Well I'm going bye now

Alpha Playtest Feedback General Discussion

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Sovereign Court

Didn't we already have a thread like this?

*Oh and snarky comment about previous posters mamas.*

Liberty's Edge

*thread conversation*

And people wonder why us gamers are called geeks!

You guys are cracking me up! I love it!

Does that make me a geek, too?

I sure hope so!


Gene wrote:
Ixancoatl wrote:
*snide clarification of anatomical differences between cat and horse intended to nullify inferrential comment*
*accusation of using incorrect spelling and grammatical syntax*

*declaration of various academic degrees and full understnading fo speeling convensions*

*fruitless appeal to paizo to close this thread*

That's it, I'm ending this now!

* divides by 0 *

Laithoron wrote:

That's it, I'm ending this now!

* divides by 0 *

Exception in thread "well_im_going_bye_now" java.util.InputMismatchException

at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at DivideByZeroNoExceptionHandling.main(

Laithoron wrote:

That's it, I'm ending this now!

* divides by 0 *

sciencephile wrote:

Exception in thread "well_im_going_bye_now" java.util.InputMismatchException

at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at DivideByZeroNoExceptionHandling.main(

That, my friend, is a master stroke! Kudos!

*lights incense before the recently manifested spirit of Charles Babbage*

Hey, I didn't know Java could be used to summon from the Outer Planes!

Trey wrote:

*lights incense before the recently manifested spirit of Charles Babbage*

Hey, I didn't know Java could be used to summon from the Outer Planes!

Actually, I think there was a bug in my Difference Engine.

*sarcastic appeal to push thread into 6th page*

Sovereign Court

Guys while funny i must once again point out that this was started by the norwege lover in order to distract us from the conversation of their threat, they're pervasive I tell ya, pervasive!!!!!

Oh yeah and *vague comment relating posters to dirty norweges*

*long and convoluted discourse on the culture of norway highlighting recent history and concluding that previous poster is talking out of his hat*

*observation that lastknightleft has to be the center of attention*

Sovereign Court

*statement congradulating sciencephile for pointing out something that was obvious from the first page and asking him if there were any other stunning revelations he felt he should drop on us*

*onomatopeaia reminiscent of a derisive groan or grunt*

Sovereign Court

So anywho, seems that we've had a reprieve from new "Well I'm done with Pathfinder" threads so maybe this one actually served its purpose and got it's point across. Of course, then again, maybe it was as lost on those that would make such posts as it was on those who thought it was serious made a rebuttal and never came back.

Sovereign Court

BabbageUK wrote:
*fruitless appeal to paizo to close this thread*

Aren't you the one who started the whole

*pretend statement instead of real statement?*

Seems odd to want Paizo to close a thread that you've been influencing for two pages.

seeing as this is totally off topic I would like to just announce


Sovereign Court

*kicks Spyral into a hole*

*informs jack that the bloke shouting "THIS IS SPARTAAAA" does the kicking*

*unceremoniously drags jack with him*

lastknightleft wrote:
*statement congradulating sciencephile for pointing out something that was obvious from the first page and asking him if there were any other stunning revelations he felt he should drop on us*

* answer to lastknightleft letting him know that he misspelled congratulating*

Sovereign Court

sciencephile wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
*statement congradulating sciencephile for pointing out something that was obvious from the first page and asking him if there were any other stunning revelations he felt he should drop on us*
* answer to lastknightleft letting him know that he misspelled congratulating*

Bloody Norweges with your fjords and your correct spelling

Scarab Sages

*reads the OP*

*swings his finger above his head*


LOL. Nice one though.

Sovereign Court

Me thinks another missed the boat

Scarab Sages

lastknightleft wrote:
Me thinks another missed the boat

Just realized actually. LOL

Liberty's Edge

lastknightleft wrote:
Me thinks another missed the boat

AH! OY! Was it a wave horse?

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
Me thinks another missed the boat
AH! OY! Was it a wave horse?

I don't think I've understood any post you've made on this entire topic, congratulations you deserve a prive for the nonsensical

Liberty's Edge

not for me the strawdeath.

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:
not for me the strawdeath.

The strawdeath for you!

BabbageUK wrote:
*fruitless appeal to paizo to close this thread*

Aren't you the one who started the whole

*pretend statement instead of real statement?*

lastknightleft wrote:
Seems odd to want Paizo to close a thread that you've been influencing for two pages.

*smart alec comment about people who notice such things*

lastknightleft wrote:
Bloody Norweges with your fjords and your correct spelling

Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine?

A: You swim down to it and knock on the entrance hatch, whereupon they will open it and ask who's there.

Q: How do you sink the same submarine again.
A: You swim down and knock on the entrance hatch, whereupon they will open it and explain that they won't fall for the same trick twice.

*Also, Bjørn Daehlie is clearly an incubus, no real human can be that nice.

Sovereign Court

is it bad that when i saw norwegian submarine the first thought I had was "I bet it tastes delicious with deli mustard", followed by "how do you sink a sandwich?" only then to think "oh, the naval ship, not the hero"

Sovereign Court

Spyral Blade wrote:

*informs jack that the bloke shouting "THIS IS SPARTAAAA" does the kicking*

*unceremoniously drags jack with him*

NoooOOoo! I bruise easy!

Hasn't the exodus of those leaving been roughly equaled by the refugees who have chosen this place as their new home?

Oh, and in the spirit of this thread - fnord!

Darrin Drader wrote:
Oh, and in the spirit of this thread - fnord!


As somebody who comes and goes, driven only by the wind and what phase the moon is currently in. I hereby endorse this thread.

*Places his Bacardi Rum seal of approval on the thread*

Sovereign Court


We've been endoresed

Ixancoatl wrote:
Darrin Drader wrote:
Oh, and in the spirit of this thread - fnord!


Grand Lodge

Kajehase wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
Bloody Norweges with your fjords and your correct spelling

Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine?

A: You swim down to it and knock on the entrance hatch, whereupon they will open it and ask who's there.

Q: How do you sink the same submarine again.
A: You swim down and knock on the entrance hatch, whereupon they will open it and explain that they won't fall for the same trick twice.

*Also, Bjørn Daehlie is clearly an incubus, no real human can be that nice.

*ponders* I didn't think the Norweges had submarines. I thought they were all dingeys.

Sovereign Court

Krome wrote:

*ponders* I didn't think the Norweges had submarines. I thought they were all dingeys.

No see, that's just what they want you to think. Oh were just harmless peaceful people...

Well it's lies, dirty lies! they're Vikings one and all, they've just gussied themselves up and gone all ninja infiltrator on us, that's right man Ninja Vikings, be afraid, be very afraid.

lastknightleft wrote:
they're Vikings one and all, they've just gussied themselves up and gone all ninja infiltrator on us, that's right man Ninja Vikings, be afraid, be very afraid.

Pirates trump ninja vikings.

CourtFool wrote:
Pirates trump ninja vikings.

My Can-can dancing corsairs would be willing to debate that one... O,o?

Sovereign Court

CourtFool wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
they're Vikings one and all, they've just gussied themselves up and gone all ninja infiltrator on us, that's right man Ninja Vikings, be afraid, be very afraid.
Pirates trump ninja vikings.

Except now the norweges have the technology to be all three RUN

Sovereign Court

lastknightleft wrote:
Except now the norweges have the technology to be all three RUN

So...when are you leaving exactly?

I like how nobody argued the merits of the original post. Just let the door hit him in the --- on the way out.

Sovereign Court

As soon as the boat that so many others missed comes back around.

Sovereign Court

veector wrote:
I like how nobody argued the merits of the original post. Just let the door hit him in the --- on the way out.

Um that may be because the entirety of the OP was a satire which was actually discussed and broken down on following pages even after Ogre outed my secret identity.

lastknightleft wrote:
veector wrote:
I like how nobody argued the merits of the original post. Just let the door hit him in the --- on the way out.
Um that may be because the entirety of the OP was a satire which was actually discussed and broken down on following pages even after Ogre outed my secret identity.

Yeah, I got that. But isn't the point that at least one person take you seriously? ;)

Sovereign Court

veector wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
veector wrote:
I like how nobody argued the merits of the original post. Just let the door hit him in the --- on the way out.
Um that may be because the entirety of the OP was a satire which was actually discussed and broken down on following pages even after Ogre outed my secret identity.
Yeah, I got that. But isn't the point that at least one person take you seriously? ;)

Did you see Sir Urza's Post, or DMcoy?

Sovereign Court

lastknightleft wrote:
As soon as the boat that so many others missed comes back around.

So does that mean there are no knights left?

Sovereign Court

Unless someone takes up the mantle, like say me the roomate of the OP, that's right I'm back and from now on I'll be the last knight, by the way this is the roomate, not the OP

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