Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Is PRPG going to be Open License? I don't even know yet, urgh!
I really want to offer versions of all my Indulgences and Dark Vistas in Pathfinder when it's all sexified up and ready to go!

die_kluge |

Is PRPG going to be Open License? I don't even know yet, urgh!
I really want to offer versions of all my Indulgences and Dark Vistas in Pathfinder when it's all sexified up and ready to go!
At this point, the only thing I've heard that will be closed is the deity list. Otherwise, the plan is (AFAIK) to have an SRD for it just like D20. PRPG is based on the d20 license.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

I heard he heats tea water, with the tea bags in it, in the microwave then puts ice in it and drinks it.
Without cream.
You had me at microwave! I love me some micro-tea! ;-)
Actually I take mine like Mao...just the leaves in hot water. You know what he says:
If you don't eat the leaves, you're not a true revolutionary.
And we all know what happens if you aren't a true revolutionary, don't we?

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Heathansson wrote:I heard he heats tea water, with the tea bags in it, in the microwave then puts ice in it and drinks it.
Without cream.You had me at microwave! I love me some micro-tea! ;-)
Actually I take mine like Mao...just the leaves in hot water. You know what he says:
If you don't eat the leaves, you're not a true revolutionary.
And we all know what happens if you aren't a true revolutionary, don't we?
Did Mao drink cowboy coffee too?

Richard Pett Contributor |

Richard Pett wrote:I always look stupid. That way, if I do something smart, I don't get taken for granted.Heathansson wrote:What's shorting? I know in stockmarket jargon and all,...Ah! changed my spelling mistake and now you look stupid - heathy looks stupid, heathy looks stupid!
Oh dear...
I put a spelling mistake in in honour [QE] of Logue's adventures, immitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Heathansson wrote:I put a spelling mistake in in honour [QE] of Logue's adventures, immitation is the most sincere form of flattery.Richard Pett wrote:I always look stupid. That way, if I do something smart, I don't get taken for granted.Heathansson wrote:What's shorting? I know in stockmarket jargon and all,...Ah! changed my spelling mistake and now you look stupid - heathy looks stupid, heathy looks stupid!
Oh dear...
Too many vowels! TOO MANY VOWELS!!! If you don't watch it Rich I'll start taking out the "o" too! Would that make you happy?

lojakz |

Is PRPG going to be Open License? I don't even know yet, urgh!
I really want to offer versions of all my Indulgences and Dark Vistas in Pathfinder when it's all sexified up and ready to go!
Back to the topic of the thread, or at least the two products in question, the Dark Vistas look AWESOME!
I've become a fan of your stuff Nick, I may break down and pick these up.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Nicolas Logue wrote:Is PRPG going to be Open License? I don't even know yet, urgh!
I really want to offer versions of all my Indulgences and Dark Vistas in Pathfinder when it's all sexified up and ready to go!
Back to the topic of the thread, or at least the two products in question, the Dark Vistas look AWESOME!
I've become a fan of your stuff Nick, I may break down and pick these up.
Right on lojakz! Thanks!

Kirth Gersen |

Right on lojakz! Thanks!
Or, as we say in America, "thankz." But seriously, Nick, I'll check that stuff out pronto. By spending more on gaming stuff, I'll be doing my best to bolster the U.S. economy, so that hopefully by 2009 the dollar will be worth more than 1/256 of a pound sterling.

Nicolas Logue Contributor |

Nicolas Logue wrote:Right on lojakz! Thanks!Or, as we say in America, "thankz." But seriously, Nick, I'll check that stuff out pronto. By spending more on gaming stuff, I'll be doing my best to bolster the U.S. economy, so that hopefully by 2009 the dollar will be worth more than 1/256 of a pound sterling.
Down with the Sterling! One Indulgence at a time Kirth! ;-)

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Nicolas Logue wrote:That's it Logue, you've pushed it too far - I'm coming over to give you a slapKirth Gersen wrote:And that he once urinated on the steps of Buckingham Palace.It was asparagus tainted as well!
Why not in August?
(Now, if I remember the Challenge Feat right, Logue must make a Will Save based on how many Duel Feats Pett has, and the rest of us have to save to step in...)

Blackdragon |

[wee threadjack]
Is it bad that, when I saw the title of this post, the first thoughts that came to my mind were of Runelords playing golf...?
[/wee threadjack]Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"
Thread jacking would imply that it was on subject in the first place.

KaeYoss |

Kirth Gersen wrote:hopefully by 2009 the dollar will be worth more than 1/256 of a pound sterling.Please don't do that; I like this exchange rate - it allows me to buy more and more Paizo stuff.
The lower the dollar gets, the more we non-Americans can afford. I'll give it another year, and I'll be able to buy Hasbro with my loose change.
If you don't eat the leaves, you're not a true revolutionary.And we all know what happens if you aren't a true revolutionary, don't we?
You're killed anyway and look silly in heaven?
And that he once urinated on the steps of Buckingham Palace.
Isn't that what you're supposed to do? They have no wishing well, so you drop your personal water at the door and make a wish?
If not, then I've made a huge fool of myself.

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Wow. Opened up this post to find out about PRPG stuff and learn that my favorite adventure author, Nicolas Logue has his OWN studio... Almost fell out of my damn chair from sheer joy. Best birthday present a guy could ask for, Nick.
Heh. I've got my group at the tail end of HMM right now, and I've already conditioned my hapless players to pee themselves at the mere mention of Nicholas Logue, especially after I told them they were wading through a *censored* version of his work. Now a Logue with his own studio... his own rules... Oh, my poor, poor players. There shall be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Long live Dread Lord Logue! Long live Sinister Adventures! Long live Paizo!

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Is PRPG going to be Open License? I don't even know yet, urgh!
Mr "Organized Play Coordinator" doesn't know if it's Open? HA!
I really want to offer versions of all my Indulgences and Dark Vistas in Pathfinder when it's all sexified up and ready to go!
That's what the threads about, someone's a dirty dirty forum spammer. :)

KaeYoss |

At this point, the only thing I've heard that will be closed is the deity list.
And that's because it's setting stuff, and all setting stuff will be closed.
I still think they should make an exception for deities, or use some placeholders, so people who have no idea at least see what a detiy entry is supposed to look like. Maybe just offer the Big Six or something.
Or make something else up. I'd gladly do that if they want. I'll start: KaeYoss, CN greater god of Awesome. Portfolio: Awesome, Totally Ruling, Dudes. Domains: All of them, and more. Favoured Weapon: None. He's so awesome, people offer to off themselves for his greater glory. (I'd add "even enemies", but he doesn't have enemies. Only victims)

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What do you really need to have your own studio? I've been involved in several hobby projects on the net and many of the other teams chosed to give themselves a name.
I think all you really need is a web-site and you have your own rpg-studio. ^^
You could replace every occurrence of "studio" with "web site where he sells his super-awesome adventures", and my post would still contain the same amount of jubilation. ^_^