Looking to start a D20 Apocalypse PbP game

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Is there any way we can get Eva to have some kind of healing magic?

"Mos' people call me Roach, 'cause I' so damn tough. My momma calls me Cockroach, though. She's a nice lady"

Coca Cola wrote:
"Yous a pleasure bot, Eva? Eegh!"

"She's pro'bly one of them dominatrix bots."

Hey the rules say I have to start with 10 charisma lol, ya she's hot but a b*@*~ too, which coincidently makes her even hotter... You know we have all had that girlfriend once in our lives...

Can someone help me with Carrying capacity and max dam threshold... Where can I find these...

Grand Lodge

Max damage threshold=Con score (mine is higher as I have a mutation); carrying capacity is here. Hit points are max on level 1, then rolled as normal after that.

If mutations = a level, how about troll(3 LA) + two levels of tough? And I'll build him without mutations or firearms prof.? (He's man sized at 3 LA). That would give him a BAB of +1, Fort +3, two skills at 5 ranks, two feats, a talent, and 2d10 hit die. Maybe I could take bad mutations to get vomit acid? Or stop here?

Grand Lodge

Billy-Ray's not that big. Pistols, precision rifles and such might be awkward with those claws, but shotguns or big revolvers should pose no problems.

I wouldn't mind a shot gun, but would like to keep some balance. I am thinking about a two hand spiked maul he calls his 'Tendarisor'.

I see why I was confused I have no con score and robots are immune to the effects of massive damage....so ya not applicable
the HP and carrying I will add thanks guys

Kruelaid's troll solution.

Use the Orc package for d20 modern and buy regeneration with your 10 mutation points (with Patrick's permission). The high cost of this mutation (10-15 points I figure) could be financed with the drawback of fire susceptibility.

Here's my troll:


BFT (Big F#$%ing Troll)
Troll (Orc pack) Male Tough Hero 4

Strength 22 (+6)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 17 (+3)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 8 (-1)

Size: Medium
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 480 lb

Total Hit Points: 47 [includes toughness x2]
DEFENSE: 15 = 10 + 3 [class] +2 [dexterity]
Touch: 15
Flat-footed: 13

Initiative modifier: +2 = +2 [dexterity]
Speed: 30 feet

Attack (handheld): +9 = 3 [base] +6 [strength]
Attack (missile): +5 = 3 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +9 = 3 [base] +6 [strength]

Fortitude save: +7 = 2 [base] +3 [constitution] +2 [great fortitude]
Reflex save: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Will save: +2 = 1 [base] +1 [wisdom]

Outcast (starting occupation)

  • Survival


  • Damage Reduction 1
  • Damage Reduction 2


  • Archaic Weapons Proficiency
  • Armor Proficiency (light)
  • Armor Proficiency (medium)
  • Great Fortitude
  • Simple Weapon Proficiency [free]
  • Toughness x2
  • Personal Firearms Proficiency
  • Advanced Firearms Proficiency


  • Regeneration 5
  • Weakness fire

    Bought Race as Orc Package:

  • Darkvision to 60 feet
  • -1 on attacks in bright light

    Balance Dex* 2 = +2
    Bluff Cha -1 = -1
    Climb Str* 7 = +4 +3
    Diplomacy Cha -1 = -1
    Disguise Cha -1 = -1
    Drive Dex* 2 = +2
    Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
    Forgery Int -1 = -1
    Gamble Wis 1 = +1
    Gather Information Cha -1 = -1
    Hide Dex* 2 = +2
    Intimidate Cha 3 = -1 +4
    Jump Str* 4 = +4
    Listen Wis 1 = +1
    Move Silently Dex* 2 = +2
    Ride Dex 2 = +2
    Search Int -1 = -1
    Sense Motive Wis 1 = +1
    Spot Wis 1 = +1
    Survival Wis 2 = +1 +1 [Outcast]
    Swim Str** 4 = +4
    Treat Injury Wis 1 = +1
    * = check penalty for wearing armor

    Class HP rolled
    Level 1: Tough Hero 10
    Level 2: Tough Hero 6
    Level 3: Tough Hero 8
    Level 4: Tough Hero 5

  • Grand Lodge

    Hey, that will work! Nicely done.

    Roach wrote:

    "She's pro'bly one of them dominatrix bots."

    "Ya. Da sadist kind. I be sufferin' jus lookin' at 'er."

    Vattnisse wrote:
    Hey, that will work! Nicely done.

    I think I would spend a few of the sad skill points on survival and buy the tracking feat instead of advanced weapon proficiency. I tapped that off pretty quick without thinking about character development.

    But it is workable. Patrick needs to rule on cost for a regeneration mutation, and how much susceptibility to fire is needed for balance.

    Grand Lodge

    Or he could reduce it to Regeneration 2 - still badass, but probably within a 10-point mutation limit.

    Looks good Kruelaid. I can work with it. Some tweeking on feats and talents might be necessary, but its mostly there.

    What does fire susceptibility do other than ignore regen?

    I'm not sure I'd go for tracking- surv skill so low it would make DC's hard to reach. Advanced firearms will likely go, not sure what to replace with.

    I picked up Apocalypse D20 and borrowed D20 Past- I'll look in there for goodies.

    edit: wonder if i can get a breast plate made of a manhole cover?

    niel wrote:

    What does fire susceptibility do other than ignore regen?

    That's what I would do.

    And probably regen 5 is a little over the top for 10 mutation points....

    I would suggest whatever concept you have in mind for it and Patrick can okay it.

    Regen could also be "not in sunlight" which should half the cost by the old champions disadvantage rules.

    I should be done soon I 'rekon anyhows

    niel wrote:

    Looks good Kruelaid. I can work with it. Some tweeking on feats and talents might be necessary, but its mostly there.

    What does fire susceptibility do other than ignore regen?

    I'm not sure I'd go for tracking- surv skill so low it would make DC's hard to reach. Advanced firearms will likely go, not sure what to replace with.

    I picked up Apocalypse D20 and borrowed D20 Past- I'll look in there for goodies.

    edit: wonder if i can get a breast plate made of a manhole cover?

    And I added up all the strength bonuses wrong in the skills.

    It might be better to bump up INT and drop some WIS so you can get some more skills.

    "I say we blows hout hof dis root dip an' scrounge in da ruins. Who cares about dees Wreckas. Fife of us ain't stoppin dem nohow."

    We should move this to a discussion thread.

    do we have such a thread

    Not yet. I'd make one, but Patrick may have a particular thread title in mind.

    what a odd group we have.....odder then planscape even

    We're pretty straight planescapers. Keegan's planescape runs a little stranger, but I think it's on hiatus due to work overload.

    OK discussion thread made HERE

    Looking over the troll build Kruelaid did it works for me if you like it Niel. As long as everyone is happy that they are all getting the same power level, that is good enough. I play loose with the rules (as I don't know them all that well) but hopefully we can come up with a good adventure. See y'all voer at the discussion thread!

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