Runelord Roundtable

Off-Topic Discussions

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Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

bump to fix weirdly broken thread

I am the one who broke it, I posted then deleted the post and the whole thread disapeared, That will teach the other Runelords to doubt the power of VHS

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Aha. OK, now I know where the bug is....

Agh! Stop messing with my thread suppression field. I haven't even finished testing it...much less to use it on, our enemies! Curse you, Teter!

Gary Teter wrote:
Aha. OK, now I know where the bug is....

Uh, since you're doing that ... "work ... can you awaken my minion, Gary? I'd rouse him myself, but would rather not walk across the room. Thanks, PostMonster!

I'm hiring minions, by the way. Your knowledge of the boards' code would be invaluable in our plotting.

Sovereign Court

Gary Teter wrote:
Aha. OK, now I know where the bug is....

That's right it was a demon insect summoned by the Runelord of VHS, most powerful of the runelords

Gary Teter wrote:
Aha. OK, now I know where the bug is....

Squish it! Squish - oooh, he's pretty!

Excellent. The Paizo employees are already working for us.

I hate to be the spoil-sport, but we are getting rather off track here.

It has been some times since any mention of plotting, and I am getting concerned.

Do I have to do everything myself?!

Jal Dorak wrote:

I hate to be the spoil-sport, but we are getting rather off track here.

It has been some times since any mention of plotting, and I am getting concerned.

Do I have to do everything myself?!

And who are you to come in here and attempt to order us around, as punishment you will face the ultimate torture. I have set up two VHS players so that when one is rewinding the other is playing and you now have to watch Gigli on infinite loop. The horror

Jal Dorak wrote:

I hate to be the spoil-sport, but we are getting rather off track here.

It has been some times since any mention of plotting, and I am getting concerned.

Do I have to do everything myself?!

First King! You appear to have possessed the body of a, uh, underling??

I did submit a progress update on the rewrite of a GSL, for Runelord use, on the previous page.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:
Jal Dorak wrote:

I hate to be the spoil-sport, but we are getting rather off track here.

It has been some times since any mention of plotting, and I am getting concerned.

Do I have to do everything myself?!

First King! You appear to have possessed the body of a, uh, underling??

I did submit a progress update on the rewrite of a GSL, for Runelord use, on the previous page.

No that was just the person who carries around my severed head. I did learn a FEW helpful things from Sloth after all.

Sovereign Court

First King wrote:
The Eighth Runelord wrote:
Jal Dorak wrote:

I hate to be the spoil-sport, but we are getting rather off track here.

It has been some times since any mention of plotting, and I am getting concerned.

Do I have to do everything myself?!

First King! You appear to have possessed the body of a, uh, underling??

I did submit a progress update on the rewrite of a GSL, for Runelord use, on the previous page.
No that was just the person who carries around my severed head. I did learn a FEW helpful things from Sloth after all.

He still must face his punishment for speaking to us in such an uncivilized manner, carrying your head has appeared to make him lax in his manners.

lastknightleft wrote:
First King wrote:
The Eighth Runelord wrote:
Jal Dorak wrote:

I hate to be the spoil-sport, but we are getting rather off track here.

It has been some times since any mention of plotting, and I am getting concerned.

Do I have to do everything myself?!

First King! You appear to have possessed the body of a, uh, underling??

I did submit a progress update on the rewrite of a GSL, for Runelord use, on the previous page.
No that was just the person who carries around my severed head. I did learn a FEW helpful things from Sloth after all.
He still must face his punishment for speaking to us in such an uncivilized manner, carrying your head has appeared to make him lax in his manners.

<Savagely punishes the Runelord of VHS' minion for a similar infraction, tormenting him with visions of lottery ticket numbers for a draw which he has *just* been too late to enter>

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

I did submit a progress update on the rewrite of a GSL, for Runelord use, on the previous page.

::telepathically:: Ahh, we will vote in support of your "GSL" with the addition that the Aboleth are deemed equal in position to the Runelords. We are particularly impressed that the craftsmen employed by this thread are already hard at work to our joint benefit.

Was there some other issue that your speaking head wishes to address?

Sections 5 & 6 are proving tricky, but I thought I'd put section 7 out for debate:

7. Expected behaviour Standards. Runelord minions are expected to observe certain standard of behaviour, showing commitment to the Runelords, and ensuring that nobody thinks that they (or the Runelords whom they represent) are ‘soft’. Minions are expected to occasionally exhibit traits along the following guidelines:
(a) to host public executions (with optional humiliation) of criminals.
(b) to invite the Runelord of Lust to host ‘special entertainments’ in their demesnes.
(c) to discriminate in the award of important positions, where possible, by selecting Shoanti equivalent racial stock to fill those places. The ancestors of the Shoanti served the Runelords well in Thassilon; it only makes sense to reward that loyal service by offering their descendents and kin first options on any cushy jobs.

Wanders around the thread blowing the dust off, then finds a nice ornamental granite paperweight (stone giant sized) and sticks the Kobold Cleaver in it, to wait for an occasion when Kobold Cleaver wants it back.

Only the one true Kobold Cleaver, or one of his avatars, by adopting Kobold Cleaver's unique smurf shape, should be able to pull that out. Either that or one of the other seven Runelords...

Wanders off to get the dust-sheets laundered by a fiendish nymph he knows...

Suddenly, a book appears. The 8th Runelord recognizes it as one from the Kitten Shaman, who was paying him to keep the items he sent safe. On it is a note which reads...
"By the time you get this message, I am already dead. This book must go with the Cleaver. When your spells tell you that Candle Lighter intends to attack the next day, bring the items or at least the knowledge of their whereabouts to the Wasp, at Club Calistria. Your payment shall arrive soon."

The Wasp flies in.

Any Runelords around?

Guess not...
The Wasp sighs.
Forgive me, Kobold Cleaver...
Nothing happens.
Crap. Not! Good!

A Lemming flies in to help.

I don't think we can get it...I have failed...
The two fly off miserably.
We are doomed.

Peeks in cautiously. Seeing no one here she steps in.
Hello? she whispers Someone told me to come here.

The voice is stronger now, and desperate.
We need to be quick. This is the only way to get the book AND the Cleaver. Be ready, and be careful.
Now, grab the book!

She grabs the book and retreats at top speed.

We'll assume you grabbed the Cleaver, too.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

[moved thread to off-topic forum]

Pokes head in

A thread of evil overlords!
A group of vile beasts!
Perhaps they'll help us shove the sword
Right in the Jacks' hearts at least...

The Giggler wrote:

Pokes head in

A thread of evil overlords!
A group of vile beasts!
Perhaps they'll help us shove the sword
Right in the Jacks' hearts at least...

The small shock lizard leaps in. It speaks in a high-pitched, yipping voice.

"Why we help a petty jesteh!"
He seems to like speaking with high-pitched syllables, preferring 'i's 'a's and 'e's to 'u's 'l's and 'r's.

The Eighth Runelord waits for any immediate reaction from the seven senior Runelords.

"Yelp, yelp, yelp!"

*playing with Kobold Cleaver* oh was someone looking for this? Heh heh heh, everyone always underestimates the power of VHS.

*twirls Kobold Cleaver*

I think what you'll find you've grabbed, mr. Cleaver is in fact a VHS recording of me taking it out of the box and rewraping the cassette for you to grab.

Greetings Runelord of VHS. Do you have any word of the doings or state of other Runelords?

Runelord of VHS wrote:

*playing with Kobold Cleaver* oh was someone looking for this? Heh heh heh, everyone always underestimates the power of VHS.

*twirls Kobold Cleaver*

I think what you'll find you've grabbed, mr. Cleaver is in fact a VHS recording of me taking it out of the box and rewraping the cassette for you to grab.

I should think not. You should read the RPG thread (it's in there somewhere), you are waaaayyy too late. Also, you'll kill the plot. Not your fault, but it's part of a serious FFR, so it's best not to interfere.

Doubled post, oops, retroactively edited.

The Giggler wrote:

Pokes head in

A thread of evil overlords!
A group of vile beasts!
Perhaps they'll help us shove the sword
Right in the Jacks' hearts at least...

My senior fellow Runelords seem to have their attention elsewhere (polite way of putting 'they seem to have gone back into hibernation') so convince me, clown, that you are capable of selecting a future that benefits the Runelords and their interests.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:
The Giggler wrote:

Pokes head in

A thread of evil overlords!
A group of vile beasts!
Perhaps they'll help us shove the sword
Right in the Jacks' hearts at least...

My senior fellow Runelords seem to have their attention elsewhere (polite way of putting 'they seem to have gone back into hibernation') so convince me, clown, that you are capable of selecting a future that benefits the Runelords and their interests.

"We isn't helping him! Nay need! Yelp, yelp!"

The Eighth Runelord begins to grow impatient with the clown's delay.
Do you choose, having come here, to say nothing to account for yourself, and your errand?
My junior colleague here is most anxious to have done with you.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

The Eighth Runelord begins to grow impatient with the clown's delay.

Do you choose, having come here, to say nothing to account for yourself, and your errand?
My junior colleague here is most anxious to have done with you.

The skinny clown dances about

My errand is to search for clues,
The satisfy the evil crew,
And find a future full of fire,
Where chaos fills my heat's desire ..

Whilst the Runelords of Wrath and Envy might very well be pleased to hear such plans you hardly paint a picture of a future likely to appeal to the rest of us.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

Whilst the Runelords of Wrath and Envy might very well be pleased to hear such plans you hardly paint a picture of a future likely to appeal to the rest of us.

The harlequin turns cartwheels around the Runelord

Your satisfaction plagues me not
For that is no concern of mine
I simply wandered by this place
To please myself and waste some time

The raggedy acrobat backflips away.

The Exchange

Yeah ok.

The Runelord watches the Giggler go.
With the Giggler gone, he restores and locks tight the wards which had been suspended for Kobold Cleaver's visit, so that only Runelords or their guests may come and go again. He mutters a little to himself, and a little to the Runelord of Uncaring.

Oh, rest assured that whilst you may have wasted your own time, you have not wasted mine. I know you now, I have seen you in person for what you are, and every last name that makes you up - and you are mine to undo now, if I choose.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

The Runelord watches the Giggler go.

With the Giggler gone, he restores and locks tight the wards which had been suspended for Kobold Cleaver's visit, so that only Runelords or their guests may come and go again. He mutters a little to himself, and a little to the Runelord of Uncaring.
Oh, rest assured that whilst you may have wasted your own time, you have not wasted mine. I know you now, I have seen you in person for what you are, and every last name that makes you up - and you are mine to undo now, if I choose.

"Maybe if ye hit me now, the second day I is many changed,

And killing me would help naythings, I is merely a lizzy stranged,
I is nay a threat to any, I isn't making things many be changing,
I is simple lizzy, aye, mast' of nayne and ever rearanging."
The lizard shrugs and starts to read a book conjured out of thin air, but gets bored and tosses it aside.

And the sort of concept our recent 'guest' seems unlikely to make the effort to grasp until it is too late.
Sorry, that previous post wasn't so much aimed at the Runelord of Uncaring, as a 'theatrical aside' to a junior colleague regarding the Giggler; I mean what's the point in being a mighty archmage, skilled in Divination, if you can't occasionally just the teensiest bit show off to a colleague?

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