Ernest Mueller |

In our group's playtest, we had issues with specifics (like the pally) but in general everything was received well. It took a while to get "down" which skills were comboed but no one expressed dislike of the comboing per se. In fact, the differences in play between it and 3.5e were minimal enough that except for learning curve there wasn't much reaction.

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If you'd like it, I can e-mail it. Just to warn you, there are some tweaks that may be necessary after some playtesting, but it is mostly solid. It includes the standard races and most of the MM races... If you can provide your e-mail I'll send it right over.
Ditto, me too please
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The problems we have are the combat feats. They simply aren't fun for us.
I don't know that it's much of a scoop, since Jason posted it over a week ago at his online journal and I'm betting it's been noted elsewhere, but... here's his May 23rd entry:
So, much of the chatter on release 3 has settled into the topics I thought it would. While I still need to spend a good deal of time monitoring it, my focus has now shifted to the Beta.
Boy, this thing is going to be a monster. I spent all day today at work (about 10 1/2 hours) reworking the entire feats chapter, adding in all of the missing feats, reworking that damnable chart, and monkeying with some existing choices... (good bye Combat feats, you were an interesting experiment that turned out not to be worth the headache).
Its been a long day, and they are only going to get longer. This weekend, I am going to tackle three of the smaller, "new" chapters. New for the Beta anyway, equipment, alignment, and details. Who knows, I might even move on to combat if time permits. Right now, I am at about 25%. Not great... but it could be worse.
Looks like I am going to have to make up for memorial day sometime in late June.
I was a bit taken aback to read that, since I was digging the general feel of combat feats (big fan of "Book of Nine Swords"), but having not had the chance to test them, maybe there's something I missed that makes/made them troublesome.

Ron Dawson |
For those of you who ran the Alpha releases in-game, what kind of negative feedback did you receive during and after play from your players on the rules?
I just ran our first Alpha 3 game and I think the main negative feedback I received was :
* Power creep. There is a definite upswing in power. This was a concern expressed before characters were rolled up.
* Concentration and Spellcraft rolled together don't really work. The cleric in the group was especially irritated by the change.
Things I'm not so sure of from the other side of the screen:
* Overhead chop was rather impressive, perhaps too impressive for a first level character.
* The cleric has an at will fire bolt from her domain and she said afterwards that she might never need to use a crossbow again, well, so long as the enemies are within 30'. Is this bad or good? I don't know yet - it feels kind of like a 4Eism but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I was running the "Rise of the Runelord" adventure path and I could really feel that the characters were much more powerful when playing through the opening scenes with Alpha 3 characters (compared to 3.5 characters the last time I ran the first adventure). Again, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. The players certainly seemed to be having fun with their new abilities.

das schwarze Auge |

If you'd like it, I can e-mail it. Just to warn you, there are some tweaks that may be necessary after some playtesting, but it is mostly solid. It includes the standard races and most of the MM races... If you can provide your e-mail I'll send it right over.
I would like to see what you've done as well. Sounds intriguing. spamblox at netzero dot net danke

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We had our first game session last night (I hope to post a session report sometime soon) with Pathfinder. No actual playing went on as it was an entire night of character generation, but in general the game was well received by everybody a the table.
Two don't play D&D enough to care about the rule differences: "Oh I get a favored terrain!? Cool" One I think was a little surprised (he was creating a fighter) and wasn't 100% sold on the new feats. He was a bit unhappy when I explained cleave and spring attack come as a full round action, though he was ecstatic about mobility. The fourth I work with and we've had the most discussions about the game. He's my personal DM in the other campaign I play, so we wind up bouncing ideas back and forth off each other. So far we've got a few things that bug us, but overall the first session went over superbly.

Incanus |

I would like to see these racial gestalt rules too (that's very original!^^), please DeadDM :).
My email is: incanus.mb@free.fr
Thank you very much!
It seems to have so much success, that i'm guessing these types of rules are filling sort of a need/vacuum in the current rules: a need for more racial differentiation, more racial goodness as you climb up the levels, tied to the culture/history of the races.
That's something i always wanted to see (and the Midnight settings, or Dawnforge by example, achieved that) so i'm very intrigued by these rules :-).

Laurefindel |

Combat Expertise reduced to INT bonus irritated all players. For a fighter/ranger/paladin, having to store a 13 INT seemed enough to qualify for the feat.
On the other hand, these classes can easily afford the -5 to hit by mid level, and a +5 to AC is a huge boost.
We house-ruled that combat expertise allowed a character to Fight on the Defensive for 1/2 the penalties (effectively, a flat -2 to hit for +2 AC, keep INT 13 as prerequisite)
We were also thinking of streamlining Power Attack to work similarly, with a new option to Fight Aggressively (similar to Fighting Defensively but with +2 to damage rather than AC). Power Attack would thus give a flat -2 attack /+2 damage (double damage bonus if wpn is 2-handed). This would simplify the feat for the use of the DM if the players are willing to live with the reduced options.

Laurefindel |

Also, turn undead as damage was well received. Turning Undead as healing created a great change in the dynamic. This was not appreciated by all, including the cleric. It made mass-cure spells obsolete and healing rather easy. A a DM, I didn't like it, and I'm sure the players are dreading its use against them (and not in a positive anticipation way).
Unlike the party cleric who has to think about saving its Turn attempts for later or starting the fight with many of its attempts already spent, the NPC is likely to start the combat fresh, and even as a careful DM, I'm unlikely to keep some of the NPC rebukes for later use... Even a mid level cleric and its 2 low-level acolytes are suddenly dreadful opponents!

seekerofshadowlight |

ok guys to stop us from threadcrapping in here i have posted DeadDMwalking rules here
I done it as well just easier if its hosted....now back to the thread

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If you'd like it, I can e-mail it. Just to warn you, there are some tweaks that may be necessary after some playtesting, but it is mostly solid. It includes the standard races and most of the MM races... If you can provide your e-mail I'll send it right over.
me too i am curious about the changes, i do like the Gestal Rules :D
cof cof
ok i found the upload :P
cheers :P