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cappadocius wrote:Additionally, Fray or Lilith? You guys have a Summer Equinox listed in the calendar linked to in this thread - there's no such thing. It's a Summer Solstice.*checks her files*
Uhh...not me. Mine say Solstice.
It's the 5.5 MB full-color version linked in Fray's first post. 1st of Erastus, 4707.

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yoda8myhead wrote:Was the issue of the five missing days ever addressed?Golarion has a 360 day year, man.
Yet in the Gazetteer it states that there are 52 7-day weeks, which would make 364 days. So what's the deal with those other four days? There was some talk of "monthless holidays" or something, but maybe I missed a post somewhere stating that they were abandoning this idea.

Michael F |

I don't see a problem with the 360-day year.
Here's how it stands in the Fray-Lilithian Calendar:
The weeks are aligned with the Lunar Cycle. The Lunar Cycle is exactly 28 Days. Therefore the phases of the moon always fall on Moonday.
The months are aligned to the seasons. Each season is exactly 90 days long and the solstices and equinoxes are also exactly 90 days apart. The solstices and equinoxes occur on the 1st day of the second month of the season. So 1/3rd of the season happens before the solstice/equinox, and 2/3rds after. Works for me.
I'm pretty sure that the relationship between the solstice/equinox and the boundaries of the seasons is just a cultural convention. I seem to recall that folks argue about it in the real world.
If you have a 360 Day year, then you won't have a full 52 weeks in a year. That's fine, because the Lunar Cycle doesn't exactly match up with the Orbital Cycle that governs the seasons.
The Fray-Lilithian Calendar seems to be pretty much canon at this point, according to Mike.

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Fray, Lillith
Awesome calendar. I love them. Wish I had discovered them sooner.
I do not know what the final ruling on the Galorian Calendar will end up being, but here are a couple of alternate ideas if there are going to be 364 day in a year.
1. The Spring and Autumn Equinox and the Summer and Winter Solstices are each special days of their own and not included as part of a month. Each season lasts 91 days with the Equinox or Solstice marking the first day and three 30 day months to follow. This would make each season exactly 13 weeks long. The Equinox or Solstice is always on the same day of the week every 91 days so I would make it Sunday since that is how they are determined. A 364 day calendar would also give you exactly 13 phases of the moon each year.
2. I am not too sure about this idea, but I am throwing it in anyway.
At the end of each year, there are 4 day set aside for some special occasion.

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Hi all -
These are awesome. Someone else had done a 4707-4709 calendar, but without dates.
One of the things that I'm having a problem with is the Second Darkness module - it says that the Cheat the Devil tournament takes place on the 14th of Ardous - Oathday in 4708. However, the 14th is Sunday. For it to take place on Oathday it would have to be either the 11th or the 18th. However, the date is correct if it's for 4707. So, where is the typo? Does Second Darkness take place in 4707 or 4708?

Vivriel |

Hi all -
One of the things that I'm having a problem with is the Second Darkness module - it says that the Cheat the Devil tournament takes place on the 14th of Ardous - Oathday in 4708. However, the 14th is Sunday. For it to take place on Oathday it would have to be either the 11th or the 18th. However, the date is correct if it's for 4707. So, where is the typo? Does Second Darkness take place in 4707 or 4708?
The calendar made by Lilith/Fray is not official Paizo canon. I made an alternative non-canon, but perpetual (as in it works for all years) calendar in Excel that puts 14th of Arodus 4708 as Oathday. Here is the thread about it. The download link, if you're interested:

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The calendar made by Lilith/Fray is not official Paizo canon. I made an alternative non-canon, but perpetual (as in it works for all years) calendar in Excel that puts 14th of Arodus 4708 as Oathday.
OK, I realize that the Lilith-Fray calendar isn't "canon" which is OK. It looks cool. But I realize that yours isn't canon, but that if indeed SD does start on the 14th of Ardous 4708 and that's Oathday - then it would seem that maybe yours is more "canon-ical" because it references a canon reference. Unless the date as mentioned in SD is actually a typo. That's all I'm trying to understand. SD appears to have a whole lot of them - but I haven't seen this date either corrected or stated as being correct. And that's is what I'm trying to do. If this is indeed a correct date - then the Lilith-Fray calendar, while being beautiful is just that and nothing more.
If Vivriel's calendar is more accurate - although still not canon, then it makes more sense to start using the dates from it.Is there something that I'm missing that shows the "best or most accurate" calendar? The PFCS is extremely vague - it doesn't say how many days are in a month - except the every 8th year leap year with Ardous having an extra day. So is it accurate that each month has 30 days (again, except leap day)? With the PFCS stating that there are 52 Weeks with each week having 7 days, that's 364 days. But with each month only having 30 days, there is then four days missing. The Lilith-Fray calendar doesn't take this into account.
Does Vivriel's calendar take into account that obviously at least four months have 31 days (again, except Ardous with it's leap day in leap year).
As such, is there any canonical resource that has the four months with the extra day?
Thanks for helping me to understand the actual and most realistic aspect of the Golarion Calendar.
Theocrat Issak

Vivriel |

Is there something that I'm missing that shows the "best or most accurate" calendar? The PFCS is extremely vague - it doesn't say how many days are in a month - except the every 8th year leap year with Ardous having an extra day. So is it accurate that each month has 30 days (again, except leap day)? With the PFCS stating that there are 52 Weeks with each week having 7 days, that's 364 days. But with each month only having 30 days, there is then four days missing. The Lilith-Fray calendar doesn't take this into account.
Does Vivriel's calendar take into account that obviously at least four months have 31 days (again, except Ardous with it's leap day in leap year).
Theocrat Issak
At the time I made that calendar, I asked all the same questions you're asking. My research was ultimately an exercise in futility. Besides the PFCS, the calendar has only been addressed officially in the Guide to Korvosa, which states that there are 12 months of 30 days each in a year.
So, which is right? Paizo has to date refused to nail it down, leaving us fans to deal with the discrepancies according to our own preferences. I chose to go with the Guide to Korvosa, because I've no idea where to insert the missing 4 days otherwise.
What is certain is that they have so far set their AP's in the Golarion equivalent of the Earth year it was published. Since SD was published in 2008, it's set officially in 4708, so the date in SD is not a typo. What went wrong, I think, was the author referring to Lilith's 4707 calendar as 4708 when he wrote it.
Either way, you're not going to get an official answer. Just choose one calendar you like or make your own, and use it for your own Golarion campaign. I sync'ed my calendar with SD, but I can't guarantee a future AP won't mess with a future day/date on my calendar.

Scooter Scott |
First off, AWESOME calendar. A couple of questions though... Does anyone have a list of the holidays for ALL of the Major deities? I am cool with putting the information into the calendar on my own (and even reposting with that information provided I have the permission of the original authors) but finding the info on the Holidays themselves has been a bit of a headache...
Also, and I have no idea if there is a correct answer to this, but I found a list of holidays outside the months, and the days of the week are a bit different (link listed below)... So now I am confused... Is there an official standard for these things, or is it just by personal taste?
Personally I don't like the idea of holidays falling outside the calendar, so this is much more to my liking... But I do want to stick as close to a standard for weekday and/or month naming conventions as possible.
and here's the link I mentioned earlier...
http://www.pathfinderdb.com/component/content/article/100-calendar/681-ilea n-calendar

Graylight |

Scott, the link you posted appears to contain information specifically for a home-brew setting called "Thule". So, the information therein is not actually intended to be used in a Golarion campaign. Hope this clears things up! :)
In regards to holidays, there are a whole slew of 'em listed in the Inner Sea World Guide, at the start of chapter 4. I don't know for certain if this represents a complete list, or if there are some minor dates that have been omitted, though. *shrugs*
I've actually been using this calendar for a while now to keep track of events in my own RotRL campaign (awesome work by the original creators by the way!). But while I was perusing my own brand-spanking-new copy of the aforementioned 'World Guide, I noticed that there seems to have been some changes to the number of days present in each month. While I was tempted to spend some time updating this calendar with the changes (and holidays) myself, the cost of the required Adobe Writer software soon quashed my enthusiasm. :(
So... Uhh... I don't suppose there would be any kind souls that already have access to Adobe Writer, who would be inclined towards updating this calendar PDF for us nit-picking fans?
...Well? Anyone?
*Listens to crickets*

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I know this is an older thread but I needed a calendar to track the moon so I updated the Excel spreadsheet to fix the new Inner sea days of the month and leap year stuff.
If you find a problem with it let me know.
Updated Excel Calendar