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Hey there all,
I just thought I would post up to announce that Erik and I will be gone for two weeks on a trip to GenCon UK. As such, the current design forum will remain open during this time and I will attempt to monitor it oversee when time (and Wifi) permits.
Keep up the great discussions and I look forward to the next Design Forum, due to start shortly after my return.
In the meanwhile, I am sure some of the other folks at Paizo will be chiming in. Be nice to them... :-)
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

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Dragnmoon wrote:Man, Am i Glad i am going to be there Thursday to get my Beta..;-)Hey, last 4 are mine, you hear me, MINE, MINE, MINE!
Ahem, if you wouldn't mind leaving a few that is...
For your sake..I hope they do not do 1 per customer..;-)

Phlebas |

Phlebas wrote:For your sake..I hope they do not do 1 per customer..;-)Dragnmoon wrote:Man, Am i Glad i am going to be there Thursday to get my Beta..;-)Hey, last 4 are mine, you hear me, MINE, MINE, MINE!
Ahem, if you wouldn't mind leaving a few that is...
Meh, then the other players have to do mail order or a lot of printing. As DM i get to pull rank....

Mistwalker |

Enjoy your trip.
Oh, at GenCon they didn't limit you to one to a customer. I bought 6 of them (so that all in my group would not be stealing mine). Just get there early, as I suspect that they will not have enough to last the whole con.

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The Paizo editorial staff is, of course, open to invitations for East Coast cons who would like to see us at their show. :)
That's how the Brits got us!
Cool! Now I'll have to locate the people who run Wizard World conventions and threa...I mean brib....I mean "convince" them to invite my favorite game publishers.
Either that, or you could just come hang at my house for a week or so. I've got beer.

Zombieneighbours |

Hi guys,
I have just heard a story which i found quiet interesting. One of my friends is it out at gencon UK this week. He stopped by the Paizo stall and picked up Pathfinder beta, which jason was kind enough to sign for him. Now, this is where the story got a little weird. Apparently, the stall was under seige, by numerous Wizards of the coast reps, desperately trying to get people who where there to see the paizo stall, to go over to the wizards stalls and try out 4e, to which, the over welming responce to was 'bugger off'.
Has anyone who has been at gencon uk today witnessed this?

Zombieneighbours |

That might be native British truculence rather than any particular hostility to 4e as such. To clarify, I'm speculating - I'm not there.
We are warm, open and welcoming people who are never Truculent...unless your french...
That said, i don't think i have ever met a fellow brit who responds well to hard sell.

Charles Evans 25 |
Hi guys,
I have just heard a story which i found quiet interesting. One of my friends is it out at gencon UK this week. He stopped by the Paizo stall and picked up Pathfinder beta, which jason was kind enough to sign for him. Now, this is where the story got a little weird. Apparently, the stall was under seige, by numerous Wizards of the coast reps, desperately trying to get people who where there to see the paizo stall, to go over to the wizards stalls and try out 4e, to which, the over welming responce to was 'bugger off'.
Has anyone who has been at gencon uk today witnessed this?
There was NO such behaviour going on in the Cedar building this afternoon (Thursday), unless it occured in one of the brief slots when I was elsewhere either seeking refreshments or out of print cards from the ICE Middle Earth card game. I have no idea about the morning or any organised events (were Pathfinder Society due to play today?) which may have been going on elsewhere.
Great job under way by the Paizo team on their stall, by the way. :)
Jason was also managing to hold out against a Games Workshop tempter who was offering him Warhammer 40K figures.......

Zombieneighbours |

Zombieneighbours wrote:There was NO such behaviour going on in the Cedar building this afternoon, unless it occured in one of the brief slots when I was either seeking refreshments or out of print cards from the ICE Middle earth card game. I have no idea about the morning or any organised events (were Pathfinder Society due to play today?) which may have been going on elsewhere.Hi guys,
I have just heard a story which i found quiet interesting. One of my friends is it out at gencon UK this week. He stopped by the Paizo stall and picked up Pathfinder beta, which jason was kind enough to sign for him. Now, this is where the story got a little weird. Apparently, the stall was under seige, by numerous Wizards of the coast reps, desperately trying to get people who where there to see the paizo stall, to go over to the wizards stalls and try out 4e, to which, the over welming responce to was 'bugger off'.
Has anyone who has been at gencon uk today witnessed this?
I didn't hear the story directly, so it may well be wrong. And the guy i know who is at gencon, is a bit of an anti-4e edition warrior. so it might not be true.

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Hi guys,
I have just heard a story which i found quiet interesting. One of my friends is it out at gencon UK this week. He stopped by the Paizo stall and picked up Pathfinder beta, which jason was kind enough to sign for him. Now, this is where the story got a little weird. Apparently, the stall was under seige, by numerous Wizards of the coast reps, desperately trying to get people who where there to see the paizo stall, to go over to the wizards stalls and try out 4e, to which, the over welming responce to was 'bugger off'.
Has anyone who has been at gencon uk today witnessed this?
I doubt this happend since WotC did not have a Dealer booth...

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Hi guys,
I have just heard a story which i found quiet interesting. One of my friends is it out at gencon UK this week. He stopped by the Paizo stall and picked up Pathfinder beta, which jason was kind enough to sign for him. Now, this is where the story got a little weird. Apparently, the stall was under seige, by numerous Wizards of the coast reps, desperately trying to get people who where there to see the paizo stall, to go over to the wizards stalls and try out 4e, to which, the over welming responce to was 'bugger off'.
Has anyone who has been at gencon uk today witnessed this?
Um, no, and I was at the booth for all but about an hour today.

Zombieneighbours |

Zombieneighbours wrote:Hi guys,
I have just heard a story which i found quiet interesting. One of my friends is it out at gencon UK this week. He stopped by the Paizo stall and picked up Pathfinder beta, which jason was kind enough to sign for him. Now, this is where the story got a little weird. Apparently, the stall was under seige, by numerous Wizards of the coast reps, desperately trying to get people who where there to see the paizo stall, to go over to the wizards stalls and try out 4e, to which, the over welming responce to was 'bugger off'.
Has anyone who has been at gencon uk today witnessed this?
Um, no, and I was at the booth for all but about an hour today.
Thats cool, I suspect it was a think of chinese whisper :) thanks

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Hi Guys
Bit of a newb to Pathfinder. One of our club is starting up a campaign next month, and some of our 'Faithful' Living Greyhawk players enjoyed themselves with Pathfinder yesterday at GenCon UK.
My question is - is there going to be the support & campaign like the Living Greyhawk model? I love the 3.5 system & the idea of a larger, standardised campaign playing both at home & conventions. I know Pathfinder's at GenCon, but there's another convention called Conception, runs for nearly a week at the end of January on our (England) south coast.
You can find more info through ukroleplayers.com
Lastly, Pathfinder is compatible with D&D 3.5, does that include the new character classes from the 'splat' books & PHBII?
(I love playing Beguilers & Warmages).
Paul H

Curse the Halfling |

I doubt this happend since WotC did not have a Dealer booth...
But games were being run in the main building. That said they were not very well attended when I was there yesterday however GenCon UK is usually quiet on the first (and often second) days as a lot of us Brits baulk at taking time off for it. Plus it is much smaller than the old days when it was at Camber or even Loughborough. However that means that those of us that do attend the first day get a nice relaxed wander around and time to chat to the dealers, artists etc. Which we took advantage of with Jason, Erik and co as well as getting them to sign all the umpteen copies of the beta and Campaign settings that we bought. Thanks guys!

Phlebas |

Hey, last 4 are mine, you hear me, MINE, MINE, MINE!
Ahem, if you wouldn't mind leaving a few that is...
you'll be 'glad' to know i managed to pick up my 4 autographed copies and had nice chats with Josh, Jason and Erik (Thanks guys)
the stampede for the remaining copies can now begin :-)
*jumps into car and speeds away*

Raqel |

Was great to meet the people behind the names yesterday. (I was in the Pathfinder Goblin T-shirt and mate was in the "You're only jealous because the voices are talking to me" T-shirt, both of which got a mention by EriK).
Was a very enjoyable day.
Thanks for making the effort and coming over to meet us Erik, Jason, and Co.

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Just got back from running Silent Tide. Great little scenario which worked really well with a fun group. Thanks to my players. Good to see the faces behind the names behind some great products. Cheers!
(I'm the one walking around in the Bracknell Bees T-shirt if anyone was wondering - as I will be tomorrow for the afternoon session - different shirt same logo!)

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Hi Guys
Bit of a newb to Pathfinder. One of our club is starting up a campaign next month, and some of our 'Faithful' Living Greyhawk players enjoyed themselves with Pathfinder yesterday at GenCon UK.
My question is - is there going to be the support & campaign like the Living Greyhawk model? I love the 3.5 system & the idea of a larger, standardised campaign playing both at home & conventions. I know Pathfinder's at GenCon, but there's another convention called Conception, runs for nearly a week at the end of January on our (England) south coast.
You can find more info through ukroleplayers.com
Lastly, Pathfinder is compatible with D&D 3.5, does that include the new character classes from the 'splat' books & PHBII?
(I love playing Beguilers & Warmages).Cheers
Paul H
yea i already posted about that, i would love to be able to run and play in online games with my unkilling mage from PF live( in the single mission i played all died but me heh) since not everyone can or wants to cons it would allow reg DMs to run games online(am looking at you Erik since u are moving here to uk!!). that would be so great.

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For the record, it's Nick Logue who is moving to the UK, not Erik Mona, who is staying in Seattle and who will continue to run Paizo's publishing business.
Hope that's OK with everyone. :)
The con is over and we had a wonderful time. We managed to survive the show with a handful of the Betas left, but that was only because each of us carted a full suitcase of them to the show to bulwark the smaller amount we sent initially before the Gen Con US tidal wave proved to us that this game is going to be huge. Without that, we would have sold out on day 1 for certain.
I want to thank all of the Gen Con UK senior volunteers, Josh, Nick, and Jason for a wonderful convention.
It's always a treat to meet up with Wayne Reynolds, but this convention brought several "mystery contributors" to light for the first time, including the redoubtable Richard Pett, Eva Widermann, and Rob McCreary.
Lastly, I'd like to especially thank all of the UK and continental European Pathfinder readers who stopped by the stall for a chat, bought some products, inflated our egos with autograph requests, and made us feel at home more than 5000 miles from Seattle.
It was a wonderful trip!

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The con is over and we had a wonderful time.
What?..It's not over...we have plenty of time to get drunk tonight!!
oh wait..hmmm getting drunk the night before I drive back to germany might not be a good idea..
It was great meeting you guys to!!

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For the record, it's Nick Logue who is moving to the UK, not Erik Mona, who is staying in Seattle and who will continue to run Paizo's publishing business.
Hope that's OK with everyone. :)
The con is over and we had a wonderful time. We managed to survive the show with a handful of the Betas left, but that was only because each of us carted a full suitcase of them to the show to bulwark the smaller amount we sent initially before the Gen Con US tidal wave proved to us that this game is going to be huge. Without that, we would have sold out on day 1 for certain.
I want to thank all of the Gen Con UK senior volunteers, Josh, Nick, and Jason for a wonderful convention.
It's always a treat to meet up with Wayne Reynolds, but this convention brought several "mystery contributors" to light for the first time, including the redoubtable Richard Pett, Eva Widermann, and Rob McCreary.
Lastly, I'd like to especially thank all of the UK and continental European Pathfinder readers who stopped by the stall for a chat, bought some products, inflated our egos with autograph requests, and made us feel at home more than 5000 miles from Seattle.
It was a wonderful trip!
Just got back in from returning from Gen Con Uk and have to say it was great to meet Josh Nick Jason and Eric who were all kind enough so sign my beta rule book, sad fanboy that I am. It was great that they had time to stop and chat to us fans about what they were doing. Myself and my fellow pathfinders from our club must have bought about 10 copies of the beta between us and lots of other stuff as well! We thouroughly enjoyed the Pathfinder society games despite the total party wipe in our first one ; ) more on this in another thread later when ive un packed my goodies and eaten a pizza. Oh and washed.....
Wheres nick moving to?I can thourougly reccomend the south coast ; )

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Just got back to London from GenCon. It was great to see you all there to have little chats with about what you do and how it all works. Thanks for the chat and games! :)
It's always a treat to meet up with Wayne Reynolds, but this convention brought several "mystery contributors" to light for the first time, including the redoubtable Richard Pett, Eva Widermann, and Rob McCreary.
I always find that like radio, authours are never how you expect them to look. It was rather odd when I during a game of Pathfinder, I saw the cleric hand the bard his Campaign Setting book and asked for his signature. Confused the hell out of me. (Not that I'm saying any of you wonderful people have faces for radio... ... ...)
Enjoy your London venture!
Cheers! :D

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Just want to add my thanks to Team Pathfinder at GenCon UK. Had a great time playing Silent Tide & The Hydra's Incident on Saturday. (I was one of the guys pestering Nick Logue about coming to Conception in January).
Want to offer Nick a warm welcome for joining us this side of the 'Pond'. There's a regular gaming group playing Living Greyhawk in London once/month, I'm sure he'll be welcome there.
Paul H

Thed_of_Corvosa |

Jason very kindly signed the Beta rules that i bought at Gencon UK. He seemed a very nice fellow indeed and it is good to know that the response from the convention goers was such a positive one.
My group recently started playing pathfinder and we are working through "Curse of the Crimson Throne". The whole pathfinder setting is very good, with depth and grit.
It's a nice thing when the writers of these games are out and about, where you can meet them in person. I wish you all every continued success with the Pathfinder line and its good to know that the banner of 3.5 is still flying proud.
As Jason signed in my book - "3.5 Lives".

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Lastly, I'd like to especially thank all of the UK and continental European Pathfinder readers who stopped by the stall for a chat, bought some products, inflated our egos with autograph requests, and made us feel at home more than 5000 miles from Seattle.
It was a pleasure meeting you in person, if only for a very brief chat and hand shake.
I'm almost regretting pre-ordering beta from the web site. It still hasn't arrived (quite normal really, considering mail and custom times in Italy) and I missed the chance for a signed copy... :-)

Laserray |

We thouroughly enjoyed the Pathfinder society games despite the total party wipe in our first one ; ) more on this in another thread later when ive un packed my goodies and eaten a pizza. Oh and washed.....
Now that you've unpacked and washed, keep that promise! Lead us to the thread or tell us here about the total party wipe. That's gotta' be a great story.

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My question is - is there going to be the support & campaign like the Living Greyhawk model? I love the 3.5 system & the idea of a larger, standardised campaign playing both at home & conventions.
Yep—check out the Pathfinder Society!
Lastly, Pathfinder is compatible with D&D 3.5, does that include the new character classes from the 'splat' books & PHBII?
(I love playing Beguilers & Warmages).

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Rich2346 wrote:Now that you've unpacked and washed, keep that promise! Lead us to the thread or tell us here about the total party wipe. That's gotta' be a great story.We thouroughly enjoyed the Pathfinder society games despite the total party wipe in our first one ; ) more on this in another thread later when ive un packed my goodies and eaten a pizza. Oh and washed.....
Well ok since you asked nicely.I wont tell nuch about the plot incase there is people that are going to play it.
It was our groups first pathfinder outing, the majority of the group were from my local club anyway (including prosteve who posts here somewhere) We were me, a human fighter, there was a human priest, 2 human rangers, a rouge and a sorcererr i think! We were playing the frozen fingers of midnight and it started of fairly well. After a fair bit of faffing and random dice rolling we managed to find the mansion we were after.
the 2 big ulfen guards attacked us and despite not really being able to roll above 9 we manad to defeat them. We continued on with the adventure wondering why the dm was saying "mmm they didnt seem to be too tough perhaps ill use the higher tier ones" we were all level 1.
we continued on eventually finding the warehouse where we assumed we were supposed to go to. The priest managed to "distract" the big barbarian at the front door by pretending to know him and asking him lots of personal questions especially about his "health" in certain areas. This was highly entertaining and would have worked except for those pesky dice rolls which still refused to land in double figures. Th majority of the rest of the party had managed to climb and swim (very badly and slowly) and snuck in to the back of the warehouse and thats where it all went wrong.
suffice to say there were some pretty rubbish roles and a melee ensued.We started off badly and got progressively worse. My fighter was criticalled by a barbarian priests spiritual weapon upon entering the warehouse falling to about -7 without even drawing a sword. The sorcerrerr was quickly decapitated and the rest of the party quicky fell like flies. And this wasnt even the end of game encounter it was only about half way through.
we all lokked around abit stunned wondering what had happened but hey it was only a game. We did the other advenuters and managed to survive by the skin of our teeths and a thouroughly good time was had by all.
we suspect that the DM had got a little confused and had thrown us against a higher tier encounter as we sisnt actually manage to do anything against this group before they totally wiped the floor with us!
ah well life goes on and we had a great con and some great games!
thanks Paizo