Dungeon Master and DM versus PRPG

General Discussion (Prerelease)

Scarab Sages

Okay, so clearly Dungeon Master is an IP of Wizards (as far as I know). But can they actually consider DM to be IP? Even in relation to such a specific topic as roleplaying?

The reason I bring this up, is that as long-time players, my group is more comfortable using DM instead of GM or some substitute.

This said, is it possible for Paizo to use some other term that would be interchangeable with DM, such as:

Delve Manager
Dig Monitor
Discovery Maestro
Deific Monster
Dominant Member
Deplorable Madman (more for Logue than anyone)

I know Paizo has Gamemastery as a settled line, but can PRPG use some other term just to give DMs an easy time and keep the term alive in the OGL culture?

I'm not sure it is worth it. GameMaster has been part of the gaming universe for a long time. It ties in with their Gamemastery line. If it fits your group to call it DM, nothing is stopping you.

Jal Dorak wrote:

Okay, so clearly Dungeon Master is an IP of Wizards (as far as I know). But can they actually consider DM to be IP? Even in relation to such a specific topic as roleplaying?

The reason I bring this up, is that as long-time players, my group is more comfortable using DM instead of GM or some substitute.

This said, is it possible for Paizo to use some other term that would be interchangeable with DM, such as:

Delve Manager
Dig Monitor
Discovery Maestro
Deific Monster
Dominant Member
Deplorable Madman (more for Logue than anyone)

I know Paizo has Gamemastery as a settled line, but can PRPG use some other term just to give DMs an easy time and keep the term alive in the OGL culture?

I have long since replaced master with moderator under the GM title. In fact, I dispensed with the "game" prefix, I'm the "mod" in the group. I feel moderating is a really succinct description of a DM/GM's responsibility to the game, where "Mastery" connotes a superiority and egotism that I want no part of in that role.

Also, while I don't disparage alternative lifestyles, I've ended up with "gaymaster" once too many times to suffer the ambiguity. No such trouble with "moderator."

For my part, Direction Moderator (or somesuch) would describe quite well the function of the GM, whilst allowing you to cling to those two letters you have come to love.

Scarab Sages

Moderator is a good title - it admirably suits organized play, and does describe the current state of DMing aptly as well.

Liberty's Edge

"The GM is in charge of the game. That's Game MASTER. It's a game group, not an anarcho-syndacalist collective. Game Master, not Game Facilitator, or Game Counsellor, or Game Rules Looker-Upperer, or Game Idiot Who Gets To Listen To The Players B%!@~ About Each-Other, or Game Munchies Provider, or Game Dweeb For The Players To Mock, or Game Poor F#*$er Who Wasted An Evening He Could Have Spent At Home With His Loved Ones. Game MASTER." -- Kyle Aaron on therpgsite.com

I don't like Game Coordinator, because it doesn't have that same "I wear the viking hat!" feel that game MASTER has. I'm not really a fan of the title "Dungeon Master" either. It was cool when I was 13, but as an adult it's kind of weird. It evokes leather gimp-masks and bondage fetishes.

A few weeks ago one of my players introduced me to his girlfriend by saying "This is Ken, my dungeon master." I told him to never introduce me that way again. It sounded totally creepy and weird.

How about the Pathfinder Moderator?

Hmm, clear what system they're running and unless you make them the Referee or Arbitrator I can't see anything other then gm or dm.

I'd say "GM" is an established term for all RPGs. The only RPG where I ever saw another term is D&D with it's DM. Creating a new term for GM is as good an idea as creating a new name for players.

Liberty's Edge

I'm fine with GM. The other games I play use GM also. However, in every game I play, I always use DM instead of the official term because I was introduced to RPing through D&D, and it's stuck in my head now.

Scarab Sages

Gailbraithe wrote:

"The GM is in charge of the game. That's Game MASTER. It's a game group, not an anarcho-syndacalist collective. Game Master, not Game Facilitator, or Game Counsellor, or Game Rules Looker-Upperer, or Game Idiot Who Gets To Listen To The Players b!%*% About Each-Other, or Game Munchies Provider, or Game Dweeb For The Players To Mock, or Game Poor f~%&er Who Wasted An Evening He Could Have Spent At Home With His Loved Ones. Game MASTER." -- Kyle Aaron on therpgsite.com

I don't like Game Coordinator, because it doesn't have that same "I wear the viking hat!" feel that game MASTER has. I'm not really a fan of the title "Dungeon Master" either. It was cool when I was 13, but as an adult it's kind of weird. It evokes leather gimp-masks and bondage fetishes.

A few weeks ago one of my players introduced me to his girlfriend by saying "This is Ken, my dungeon master." I told him to never introduce me that way again. It sounded totally creepy and weird.

I never thought about it like that, but you make a good point. I get uncomfortable enough telling people that I "roleplay" or play "Dungeons and Dragons".

Liberty's Edge

I personally like "dungeonbastard."

DM worked for me when I wore T-SHirt and "regular" people said -cool, Depeche Mode shirt-... there's no common excuse fo GM...

I also agree that beign introcuded to a "regular" person as a DM totally geeks one out...

Moderator sounds really good.

In spanish DM sounds even worse: Amo del Calabozo... yikes!!!!

Neithan wrote:
I'd say "GM" is an established term for all RPGs. The only RPG where I ever saw another term is D&D with it's DM. Creating a new term for GM is as good an idea as creating a new name for players.

That's why I'm quite pleased being the Game's Moderator.

That said, in certain circles, being the unequivocal Master has its advantages for sure. I avoid such troublesome players as a rule.

Game Master, like it or not, is the standard. Those of us who see the act as more facilitating than creating the opposition are welcome to use Moderator as we like. Moderator rolls off the tongue in conversation a little more easily, and it has an accompanying verb!

What's printed in the rulebook certainly won't alter my preference.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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