The company refrigerator...

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

So as I type this, I am eating a frozen pizza. I did not buy the pizza. It was in the freezer in the company refridgerator and I have had my eye on it for more than a month.

As I eat I am slightly troubled by my actions. I mean, it is not mine so I technically stole it. Except!! I work in a place with about 1.5k people. There are 2 refridgerators in this particular break room. About 5 weeks back the smell from said appliances was so terrible I spent a bit of the afternoon removing spoiled things. I mean take out that was not longer recognizable. Cream that was hard as butter. Baggies full of rot. I mean brown liquid, whatever vegetable or fruit it was rot. I filled a garbage can between the 2 refridgerators (no wonder I could never find a place for my lunch!!). So I *know* that food is abandoned, and in some ways it seems of dubious morality to simply allow it to grow fallow.

So here is the question... Did I do a wrong thing? And how long must food be there unil it is considered "abandoned"?

Our place says any food left in the fridge after Friday night is gone. I don't know if they actually have someone clean them out then or not.

So I'm good with 1 week.

I take the mercenary approach- if it's in the fridge for more than one day then it's up for grabs. At the same time the facility I work at cooks food for the people who attend, and we are mandated to keep the fridge relatively clear, so I do a little "cleaning" every now and again.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

ummmm...did it have pepperoni on it? If so, I think that was my pizza. Good luck trying to make it to your cubicle tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

At my workplace, if it's not out of the fridge by 2:00pm it is in the trash, container and all. They are very draconian about enforcing this, too.

As for your situation, yes, you were wrong to eat the pizza, but I wouldn't loose sleep over it. I absolve you of your sins. Pepperoni vobiscum.

master0fdungeons wrote:

Our place says any food left in the fridge after Friday night is gone. I don't know if they actually have someone clean them out then or not.

So I'm good with 1 week.

Same here (for the friday limit).

But whatever the food in the fridge i might see, i would never take it.
I don't trust people and the things they eat.
Especially americans and the so-called american "food" (shameless taunt).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sigil wrote:

So as I type this, I am eating a frozen pizza. I did not buy the pizza. It was in the freezer in the company refridgerator and I have had my eye on it for more than a month.

As I eat I am slightly troubled by my actions. I mean, it is not mine so I technically stole it. Except!! I work in a place with about 1.5k people. There are 2 refridgerators in this particular break room. About 5 weeks back the smell from said appliances was so terrible I spent a bit of the afternoon removing spoiled things. I mean take out that was not longer recognizable. Cream that was hard as butter. Baggies full of rot. I mean brown liquid, whatever vegetable or fruit it was rot. I filled a garbage can between the 2 refridgerators (no wonder I could never find a place for my lunch!!). So I *know* that food is abandoned, and in some ways it seems of dubious morality to simply allow it to grow fallow.

So here is the question... Did I do a wrong thing? And how long must food be there unil it is considered "abandoned"?

See, now this is why there are nine alignments!

You can kiss those paladin abilities goodbye.

Sovereign Court

Seldriss wrote:
Especially americans and the so-called american "food" (shameless taunt).

*shakes fist*

Damn Elves!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

The Paizo fridge is a hazmat area. I have not ventured into its depths in more than a year.


Liberty's Edge

At my previous workplace we once had a client at our office for a meeting feel a bit peckish during the meeting, wander into the staff kitchen, take the receptionist’s lunch out of the fridge, bring it back to the meeting table and start eating it.

Liberty's Edge

It's narrow-minded plebians like you all that are always getting in the way of my science experiments. How do you think penicillin was invented?

My company SUCKS!!

The refrigerator is always full, and when there's an open space, people put their business card there as a placeholder!

Everyone marks their food with address labels that read, "Hands-off, Leeroy!!!"


Sometimes I walk through the office--I can smell them eating their Doritos and Funions, but when I ask if I can have some, they act all stupid! [high pitched whiney voice] "Have some what?"

"I don't"
"know what"
"you mean."

Yeah! Whatever.... I can hear you crunching; you've got crumbs in your beard!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I managed an automotive repair shop in a notoriously bad neighborhood. My crew of delinquents and barely legal immigrants were a sorted lot of ne'er do wells but they mostly had their hearts in the right place. I was lugging out the trash to the dumpster, and as I readied myself to heave the can over the rim, I heard something hiss at me. Inside the dumpster were a family of raccoons that apparently got trapped in the bin foraging for yesterday's midday Chinese food. I had two Cuban guys working for me that morning and I asked if they could take some boards and make a little ramp for the raccoons to scamper up on to freedom. "No problem boss," they replied and I thought nothing further of it. Later in the day, I went to rummage in the fridge in the hopes of finding a stray soda only to discover two raccoon corpses. Horrified I yelled to one of the guys, "Nestor, what the hell is this?" To which he replied, "Oh no problem boss. In Cuba, I catch. I take barbecue sauce and cook on barbecue. Very tasty. You like? I give you some." I still can't eat raccoon to this very day.

Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
I managed an automotive repair shop in a notoriously bad neighborhood. My crew of delinquents and barely legal immigrants were a sorted lot of ne'er do wells but they mostly had their hearts in the right place. I was lugging out the trash to the dumpster, and as I readied myself to heave the can over the rim, I heard something hiss at me. Inside the dumpster were a family of raccoons that apparently got trapped in the bin foraging for yesterday's midday Chinese food. I had two Cuban guys working for me that morning and I asked if they could take some boards and make a little ramp for the raccoons to scamper up on to freedom. "No problem boss," they replied and I thought nothing further of it. Later in the day, I went to rummage in the fridge in the hopes of finding a stray soda only to discover two raccoon corpses. Horrified I yelled to one of the guys, "Nestor, what the hell is this?" To which he replied, "Oh no problem boss. In Cuba, I catch. I take barbecue sauce and cook on barbecue. Very tasty. You like? I give you some." I still can't eat raccoon to this very day.

You're kidding. Right?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No unfortunately not.... worse yet about a year later a customer went into the single store bathroom and committed some kind of horrible act in there which shall go nameless. I think she was angry with our prices. We ended up having to drag the outside hose into the bathroom to clean the carnage. We had this one tire guy, we all chipped in and paid twenty bucks to clean that sort of thing, but he was off that day. He was a very undiscriminating fellow. So, one of the mechanics had to use the restroom, but refused to foray into the vileness. I guess his need was urgent so he grabbed a roll of toilet paper and stormed out into the stretch of woods behind the store. Keep in mind, the woods were a transient camp for homeless people and god knows what. It was like a third world country. About ten minutes later he comes wandering out of the woods and tells me, "You know there are traps back there and there's a raccoon stuck in one." I'm an animal lover so I volunteered to brave the woods and free the critter but I guess in our attempt to locate the trap again, we located it's owner, a large islander guy with a machete. With a cold stare, he killed the raccoon, retrived the body and became something of a legend at the store. Good times.

Sigil wrote:
Did I do a wrong thing?

WRong? No. Foolish? Dangerous? Disgusting? Yes.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kruelaid wrote:
Sigil wrote:
Did I do a wrong thing?
WRong? No. Foolish? Dangerous? Disgusting? Yes.

I'm ok with it, so long as it's been abandoned.

However, a brand new yogurt container that hasn't come close to expiring and wasn't in the fridge the day before, then you shall pay...

I suggested that the person this happened to today to either hawck a green one or some laxatives and see if it get's stolen again : )

Seldriss wrote:

Especially americans and the so-called american "food" (shameless taunt).

You want a piece of me, buddy? Well you got it! IT'S GO TIME!!

“That’s not your cake, Phillip; that’s Simone’s cake!”

(NSFW - language)


Scarab Sages

Sigil wrote:

....about stealing some other poor bastards pizza, then asked:

So here is the question... Did I do a wrong thing? And how long must food be there unil it is considered "abandoned"?

Yes, you did something wrong. That was Larry Jenkins pizza, and he was saving it for the day after you ate it. With your vile act you managed to singlehandedly ruin Larry's day and shatter his dream that his children and grandchildren would grow up in a world free from crime. Later that day, Larry sold his house and moved his entire family down to South America where he now raises llama's for a living. Thanks a lot.

Sheesh! And this from the guy who started the thread to institute spellchecks here on the boards. Misspelling is a mortal sin, but stealing some unknown schmuck's lunch is OK? What a hypocrite!

Scarab Sages

Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
A very interesting raccoon story...

My brother in Houston had a great raccoon story. He went to put his garbage out one night and their was a raccoon sitting on top of his garbage can. The thing wouldn't move and everytime my brother came close it would hiss at him. Finally, he went and got hsi shield and spear (he participates in SCA), and used these implements to dudge the critter out of his yard. Even then though, it wasn't done. From the other side of the fence it continued to hiss at him as he put the garbage in the can.

Simple story, but you should see my brother tell it, especially when he imitates the raccoon hissing. I nearly pissed on myself because I was laughing so hard.

A gal in our office sent out a mass email one day: "Please clean your old stuff out of the refigerator. I opened it this morning and was attacked by rotten food, which had finally evolved into a sentient being and was defending its territory."

Hey, Aberzombie, does your brother game (like RPG, not SCA)? I'm here in Houston, looking for more players...

Scarab Sages

Leeroy Jenkins wrote:
My company SUCKS!!

Least you got chicken...

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

Yes, you did something wrong. That was Larry Jenkins pizza, and he was saving it for the day after you ate it. With your vile act you managed to singlehandedly ruin Larry's day and shatter his dream that his children and grandchildren would grow up in a world free from crime. Later that day, Larry sold his house and moved his entire family down to South America where he now raises llama's for a living. Thanks a lot.

You seem to know alot about Larry... Could it be you are Larry? You seem to know alot about Larry's future... Are you time traveling Larry?

What have I done?!? I pissed off time traveling Larry! I will buy 10 pizzas to replace it, just please do not go back to 2001, early September and tell everyone what I did... Up until now they have bought my whole, I never saw him before and I do not know where that came from routine...

Scarab Sages

Sigil wrote:

You seem to know alot about Larry... Could it be you are Larry? You seem to know alot about Larry's future... Are you time traveling Larry?

What have I done?!? I pissed off time traveling Larry! I will buy 10 pizzas to replace it, just please do not go back to 2001, early September and tell everyone what I did... Up until now they have bought my whole, I never saw him before and I do not know where that came from routine...

sniff, sniff

Aaahhh, I love the smell of guilty conscience in the afternoon. Smells like....victory.

By the way, I'm not really Larry, but I do know him. He said if you buy the 10 pizzas, then send his good friend Aberzombie a check for $1000, he'll likely forgive you.

Scarab Sages

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Hey, Aberzombie, does your brother game (like RPG, not SCA)? I'm here in Houston, looking for more players...

Yes he does game. However, I also know that he has a group at the moment. Between that, his family, and work, I don't know how much time he'd have for more gaming. I can probably check though.

Aberzombie wrote:
Yes he does game. However, I also know that he has a group at the moment. Between that, his family, and work, I don't know how much time he'd have for more gaming. I can probably check though.

Or just see if his group needs one more person... thanks! egoldma (at) sbcglobal (dot) net.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

sniff, sniff

Aaahhh, I love the smell of guilty conscience in the afternoon. Smells like....victory.

By the way, I'm not really Larry, but I do know him. He said if you buy the 10 pizzas, then send his good friend Aberzombie a check for $1000, he'll likely forgive you.

I sent the check... It should be to you anyday... I included a little extra so you can advise time traveling Larry that I *did not* use his salad dressing at lunch because I forgot my own, and also in a few minutes I will not be eating his yogurt... Hunger soothes my conscience nicely. :) And he bought my favorite kind... :D

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