
Zalen Candorian's page

352 posts. Alias of Khaladon.

Full Name

Zalen Candorian


Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti)


Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2




Well, he doesn't like to brag but (Ok Ok Medium ;-)




Common, Varisian, Shoanti, Thassilonian


Ladies Man and sometime adventurer

About Zalen Candorian

Playing in Terra's
and now: Seven Days to Grey


Zalen has inherited his father's dark Varisian complexion and hair which he usually wears in a long pony tail. From his Shoanti mother he received his well above average height and natural beauty. He is very slim and not particularly muscular which actually makes him look even taller. At first glance one would think he would be awkward yet when he moves it is with a natural grace and his long limbs can flick like a whip when needs be. Over all, with his bright blue eyes, generous smile and pleasant scent he is a very handsome young man.(being fastidious with his appearance he always wears cologne...except lately)

Height: 6'1, Weight:150lbs


Alignment:Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good

Zalen was formerly of more of a Chaotic Good bent but had lost faith in 'Goodness' and had cared more only about himself for some time.Now that he has found his vengeance, found new friends and even an 'adopted' family-basically people to care about again- his good spirits and natural inclination are swinging him back to CG again

Diety:Calistria/Cayden Cailean
Zalen grew up paying homage to Cayden Cailean but since he has sworn revenge against Gaedren has started paying homage to Calistria. Now that he has found his vengeance, he is still grateful to Calistra but is paying more attention to Cayden again.

  • Str: 10
    Int: 14

    Speed: 30'
    Favoured Class: Sorcerer
    HP:27 Current: 27
    Armor Class:13(17), Touch: 13(17), Flat-footed:10(14) (Dex +3, (w/ Mage Armor +4)) ASFC: 0%
    Senses:Perception +6
    Initiative: +3
    Rogue Abilities:Sneak Attack +1d6dam, Trap Finding, Evasion,
    Sorcerer AbilitiesEschew Materials, Bloodline Powers: Elemental-Air ( see below)
    Feats:Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus-Rapier(+1 to hit), Weapon Finesse, Combat Casting
    Background Trait:Framed:+2 to Bluff checks
    Harrow Points:3

    Skills:33/4 Max Rank [Total]


    (Ranks only)

    • Acrobatics:2 [8] +3 Class Skill Bonus (Included)
    • Appraise:2 [7] +3 CSB
    • Bluff:2 [10] +3CSB
    • Climb:1 [4] +3CSB
    • Craft:0
    • Diplomacy:1 [7] +3CSB
    • Disable Device:2 [8] +3CSB
    • Escape Artist:1 [7] +3CSB
    • Fly:
    • Intimidate:2 [8] +3 CSB
    • Knowledge(arcane): 2[7] +3CSB
    • Knowledge(dungeoneering):
    • Knowledge(local):3 [8] +3CSB
    • Knowledge(planes):
    • Linguistics:
    • Perception: 4 [7] +3CSB
    • Perform (Story Telling):1 [7] +3CSB
    • Profession:
    • Sense Motive:2 [5] +3CSB
    • Slight of Hand:1 [7] +3CSB
    • Spellcraft: 2[7] +3CSB
    • Stealth:1 [7] +3CSB
    • Swim:1 [4] +3CSB
    • Use Magic Device:2 [8] +3CSB
      Total Skill Points Applied:24



    MW Rapier:+6 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
    Star Knife:+5 (1d4, x3)
    Sleeve Dagger:+5 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
    Sap:+5 (1d6, x2)
    Star Knife:+5 (1d4, x3) 20' +4 to hit & dam under 30'
    Electric Bolt: +5 (1d6+1, x3) 20' +4 to hit & dam under 30' (6/Day)



    Cantrips: Known-5. Cast per Day-Unlimited. Save DC13
    Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message, Open/Close

    1st Level: Known-2. Cast per Day 5/5. Save DC14.
    Color Spray, Charm Person

    Bloodline Powers:
    1st: Elemental Ray-1d6+1 Electricity Dam, 30', Ranged Touch, 3+3(chr mod)/Day



    6lbs-Courtiers Clothes (red silk with gold embroidery)
    2lbs -Masterwork Rapier
    6lbs -Star Knives (2)
    1lb -Sleeve Blade (hidden, mechanism release)
    2lbs -Sap
    0lb -Hollow Boot Heel (lock picks inside)
    0lbs- 50gp of Flashy Jewelry, 2 rings and a broach.
    * Wand of Mage Armor (48)
    * Ring of Feather Falling (bears a tiny jade dragonfly)

    IN BELTPOUCHES: 2gp,1lb -(2X) (one slung crosswise over each shoulder)
    -lb -Antitoxin
    1lb -Thunderstone (2)
    1lb -Smokestick (2)
    2lbs -Caltrops
    -lbs -Candle x2
    -lbs -Chalk
    1lb -Flask(wine)
    -lbs -Flint&Steel
    1/2lb -Mirror
    1lb -Map Case
    -lb -Whistle
    0lbs -(2x)Tindertwig (Sealed with wax in small leather pouch)
    1lb -Sunrod
    -lbs -(2xdoses left) Cologne-common
    0lbs-(1 dose) Cologne-expensive
    2lb- MW Thieves Tools
    *2lb-(2) Potions of CLW

    IN SACK: (usually not carried with him)
    5lbs -50' Silk Rope
    1/2 lb -Sack
    2lbs (2x)Torch

    AT HOME:
    30gp,- Courtiers clothes (blue Silk) extra set

    Total Weight 27.5 (light load) (With Sack 35lbs)
    Spent: 3,954gp 6sp 7cp
    Remaining: PP:400 GP:45 SP:3 CP:3
    (Some of this has been converted to small gems to reduce the weight)

    Zalen’s Family/’Gang’:


    Zalen was part of the rescue and liberation of many children who had been virtual slaves to a horrid and cruel man, Gaedren Lamb-now thankfully sent to the fires of hell where he belonged. Several of the tykes decided to stay with Zalen and now form a make-shift gang of informers and such of his own. Already though, he has begun to think of them as Family and care for them deeply.
    The Cast of Misfits:
    Ayen-The ‘lieutenant’:12ish, smart, bossy, enamored of Zalen
    Roral-12ish, tall, bony, the ‘quintessential’ rogue
    Kortis-12ish,short,stocky, very strong
    Perol-10ish,handsome and noble looking, quiet
    Pirisa-8, very attached to Perol
    ‘Salary’:Ayen 10sp/wk, the rest 5sp/wk each.
    Total: 3gp/wk
    Return: So far nada : )



    Zalen is naturally a charming and zestful young man. With the increase in his station in life Zalen began to get a taste for some of the finer things in life; fancy clothes, fancy women and fancy wine. He was considered by many to be a fop and a dandy albeit a charming one. With his height, he has mastered the art of sneering disdainfully down at those he considers his inferiors. Zalen was never particularly brave though and would always prefer to talk himself out of trouble or intimidate with his height rather than fight. He was usually successful at it. After all, 'one wouldn't want to ruin one's fine new clothes now, would one'? Residents of Midland could almost always spot him in some fashionable part of town with a girl or two on his arm and a cup of wine in his hand. Zalen was always quick witted and intelligent yet he often acted foolishly. As well, he could, sometimes, be extremely stubborn when he set his mind to something.

    With the death of Zalen's father and the loss of his wealth, all these fine things became even more important to him and Zalen was desperate to keep up the appearance of still being a man of means. It was not difficult at all then for him to begin conning rich bored merchants wives or their greedy sons if it meant keeping himself in the style of life he was used to.

    Over the past few months though a change has come over him. Gone are the fine clothes to be replaced with dark leathers. Gone is the flippancy and easy mirth. His 'friends' hardly ever see him now and when they do they hardly recognize him. He seems to be driven with a dark purpose they say amongst themselves. Rumor has it that it has something to do with his father's terrible crime and subsequent suicide.



    Zalen remembers a happy childhood growing up in Old Korvosa. His father was a petty merchant dealing mainly in Shoanti items and curios which is how he met Zalen's mother. While his parents were by no means wealthy there was always enough food on the table. His parents were very much in love and adored their son. Zalen had little responsibility as a child and spent most of his time playing on the streets & rooftops with his friends and getting into mostly innocent trouble. Occasionally, he and his mother would travel with his father on his trips to Shoanti lands where Zalen's mother would also visit with her kin. These wild relatives were a curiosity to Zalen but he was always glad to get back to the city.

    In his twelfth year, while his father was away, Zalen's mother contracted a disease that was spreading across the city. By the time his father returned there was little to be done and she died soon after. Both boy and man were devastated yet they bravely soldiered on to support one another. Gradually time healed the wounds and with his son to help him Zalen's father's business grew and prospered. Eventually they were able to move into Midland and have a much better quality of life. There was nothing Zalen liked better than to prance around in his old neighborhood in his fancy new clothes showing off to the girls and treating his old friends to drinks.

    In his 18th year tragedy struck again. Refusing to do business with criminals, Zalen's father was framed and convicted for a crime he didn't commit. Zalen of course knew his father was innocent and swore to get to the bottom of it. He eventually found the info he needed yet it was too late. The shame of the ruination of his career, added to his never fully healed broken heart, caused his father to take his own life. Zalen was even more devastated this time with the loss of his only remaining parent. As well, Zalen had never had the head for business his father did and as a result he rather rapidly, through poor decision making, proceeded to eliminate the bulk of his father's wealth. As his mother had passed away before bearing any more children, Zalen is all alone in the world now. All he has left of his parents is a bone carved Shoanti ring from his mother (that he usually wears around his neck on a thong unless he's doing anything where he could lose it in which case he'll put it on his little finger) and his fathers masterwork rapier which is currently a little worse for wear-no bonus). With the loss of his father's money Zalen began slowly drifting into the underworld as a means to support himself, usually through petty cons and grifts. It was while in this world he first heard the name of the man behind his troubles.

    Zalen blames the framing of his father and all of his subsequent problems on the man behind it all, who he now knows to be Gaedren Lamm. Zalen has sworn revenge on this filth and will devote the rest of his life if needs be to getting it.He has now begun training himself with a passion in the underground world and skills in an attempt to get closer to Gardren but has yet to meet him. He dreams almost nightly of running his fathers rapier through Gaedren's black heart.

    Killing Lamm was like a rite of passage or an act of redemption for the heir to the Candorian name. Since Lamm's death, Zalen has undergone much change. He has come back to the happy, fun-loving sort he had always been. As well, since his continued adventures with his comrades and their unspoken decision to place him as leader, the confidence that Field Marshal Korft and the Throne have put in them and his 'adoption' of his young charges, his confidence has soared. It has not been without price though as the rogue now has a sense of responsibility he had never had before and sometimes it weighs heavily on him. Over-all though he has a very positive outlook on life. In fact the only thing bothering him at present are those damnable headaches and strange, strange dreams....

    Harrow Deck Reading: "The Crows. Eaters of Carrion. Deep in the tombs of the dead, you might find something stolen. You will be favored in battle against these thieves."



    Gaedren Lamm’s Place:

    Queen’s Broach-Special Returned
    Zellara's Harrow Deck Party
    Hannah's silver ring (150 gp) ?
    wand magic missle (23 charges) -375 (prob) Zalen
    masterwork shuriken -4gp Alandra
    adamantine arrowhead - ?

    6 shoddy knives -6gp Sold
    3 crossbows -51gp Sold
    205 sp
    200 cp
    gold ingot (100 gp)
    cigar case (25 gp) Sold
    miniature gold crown (350 gp) Sold
    kraken carving (200 gp) Sold
    carving of two succubi (450 gp) Sold
    holy symbol of Shelyn (300 gp) Sold
    oil of keen edge -375gp Sold
    vial of Silvesheen (1 dose) -250 Sold

    Total Cash=2,234.5gp Divided

    Devargo 1
    100 PP Divided

    All the World’s Meats:
    -masterwork chainmail Krek (450gp)
    -masterwork spear Ayedah (302gp)
    -mw comp longbow(+2 Str) -200gp Sold
    -20 magical arrows, -400gp Sold
    -magical silver dagger Alandra (??gp)
    -6 crab legs ( 78gp) Sold

    Total Cash=1,678 Divided
    Each Share=335.6gp

    Zellera and the Harrow Deck:The harrow deck (still inside the strongbox) is an intelligent magic item, coupled to the ghostly Zellara. She can use identify 3/day without needing further material components, and manifest as a major image 1/day. Every chapter, she can perform a harrow reading for you