Tarren Dei RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
snowyak |
I don't know if this is an error in Beta or in the Pathfinder Campaign
Setting (PCS)
In Beta under the cleric's weapon and armor proficincies (page 20)
is mentioned:
Clerics are also proficient with the favored weapon of their deities
PCS (page 43) Holy warrior heading
Holy warrior (Ex): A cleric with this ability is proficient with her deity's favored weapon.........
Big Bucket |
p.89, under Improved Unarmed Strike: "attacks or opportunity" should be "attacks of opportunity".
p.98, under Weapons, first sentence: "urgosh" should be "urgrosh".
p.99, under Light, first sentence: "... and it can be used while grappling.", but I see no mention of light weapons under the Grapple description in the Combat chapter (p.150-151).
p.100, the illustration. Should the weapon labeled as a morning star actually be a flail?
Mosaic |
Beta, p.28, under Fighter, Weapon Training...
The "Thrown" weapon group includes handaxe, while table 7-5 Weapons says that handaxes cannot be thrown. I believe that the "Thrown" weapon group should actually include axe, throwing (which is currently not included).
silverhair2008 |
Here are some of the questions I have noticed. If anyone has an opinion please let me know.
- "Extra Turning" feat - On page 86 the feat might be better titled as Extra Channel Energy. Essentially there does not appear to be any type of turning is PRPG.
- "Improved Turning" feat - Possibly changed to "Improved Channel Energy"?
- "Two Weapon Rend" feat - Is it automatic or must it be declared?
- "Weapon Swap" feta - Is the off-hand supposed to be empty and if not what happens to the light weapon held in that hand.
- Is "Monkey Grip" feat being looked at for inclusion?
- Equipment Chapter - There are several weapons, armor, and pieces of equipment that are not listed in the descriptions. Will these be added or should we plan on keeping our PHB handy?
Thanks for taking time to read my post. I am looking forward to any comments.
GeraintElberion |
I don't know if this is an error in Beta or in the Pathfinder Campaign
Setting (PCS)In Beta under the cleric's weapon and armor proficincies (page 20)
is mentioned:
Clerics are also proficient with the favored weapon of their deitiesPCS (page 43) Holy warrior heading
Holy warrior (Ex): A cleric with this ability is proficient with her deity's favored weapon.........
Campaign Setting is still 3.5
Pathfinder products are changing to PathfinderRPG in August 2009 (when the finished rules are out).
hogarth |
"Hearty" is listed in the Dwarf Racial Traits on p.8 (beta). It should be "Hardy".
Pronunciation[hahr-tee]adjective, heart·i·er, heart·i·est, noun, plural heart·ies.
1. warm-hearted; affectionate; cordial; jovial: a hearty welcome.
2. genuine; sincere; heartfelt: hearty approval; hearty dislike.
3. completely devoted; wholehearted: hearty support.
4. exuberant; unrestrained: hearty laughter.
5. violent; forceful: a hearty push; a hearty kick.
6. physically vigorous; strong and well: hale and hearty.
7. substantial; abundant; nourishing: a hearty meal.
8. enjoying or requiring abundant food: a hearty appetite.
9. (of soil) fertile.
(Hardy would work as well, of course.)
minkscooter |
(Hardy would work as well, of course.)
While similar, "Hearty" is actually incorrect, in light of the description that follows:
Hearty: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
The ability to withstand damaging effects is different from exuberance. See the Wiktionary definition of hardy. This is consistent with the use of "hardy" in the Designer Notes: Starting Hit Points on p.14 (Beta):
Racial: ... The frail races (elf, gnome, and halfling) receive 4 hit points. The standard races (half-elf and human) receive 6 hit points. The hardy races (dwarf and half-orc) receive 8 hit points.
I really hope the mistake on p.8 is fixed, because it grates, and I want this book to be beautiful.
hogarth |
hogarth wrote:
(Hardy would work as well, of course.)
While similar, "Hearty" is actually incorrect, in light of the description that follows:
Hearty: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
The ability to withstand damaging effects is different from exuberance.
Did you even read the line I bolded above?
"6. physically vigorous; strong and well"
minkscooter |
I'm not sure if this counts as an editing mistake. It's more of a graphic design mistake. Could we please lose the divider lines in the Spells and Magic Items chapters? See Chartjunk. For what it's worth, I love the background color of the pages and the tasteful design showing only near the top and bottom margins.
Jal Dorak |
I'm not sure if this counts as an editing mistake. It's more of a graphic design mistake. Could we please lose the divider lines in the Spells and Magic Items chapters? See Chartjunk. For what it's worth, I love the background color of the pages and the tasteful design showing only near the top and bottom margins.
I sort of liked the idea of clear visual markers delineating the spell/casting information/effect. Two lines might be a bit much, especially if you are using the pdf and zoom out. One line would probably accomplish the same thing.
minkscooter |
minkscooter wrote:hogarth wrote:
(Hardy would work as well, of course.)
While similar, "Hearty" is actually incorrect, in light of the description that follows:
Hearty: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
The ability to withstand damaging effects is different from exuberance.
Did you even read the line I bolded above?
"6. physically vigorous; strong and well"
Yes. I didn't mean to slight it, but it still makes me think of an exuberant handshake. I didn't mean to imply that dwarves are not also "hearty", but the word choice is wrong for the described game effect.
Thanks for giving me another chance to clarify.
Michael Landis |
It's a minor thing, but this one has always bothered me.
You kept the "Prepare to throw splash weapon" in the list of full-round actions on Table 9-2 on page 135. I'm fairly certain this was a mistake in the original table in the 3.5 Player's Handbook/SRD.
The only place a full-round action is ever again mentioned in any text regarding splash weapons is in explaining how to prepare a fuse to an oil flask to use it as a makeshift vial of alchemist's fire.
Surely we can just throw things like bottles of holy water or vials of acid as normal attack actions without "preparing" them, right?
Not sure if it helps, but I think a similar table in the Rules Compendium finally clarified this. I'll check when I get home.
Again, minor thing but... grr. :D
Deussu |
Deussu wrote:But they have to prepare it. This allows them to use it as a spell-like ability and also frees up an orison for something else.Page 181 - Magic Domain
2nd level power is "Detect Magic at will". A cleric can already do that because it's an orison.
Oh darn, you're right! Forgot about that, my mistake! Thanks. :)
minkscooter |
minkscooter wrote:I'm not sure if this counts as an editing mistake. It's more of a graphic design mistake. Could we please lose the divider lines in the Spells and Magic Items chapters? See Chartjunk. For what it's worth, I love the background color of the pages and the tasteful design showing only near the top and bottom margins.I sort of liked the idea of clear visual markers delineating the spell/casting information/effect. Two lines might be a bit much, especially if you are using the pdf and zoom out. One line would probably accomplish the same thing.
If there's value in grouping the information this way, I'm certainly interested in finding a less distracting way to do it.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Vampiric Touch spell (p. 285) mentions that:
"You can't gain more than the subject's current hit points +10". Under the new death rules, this should be revised to be hit points +10 (or + the subject's constitution score, whichever is higher)
Walls (p. 301-302) the text description of various wall types mentions a climb DC that does not match what is listed on the table. Examples are masonry walls, DC 20 in text, DC 15 on table, and unworked stone walls, DC 15 in text, DC 20 in table. All walls need this updated to whichever is the correct value.
Yellow Mold (p. 306), poison damage still uses 3.5 poison rules (Fort save for 1d6 Con, followed by another save 1 minute later for 2d6 Con), instead of the revised poison rules from PRPG (frequency 1 round (5) 2 con damage, or something along those lines).
Vigil RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |
Vigil RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |
Big Bucket |
p.133, first column, under Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, Performing a Distracting Act: change "Table:" to "Table 9-2:".
p.133, 2nd column, under Action Types: "There are fived types of actions" - remove the "d" in "fived".
p.134, first column, under Standard Action and under Move Action: change "Table:" to "Table 9-2:".
p.136, second column, under Exception: should "Extra damage over..." be changed to "Extra damage dice over..."?
p.139, 1st column, under Cast a Spell, last paragraph: replace "cast a spell" with "Cast a Spell" (capitalization).
p.139, 2nd column, under Run, last sentence in the first paragraph: needs a period.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Michael Landis |
On Pg. 62 under the disguise skill, it says you get just a +10 bonus to a disguise check when affected by a spell that alters your form (i.e. alter self, disguise self, polymorph, or shapechange).
Later on Pg. 159, under the transmutation heading, it states that you get a +20 bonus on disguise skill checks when under the effect of a spell of the polymorph subschool.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
A few magic item issues:
Chime of Opening (p. 370-371) should probably use the new mechanics for the knock spell, caster level check +10 (+21 in this case) vs. the DC of the lock.
Dust of Appearance (p. 373) the aura entry is in italics. For other items, they are not. (I didn't check every item, but happened to notice this one, so there could be others)
Many of the elixirs have the wrong aura type (p. 374 - 375) Elixir of Love should be enchantment, elixir of swimming should probably be transmutation, elixir of tumbling should probably be transmutation. Personally, I think that any skill bonus granting item should be transmutation, and not based on what spell is used in the construction. If this is the case, then elixir of hiding and elixir of vision should also be transmutation.
Gloves of Arrow Snaring (p. 376) also has the aura in italics.
Goggles of Minute Seeing (p. 376) should have a price of 2,500gp and cost of 1,250 gp, based on a skill bonus of +5. The 3.5 version had half of this price and cost, but that's because of the limiting factor of only being for secret doors or traps, and not all uses of the search skill (though admittedly that was most of the uses.) The PRPG version gives +5 to all uses of disable device.
Big Bucket |
p.155, Spellcraft DCs differ from the Spellcraft DCs table on p.72:
*Vigorous Motion: p.155 DC 10 +, p.72 DC 15 +
*Violent Motion: p.155 DC 15 +, p.72 DC 20 +
*Entangled: p.155 DC 15, p.72 DC 15 +
p.155 doesn't list "on a moving mount or vehicle"
p.155, Violent Weather, lists examples of DC 5 + and DC 10 +, but the Spellcraft DCs table lists only "extreme weather" with a DC of 10+
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Another round of magic item errors:
Mattock of the Titans (p.381), the aura listing is in italics instead of standard font
Necklace of Adaptation (p. 381-382), the requirements lists Craft Wondrous Item, and spell. I'm guessing that is a placeholder. In 3.5 the required spell was alter self, which seems reasonable still, though other options could be water breathing, similar to the Bottle of Air.
Necklace of Fireballs (p. 382), the Slot has neck listed, but the description of the item states "It does not count as an item worn around the neck for the purpose of determiing which of a character's worn magic items is effective." Based on this, the Slot entry should be "-" (also, the quoted sentance could probably be cut down to something like "It does not count as occupying the necks slot.")
Rope of Entanglement (p. 385) has requirements of both animate objects and animate rope, as well as entangle. This is the same as in 3.5, but seems a bit redundant to have both animate spells.
silverhair2008 |
While I know that we are just now editing Chapters 2 and 3, I had begun reading through Chapter 4 and noticed some things I thought were needing attention. I am beginning a round of play with the Beta rules so I am curious about some unclear items. I have only been through Chapter 4 partially so far and will post more as I go through it.
Please if I am in the wrong area or if this is not a proper post move or delete as you see fit. So here goes nothing.
- p 14, 1st column, line 17: "A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat." How can that happen unless an encounter lasts for 10+ rounds? Player must count rounds of rage plus rounds of fatigued condition (2x rage rounds).
- p 14, 1sr column, line 26: "A barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once." "More than once..." what, an encounter, day, week, month?
- Please sort rage powers according to level available or mention in first sentence of description.
- p 15, 1st column, line 4: "Quick Reflexes" Does this stack with the Combat Reflexes feat?
- p 15, 1st column, line 13: "Rolling Dodge" Does this stack with the Dodge feat?
- p 16, 1st column, line 44: Should "...allotment of spells per day..." read "...allotment of spell slots per day..."?
- No mention of 20% failure due to deafness in Spell section.
- p 19, 1st column, line8: "Discordant Performance" "Perform skill can can use his..." Delete second "can".
- Continuation: Creature is allowed a new Will save at the end of its turn each round Discordant Performance is active?
- p 19 2nd column, line 30: "At the end of an affected creature's turn, it is allowed a new Will save to overcome the effect." Does this mean at the end of its turn during the duration of the effect?
-"Inspire Heroics" It speaks of an ally who witnesses a Bard's performance, witness implies viewing, but any type of performance may be used. How does one witness singing, or how does one witness acting in the middle of combat?
-"Lore Master" Does the Bard nees ranks in a Knowledge skill to be able to take 20 if he does need ranks to take 10?
This is all I have found so far. Feel free to add to this list or make any comments you feel are appropriate. Thank you for reading.
Xaaon of Xen'Drik |
Treasure: pg 292
...,PCs that are built after 1st level should spend no more than 25% of their wealth on weapons, 25% on armor and protective devices, 25% on other items, 15% on disposable items, and 10% on ordinary gear and coins.
now, those percentages equal 100%...therefore you're saying you must spend exactly those percentages...because if you spend less than those percentages you have leftovers, which leftovers are part of 10% which you can only have 10% of...
I suggest you add 5% to each of those...
therefore no more than
30% weapons
30% armor
30% items
20% disposable items
15% ordinary gear.
these numbers would give a little leeway in spending, and of course keep the line in about not spending more than half their money on a single item.
Xaaon of Xen'Drik |
- p 14, 1sr column, line 26: "A barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once." "More than once..." what, an encounter, day, week, month?
when they can select a rage power according to Table 4-2 pg 13
- p 15, 1st column, line 4: "Quick Reflexes" Does this stack with the Combat Reflexes feat?
As it take 4 rage points, I would say it does stack with Combat Reflexes
- p 15, 1st column, line 13: "Rolling Dodge" Does this stack with the Dodge feat?
All dodge bonuses stack
- No mention of 20% failure due to deafness in Spell section.
Deafened is a condition covered under the Conditions in the Glossary pg 399. A reference to the glossary might help though.
silverhair2008 |
I had posted these earlier im this thread but it seems that no one noticed. I thought I would try posting them again.
Did anyone else pick up that under the description of the spell "Mislead" it references "improved invisibility"? Could it possibly be that "Greater Invisibility" was meant?
Here are some of the questions I have noticed. If anyone has an opinion please let me know.
- "Extra Turning" feat - On page 86 the feat might be better titled as Extra Channel Energy. Essentially there does not appear to be any type of turning is PRPG.
- "Improved Turning" feat - Possibly changed to "Improved Channel Energy"?
- "Two Weapon Rend" feat - Is it automatic or must it be declared?
- "Weapon Swap" feta - Is the off-hand supposed to be empty and if not what happens to the light weapon held in that hand.
- Is "Monkey Grip" feat being looked at for inclusion?
- Equipment Chapter - There are several weapons, armor, and pieces of equipment that are not listed in the descriptions. Will these be added or should we plan on keeping our PHB handy?
Thanks for taking time to read my post. I am looking forward to any comments.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
I had posted these earlier im this thread but it seems that no one noticed. I thought I would try posting them again.
SH, since the purpose of this thread is to point our errors so that Paizo can correct them for the final printing of the game in 2009, I wouldn't expect any comments on individual items.
If you want to discuss issues that aren't errata or errors, then it's probably best to make a new thread devoted to that discussion.
Erik Mona Chief Creative Officer, Publisher |
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
I finally finished my cover to cover read, and found an issue with the glossary.
Energy Drained (p.400) - this seems to be the SRD/3.5 version and not the new Pathfinder version (see p. 395). The biggest difference is that on p. 400 it mentions that spellcasters lose one spell or spell slot from the highest spell level castable, but on p.395, it mentions that spellcasters do not lose any prepared spells or slots as a result of negative levels.
Now, on to the web enhancement.
PS - Silverhair, I wasn't trying to put your points down in anyway, but was simply saying that if you were looking for feedback or discussion on your points, you might want to make a new thread, since this one seems to be mainly to list errors, and not have a lot of back and forth conversation. Sorry if I offended, it wasn't my intent.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
Foreceful Hand (web enhancement p. 14), mentions its combat maneuver bonus for grapple checks, but this spell can't grapple, it can bull rush. Perhaps the entire line of spells (the former Bigby's ones) should simply state that their combat maneuver bonus is, instead of specifying for which type, since the higher level versions can all be used like the lower level ones.
Glyph of Warding (web enhancement p. 16), when discussing that multiple glyphs cannot be cast on the same area, the text then states, "However, if a cabinet has three drawers, each can be separately warded." This is a bit of a nit pick, but can the word "three" be replaced by "multiple"? Someone looking to rules lawyer, or who's just being obtuse could try to state that, sorry, that cabinet has 4 drawers, not 3, so you can't separately ward them. "Multiple" makes the text more generic and only adds 3 letters.
JoelF847 RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 |
silverhair2008 |
To JoelF847, perhaps I misunderstood the purpose of the thread, but I have seen responses to others comments so I thought mine might get some notice. I am a little bit nervous about posting anywhere as I am new to this idea. No need to apologize but I appreciate it. I just got my power back on from going through Hurricane Ike. I was without power for 7 days. Started having withdrawal symptoms. Glad to be back.
silverhair2008 |
I just got my power restored from it being out courtesy of Hurricane Ike. I finally finished going through Chapter 4. Here are the few things I found.
- Most things have been addressed in other threads.
- 1. Wild Shape - Is there a HD limit on shapes taken? PHB 3.5 limited creature HD to Druid level.
- 2. Animal Companion - Share Spells - Must animal companion be within X feet of Druid to benefit from spell?
- 1. Bravery - It doesn't show on chart. It might make it easier for those unfamiliar with class to keep up with abilities.
- 1. Illustration shows what appears to be a Kopesh in Monk's right hand but not listed in allowed weapons. I know this is trivial.
- 2. KI Pool - Spending Ki points as a Swift Action is somewhat confusing. Can a PC spend 3 Ki points for all 3 options together as one Swift Action or does each action require a separate Swift Action?
- SPELLS - Key ability for spell casting is CHA not WIS, remove Paladin from WIS description and add him to CHA description.
- DIVINE BOND - Can the +1 enhancement come from the Divine Bond?
- Does the mount appear with the appropriate riding tack? For a Large size Paladin does a correctly sized mount appear?
- SHARE SPELLS - See Druid entry.
- COMBAT STYLE FEAT - Archery feats Careful Targeting and Exact Targeting are missing from the Feat section. The Weapon Feat Deft Shield is also missing.
- Under Favored Terrain/Enemy headings some examples might make things a little clearer.
- ADVANCED TALENT - Is only shown on the chart at 10th level. Perhaps showing it in additional levels might cut down on confusion.
- BLOODLINES: ABYSSAL - "Claws (EX)" Last sentence says this is a supernatural ability. Does this refer to the claws entry or to the mention of the claws becoming flaming weapons at 11th level?
-STRENGTH OF THE ABYSS (EX) - I believe 3.x limited inherent bonuses to abilities to a +5. Does this get changed here?
BLOODLINES: DESTINED - Within Reach (Su) - "The bonus from your Fated ability applies to this save." Do you mean the Fated Bloodline Power?
- Weapons - Is the Wizard not allowed to use Darts anymore?
- ARCANE BOND: OBJECT - "...can be used once a day to cast any one spell that the wizard knows and can cast..." Can the spell be from his spellbook or just on the spelllist? Should it be one of their prepared spells for that day?
This is all I found that caught my attention. Feel free to comment or expound.
Tarren Dei RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
"When making a melee attack against an adjacent target,
your target has concealment if his space is entirely
within an effect that grants concealment. When making
a melee attack against a target that isn’t adjacent to
you, use the rules for determining concealment from
ranged attacks." (p. 146)
Should this be "cover from ranged weapons" as that is what is talked about in the previous column?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
I haven't figured out why some skill headings are in all-capitals, some in title case and some both!
That's an error involving word styles and layout and header formatting. It's actually one of my pet peeve errors in the book, so I'm gonna be making sure that it's all nice and shiny in the final book.
Charles Evans 25 |
In the context of a playtest for those already familiar with such games, this one isn't really an error, but it needs to be looked at for the final product:
I can find no mention of what a 'd' is, in the glossary or in a sidebar in the early pages (I have not yet been through the whole book).
If this were the final book, it would be a problem, since someone going through the book for the first time, and seeing that they could 'roll 3d6' for their ability scores might well be going 'huh, what?'
As a technical term, in the final product it should be explained somewhere.
Also, in the ability scores section there is mention made of 'average ability scores' without any indication being given as to exactly what these might be, for comparison purposes. Again, in a playtest product for experienced players, this is not a problem, but for some first time players (especially ones who have not yet got on to statistics, etc, in maths lessons) this is not as helpful as it could be.
Rimrock |
On page 5 of the Skills chapter, under the Special heading of Acrobatics, it says "If you are proficient in the Acrobatics skill, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively...".
What does it mean to be "proficient" at a skill? Is it the same thing as "trained"?
Arakhor |
That's an error involving word styles and layout and header formatting. It's actually one of my pet peeve errors in the book, so I'm gonna be making sure that it's all nice and shiny in the final book.
Yay! I have a very autistic hatred of things being obviously out of place, so I'm glad that'll be fixed! :)