[CotCT by TerraNova Pt 1] Korvosa on the Edge of Anarchy


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The field Marshall shook her head. "They know I'm here, probably. Sabina noticed how little I liked this, and I think I wasn't too subtle going here either." She looked towards the door Gern had motioned to, and understanding dawned on her. "I should leave, friends. You can't be seen around my office right now, not if you plan to do anything."

She pursed her lips, and decided to adress Gern specifically. "I have no trouble putting someone to death if there is no doubt as to their misdeeds. I would much prefer the proper way, but as you know, results before formalities. But with her, I don't know. Too many things are unclear, and too many just do not add up."

As Zalen checked the room, he found Ayen whipping them into shape with harsh words. She looked like a fury unleashed, and the other children had taken back several steps from her. Tiny Pirisa was even crying silently. "And when Mister Candorian says he has to have privacy, you stay away from the walls. Don't make me angry. We have it good with him."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Ducking quickly back into the room with Kroft and the others so that Ayen of the children wouldn't see him, Zalen inwardly sighs as he thinks to himself for the hundredth time 'What am I going to do with that girl?! What is wrong with her anyway? Gods, do all 'parents' have it this hard? Anyway, at least the children likely didn't hear anything they shouldn't have'

Once back in the room the young man turns to Korft once again, saying "Well, Field Marshall, if we can't meet at your office can you suggest anywhere we might be able to meet...in secret?" Answering his own question he muses aloud "Maybe Halvera could help us? She seems to be quite skilled in the arts of...disguise and intrigue, and she does kinda owe us one. Also, I'm sure she wouldn't consider having the Commander of the Guards owing her a favor to be a bad thing either." he adds with a kind of ironic wink.

"Otherwise, my dear Kroft, should we embark on the mission I think we may, this might be the last time we see each other. And so, with that in mind, I must also ask you an important favor. If anything should happen to me, or all of us" as he indicates the rest of his friends, "the children I have taken in here would be...left alone, again. I would beg you that in such an eventuality that you...I don't know, at least somehow see to their safety and security? I know it is a lot to ask of you Cressida, but I really have no one else to ask."

Also Tarren, what's our latest cut of Eel's End's profits?

"Let's meet in early morning hours at the cattle market. There we'll have lots and lots of cover, and still some time to put anything into motion." The field marshall replied, sighing. The was another moment where her eyes glistened, but the prospect of being able to act propped up the woman better than anything else. "Also, this would not put us into depth with the most notorious madame of the docks."

She looked Zalen into the eyes earnestly. "If you act, and fail. I doubt I'd be spared the headsmen. Sabina knows of my connection to you, and I.. I am afraid I wasn't exactly subtle about my disapproval. But if things came to the worst, I would make sure they are taken care of to the best of my ability. They have no part in this." She took a long look at the assemblage, and nodded. "Tomorrow, then. Better a murderer to go free than to kill an innocent woman. Because only one of them turns me into a murderer."

In the morning, the market was overflowing with traffic. Now that the quarantine and curfew was loosened, trade returned in force. Sheep were bought and sold by the flock, cows and goats filled the air with smells strong and none too alluring. Kroft approached the party in close to a bartering merchant. She was wearing plain clothes - remarkably plain, unlike her usual attire. She almost seemed like a peasant woman. "So, you've heard about the execution. Huge crowd there, most likely. She's being hauled right up from the dungeons, they say. But with that many people looking on, I hope they can really keep security. I mean, if anyone really goes out of their way to free the assassin, they'd probably make their move right at the stand."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen muses for a moment before answering "Hmmm, yes, I can se the benefit of trying the rescue in the midst of a large crowd like that. But what are your ideas or suggestions for after Kroft? Where should we run to? Where can we hide? Where, if anywhere, could we be safe? Also, it may be a good idea to try and disguise ourselves...just in case. Maybe Halvera could let us borrow that wand of hers..."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern looks around the crowded market, wrinkling his nose a little at the earthy aroma of the place. While teh dank smells of caves and forges were fine for teh dwarven warrior, this farmers smell of straw and manure wasn't to his liking.

"What an interestin' smell ye've discovered Lass" he grumbles as Kroft moves up to them.

When she outlines her ploy, the dwarf nods in agreement. "Aye, tis best ter wait till teh last possible moment. They'll be expectin' trouble afore that, but I'm willing ter bet that their guard is down a little when she's safely up on tha podium fer teh crowd ter be watchin' tha spectacle"

He looks Kroft in the eye and asks her bluntly "Will yer own folk be actin' as guard lass? I expect me axe ter be workin' if we go against the Queen on this, and I'd rather not be taking the knees out from an honest guardsman. Ye got any ideas as to how we could get this done without some blood bein spilt?"

Especially me own, the taciturn dwarf thinks to himself.

Female Human Cleric 4

"I could try to distract the guards while the rest of you rescue Trina." Alandra suggests, not liking the idea of trying to pull of such a stunt with so many guards present.

The Field Marshall swiftly made a motion encompassing the entirety of the market, its animal sounds, loud haggling and half-screamed conversations. If there was any location where being overheard was unlikely, this was it. "Sir Dwarf, I understand your distaste, but consider the advantages."

"She's going to display her 'Roses of Korvosa' for the first time. Most of them former guardswoman, but now they're under Sabina's thumb. I would like to avoid casualties." Her voice had lowered itself to near inaudibility, with a lingering gravity, that spoke volumes on how hard this was on the career officer.

She bowed down a little lower. "I might be able to effect some additional help that will make things easier. I can not promise anything, and I am pretty confident that if I manage to get that aid, I will not be able to help you myself."

Considering Zalen's suggestions, she added "I would recommend cloaks, face masks and the like. There will be chaos and confusion, and reports of your actions and appearances will vary wildly anyway. Too much work will only increase your chances of being spotted ahead of time. Once you are past the citadel, race out of the city. The shingles should be the best way. Drop to the sewers at the first chance, and out near the river. I will have a boat waiting near the old abandoned fishery you found the bauble."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Consulting his knowledge of the city, Zalen tries to figure the best and easiest place to discreetly get a hold of some masks and throw away cloaks.

Unless anyone has anything else to add, he suggests they all head home for a good nights sleep and arrive to the scene separately, but all slowly make their way to the front. He finishes with "Also, we should agree on some kind of signal...hmm, perhaps when Alandra and I cast our spells to distract or incapacitate the guards, Warth, Krek and Ayedah can make the grab for Trinia?"

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

"Aye, yer plan sounds fine ter me Fieldmarshall" Gern nods his agreement.

When Zalen chimes in, the dwarf also agrees "Aye, yer also are speakin' good sense. Dinnae worry too much about cloaks though lad. Best ter just buy a standard cloak of dark weave from any shop. A mask need only be a cloth bag with holes cut in fer yer eyes and mouth. If we go searchin' fer specialist gear, it'll leave a trail others can follow."

He looks around at those gathered with him "The signal be yer magics goin off. I'll be doin' the snatch and grab then. Ifn' we can get teh crowd ter be movin in a panick when I'm doin that then all the better. I dinnae move real fast yer know. If I get left behind, you lot are ter keep movin' and get this 'ere lass to tha boat."

He smiled grimly at the others. This was more dangerous than anything they had done for the Fieldmarshall so far, but it was also the only one where his honour had been besmirched. It was as personal to the dwarf as his attack on Lamm's place that had started this whole affair.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen nods at Gern's eternal practical wisdon and good sense and then first looking to Alandra to see if she has anything else to add, he says with more of a serious expression than the others had seen on him before "We may be in it for sure this time folks, but I truly believe we'll be fighting on the side of the angels in this one, so I feel confident we shall succeed. But, if we don't, it's been a true pleasure to work with you all and call you my friends."

And again, wiating for the others to say whatever they wish first, when done, Zalen heads home, to make the simple supplies he will need, spend some time with the children and get some rest for the big event.

Kroft listened to the discussion ensuing, and a small smile appeared on her face, still not beaming but at least somewhat hopeful. "I think you should have matters well enough in hand. You should try to be among the first tenth of the attendants to be close to the podium, but other than that... thank you. I will try and drum up some more support."

After a short glance to make sure no further questions arose, she turned and left the group to their own devices.

You've got about 8 more hours until you should be at the scene. Unless anything is interspersed, I'll go ahead and post the finale of Edge tomorrow.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Sounds good to me, Zalen will gather the necessary materials for himself and do as Kroft instructs being on of the first few to arrive at the event.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

I'm good for that plan too TN. Will gather the correct gear and arrive in time to be in teh closer ranks when the time comes. Cheers

Female Human Cleric 4

Sounds good. Alandra will return to the Temple and be ready for the next day.

The courtyard opening to the podium was glowing in the dusklight as the execution drew nearer and nearer. The affair had been put into a public spectacle, with noblemen separating from the common chaff by velvet ropes and stern-faced members of the royal guard. The courtyard had been separated almost in twain, with the section closes to the stage reserved for the nobility, the well-known or the heroic.

As you arrive, the common section is already well-visited, though not as overcrowded as it promised to become later on, while the noble half was still comfortably empty. Lords and Ladies stood scattered about, each in festive clothes, flitting around as if the occasion was a grand gala rather than the execution of a kingslayer.

Knowledge: Local 10

While most noble houses were present with some scion or elder, and House Zanderholm already presenting its patriarch, three figures were conspicuously absent. The captain of the Sable Company was nowhere to be seen, merely a subordinate officer held their position. Likewise, one of the lower-ranking officers of the City Guard had taken Field Marshal Kroft's place, and the Seneshal was not to be seen anywhere, either.

Hawkers pushed their wares on passing visitors. Just barely out of sight, a gaggle of working girls waited for patrons whom the bloodshed had intoxicated in an entirely different way - it promised to be a very profitable eve for some Korvosans at least.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Just before he arrives at the spectacle, Zalen discreetly uses his wand to cast Mage Armor on himself. He then follows the press of people inside, using his skills to blend in. Rogue that he is, Zalen notes the absence of a few prominent members from the vip section and files the information away to be shared later on with his friends. As the good-hearted young man sees the gay and festive air of those present, he becomes both enraged and disgusted by his fellow Korvosians. That they could be so cavalier about the upcoming death of a young woman, whether guilty or not, makes him want to lash out in fury at them.

Calming himself with some effort, Zalen looks around for his friends, if he does see them nodding to them subtly. While doing this, the rogue also takes a good look around the courtyard, figuring out the best, quickest and easiest exits, using his knowledge of the city to do so.

Finally, he then moves to place himself in the best position so as to be able to affect the greatest number of guards with his spells. Looking for the biggest guard he can find, Zalen will place himself directly behind the man, and, again using his cloak and his skills to do so without anyone seeing him, casts Charm Person on the man and beings to chat in a friendly manner with him. "Quite a turn-out here today eh my friend? This will be my first execution, what do you expect to happen?"

Knowledge(local):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 181d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 201d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 (plus any bonus for the cloak?)

I included an extra of the 1st two rolls just in case they were needed. And Terra, would it be possible to give us a layout of the setup? Or would you just like us to describe what we'd like to do? Also has Alandra memorized any different spells today for this snatch-and-grab Rimrock?

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern moved himself into position, the heavy grey cloak sitting comfortably over his armour and the large cowel pulled up to cover his features in shadow. He couldn't do much about his height, but hopefully none would get a good look at him until they got very close.

He glanced around the gathering, but his eyes were for nothing more than the guards and methods of escape. Those ghouls who were here to attend this execution had no place for his planning. It was the imperial guards and the personal bodyguards of the elite and ruling class that had the dwarf worried.

With Alandra and Krek surprisingly subdued about this situation, the fighter knew the onus on getting the girl out may well fall squarely on his shoulders.

He edged closer through the crowd, his hand resting comfortingly on his axe covered by the grey cloak. He hadn't even told his uncle and aunt about this. If he fell here today, he wanted none to connect them to him. He had left his clanhold symbol back in his rooms, and all items of distinctive gear had been replaced, including the crocodile skin boots he had taken to wearing since Killing Lamms damnable pet.

He was a nobody. Another nameless face in a crowd. Hopefully it would remain that way.

Female Human Cleric 4

When Alandra meets up with the others in the morning, she says a brief prayer with each of them.

Casting guidance, which lasts up to a minute or until used.

She then takes a position near Zalen, like him aiming to interact with as many guards (and onlookers) as possible.

Knowledge (local) - untrained: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

I'll assume Alandra times things correctly so she casts her spell once Trinia is brought to the stand

The plaza slowly filled to capacity, leaving ample ambling space in the noble section, but choking the common one with curious onlookers as the spectacle began to unfold and thicken. Two drummers from the royal regiment rolled their drums, and Queen Ileosa Arabasti strode forth from the keep, accompanied on both sides by two young woman in plate armor. Their armor was an ashen gray, and their cloaks matched it. The armor seemed tight and had no visible seams of opening, including the narrow, uncomfortable-looking helmets closing off their faces. These helmets, just faceless masks without accents with the barest holes for eyes were putting an even more disconcerting accent on the already-strict appearance, robbing the four woman of any last vestige of individuality.

Perfectly in step, they escorted the most stunning contrast possible. Ileosa no longer was a widow in mourning. She had turned into a very alife, very confident rules. Her tight but exquisite green dress accented her figure, and her extravagant fen was well-used to keep attention of any attendant solidly directed at her direction.

At the same time, a smaller door was opened on the opposite side of the courtyard. A towering man, maybe a half-breed with orcish ancestry exited, hefting a huge headsmen's axe. Behind him, four more of the masked woman dragged a beaten and bruised Trinia behind them. She seemed fully intent to move, having consigned herself to her fate, but the woman gave her no chance to gather her feet beneath her. So she stumbled, almost fell, and was dragged like a sack of flour, to mixed cheers and jeers from the crowd.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen's stomach filps flops inside him, roiling with guilt as he sees the treatment which Trinia has been subject too. As his gaze moves to the young Queen, the powerful attraction and loyalty he had felt for her before turns to ashes in his mouth and a seething rage settles in to replace everything else.

When Trinia is brought to the block, Zalen raises his cowl and turns away his head, as if he can't bear to look. Really though he uses this opportunity to don his mask and ready himself to cast the first spell he intends to use to cause as much commotion and panic as possible.



Tarren, I'm planning to have Zalen first use Ghost Sound to create the yelling of four people (his current limit) screaming in panic about some sort of invasion of armed forces happening right now. But I don't know what would be most believable. What type of force, army, monsters or whatever would be most believable to be attacking the city?

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern sees the girl being led from the gates and his anger immediately rises. He crouches, as if pretending to tie his boot but slips teh hooded mask from his pocket and slips in. He pulls the hood of cape back over to concel the fact he is wearing it. The dwarf then prays the spectacle of the strange guards and the girl they are dragging between them is enough to keep peoples interest from him.

He begins to edge closer to the stage, waiting for his moment to act. Wondering how hes going to get a shield readied without being noticed.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra casts owl's wisdom on herself, then:

Alandra begins to speak loudly, acting like a deranged cultist of Pharasma, spouting a bunch of nonsense about Pharasma's views on public executions.

When the moment is right and she has as many of the guard's attention as possible, she will cast enthrall (DC 17) on everyone within range.

Illeosa stepped forward, and her voice carried clearly over the murmor and discussions that filled the square “Fellow Korvosans! You have suffered greatly these past few weeks. Homes have burned, family members have died, fortunes have been lost. I feel your suffering, for not only have I lost a beloved husband, but with each riot, each burning home, each act of anarchy, my heart bleeds a little more. This has been a trying time for us, yet the torment is at an end. Before you is the face of your anguish and pain. Do not be deceived by this murderer’s timid nature—she is a black-hearted assassin, a seductress and sinner, a viper amidst us all. I offer you all her death as a salve against the hatred and hurt you have suffered. Her death will not rebuild Korvosa, nor will it bring back the king, yet tomorrow will be a new dawn—a dawn over a city ready to rise from the edge of anarchy to become stronger than ever before!"

Trinia was forced onto the block roughly, managing a brave, though hopeless smile. As the group launched themselves into action, Illeosa pronounced “And so, without further delay, let us usher in this new dawn
with justice! OFF WITH HER HEAD!”

There was a strong movement of whispers and anxiety gripping the crowd, drawing attention from the grisly act the queen had ordered. It was a golden opportunity, if ever there was one before Trinia lost her head.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern moved, exploding into action as the tableau came to a head. He threw his cloak back from his arms, freeing them for combat and drawing his axe as he moved. His war bellow held the anger of the moment, pouring from him in a primal scream as he lept on the stage and forced himself between the headsman and the prone Trinia.

"This execution is a FARCE!" he screamed to the crowd. Then he urged the girl "get up lass, getyerself inter the crowd."

Not sure what rolls you're after for that TN. Do i need to bull rush to get in between them, if so 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19. Maybe an intimidate for the bestial anger I'm displaying, though I think its a standard action to intimidate in combat. If you need it then 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11. My plan is to be between Trinia and harm, hoping to intercept any combatants until she can get into the crowd.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Sounds good so far Gern, but as Trinia doesn't know where we need to take her, will you be leading her there, or were you expecting one of us to? Either is fine.

With his drawn hood covering his face mask, Zalen had kept whispering in his charmed friend's ear, subtly bringing the conversation around how horrible it was to execute a young girl like this. The moment Gern bursts forth in rage, Zalen yells passionately to the large guard "We cannot let this travesty pass my friend! Help us save her!"

He then releases his Ghost Sound spell, causing the sound of three men a one woman yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs about hordes of (?) you seemed to have missed my question to you on this Terra, so please fill in whatever is most appropriate: Orcs, Chelaxians, Barbarians...what have you attacking and burning the city, causing the sound to come from somewhere near the entrance to the courtyard.

Then, as soon as he can, he spins and casts his Spray of Colours spell, aiming it to catch the Queen and as many guards in it's path as he can.

Finally, he also tries to keep a close eye on the hopefully fleeing Trinia, and as soon as he finishes his Colour Spray spell he races to catch up to her.

I know I have more then one rounds actions in there Terra, but I wasn't sure if we were in rounds yet or not. If so, you can roll it over into the next round. Just in case, here's Z's init roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 and Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

I want to play this scene very cinematically. No rolls are necessary right now. Just describe your action, and we'll see where it goes. :) It's an experiment.

Full Anarchy erupted as Zalen released his ghostly sounds, with the rabble erupting half into panic, half into angry shouts at the stand as the long list of grievances was called back into memory. The raising discent was punctuated by an impacting thud as an arrow embedded itself in the headsmen's arm. The axe dropped from his shocked fingers, and embedded itself in the wooden floor next to the block. All eyes darted to the battlement, where two incapacitated royal guardsmen lay.

A lithe figure stood among them, bow still in hand. It raised its voice, which carried clearly even over the din. The speaker was clad in a black, cheap cloak. The face was hidden from view by a simple black mask, and the cloak and body-suit conceiled any other feature well enough that even the gender of the assailant was not clearly visible. Calls of "Blackjack" raced through the crowd, and even they could not drown out the words.

"Yes indeed, my queen! Let us usher in justice, but let that be justice for Korvosa, not this shambles you petulantly call a monarchy! Long live Korvosa! Down with the Queen!"

Trinia needed no further words of encouragement. She slipped free of the bonds that held her, between the legs of one of her distracted captors whose impractical helmets seemed to restrict their vision. She rolled into the crowd, close to the legs of Gern. "Sir Dwarf, Sanctuary? We need to get away from the castle!"

Zalen saw the common section of the courtyard afire from Blackjack's speech. They threatened to overrun the barricade separating them from the nobles, who stood baffled and frightened. Blackjack motioned towards the battlement that had served as a vantagepoint.

Once more, Korvosa stood on the edge of Anarchy. Zalen was thick in the fray, surrounded by a young girl screaming "Death to the Harlot Queen", an elderly man sharing the sentiment, and an raising tide of Calls for "Blackjack", the once and again hero of the common folk of Korvosa. His spell just added to the confusion, disabling one of the masked guardswoman who gasped in horror and pain as her body slumped to the side. Another stood confused as well, but shrugged of the spell quickly, beginning to plow through the nobles towards the originator.

Female Human Cleric 4

As soon as Alandra sees Trina disappear into the crowd she moves toward her and Gern, then raises her holy symbol: "Pharasma I call on you to please cover our escape!" A cloud of mist begins to billow about.

obscuring mist

"Zalen to me!" she calls out.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Zalen cannot help but grin widely at the excitement of the moment and the chaos of the situation. Something in it calls to him and the ringing words of blackjack stir his heart as well. He wonders who the mystery person could be, and has his suspicions, yet he leaves those thoughts for later as the iron maiden comes charging towards him. Seeing Trinia's escape and hearing Alandra's, Zalen makes all speed towards his friends, reaching them just as the mist begins to coalesce about them.

Sprinting into the lead, Zalen shouts back "Follow Me my friends! To Safety!" And, hoping to use his knowledge of the roofs and backways of the city, the young rogue hopes to lead his friends and Trinia to Lamm's old place as quickly and safely as possible.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Once the girl has lept to her safety, Gern follows suit. He jumps down off the stage and grabs hold of her in his left hand, the great dwarven axe still in his right in case it's neede for later.

Dragging her towards the sound of Zalen's voice he growls into her ear "Nae matter what happens lass, ye get yerself from this place. Follw the man callin' out ter us now. Ifn' trouble looms afore us, ye let me handle it and keep yerself movin'"

He desperately looks around, trying to keep his bearings in the magical mist that's now sprung up, and the terrible chaos of the crowds.

"We was lucky ter have had that fella in black turn up eh!" He grins, through realises she wouldn't be able to see it for his mask.

A great mist envelops the scene, completely surrounding the struggling guardsmen, ensuing brawlers, brave rescuers and stalwards of the throne alike. Just feet away, mere shadows can be seen, and all sound is muffled.


Someone bumps into you from behind, out of the direction you assume the gate to be. You lose sight to Zalen, Blackjack, Gern and Trinia almost as soon as the prayer left your lips. You can feel more bumps and hurried movement. It seems the crowd is working itself into a panic by the moment.


You make your way towards Alandra, but in the bumps and hurried movements, you can only guess which of the dancing shadows was her form. The Maiden trailing him was still on the chase, slashing her sabre left and right at anything moving, as stiffled screams of pain and horror attest.


You make your way across what you assume to be the nobility, and towards Zalen and Alandra. Trinia almost manages to outrun you, even with her bound feet, but the bumps and drags make is uncertain where to move. A scream of pain, followed by another one is heard to your right. Someone soft ran into the dwarven man, almost toppling him over.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern speaks into the mist, not worrying about giving his position away so much as finding his freinds and getting Trinia out alive.

"Careful there! Me blades a mite sharp fer yer to be runnin' inter me like that". Having said that he puts the weapon away for the moment, trusting in his ability to get it ready in time to counter any threat, and not wishing to injure any innocents in this fog.

Keeping hold of Trinia he keeps moving, hopefully in the same diretion. Talking to the girl he says "If I can give ye a blade, can ye get yer own bonds severed or are ye right ter keep movin as yer are?"

He's worried if they stop moving it will allow the net to close, but if it comes to the crunch, it may be better for the girl to be able to run without he hinderance of bindings.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Cursing a foul oath at the viscous, emotionless guard striking down anyone in her way, Zalen decides to have no more innocent blood will be spilt on his behalf and calls out "My friends! You know where to meet me, make your way there with all haste! Do not wait for me!"

Then, using his acrobatic and tumbling skills to try and maneuver into a clear space so the savage guard can chase him freely without harming anyone else, Zalen then calls to her "Here I am! Come and catch me if you can you Iron B!~#@!"

He will keep calling and taunting her until he reaches a clear space and is free of the mist. Making sure she can see him, he will then use all his skill to jump, tumble, climb and sprint away. Only making his way towards Lamm's after he's sure he has lost her.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra, lost in the mist and the crowd, knows she cannot find Gern or Zalen, even though she can her their voices moving away form her.

Realizing there is nothing more she can do to help them or Trina, she hurriedly makes her way towards where she thinks the gate is.

Trinia hissed to Gern "I'll manage. I can probably wiggle free if I have enough time and space, but any help will be appreciated." And with him offering a blade to her assistance, the girl slid the bonds relatively easily, and the two of them managed to get out of the fog - close to the gate, where city guards were busy containing the growing riot. Yet close to them, the ramps towards the ramparts beckoned, with Blackjack fencing two guardsmen to a standstill. "Over here, good folks! Let us be quick and leave Illeosa with nothing but ashes in her mouth."

Zalen emerged from the Fog just below the masked avenger's position, the maiden closely following him. The woman's blood-splattered blade missed him by mere handwidths, and from her full helmet, a sound half a roar, half a whimper emerged as she lunged for the rogue once again - to no avail. Yet there was one problem - he would either have to jump, and grab a tenacious handhold on the battlements, close to blackjack, or else dart past her towards the rapidly closing gate.

Alandra exited the fog closest to the gate, where she was carried in the people fleeing the scene. Following the tide would be easy, safe - but would leave Zalen and Gern to fend for themselves - for the moment.

Illeosa, on the other hand, seemed to have had enough. With a hasty movement, she ordered Sabina and the remaining "Roses of Korvosa" to her side, where they took a defensive posture, and escorted her back into the keep. The monarch's face was teeming with fury, undilluted unadultered hate and rage. This humiliation would not be forgotten soon or easily.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Not pausing for a second, and knowing that the sadistic and deranged woman chasing him would never be able to jump anywhere with all that weight on her, Zalen runs as fast as he can and, trying to find something to launch himself off of, uses all his training to leap as high as he can to try and grab the ledge and pull himself up quickly and smoothly. Once on the battlements he draws his rapier to try and help the Blackjack fight off the two guards.

Seemingly incongruously, as he runs to the wall the young rogue begins to laugh, as he thinks to himself 'Why am I suddenly reminded of the time I had to flee from that visiting Noble Lady's husband? What was her name again? Nelaia something? Mind you, it wasn't my neck her husband was aiming for, haha. But you best get your mind back to matters at hand Zalen my boy, I know you love the adrenaline rush, but it's more than just your life on the line now, so concentrate! And JUMP!'

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern follows Trinia up the stairs, acting as a rear guard to the stairwell while she moves towards the enigmatic Blackjack. He turns to scan the crowd behind him, looking to see how many guards are moving to intercept them, readying his shield at the same time.

He worries that Zalen will be hurt in his mad rush, but is too far to help the rogue and is determined not to leave their back exposed. He trusted the rogue to keep humself alive at this stage.

Female Human Cleric 4

If Alandra can spot Gern and Trina she will try to make her way towards them.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

If not, she continues to go with the flow of the crowd toward the gate.

Blackjack gave Illeosa a mocking salute as she withdrew into Castle Korvosa. "Flee the people's wrath for as long as you can, my Queen. It will not help you for long"

Gern and Zalen arrived almost at the same time, the latter leaving the grey maiden behind himself to suffer the wrath of the crowd as it washed over her again. Alandra would follow soon, having to weave and duck through the angry commoners and frightened noblemen alike.

With a subdued whisper, Blackjack adressed the two close to him. "I will get Trinia out of the city, but you need to cover me for a while. Do you have a means of escaping yourself?"

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Not even sparing a glance to the murderess in metal as she gets her just deserts, Zalen whips his head to face Blackjack exclaiming

"Escape the City?!" The idea both terrified and thrilled the young rogue as, in his whole life, he had never been farther than a day's ride from the city of his birth and life. Everything else was, in his mind anyway, the Wild 'Out There'.

"Or did you just mean escape this crowd? But regardless, we shall cover your backs while you get Trinia to safety" and at that he looks at the battered girl, and though she can see nothing of his face, he tries to show his sympathy and sorrow through his eyes.

Turning back to Blackjack, Zalen takes his first good close up look at the famed rebel, as he tries to determine if he can sense anything familiar about the figure, it's voice or it's manner. S Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Done with his inspection, Zalen asks a final question "As well, is there a time and place we could meet you both later?" before turning to the crowd, ready to cast another spell if need be.

Terra, what's situation now? Are guards or anyone else coming up the ramp after us or anything? Also, wasn't sure if you'd want to roll for the Sense Motive or not but gave ya one just in case.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

The replacement computer I recieved was also defective. What fun...

Krek had little to say to Kroft before the day of the execution itself. He did not feel bad for the woman, nor did he much care about Trinia. He did, however, see the opportunity to cause trouble with the oppressive city, so he gladly took it.

The clothes he'd been questioning Trep about were those he wore on the day of the event; they fit him better - though a little tight - and were fancier than what he was accustomed to. He looked good for a commoner, albeit a half-Orc, dressed in merchant's best. I'm assuming carrying his greatsword would be too conspicuous - otherwise disregard the rest of the paragraph . His weapon of choice - too large for what they had planned - remained at Trep's place, who, while unknowing of Krek's plans for the day, would no doubt be attending the execution. He and Krek had seen a few together before.

At dawn, Krek stopped by the Pantheon to bid farewell to the orphan under his own rescuee's care. While the priest was not available himself, Krek left him a note asking the man to not be disappointed in him - the lawful cleric would probably dislike his actions this day. He gathered half the money he'd accumulated over the past weeks, left the rest with the note, and went on his way.

He appeared at the scene in his fine brown trousers and green shirt. Fortunately, along with the clothes had Krek brought a cloak - dark green. The tailors had not been used to making garbs for those of his size, so they erred on the size of it being a bit larger. It worked out for Krek as he could wear the cloak while having range to move with his hands (apart, though not with his greatsword). Like the rest of the group, he acquired a mask for the occasion the day before. Krek was completely oblivious to the nobility which were absent.

As the spectacle began, Krek was more entertained than anything else. He did feel a pang of sadness for Trinia when she was dragged from her holding place, but the atmosphere was abuzz with anticipation. It wasn't until the queen herself began talking that his anger began to build. So clear to him it was her only concern was controlling the people in the city, he could barely contain his ire until they were to act. Fortunately, the wait was not long.

"Gorum guide our fists!" yelled Krek as those of his party grew stronger. The party assumes the Bull's Strength magic.

With the large strides of his steps, Krek keeps pace easily with Gern. The two of them were hearty enough to ward off attackers while Trinia escaped. As much as the cleric would have liked to strangle breath from the queen through, he knew the guards flanking her would give him an impossible time; he resigned himself to the escort.

Blackjack's appearance only added to the ensuing chaos Krek was enjoying. While jealous HE couldn't level a bow at the queen, it was good someone was doing it. The suggestion to leave the city was something the rebel wouldn't miss, and he made haste to the boat at Lamm's end, trusting in the then-Field Marshal.

Again, sorry about the involuntary hiatus.

"I shall leave that to your conscience, friends. I for one believe that trueborn sons of Korvosa stand by its side when darkness falls." Blackjack replied, adressing the crowd as much as Zalen and Krek. With these words, the flamboyant swordsman gripped Trinia tightly, and lept right over the battlements, cloak fluttering as the pair descended towards the streets below swiftly, but noticably slowed - enough to not elicit any sign of pain or injury.

Zalen's close examination of the masked hero was frustratingly ineffective. He wasn't even certain if he was close to a man or a woman, young or old, man, elf or mixed breed. The cloak and mask obscured any telltale rounds, ears and other characteristics - and likely were enchanted for just that purpose. The only characteristic he found that was unique was the fighting style the masked avenger used. It reminded him of the florishes and exaggerated movements of Taldan fencing at first, but the brutal thrusts and unexpected direct assaults were more Chelish. He had seen this particular school before, taught by dozens of small schools. It was the Orisani style. Yet Blackjack was no mere immitator, but a master of the art. Most teachers would not be able to replicate his mastery. In fact, likely there were but four people who could muster this level of skill. Sabina Merrin, currently escorting her misstress into the castle was very unlikely to be on the battlements at the same time. So it left Grau Soldano, the washed-out master student, Cressinda Kroft, and Master Orisani himself.

Alandra and Krek arrived close to Gern and Zalen at the time Blackjack left. The surging crowd was emptying from the courtyard as the alarm bells began ringing, summoning the city guard to the scene. The ground was growing hot...

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Spending a moment in thought as he gazes on the departing duo, Zalen finally turns to his friends with a grin they cannot see but can hear in his voice as he says
"Well, that went rather well so far I'd say! But now it's time to save our own skins friends, so let away to our appointed place. For now, I think it safe for us to remain together, but if we have any serious pursuit, I think it may be best if we split up and make our separate ways there, to try and confuse our pursuers. Krek can go with Alandra, and Gern can go with me. If you're all in agreement, Let's Go!"

And with that, Zalen speeds off, leading the way to Lamm's, but making sure to take a route not easy to follow to any who are not intimately familiar with Korvosa's backways and alleys like he is.

Female Human Cleric 4

Out of breath already, Alandra nods her head and follows along behind Zalen.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern also nods his agreement. "Aye, if we're goin' ter be doin' this, then let's head now". He follows the rogue through the streets, trusting his judgement an skills to find them their way.

When he thinks they are far enough away from the scene and no one is watching, he dumps the mask, and reverses the cape so its cream side is facing out. He slings the axe too, enuring that he was now just another dwarf in the city, trying to get home before more trouble started.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Unlike Gern, Krek did not think to conceal his appearance. Instead, he counted on his stamina and speed to get him to safety quickly.

That is, until Alandra was to go with him.

He paced the girl to their destination though - there was no time to waste.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Having forgotten about them in the excitement of the mad dash, once he notices Gern do so, Zalen also discreetly discards his mask and cape, trying not to leave any more clues than necessary to any who may be tracking them.

With Blackjack drawing off most of the pursuit, expertly dodging the watch with both flash and superior knowledge of the city, the party was able to complete their getaway, hide the evidence, and retreat to Zellara's old house. The excitement of the evening still fresh on their minds, they can now enjoy a brief respite.

Feel free to finish up the scene and the adventure. You level up to level 4. You gain money as discussed on the OOC thread. I'll start up "Seven Days" either this weekend or next, time permitting.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

At last, in safety of Lamms warhouse, where everything had begun. Gern rested briefly against the stairs of the place, looking around at the ruins of the building, noting the dark stain where Alandra had taken her vengence on the false guard. His hand rubbed at the scar on his leg, the deep wound caused by the crocodile of Lamms so many weeks before.

When Alandra and Krek also returned he smiled tiredly, glad that all his companions had survived the ordeal.

"Weeel then, 'twould seem that not everyone is enamoured o' our queen." He rumbled, referring to Blackjack's part in the rescue.

"We'd best be lyin' low fer a while. Takin' tha chane ter get yerselves an alliby. Z, I'd be recommendin' yeself and the children ter be movin'. Kroft was worried she'd been followed ter ye own place. Ifn' they suspect anythin', it's best ye and those youngn's taint around when they come knockin'."

He looked at the group, proud of his new friends for what they'd done this day. Even the big Half orc had proved his worth, time and again in fact. He nodded to each of them in respct, then stood from his seat, the old leg wound aching a little in this damp place.

"I'll be headin' home now. Take care ye lot, and let's meet up again in a weeks time at the smae waterin' hole as usual. Z, if ye need help movin the kids, ye get word to me at me Uncles and I'll see what can be done. Same goes fer ye others too. If trouble comes callin', ye let me know and I'll do what I can."

With that, the fighter moves to teh door and looks outside quickly. When he's certian no one is nearby, he slips out of the door and heads back out into teh city, making his way back to his Uncle's and the relative safety it offers.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Leaning against a pillar to catch his breath, Zalen looks around the Lamm's old warehouse thinking
'This is a big space...and, it's likely unowned now...I wonder...there must be a way to refurbish this place and get it up and running again. Maybe turn it to a purpose of good to dispel all the evil that has befallen here. Maybe even have Alandra or Krek bless or consecrate or something.'

His eyes gazing off into space as he continues to think and plan, Zalen suddenly has another though 'Yes! That's it! I can start up my father trading company again! And what better place to do it in than the former den of the man who caused his downfall! And I'll get the kids involved in the business. That should keep them busy.'

A soft smile on his face as his daydreaming makes the achievement of all his plans and ideas an easy task, very likely naively so, Zalen is shaken from his reverie as Gern speaks. At the wise dwarf's words of caution, Zalen suddenly realizes what the nagging thought stuck in the back of his mind was. 'Yes of course! The Children! How could I have been so foolish. They may not be safe at Zellara's, I'll have to move them out. At least for a little while. Maybe to an inn? Yes, yes, that could work, and they'll be more protected there as well and I'll be able to have the staff keep an eye on them.'

Standing up and clapping the good dwarf companionably on the shoulder, Zalen grins widely as he says
"Gern my friend, what would I do without you? Sometimes I think that without your wisdom to guide me, I'd be lost. I will take the kids out of Zellara's at least for now. I'll use the excuse of having the place renovated or something. Maybe expand on it, make some more rooms for them. In the meantime, I'll lodge us all at an inn."

Then, standing and waving his arms about the warehouse, Zalen's grin widens to perhaps the biggest his friends have ever seen on him as he tells them
"My friends, I have a grand announcement! The Candorian Trading Emporium is about to re-open and you all are the first to hear of it! I have just now decided that it is time to begin again the the business my father, bless his soul, spent so much of his life and effort to build. And, further, I have decided that it should be located right here, in the den of that evil man who was the cause of his down-fall."

Pausing a moment as he searches the eyes of his friends for a reaction, Zalen, trying hard to convince his companions of the merits of his plan, continues.
"Now, I am telling all of you, my good friends, because I insist that you all be a part of it. How active you wish to be is entirely up to you, but I shall be sharing a portion of what profits we make with all of you. It is my thought that this space here should not go to waste and that something good can be built here to wipe away the stain of Lamm's evil. And with my father's and my contacts in the city, as well as Gern's family's connections, and Alandra and Krek's ties to their churches, and along with what I am sure will be our continuing adventures, I know we can make it a smashing success!"

Taking things down a notch, Zalen now says, completely seriously
".....But, as all of you were instrumental in in Lamm's defeat, I will not do without each of your approval."

Pausing again to look at each one individually, Zalen asks his final question
"So, what say you my friends, shall we do it? Will you join me?"
At the end, he can't help adding "And I sure we can open the discussion on a possible change of the name." with a big grin and a wink.

I really like this idea guys. And, having a trading business should make it easier for us to travel about the city, or even the country should we need to, as we can do many things under the cover of being honest merchants. What do ya'all think?
And, of course, this can only all be with Terra's approval :). So, DM?

Female Human Cleric 4

"But Zalen, what would we trade in? Fish? And what about Jiggy?"

Sounds fun to me.

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