Homosexuality in Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

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Ashiel wrote:

If your objective is to find one, then the positive result for achieving your objective is clear. If you're looking for good results in your search, then Augury could help.

An obvious (benevolent) use of this would be trying to use augury to find someone who has transitioned because you're trying to help someone with transitioning and they need advice. Doesn't mean the sought person would be particularly happy with the apparent invasion of privacy though.

The problem I see with this is maybe as far as the person's soul and god is concerned, they were always the sex they transitioned to.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Removed a post. These kinds of comments are completely unnecessary and have no place on paizo.com.

Ashiel wrote:

If your objective is to find one, then the positive result for achieving your objective is clear. If you're looking for good results in your search, then Augury could help.

An obvious (benevolent) use of this would be trying to use augury to find someone who has transitioned because you're trying to help someone with transitioning and they need advice. Doesn't mean the sought person would be particularly happy with the apparent invasion of privacy though.

You got "weal" response.

No, the person in question is not a transperson. But his/her advice had immediately positive effect on the person you wanted to help.

Community Manager

Additional posts were removed. Please keep this thread on topic.

Drejk wrote:
Ashiel wrote:

If your objective is to find one, then the positive result for achieving your objective is clear. If you're looking for good results in your search, then Augury could help.

An obvious (benevolent) use of this would be trying to use augury to find someone who has transitioned because you're trying to help someone with transitioning and they need advice. Doesn't mean the sought person would be particularly happy with the apparent invasion of privacy though.

You got "weal" response.

** spoiler omitted **

I never said it was 100% accurate, merely that you could in fact divine the case. How difficult it is to discern is another matter, merely that it can be. But again, there would be no point otherwise.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
The problem I see with this is maybe as far as the person's soul and god is concerned, they were always the sex they transitioned to.

They would have probably always been the same gender but not the same sex and it's very likely that most would have had to live as their born sex for a while at least.

Likewise, it's pretty clear that gods do not have a monopoly on souls so it has very little to do with whether or not a god intended them for one or the other. It seems more about the individual.

This is not a bad thing though, because it means nothing for the character if it doesn't shape the character's experiences. Your past is an important part of who you are. Even when the past is hard or imperfect.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ashiel wrote:
Your past is an important part of who you are. Even when the past is hard or imperfect.

Especially when the past is hard or imperfect.

Liberty's Edge Assistant Developer

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashiel wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
With that level of magic how do you know the woman or man walking past you isn't trans? There is no way, because the change is so complete for them.
Any 3rd level cleric could tell you.

Better question: Why is it so important to you to violate someone's privacy like that?

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
With that level of magic how do you know the woman or man walking past you isn't trans? There is no way, because the change is so complete for them.
Any 3rd level cleric could tell you.
Better question: Why is it so important to you to violate someone's privacy like that?

Especially when you have not been socially conditioned to be hostile or feel threatened by the fact that someone's privates happened to be not to your liking in the past.

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LazarX wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
Your past is an important part of who you are. Even when the past is hard or imperfect.
Especially when the past is hard or imperfect.

So very true.

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Removed some derailing mechanics related conversation that really doesn't belong in this thread.

I'm sorry. I should have thought better before posting, or offered at the outset to take it to another thread.

Also apologies no offense was meant.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fergurg wrote:

I had an interesting thought: Pharasma is the goddess of fate and destiny as well as death. How much would that play a role into your sexual activities/identity/etc.? After all, I could see a Pharasmin opposition to transsexuality on the basis of defying your fate, as well as a Pharasmin argument that someone with the body of a female not living as the man that person believes should have been is "denying his fate by just accepting the physical makeup".

My Pharasmin Penitence group in my semi-homebrew game just got more interesting.

I'd imagine it much more likely that most (if not nearly all) of Pharasma's faithful would see it as another obstacle (and often a big one at that) that trans* individuals must overcome on their personal journeys to achieve their true fated potentials.

Silver Crusade Contributor

If anyone saw it that way, though, I'd have to imagine it would be the Pharasmin Penitence. ^_^

I'd like to think that Pharasma's view of destiny and fate is not tied into one's physical appearance in the slightest. I can see some Pharasmins taking that tact, though.

Community Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Removed a post and its reply. Continuing the discussion about divination spells and how they they interact with personal privacy is a topic best discussed elsewhere, and not in this thread. In this particular thread, it is crossing a line into real-life situations and violence. Please drop that particular line of questioning and discussion from this thread.

Lilith wrote:
I'd like to think that Pharasma's view of destiny and fate is not tied into one's physical appearance in the slightest. I can see some Pharasmins taking that tact, though.

I generally sort of think gods kind of don't care about anything outside their purview, although obviously the faithful might have other ideas and add on their own cultural baggage. I suspect Pharasma doesn't really care about gender/sex, even with an interest in births.

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