Care to Explain your Avatar Name?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Actually she did say made me sad.

Steven Purcell wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Mine would be

Zodiac sign = Aries so Ram
Zodiac stone = Bloodstone or Aquamarine (usually heard the latter but supposedly the former is traditional see here)
Chinese birth year = Pig

So Ram Bloodstone Pig or Ram Aquamarine Pig, odd but interesting

Edit: To make this more interesting try Birth flowers

Ram Bloodstone Pig! Half Orc Warlord!?

That's an interestig wy to choose a nickname!

Mine's an amalgam(sp) of my real name:

Joshua Andrew Money

Was going to use it as a stage name for my band, but never really went with it. Stage names are kinda passe.

Scarab Sages

Mine was a name I made up for a story I was writing, set in my homebrew fantasy campaign setting. Arazyr was the ancient wizard whose fortress the characters had to get into to further their quest.

When I first got on the 'net, I was using a different alias, one that was lifted directly from a gaming product. (Two points to anyone who can identify where "DeGleash" is from. 8^) After a few years, though, I decided I needed something a little more original (from a copyright standpoint) to use as my online identity, and that throwaway character seemed to fit the bill. It had the extra advantage of being effectively a random collection of syllables, so I never have to worry about it already being taken. 8^)

(I did google "Arazyr" once, and only one result wasn't related to me.)

The Exchange

alleynbard wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Lion Peridot Dragon just doesn't have the same ring.

Crab Ruby Rat

Ruby Crab-rat

... nah

It's a mangling of an old Egyptian name I use for a DMPC wizard from Osirion.

I've retired every other forum name I've ever used. I kept getting looked up by old online gaming acquaintances trying to talk me into coming back and playing videogames I've long since gotten sick of.

Silver Crusade

brock wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Lion Peridot Dragon just doesn't have the same ring.

Crab Ruby Rat

Ruby Crab-rat

... nah

Twin Emerald Cocks

Maybe I'll start using it.

Celestial Healer wrote:
brock wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Lion Peridot Dragon just doesn't have the same ring.

Crab Ruby Rat

Ruby Crab-rat

... nah

Twin Emerald c~@!&

Maybe I'll start using it.

Now there's a mouthful. Heh.

Liberty's Edge

brock wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Lion Peridot Dragon just doesn't have the same ring.

Crab Ruby Rat

Ruby Crab-rat

... nah

Sounds like a Magic: the Gathering card name. You know, (adjective, noun, noun), or (proper noun, adjective, noun).

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
brock wrote:
alleynbard wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Lion Peridot Dragon just doesn't have the same ring.

Crab Ruby Rat

Ruby Crab-rat

... nah

Sounds like a Magic: the Gathering card name. You know, (adjective, noun, noun), or (proper noun, adjective, noun).

hmmm... Water Garnet Air Pig Water

(Aquarius, January, Zodiac element, Chinese, Chinese element)
Nah, none of that works.

Swivl, for the lack of a better term, is my RL black name. Strangers at parties don't know my real name, they know Swivl. Sort of like an alter ego, if that works for you.


The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"delabarre" is the nobiliary particle of the full name of my SCA persona, Baron Eric Grenier de Labarre.

Where are the flame wars? I keep watching for this thread to explode, but it never does. It's no fun at all.

Treppa wrote:
Where are the flame wars? I keep watching for this thread to explode, but it never does. It's no fun at all.

Way to set up a strawman there.

Your ideas are full of fail.

All gishes are munchkins.


Messageboard Troll wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Where are the flame wars? I keep watching for this thread to explode, but it never does. It's no fun at all.

Way to set up a strawman there.

Your ideas are full of fail.

All gishes are munchkins.


LOL. So how exactly did you pick your Avatar name? I'm just not seeing it...

Dark Archive

Crab Ruby Fire Rabbit. What a conundrum :/

Ruby Fire Rabbit Crab. Fire Rabbit Ruby Crab. Crab just doesn't seem to work.

Ruby Fire Rabbit.

Ruby Crab Rabbit.

Fire Rabbit lol

Grand Lodge

Back in the mid '90s, I needed to come up with a "user-name" online. It took me a few tries because at first, every name I came up with had already been taken...

Thus was born, the Digitalelf...

Ever since, the name has just stuck with me...

Later, I started adding the "That One Digitalelf Fellow" as a signature...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Mine comes from my college years. I went to a Catholic college, and everyone was part of "Households" (fraternities on Cathocrack). While we all belonged to different households, most of my gaming buddies were "rebels" in that lame college kid way, and we formed a fake "household called "Restless Spirits", alternatively called "Independant Spirits".

After I graduated, Restless somehow became Reckless in my mind, and when I signed up to run games for Living Forgotten Realms, I did so as "DMReckless". Partly to honor those "Reckless" days of college, partly because I almost always DM, and partly because I like people thinking the DM stands for "Damn". I kept it while putting together The Thirteen Kingdoms setting with my fellow 12 DMs. When I joined the Paizo Community, I dropped the DM. You'll see me as either, depending on what boards you look on.

Additionally, I am of the conservative mindset, so the name has an ironic appeal to me.

Someone once told Reckless he needed to "Be more careful, dude."

I'm a big fan of Vomit Dude and Dead Horse. The Edition Wars spawned me.

Silver Crusade

It's my name. I know no imagination at all.

I lurve to... ummnn ack! excuse me...
blaaarggg chok spooo lorch

lap lap lap
Mmmm, chunky.

Anyone seen my master?

Treppa wrote:
Where are the flame wars? I keep watching for this thread to explode, but it never does. It's no fun at all.

Seriously Mr. Fishy is freezing. BRING OUT THE TROLLS!!!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

For your edification The Flame Wars

Warm up on that, Fishy.

I won't stop until it's as meme-y as you know what.

I have sticks through my head.

Captain Lindisty Alexander, my character in the last 3.5 campaign we played, and probably my favorite character ever. Perhaps one of these days I'll get around to writing the rest of her story, even though her part in the campaign is over.

Liberty's Edge

Lindisty wrote:
Captain Lindisty Alexander, my character in the last 3.5 campaign we played, and probably my favorite character ever. Perhaps one of these days I'll get around to writing the rest of her story, even though her part in the campaign is over.

Sweet, were you playing a module?

Mine is the name of my second D&D character - a magic-user. I was very creative when I was 10...

Lindisty wrote:
Captain Lindisty Alexander, my character in the last 3.5 campaign we played, and probably my favorite character ever. Perhaps one of these days I'll get around to writing the rest of her story, even though her part in the campaign is over.

Was this in the Mystara campaign?

Studpuffin wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
Captain Lindisty Alexander, my character in the last 3.5 campaign we played, and probably my favorite character ever. Perhaps one of these days I'll get around to writing the rest of her story, even though her part in the campaign is over.
Sweet, were you playing a module?

Nope, no module, at least, not in any organized sense. The DM makes lavish use of published sources, but he incorporates them into his own homebrew setting, with his own story. Though we went off the tracks of his planned storyline somewhere around 5th level and by the time we concluded that 'diversion' (which was pretty much all my idea) we were at 14th level. Lindisty doesn't have much stake in the rest of the story the DM had planned for that campaign, though, so when we resume with the other PC's story eventually, I'll have a different character and will get in a stint of playing sidekick while the other player's character takes center stage for a while.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The name of my first D&D character - a middle aged LG Dwarven Fighter. Also, a play on my initials.

Space Marine from the Space Hulk video game, Vengence of the Blood Angels. Love the names from that game, and Amael sounded very different.

I created a character for an online PBP game but the game folded before I could even RTJ. It had been a specialized 3.5 high level and settlement creating. As I had liked the picture of a forest gnome society and the character, I started looking for another game basicly by accident I noticed a pathfinder game and realized that cavaliers fit the character. Well sort of, since all of the cavaliers orders were "bignosed" by Forest-gnome lights I had to create one the Order of the forest Moon. I hoped to get it included in the testing but the lighting speed of PBP and the fact that that game stalled too. I never got to paytest it to fine tune it. In other words he is my very first pathfinder character.

Silver Crusade

Mine was given to me by a girl who I was working with at the time. She came up with it one day. I was in the enviable position of having to choose between her and my wife (who was my girlfriend at the time). I took the name and married the other woman!

Wow, that sounds really conceited.

Scarab Sages

It's the name of one of my AD&D Characters, a half elven fighter/thief I played for a long time in the forgotten realms setting. The name was actually given to him by a tribe of green elves (aka the DM) and he adopted it as his own, since his "birthname" was given to him by his owner (he was born a slave in skullport). Funny thing is, I remember many things about this character (I didn't keep many notes nor every overused character sheet), but not his birthname...

Dark Archive

Jared Ouimette wrote:

Crab Ruby Fire Rabbit. What a conundrum :/

Ruby Fire Rabbit Crab. Fire Rabbit Ruby Crab. Crab just doesn't seem to work.

A Carbuncle has kind of a ruby crab rabbit thing going on... The Crabbit, a hopping landbound burrowing crustacean, totally needs to go in the Bestiary of the Absurd, next to the Bearowl, Spiderpig and Starpanda.

Gosh, there are a lot of us Ruby Crabs here. (Ruby Crab Goat, myself.)

Liberty's Edge

Set wrote:
...the Bestiary of the Absurd, next to the Bearowl, Spiderpig and Starpanda.


Mine is the name of a half-orc fighter/cleric I played ina na old Ad&D campaigh that resently got resurrected as a PbP campaign. He's the coolest Butt-whooper evr to have walked the face of Toril if you ask me ;-)

Here's how I picture the guy:


The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Steven Purcell wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Mine would be

Zodiac sign = Aries so Ram
Zodiac stone = Bloodstone or Aquamarine (usually heard the latter but supposedly the former is traditional see here)
Chinese birth year = Pig

So Ram Bloodstone Pig or Ram Aquamarine Pig, odd but interesting

Edit: To make this more interesting try Birth flowers

Ram Bloodstone Pig! Half Orc Warlord!?

Scorpio Beryl Yang Metal Dog

Mine's a Forgotten Realms reference. Ariel Manx was the true name of Midnight, the wizard who took over the mantle of the goddess Mystra during the Time of Troubles.

It's somewhat obscure, but there have been a few forums and other sites where I've been unable to use the name as it's already been taken.

The guy had it coming.

Royalty agreed.


Gworeth wrote:

Mine is the name of a half-orc fighter/cleric I played ina na old Ad&D campaigh that resently got resurrected as a PbP campaign. He's the coolest b!%%-whooper evr to have walked the face of Toril if you ask me ;-)

Here's how I picture the guy:


Cool Pic!

I asked you once politely.


Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Steven Purcell wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:

The Twins = My zodiac sign

Agate = My zodiac birthstone
The Dragon = My Chinese Birth Year (1976)

Mine would be

Zodiac sign = Aries so Ram
Zodiac stone = Bloodstone or Aquamarine (usually heard the latter but supposedly the former is traditional see here)
Chinese birth year = Pig

So Ram Bloodstone Pig or Ram Aquamarine Pig, odd but interesting

Edit: To make this more interesting try Birth flowers

Ram Bloodstone Pig! Half Orc Warlord!?
Scorpio Beryl Yang Metal Dog

Mad Max!?

ArielManx wrote:

Mine's a Forgotten Realms reference. Ariel Manx was the true name of Midnight, the wizard who took over the mantle of the goddess Mystra during the Time of Troubles.

It's somewhat obscure, but there have been a few forums and other sites where I've been unable to use the name as it's already been taken.

You go girl!!!

You rock the FR love!! ;)

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Gworeth wrote:

Mine is the name of a half-orc fighter/cleric I played ina na old Ad&D campaigh that resently got resurrected as a PbP campaign. He's the coolest b!%%-whooper evr to have walked the face of Toril if you ask me ;-)

Here's how I picture the guy:


Cool Pic!

I asked you once politely.


Thanks Mate! Yeah, his Intimidate skill is through the roof! :) +16 without even trying too hard and he's 7th lvl! :D

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