Of Kings and Commoners - Medvyed Campaign

Game Master KingmakerDM

Map of Sorcerer and Forge.

Extra-planar beasties

Of Kings and Commoners - Medvyed Campaign

What has come before:
4708 AR
It's been nearly ten years since the disappearance of King Urzen Rogarvia and the rise of King-Regent Noleski Surtova; the one many have named Usurper. Many fear that on the tenth anniversary of the Vanishing that King-Regent Surtova, at the urging of his sister Natala, will throw off the Regent and name himself full King of Brevoy. Although his time as regent has been peaceful and the kingdom has prospered, there are many, mainly in the old provinces of Rostland, that no longer want to bend the knee to another king of Brevoy but seek a free Rostland once more. There is talk of war. The peace of the kingdom stands balanced on the edge of a blade.

There are rumors of war coming to Brevoy. Some speculate that it will come from within, erupting into civil war. Others say that outside nations will view the instability as a ripe time to strike and secure some of the prime southern farmland. All of these and more are possibilities but for the people of the Duchy of Medvyed they often seem far from their lives. Much of this lies several hundred miles to the south and they have their own concerns/threats to deal with.

This campaign will explore events as they unfold in the Duchy of Medvyed and how a small group of adventurers make their fame and fortune.

The Adventurers:
Halcyon Rastler - Male Human Arcanist
Cormyn "Steelnote" Ribiera - Male Half-elf Bard
Biggle Furfoote - Male Halfling Cavalier
Logan Alriksson - Male Dwarf Cleric


Other Interesting People of Note:



  • Jarwald - owner of The Sorcerer and Forge Tavern.

  • Rykeld - Sheriff of Muron. Female.


Gameplay Index:

Daily Record of Events:

30th Pharast, 4708 ARHeroes meet at The Sorcerer and Forge. Strange events unfold.

Information on the Noble Houses of Brevoy:
Duchy of House Surtova:
The most influential house in Brevoy, House Surtova, is also the oldest, established in Issia centuries before Choral's arrival. The Surtova's were infamous pirates and raiders in those early days, and with the Conqueror's coming were able to parlay captured wealth into lands and titles. What started out as a defensible fortress became Port Ice, a settlement that has been the seat of Surtova power for generations. Nikos Surtova's alliance with Choral secured House Surtova's place at the right hand of the ruling house, and allowed them to move quickly into place after the Vanishing. The Surtova's established a "regency" in the absence of King Urzen, which has quickly become the de facto succession to the crown. King-Regent Noleski Surtova sits upon the Dragonscale Throne, while his sister Natala Surtova reigns as unofficial "queen" as her brother is as yet unmarried. Rumors say Natala enjoys her role (and her influence over her brother) far too much to embrace the idea of a proper sister-in-law. Still, there is considerable pressure for Noleski to choose a bride and produce heirs for his new dynasty.

The Surtova crest is a gray ship against a field of blue below and black above, the upper shield spangled with silver stars. Its motto is "Ours Is the Right".

Duchy of House Garess:
The valleys and lowlands of the Golushkin Mountains are the domain of House Garess, founded on both the defensibility of the mountain terrain and the mineral wealth the house has brought out of the peaks for generations. House Garess once had a profitable alliance with a clan of dwarves living in the Golushkin Mountains, serving as brokers of a sort for the ores, metals, and worked goods the Golushkin dwarves produced. Duke Howlan Garess even took Toval Golka , the son of the clan-chief of the dwarf hold, as his ward (some say more as a hostage than a guest in Grayhaven Castle). This proved fortunate for young Toval, as Grayhaven lost all contact with the dwarf hold of Golushkin during the same winter as the Vanishing. With his own son Bren lost inside the mountains, Lord Howlan, a widower with no other children, has named Toval his adoptive heir. This has earned the dwarf, now a skilled young warrior in his own right, few friends in Grayhaven.

House Garess's crest is a snow-capped mountain peak in gray against a dark blue field like the sky, with a silvery crescent moon in the upper right corner and a black hammer across the base of the peak, head toward the left. Its motto is "Strong as the Mountains"

Nobles loyal to House Garess:
This is not an exhaustive list of all the other noble houses or Lords of the Duchy of Garess but merely a sampling of the most prominent of the lesser houses.

Count Verrill Burkhart - Countess Ena Burkhart
Count Josiah Trueman - bachelor

Baron Dillon Harden - Baroness Celestyna Harden
Baron Tychon Floreston - Baroness Libby Florestan
Baron Hallam Eckbert - Baroness Kalyn Eckbert
Baron Wendell Arminius - Baroness Maryl Arminius

Duchy of House Lebeda:
The Lebedas of Lake Reykal are known as the most 'Rostlandic' of Brevoy's noble houses, having inherited a good deal of Taldan blood and tradition, including a fondness for sword fighting and an appreciation of the finer things. Their family seat of Silverhall is one of the grandest castles in Brevoy, its spires rising above the shores of Lake Reykal. The Lebedas earn and maintain their fortune as merchants and brokers between the northern and southern reaches of Brevoy, and control much of the shipping across the lake. Dame Sarrona Lebeda has ruled the house as regent since the death of her husband, but their son Lander is approaching his majority, when he will become lord of the house. His older sister Elanna spends a great deal of time representing their house in New Stetven, and rumors claim the Lebedas are looking to arrange a marriage between her and Noleski Surtova.

House Lebeda's crest is a white swan, serenely sailing across a blue expanse, with the sun on the horizon behind it. Whether the sun is said to be rising or setting depends on the house's fortunes, but the Lebedas' sun appears ascendant at the moment. Its motto is "Success through Grace"

Nobles Loyal to House Lebeda:
This list does not constitute all the nobles or Lords in the Duchy of Lebeda but these are the most prominent.

Count Kamil Garnell - bachelor
Count Mariano Ansgar - widowed
Count Hassan Seymour – Countess Aubrie Seymour
Count Phillipe Rayder – Countess Odila Rayder

Baron Stephan Mason - Baroness Cosette Mason
Baron Matthieu Eike - Baroness Tatyana Eike

Duchy of House Lodovka:
Whereas House Surtova slowly changed their waterborne ways to focus on their lands and political affairs in Brevoy, House Lodovka has remained strongly interested in maritime affairs. They have steadily grown their fleet of ships in the Lake of Mists and Veils and their influence along their lakeshore lands and the trade routes crossing the waters. House Lodovka claims comparatively little land in the northernmost areas of Brevoy, and much of the land they hold is unsuitable for farming, but the house has many vessels hauling catches of fish and freshwater crabs from the Lake. Duke Kozek Lodovka is at heart a cunning old pirate with a love of the water, looking to do right by his house, his family, and his people.

House Lodovka's crest is a greenshelled crab climbing from the blue waters toward the gray band of shore surmounted by a gray tower-keep in the center, against a backdrop of black. Their house motto is "The Waters, Our Fields".

Nobles Loyal to House Lodovka:
This is not an exhaustive list of all the other noble houses or Lords of the Duchy of Lodovka but merely a sampling of the most prominent of the lesser houses.

Count Patric Skeie

Baron Fingar Rhee - Baroness Gyrild Rhee
Baron Vigvald Asheim - Baroness Eldis Asheim
Baron Kay Jenssen - Baroness Pernhild Jenssen

Duchy of House Medvyed:
The easternmost house, Medvyed claims lands nestled against the Icerime Peaks and the Gronzi Forest, and rules them from the fortress of Stoneclimb in the lower peaks. They are a hardy folk, raisers of mountain goats and sheep, hunters in the Gronzi Forest, and cultivators of what good land can be found on the edges of their harsh territory. The Medvyeds and their people hearken back to the "Old Ways" of worshiping nature in its myriad forms. Isolated forest and mountain shrines to Old Deadeye (and, it is rumored, Lamashtu) are more common than temples of Abadar or Gorum. Duke Gurev Medvyed loves to hunt, ride, and feast with his men, and dotes on his wife and children.

House Medvyed's crest is a black bear, rampant against a red field, with a spread of black antlers above the bear's head. Its motto is "Endurance Overcomes All".

Nobles Loyal to House Medvyed:
This is not an exhaustive list of all the other noble houses or Lords of the Duchy of Medvyed but merely a sampling of the most prominent of the lesser houses.

Count Stadius Rhesus - bachelor
Count Ares Grivas - Countess Dyna Grivas
Count Vasilios Kormos - widowed

Baron Capaneus Sallis - Baroness Cassandra Sallis
Baron Acteon Vlahos - Baroness Kassia Vlahos

Duchy of House Orlovsky:
From Eagle’s Watch on the slopes of Mt. Veshka, House Orlovsky seeks to remain above the conflicts in Brevoy, both figuratively and literally. Unfortunately, the house's role as a staunch ally of the Rogarvias has placed it in an awkward position under the current regime. Thus far, House Orlovsky has refused to acknowledge Noleski Surtova as anything other than Lord Regent in the absence of King Urzen or a true Rogarvian heir, but it is becoming increasingly clear which way the political winds are shifting. Duke Poul Orlovsky will soon be forced to either declare for the man he considers a usurper and opportunist, or seek to overthrow him and claim the Dragonscale Throne for himself (or another he finds worthy). An alliance between Orlovsky, Garess, and Medvyed could divide the nation, and cut the Surtovas' travel and supply routes between Port Ice and New Stetven, but any such arrangement must be cultivated discreetly.

House Orlovsky's crest is a black eagle against a gold field, wings spread, feathers almost touching at the point of the base. Its motto is "High Above".

Nobles Loyal to House Orlovsky:
This is not an exhaustive list of all the other noble houses or Lords of the Duchy of Orlovsky but merely a sampling of the most prominent of the lesser houses.

Count Eideard MacAdaidh - Countess Caitronia MacAdaidh
Count Iomhar Granndach - Countess Sineag Granndach
Count Tomag MacCalmain - widowed

Baron Baltair MacThom - Baroness Nansaidh MacThom
Baron Padraig Peadarsan - Baroness Doirin Peadarsan

Duchy of House Rogarvia:
Looking to secure himself and his progeny as high a place in the new order as he could, Nikos Surtova offered the hand of his daughter, Myrna, in marriage to Choral, binding the house of the Conqueror with his own. Since Choral's final victory in the Valley of Fire, House Rogarvia has ruled Brevoy, until the recent mysterious disappearance. The house built the Ruby Fortress in the city of New Stetven as its stronghold, and Urzen Rogarvia sat on the Dragonscale Throne up until 4699, when the entire family vanished overnight. The Rogarvias were well known as ruthless rulers, determined to hold Brevoy together in the Conqueror's name by whatever means necessary. Still, while their loss was not overly mourned, the stability they represented has been. Loyalists have continued to call for investigation into the Vanishing and make much of the fact that their rule lasted precisely 200 years, but it has become increasingly clear that House Rogarvia will not return soon, if ever.

House Rogarvia's crest is a two-headed red dragon, one head breathing flames, the other bearing an unsheathed sword, representing Choral’s legendary conquest, against a quartered field in white and gold. Its motto is "With Sword and Flame".

Nobles Loyal to House Rogarvia:
House Merhild - led by Count Brandon Merhild. He currently resides in his manor in New Stetven. He has a younger brother, Lord Roland Merhild who resides in and overseas the family estates in Cora. His wife is Jeana Merhild. The family owns several large vineyards south of New Stetven in Cora and their wines are becoming increasingly popular in Brevoy as King-Regent Surtova has recent taken a liking to them.

House Khavortorov - led by Count Eric Khavortorov. His wife is the Countess Maiya Khavortorov. The Khavortorov's are a very old and established family before the founding of Brevoy. Their motto is "We Won't Be Saddled." Their crest is a white dragon with a helmet embedded in its chest. Masters of battle, both on the field and at court, the Khavortorov's are known for their short tempers. House Khavortorov provides security for the city of New Stetven, as well as overseeing the collection of taxes in Reish Landing. They are steadfast in their duty of protecting the city but with House Rogarvia gone they are moving to increase their holdings at the expense of House Merhild.

Count Khavortov overseas a dueling school in New Stetven known as the Company of the Black Cloaks. The men of the Company make up the security for New Stetven and Reish Landing. They are known for their unique fighting style of combining Aldori dueling swords with their black cloaks which work to disguise their bodies an deceive their enemies.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the other noble houses or Lords of the Duchy of Rogarvia but merely a sampling of the most prominent of the lesser houses.

House Barnell - led by Baron Thomas Barnell. Motto "Never Falter". Crest is a portcullis over a red and blue chape field.

House Bartheld - led by Baron Davian Bartheld. Motto: "Joy in Service". Crest is a brown boar running on a black field.

House Dulver - led by Baron Harold Dulver. Motto: "Earth Yields." Crest is a black pickaxe on a copper field.

House Rules:
Hero Points - despite my dislike of them, they are in play. However, they only accrue at the rate of 1 every 2 levels and the most a single player can have at one time is 3. Also, all feats, spells, and magic items related to hero points will not be used.

Unconscious/Dying - in my games the enemy does not go to unconscious at 0 HP and die at -10. They are dead at 0. If you want to keep them alive, switch to non-lethal damage or force them to surrender. Unconscious/Dying and stabilizing is for heroes and their allies.

Magic - while I enjoy magical campaigns and there will be lots of that in my campaigns, I am not a fan of players using magic as their 'Get out of jail free' card. So, magic will often work different in my campaigns. I won't go into all the details here but some spells won't be available at all; some won't function quite like they do as written; others will require very expensive components to cast the spell or some tactic with a divine or demonic being. One of the main reasons for this is because I want a campaign that has a gritty, political feel to it and sometimes that can be lost if a player can just cast a "wish" or other variant spell to get them the information they want or achieve their goal. Ok, that's a bit over the top example but it applies on smaller levels as well. I'd rather the party build up a network of spies or contacts, grease some palms, call in favors, blackmail someone, etc., in order to get what they need.