Wellards Wilderlands / Goodman Games Campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Wellard wrote:
Magic item compendium..I will consider items on a case by case basis much as I do anything from outside the core book..mind you the book of Exalted Cheese and the book of Vile Dorkiness are closed to you forever.

I'm particularly interested in Gashelle making "weapon augment crystals", described on page 221, and listed on pages 64 - 66. (She'd like to improve her glaive, but the axiomatic property it now enjoys makes it prohibitively expensive. Just adding, say, flaming to it (moving from +3 to +4) would cost (32,000 - 18,000 =) 14,000 gold to purchase, or 7000 gold to make.

The Exalted / Vile campaigns are a completely different kind of play experience than the standard "open door, defeat monster, take treasure" paradigm that Goodman's DCC espouses. I wouldn't say they're "cheesy" or "dorky". I'd say they appeal to the same niche as the folks who like a good Ravenloft campaign.

same here !
About scrolls , I was not so much thinking of myself but both layjiani and Eltariel can use scroll I can write ...

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Khaladon wrote:

Also, Layjiani would like to store her extra quiver of arrows in the Bag of Holding if none of the party mind.

Would it make more sense to buy an efficient quiver? Rooting around in a bag of holding for the quiver you ant, and then the arrow you want out of it, strikes me as a recipe for hilarity during a big fight.

I agree on the books actually but you need to use both in their entireity or not at all.. they do unbalance a traditional old school style game like we are involved in..the vows in particular can be abused quite horribly.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3
Chris Mortika wrote:
Khaladon wrote:

Also, Layjiani would like to store her extra quiver of arrows in the Bag of Holding if none of the party mind.
Would it make more sense to buy an efficient quiver? Rooting around in a bag of holding for the quiver you ant, and then the arrow you want out of it, strikes me as a recipe for hilarity during a big fight.

Not sure she can afford one right now. And this is her extra quiver. She's got tons o arrows in her 'super-sized' quiver so this extra's just used to refill the main one when necessary.

PS Anyone get a chance to take a peek at Layjiani's craft results? Do they look right?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Yes, they are right as far as far as I can see.

Gashelle, don't hold your breath - I know what Wellard thinks of augment crystals. I'm planning on taking Craft Wondrous Item at 7th level, and when I do an Ehlona's Quiver or it's Pathfinder equivalent is on the cards if you want (as well as some more enhancement to your bow).

Wellard, I would like to buy some scrolls (ie get some more spells):

1st level:
Colour Spray
Repair Minor damage*

2nd level:
Resist Energy
Sonic Weapon*
Life Bolt*

For the record, the Book of Exalted Cheese and the Book of Vile Dorkness really mess up a Ravenloft campaign. The former totally detracts from the horror element, and the latter isn't horrible enough.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Chris asked about Gashelle making the parties good clothing magical ..by my reckoning it would cost a fair bit

Command word= Spell level x caster level x 1,800 gp. Mending is level 0(effectivly 1/2) so a flat 900 will cover it.

Multiple different abilities(to allow for the prestidigitation) = Multiply lower item cost by 1.5..so that makes it 1350 gp

Charges per day = Divide by (5 divided by charges per day)As I understand it the clothing would only have 1 charge a day so divide the price by 5

Total 270 Gp per suit..the cost of the materials is subsumed into that

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

I just realised I don't have the Magic Item Compendium in my collection..sorry guys I thought I had it in PDF

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Wellard wrote:

Chris asked about Gashelle making the parties good clothing magical ..by my reckoning it would cost a fair bit. ...

Total 270 Gp per suit..the cost of the materials is subsumed into that.

Thanks, Wellard. Is that the price to have the work done, or for Gashelle to do it herself? Is there any savings based on the limitation that the object of the mending and effect of the prestidigitation are fixed, rather than letting the wearer mend anything within range?

In any case, Gashelle will do the work. It would be a shame to make such nice outfits and have them ruined after one bout against party-attacking ninjas.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Perhaps the Assassin vines, strategically placed, could make good guards of certain areas as well?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Khaladon wrote:
Perhaps the Assassin vines, strategically placed, could make good guards of certain areas as well?

Oh I have thought of that too ... but I don't want them around the walls while we are rebuilding them. Later we can transplant them along the walls if we can find a way to keep the tendrils from invading the loopholes. Currently Eltariel doesn't have sufficient control over plants, but she'll get there.

A more viable idea is to wait until I can use plant growth on the areas surrounding the keep to make them difficult to pass, and then adding the assassin vines to keep out infiltrators.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Thats the price for Gashelle to do the work..as its a localised effect and only affects the clothing I'll halve the cost and let you do it for 135 gp a suit

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Chris your mention of the Apparatus of the Crab suddenly reminded me of this awesome apparatus from D&D 1st or 2nd edition I think. It sounds, kinda similar to the 'crab' but I seem to remember it being capable of doing a whole bunch of things...and also being affordable to characters under 15th level...maybe it was exactly the same and my memory is just off, but does anyone remember what's I'm talking about?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

The Apparatus of Kwalish. It's basically the same thing, a small submarine.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Yes, in the continuing quest to strip proper nouns out of D&D, the apparatus was renamed.

And yes, I think it is now ridiculously overpriced. By the time characters can afford a klunky little two-man submarine with a tight limit on breathable air, the wizards are casting 7th and 8th Level spells.

Chris Mortika wrote:

Yes, in the continuing quest to strip proper nouns out of D&D, the apparatus was renamed.

And yes, I think it is now ridiculously overpriced. By the time characters can afford a klunky little two-man submarine with a tight limit on breathable air, the wizards are casting 7th and 8th Level spells.

Yes, but the Aparatus of Kwalish was an artifact. It could have all sorts of unexpected and potentially unwanted powers.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Trivial fact: did you know Tolkien based his elvish language on Finnish?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Sindarin or Quenya?

In the original drafts of the silmarillion the elves were gnomes..i use Finnish for Gnomish as a sort of tribute.

Speaking of artifacts we once found the machine of Lum the Mad..now that was one crazy session

DM Wellard wrote:

In the original drafts of the silmarillion the elves were gnomes..i use Finnish for Gnomish as a sort of tribute.

Speaking of artifacts we once found the machine of Lum the Mad..now that was one crazy session

Don't stop there. What did you do with it?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
DM Wellard wrote:

In the original drafts of the silmarillion the elves were gnomes..i use Finnish for Gnomish as a sort of tribute.

Speaking of artifacts we once found the machine of Lum the Mad..now that was one crazy session

The Noldorian elves - the Deep Elves, known for their skill at crafting both mundane and magical items - were the 'Gnomes'. I guess I still let Prof T influence me even without realising ...

Any word on the availability of those scrolls, Wellard?

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Wellard, did Rasheem or Farah leave us any specific means or instructions to be able to contact them?

Oh, and btw gang, what are we doing about the imp? Are we just going to leave it there to insult us and build up resentment? Not sure if freeing it is a good idea, but not sure what else is one either...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Once we get to a high enough level to dismiss it, we can do that. I would have preferred to have asked Rasheem if he could banish it but we didn't get the chance ...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Guys, there is a dice-roller now available if you look in the BBCode tags - no more cursing Invisible Castle for being off-line!

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

A Question of Leadership

I'd like to throw this one into the general discussion, as I think it concerns all of us. With Eltariel, I am considering taking Leadership at 11th level, so that we can have a permanent presence at the tower. I was wondering if anyone else was planning on taking Leadership or other feats of a similar nature? I think we may need them at some point ...

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Hadn't thought of anything like that yet really, and 11th level seems a loooong way away. Surely though we'd need some trusted retainers long before that? Perhaps we could simply hire some?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

This is what I'm thinking also, but somebody may have had their eye on Leadership at 7th level, which is why I asked.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Not Gashelle. She's not the Leadership kind of person.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Looking at the kinds of damage most of our party can dish out
Gashelle= max 47 (on the that last attack anyway)
Holgur= Max 26
Avinar= (not sure, but I know it's pretty impressive)
Elterial= varies greatly buy also the critical ability to control the battlefield

Layjiani= Max 13...

I'm wondering if there's anything that can be done to make our ranger/rogue a little deadlier? I know there's her +1d6 sneak attack bonus , when she gets to use it (which is not all that often, with a bow)
But what else is there??

PS: No offense meant by not including Aude in this list, but from what I can recall of the game so far, it seems that Aude has been more of a non-combatant? Forgive me if this is an incorrect impression.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

I could stack you +1d6 from an energy type by enchanting your bow, or give the spell-storing capacity when we level; I could also enchant your ammunition for +1d6 of a different energy type - remember, your ammunition and bow bonuses will stack! It has to be said, though, that no-one is matching Gashelle's awesome output - that glaive + blade of blood + shocking grasp is just off the scale.

Another possibility I would suggest is if Wellard is open to you swapping your rogue levels for scout levels. It should not materially effect your skills, and a number of things are pretty much the same - you will lose evasion, but gain battle fortitude. The reason I suggest this is that although [b]skirmish[/i] is not as high in damage output as sneak attack, it is easier for your character to engage against enemies, as you are often on the move in combat. Every time you move ten feet+ you gain +1d6 damage at your level. With the Improved Skirmish feat you can up it by +2d6 and +2AC when you move 20 feet.

Other possibilities:

Vital Strike can be used with missile weapons, doubling your bow's base damage dice.

Rapid Shot and Many Shot would increase your number of attacks, but you'd have to stand still in order to achieve it.

So in a few level's time:
Bow, +1 Flaming (+1+1d8+1d6)
Arrows, +1 Shocking (+1+1d6)
Deadly Aim, +2
Vital Strike, +1d8
Totalling: 2d8+4+1d6(flaming)+1d6(shocking)+strength+sneak attack/skirmish = 20 + Str +sneak attack/skirmish damage on average

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Thank you Dabs, there's some great points in there. And you obviously took a bit of time with it. I very likely would have chosen scout in the beginning, as it fits in much more with Layjiani's character concept, but as it was the Beta stages of Pathfinder still, I hadn't known that it was available.

If Wellard will allow it, I'll certainly at least consider a switch now.

There are points both for and against though. The Rogue's sneak damage goes up much faster than the scout's skirmish, for example. And Evasion can be Really handy once we start facing enemy casters and the like... but, well, actually I really can't make any proper comparisons as I have no idea what the Pathfinder version of the Scout is like...

Anyone have the book?

Thinking about it a bit more, with the other improvements you suggested, I really may be better off sticking with rogue. Because that damage is just for one arrow, with multiple arrows in should be much more, and with invisibility, greater invisibility, swift invisibility or something similar, she should be able to get sneak almost all the time.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

I have the book right here :D and the Scout was recently the subject of a discussion on another site I was involved in. It almost doesn't need changing, as it already has d8 hit dice and 3/4 BAB, something at every level and a good capstone ability. The only downside is that it's no longer as tough as it was compared to the rogue. For that reason it was suggested that the Scout gain Toughness as a bonus feat at 1st or 2nd level. Their good save is Reflex, as the rogue.

The first five levels would give you the following abilities:
1st: Skirmish (+1d6), trapfinding.
2nd: Battle Fortitude +1, uncanny dodge.
3rd: Fast movement +10 ft, skirmish (+1d6, +1 AC), trackless step.
4th: Bonus feat (from a list)
5th: Evasion, skirmish (+2d6, +1 AC)

Skill points are as the rogue, skill list is almost the same as the rogues but with some wilderness skills (it was errata'd to include Disable Device).

Best bit ... there is a nifty feat called Swift Hunter (Complete Scoundrel) that allows you to stack Ranger and Scout levels for purposes of determining favoured enemies and skirmish bonus ...

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Hey, I for the very first time just learned about the +1 bonus to AC tumble gives you for every 10 ranks! So I'm adding 1 to Layjiani's, unless Pathfinder has changed it?

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

They have, but there are other bonuses instead:

Special: If you have 3 or more ranks in Acrobatics, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when f ighting defensively instead of the usual +2, and a +6 dodge bonus to AC when taking the total defense action instead of the usual +4.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ya, thanks Dabs, I remembered some time after I posted that I could look it up online.

Have to say, I like the old version better as you didn't have to be fighting defensively to benefit from it...

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Hey Wellard, in making another character I just now realized a silly mistake I made when selecting Layjiani's last Feat.

When you had suggested the Agile Maneuvers feat, I went for it as I had been thinking it would help improve Layjiani's Defense or her cmD. But it doesn't. It only improves her cmB, which she will almost certainly never have need to use, and cmD already uses Dexterity.

If you'll allow me to correct this mistake, I'd still like to hear your ruling on Dabbler's suggestion regarding a 'Elf Heritage Feat' I was thinking perhaps it could give her Low-light vision, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities and Keen Senses? (basically the elven part of the racial benefits a half-elf gets)

If not, then I will either go for a skill feat or a combat feat.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

I can't recall what I originally suggested, but I think 'Elf Heritage' should give 'Elven Blood' and 'Elf Immunities' availability of getting low light vision for another feat; Keen Senses you could just get with Alertness.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Oh yeah, that's what I wrote! Elf Blood + Low-light vision for one feat, then you could get Alertness for a second if you wanted ...

NO sorry..Layjiani might have some elven blood in her but its so dilute that it's going to have no effect on her abilities.

However i have no problem with you switching your rogue levels out for scout ones if you so desire..it maintains the character flavour only more so..

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ok, I may just do that.

But about the Feat replacing? (Agile Maneuvers for something she'll actually use and need?)...

Sorry should have said..no problem there either as I may have slightly railroaded you into that one.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Re your last post: Gracias Wellard

Present: As a related note to my last IC post, I have always been of the opinion that as knowledge checks are something that the PC already Knows...they too should always be DM rolled and the DM then gives relevant info to whichever players made the check. Just my 2 cp.

I agree with that statement regarding knowledge check and I frequently make them for various players...however if a player wants to dice their own I have no problem with that..it just means they have a more complete senses of achievement(or failure)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate it. Happy holidays all 'round.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Whether we call it Christmas, Yule, Mithrasday or any other name, have a good one everybody.

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7
Gashelle Smith wrote:
"The construct has a ring on its back."
Layjiani wrote:
"Pull it!"

"NO! It's been jumping around! The fizz will go everywhere!"

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3


Plus, it's probably really stale by now...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

Who are we waiting for to post? I think just about everyone ...

This IS the internet you know ... Alegedly human Expert (IT) 5/Ninja 3/Witch 7

With regard to tripping hand I have taken a quick look and it strikes me that while CMB = BAB + (Str Mod) + (Size Mod), for tripping hand it would be:

Effective CMB = (caster level) + (key ability Mod) + 2

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