts as she saw Bogorin continuing onward. "Four of 'em at least, whoever they are..." she said to Willy as she ran after Bogorin, keeping an arrow drawn. If she was so shaken up by the shock that she had forgotten about the screaming, there was no telling what else they could be missing. She felt a mounting apprehension as she tried to catch up with the dwarf.

She called back to Angus, "Keep close to Mister Herve! I'll tend to ya when I can!"

I can't access the map from where I'm at now, but I'll run as far as I can to try and get to the square right behind Bogo.

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy has a very short attention span.

Willy rushes after Teena.

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Oops, sorry! Please consider Tenna and Willy's heads to still be fuzzy from the electricity!(at least that's my excuse!)

Tenna shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts as she saw Bogorin continuing onward. "Four of 'em at least, whoever they are..." she said to Willy as she ran after Bogorin, keeping an arrow drawn. If she was so shaken up by the shock that she had forgotten about the screaming, there was no telling what else they could be missing. She felt a mounting apprehension as she tried to catch up with the dwarf.

She called back to Angus, "Keep close to Mister Herve! I'll tend to ya when I can!"

I can't access the map from where I'm at now, but I'll run as far as I can to try and get to the square right behind Bogo.

Try this link:

Updated Map

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Also, Hopeless, not sure if it affects Bogo's map position or not but he is running so that's 4X move, so 80' a round, yes?

A normal move will do to get you to the portcullis.



]Just to make sure I understand correctly, the tunnel Bogo's running down ends in a portcullis? And this is where the screaming was coming from? And the halfling is imprisoned behind the portcullis? Or in the passage past it? And can Boggo hear or see him yet? [/quote wrote:

The gate is shut you can hear several people yelling, some demanding someone to shut up mostly but enough to know this looks like a prison

]If the screaming is coming from this passage and the portcullis is blocking his path, Boggo will slow and look for a means to open it. He'll also be wary for traps keeping a close eye out. (you can roll) [/quote wrote:

Already have, the portcullis whilst obscuring any chance of seeing into the next room is held in place by a simple rope and chain system with a lever next to it that when pulled causes the portcullis to lift and open.

]If he is in the right tunnel he yells out again "Dale! Can ye hear me lass! Hold strong! Bogo's a comin' for ye!" And again, only if he Is in the right tunnel and has seen no traps, he'll make sure he's standing near the wall (avoiding potential trap doors) and pull the level to hopefully open the portcullis. [/QUOTE wrote:

Yes one of the voices sounds definitely like Dale


"Dale! Can ye hear me lass! Hold strong! Bogo's a comin' for ye!" a bold voice calls from the other side of the portcullis that is the gate to this chamber

hopeless wrote:
Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Also, Hopeless, not sure if it affects Bogo's map position or not but he is running so that's 4X move, so 80' a round, yes?

A normal move will do to get you to the portcullis.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

"Who's there?", Leambo said, looking for the source of the voice calling for the person in the cell around the corner on the left.

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Thanks Hopeless! Tenna and Willy should both be behind Bogorin now.

Tenna's spirits rose when she started to make out the voices. She certainly hoped Dale was really in there, for Bogo's sake. She slowly reached for the lever to pull it back and let the others in.

Unless someone yells for her not to, she'll activate the lever.

Coming to the end of the tunnel and stopped short by the portcullis Bogorin yells out again "Dale! Can ye hear me lass! Hold strong! Bogo's a comin' for ye!" Then, making sure he's standing near the wall (avoiding potential trap doors) he pulls the level to hopefully open the portcullis, hammer and shield shill held at the ready.

EDIT: Ah! ninja'd me! ;-)

Leambo Leafwalker wrote:

"Who's there?", Leambo said, looking for the source of the voice calling for the person in the cell around the corner on the left.


"Silence that fool!" the goblin jailor snarls as he steps back to pull forth a short wand from the pile of gear near where his forge rests.
Your gear is here too

Bogorin, Tenna & Willy:

After hearing an unfamilar voice say,"Who's there?" another voice snarls back in response,"Silence that fool!"

hopeless wrote:
Leambo Leafwalker wrote:

"Who's there?", Leambo said, looking for the source of the voice calling for the person in the cell around the corner on the left.


** spoiler omitted **

Bogorin, Tenna & Willy:
** spoiler omitted **

OOC:To paraphrase an old Queensryche song,"Is there anybody lis'ning? Doesn't everybody see what's going on?"

IC: "If there's somebody out there listening to this, I have just one word to say; HELP!", Leambo said as he saw the Goblin jailor pull a wand from a pile of gear near the forge where he saw his own gear laying out.

Bogorin Rockstomper wrote:

Coming to the end of the tunnel and stopped short by the portcullis Bogorin yells out again "Dale! Can ye hear me lass! Hold strong! Bogo's a comin' for ye!" Then, making sure he's standing near the wall (avoiding potential trap doors) he pulls the level to hopefully open the portcullis, hammer and shield shill held at the ready.

EDIT: Ah! ninja'd me! ;-)

Photobucket Map:

A Cell revealed

Having trouble loading this on Mediafire will try again later

Tenna pulls the lever as Bogorin reaches for it and at her touch it ascends into the ceiling out of sight.
Inside you see a chamber 30' by 40' in size with a number of cages of which only three are occupied, however there are also three guards and a goblin of whom two are now staring straight back at you from the otherside of the door you have just opened...

Initiative rolls please

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Initiative: 1d20+1=7

Are the guards human?

When Bogorin sees his precious Dale in a cage he is paralyzed with rage for a moment Initiative (1d20=6). But the fury finally reaches his muscles and, his face red and murder in his eyes he charges in to swing (1d20+4=23) his hammer at the closest guard landing a solid blow (1d8+2=4) (+1 to hit if it's a Goblin)

Damn it forgot about Power Attack! Next round :P

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna yelled back down the tunnel, "HERVE! WE HAVE TROUBLE!" She remained standing where she was, unable to move past Willy and Bogo, and tried to take aim with her bow at the second closest guard(G1 on the map). It was a tricky shot, but she had to try.

Need more room! Gonna wind up hittin' my friends like this!

Initiative: 15
Ranged Attack: 17
Damage: 7

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Hearing Bogorin ant Tenna yelling , Herve thinks he'll soon be in trouble himself on his end

"Angus , please keep your sight on the north side and yell if you see someone coming "

Willard Barnable wrote:

Are the guards human?

Yes and they're chelish

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Willy steps up next to Bogorin and takes a swing at the guard:

Attack: 1d20+7=13

Okay before proceeding here's the initiative's so far:
Tenna: 15
Goblin Jailor: 13
Guards: 11
Willy: 7
Bogorin: 6
Waiting on Leafy and Herve once they post their initiative I'll post the next bit (Sorry Willy missed that bit)

hopeless wrote:

Okay before proceeding here's the initiative's so far:

Tenna: 15
Goblin Jailor: 13
Guards: 11
Willy: 7
Bogorin: 6
Waiting on Leafy and Herve once they post their initiative I'll post the next bit (Sorry Willy missed that bit)

Initiative:23(4 from 18 Dex. +2 from Reactionary Trait= 6 + 1d20(Rolled a 17))

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Initiative 11

Initiative Order:
Leafy 23
Tenna 15
Goblin Jailor 13
Herve 11
Guards (x3) 11
Willy 7
Bogorin 6

Okay Leafy what do you want to do?

Right just to be fair I'll note most of the actions already posted

As the portcullis rises the trio come face to face with a pair of Chelish guards both swordsman one with a shortsword and shield the other a two weapon fighter.
Tenna cuts loose with an arrow as both Bogorin and Willy step up but whilst her arrow catches the guard in the chest throwing him off step as both of his blows as well as his comrades miss as Bogorin catches him whilst he's trying to get his guard back up and is almost felled before he can catch his breath!

The third guard fires off a crossbow bolt and then reloads as fast as he can even as the bolt he fired misses everyone due mostly to the fact he's trying to avoid hitting his comrades in the back and behind them the goblin jailor moves up after muttering to himself.


The goblin cast a spell on himself

Okay once Leafy responds Herve moves onto the map and can decide where he wants to move to noting he can't engage the guards in melee this round unless either Bogorin or Willy move back to let him past

The Map preparing for Leafy & Herve's responses

Hope this works this time!

hopeless wrote:

Right just to be fair I'll note most of the actions already posted

As the portcullis rises the trio come face to face with a pair of Chelish guards both swordsman one with a shortsword and shield the other a two weapon fighter.
Tenna cuts loose with an arrow as both Bogorin and Willy step up but whilst her arrow catches the guard in the chest throwing him off step as both of his blows as well as his comrades miss as Bogorin catches him whilst he's trying to get his guard back up and is almost felled before he can catch his breath!

The third guard fires off a crossbow bolt and then reloads as fast as he can even as the bolt he fired misses everyone due mostly to the fact he's trying to avoid hitting his comrades in the back and behind them the goblin jailor moves up after muttering to himself.

** spoiler omitted **

Okay once Leafy responds Herve moves onto the map and can decide where he wants to move to noting he can't engage the guards in melee this round unless either Bogorin or Willy move back to let him past

The Map preparing for Leafy & Herve's responses

Hope this works this time!

OOC: I can't do anything while I am still locked in my cell, now can I?

Leambo Leafwalker wrote:

: I can't do anything while I am still locked in my cell, now can I?

Leafy only:

Two of the guards rushed past your wooden cage after someone called from the other side of the portcullis whilst picking their pocket would be a rather tall order you can try to use escape artist which you're quite proficient with and the cage is actually not designed to hold small sized captives the only reason you haven't tried is because you've been under careful guard the entire time but now however their attention is quite firmly focused on that portcullis and that goblin is busy casting spells not keeping an eye on the naturally stealthy halfling scout...
Here check the map again let me know what you think
PS: Your Dexterity is 18 so both Escape Artist and Stealth should be +1 higher than listed.

hopeless wrote:
Leambo Leafwalker wrote:

: I can't do anything while I am still locked in my cell, now can I?

Leafy only:

** spoiler omitted **

When the Guards rushed past Leambo's cell after the Portcullis opening got their attention, Leambo took the opportunity to pick the lock on his cell and open the cell door, and escaped. Once he was out, he rushed over to the Goblin's forge and picked up his Scimitar and began to strike at the Goblin jailor.

OOC: For Escape Artist, I rolled a 22. For Stealth, I rolled a 24. What is the Goblin's AC?

Leambo Leafwalker wrote:
hopeless wrote:
Leambo Leafwalker wrote:

: I can't do anything while I am still locked in my cell, now can I?

Leafy only:

** spoiler omitted **

When the Guards rushed past Leambo's cell after the Portcullis opening got their attention, Leambo took the opportunity to pick the lock on his cell and open the cell door, and escaped. Once he was out, he rushed over to the Goblin's forge and picked up his Scimitar and began to strike at the Goblin jailor.

OOC: For Escape Artist, I rolled a 22. For Stealth, I rolled a 24. What is the Goblin's AC?

Okay first things first!

As the portcullis rises and the guards approach the now opening gate the goblin jailor reaches over and pulls out a wand.
Nipping backwards Leafy manages to squeeze through the bars at the back of the cage and moves stealthily around the back towards the goblin's stash even as the goblin casts a spell on himself to head towards the entrance as the other guards make quite a mess in the fight with the intruders.
Leafy easily finds a scimitar however as he turns to look towards his former captors he finds that the gnome prisoner is calling for help in his direction which inadvertedly alerts the goblin to what you're doing.

You're out of the cage, you reached the pile and pulled out a weapon but it'll be next round before you can attack the goblin, fortunately once Herve posts it'll be your turn and yes you can attack the goblin and he isn't wearing any armour

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

Herve most certainly stays where he was .
With all the ruckus we made , anyone near must have heard us so keeping an eye on who will come and join the battle seems a good idea to him

on his turn...

Bogorin growls and lowers his shield in front of him and attempts to Overrun the guard before him (Ch2) making space for Willy and the others to join the fight.

If the Guard chooses to avoid him, Boggo moves to square to the right of Ch2....

If the Guard Doesn't choose to avoid...
(To be fair I'll let you choose the guards action before you look Hopeless ;-)
Overrun attempt


Overrun attempt (1d20+4=6)

Hopefully for me you chose to Avoid! lol ;-)

Not sure what happens when an Overrun fails?

PS: Do you know about the Invisible Castle online roller Leafy? It's pretty handy ;-)

Initiative Order:
Leafy 23
Tenna 15
Goblin Jailor 13
Herve 11
Guards (x3) 11
Willy 7
Bogorin 6 (already posted but can change action of wished)

Okay Leafy your turn

Amended Map

Mediafire version

hopeless wrote:

Initiative Order:

Leafy 23
Tenna 15
Goblin Jailor 13
Herve 11
Guards (x3) 11
Willy 7
Bogorin 6 (already posted but can change action of wished)

Okay Leafy your turn

Amended Map

Mediafire version

Leambo closes the distance between himself and the Goblin Jailer and says,"Silence this!", as he plunges his Scimitar into the Goblin's hide.

OOC:What is the Goblin's AC, for the umpteenth time?

Hey Leafy, check the OOC thread for answer to your question...

OOC: Anyway, I rolled a d20-1(Strength Penalty), and got a 19, which is within the Scimitar's Critical Range. Damage is 1d4 X2, or whatever the additional damage modifier is.

Leambo Leafwalker wrote:
OOC: Anyway, I rolled a d20-1(Strength Penalty), and got a 19, which is within the Scimitar's Critical Range. Damage is 1d4 X2, or whatever the additional damage modifier is.

You get a roll to confirm the critical so normal damage would be 1d4 and if the critical is confirmed you get to roll 2d4 oh and don't bother with the strength penalty to the damage roll.


The scimitar you picked up isn't yours this one is enchanted which you can tell because it started glowing when you picked it up

hopeless wrote:
Leambo Leafwalker wrote:
OOC: Anyway, I rolled a d20-1(Strength Penalty), and got a 19, which is within the Scimitar's Critical Range. Damage is 1d4 X2, or whatever the additional damage modifier is.

You get a roll to confirm the critical so normal damage would be 1d4 and if the critical is confirmed you get to roll 2d4 oh and don't bother with the strength penalty to the damage roll.

** spoiler omitted **

OOC:It is confirmed(although I think re-rolling a Critical hit is a stupid rule.); I scored a critical hit and rolled 2d4 and got a 4. Do I multiply that by the x2?

Female Human (Chelish) Commoner 1/Ranger 2

Tenna took aim over Bogorin's head at the guard just to his side before letting two arrows fly in rapid succession.

"Who's fightin' back there?!" she asked no one in particular amidst the din of battle.

Using Rapid Shot to attack G2 twice.
Ranged Attack 1: 10
Damage 1: 6
Ranged Attack 2: 13
Damage 2: 9

Leambo Leafwalker wrote:

You get a roll to confirm the critical so normal damage would be 1d4 and if the critical is confirmed you get to roll 2d4 oh and don't bother with the strength penalty to the damage roll.

** spoiler omitted **

OOC:It is confirmed(although I think re-rolling a Critical hit is a stupid rule.); I scored a critical hit and rolled 2d4 and got a 4. Do I multiply that by the x2?

No thats covered by rolling the d4 twice you can in future just double whats rolled on your 1d4 though

Tenna Milcress wrote:

Tenna took aim over Bogorin's head at the guard just to his side before letting two arrows fly in rapid succession.

"Who's fightin' back there?!" she asked no one in particular amidst the din of battle.
Using Rapid Shot to attack G2 twice.
Ranged Attack 1: 10
Damage 1: 6
Ranged Attack 2: 13
Damage 2: 9

Both arrows miss, Herve's turn I believe

Tenna's arrows fly past all three guards and harmlessly pass the cages before careening off the back of the chamber shattering against the wall.

Male Taldan Aristocrat 4

No action as already stated ....

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 5

Wiily delays to see what happens with Bogorin's bull rush attempt.

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