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Dear Nic,
So there I was in Turtleback Ferry enjoying a nice brew basking in the glow of a job well done. I had helped clear out that nasty fortress full of ogres without taking even the slightest damage, nary a single hitpoint lost.
And I was thinking, gee I haven't been kicked in the groin and beaten to a pulp lately, I'll have to work on that. Imagine my delight when I discovered there was a giant monster rampaging through town doing her Godzilla impression! Now here's a monster that can kick the living stuffing out me I thought and proceeded to engage it in polite discourse.
Imagine my surprise when it confused my entire party and proceeded to beat the living hell out of me LAPD style. Yes, I couldn't even enjoy the tentacles as they where barbed. There we go I thought, or rather tried to think because I was being squashed and babbling incoherently all the while, the balance of the universe is restored.
Well Mother of oblivion, let's call her MOO for short shall we, must have gotten bored at my insane ramblings and twitching. MOO tossed me into the mud, discarding me like so much garbage and soon after departed with not even a, "I'll call you sometime."
"Wow, it's good to be an adventurer!" I thought snout down in the mud, or rather thought six rounds later. Thank you confusion my old and dear friend. It's the gift that keeps on giving, round after round.
So in short, thank you for the wonderful and dare I say it, justified?, beating. I was starting to feel good about myself and my journey and well we couldn't have that now could we?
Your friend,
-Alex Draconis

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Absinth wrote:This is getting more and more disturbing...:)Fortunately I hadn't eaten breakfast before I read this thread. Perhaps Greenwich Mean Time does have its occasional advantages.
Pett! You're next! Oh don't think I've forgotten about you. }: P
Dear Richard Pett,
Thank you for the lovely furniture in the Foxglove manor. Several bits are now enhancing the feng shui of my house in Sandpoint. It's good that you included such quality craftsmanship in the adventure because for the life of me I couldn't find so much as a bent copper for several days in my "investigation" of the skinsaw murders. This lovely facet led me to redecorate the manor in a well, shall we say non conformist way. As in the doors no longer conform to their hinges.
Also you should know I met the friend you so elegantly put in that closet of a room upstairs. Imagine my joy and surprise to find a new friend several CRs above my party's level and grapple skills to rival the most robust mexican luchador. We had a lovely conversation. Well I admit it was mostly me trying to get a word in edgewise as she screamed at me and the line of my conversation was along the lines of, "stop trying to rip my snout off and put me the hell down." Was she shaking me down for my wallet like a NYC welcoming committee? Nay sir, she apparently wanted me to donate my time and hit points as I gave away 28 of them to posterity, in ONE round. That's when I just knew I'd made a friend for the rest of my life.
It's a shame soon thereafter my little draconic weenie roast got out of hand and burnt the mansion to the ground. I was just getting to enjoy the unspottable traps, excuse me I mean haunts.
The "guests" in the basement where a nice touch. I do so enjoy making save or die paralysis rolls at my high level. Oh wait, that's right I was only like level 4 at the time. As much as they wanted to invite me to dinner, I had to refuse.
Oh please send more lamias. The last one was delightful. She was kind enough to provide us with wisdom loss the likes of which usually only come from Friday night bar hopping benders. I'm looking to meet her again for a second date, (desperately seeking lamia in Magnimar), since she left in a hurry with all her lovely magic items.
Your friend,
-Alex Draconis
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I think he has you there, Mr. Pett.
Nicely done, Alex.
Thanks. I'm just razzing them though. Creative criticism and all. I'd gladly buy them a drink at GenCon or something.
I'd have changed a couple things but I really enjoyed the adventures. I can't wait to hit the next AP and see what they've got next. I'm like a crash test dummy here.The WTF? moments where amusing. I'll have to enter the next Superstar contest then they can return the favor and gnaw on my stuff.

Richard Pett Contributor |

My Dear Alex,
so glad you met my friends at the manor and they made such an impression on you, I can hear the crackle of the manor now.
I hope you'll enjoy meeting some other acquaintances of mine very soon in a place called Old Korvosa, they aren't as friendly as dear old Aldern was, they are a little more...single minded.

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My Dear Alex,
so glad you met my friends at the manor and they made such an impression on you, I can hear the crackle of the manor now.
I hope you'll enjoy meeting some other acquaintances of mine very soon in a place called Old Korvosa, they aren't as friendly as dear old Aldern was, they are a little more...single minded.
Aww no fair, I'm only on RoTRL #3. I don't get to find out until much later this year.
I'm sure my equine swashbuckler will have a nice dance with them.He'll be good at...dancing.
Should I add the furniture appraise skill now or later though? }; P

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An interest in objet d'art could come in handy:)
Cool. I've always wanted to play a character like that UK TV show Lovejoy.
A social rogue hunting down expensive items. Crackpot schemes to steal art items from nobles and expensive parties would be de rigueur.Not all the best stuff is found in dirty dungeons after all. }; )

Just-A-Troll |

deathboy wrote:Nicolas Logue wrote:May I become your Apprentice, Dark Master Logue?MADE MY DAY!!!
Ha! MOO! Ha!
But of course deathboy! Your messageboard avatar name alone screams "Evil Sidekick!" :-)
I would like to be an Apprentice of Dark Master Logue.
...but as I am Just-A-Troll I know that my lot in life is to be an expendable meat shield.The Troll

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Nicolas Logue wrote:deathboy wrote:Nicolas Logue wrote:May I become your Apprentice, Dark Master Logue?MADE MY DAY!!!
Ha! MOO! Ha!
But of course deathboy! Your messageboard avatar name alone screams "Evil Sidekick!" :-)
I would like to be an Apprentice of Dark Master Logue.
...but as I am Just-A-Troll I know that my lot in life is to be an expendable meat shield.The Troll
No not just a meat shield but an information gatherer...
Just-A-Troll: My Master wants the information Mr. Pett.
Mr. Pett: Never! That Bastard has done enough wrong,. he will never get to tarnish my Adventure with his his cruelity.
Just-A-Troll: Then you won't be needing this leg now will you?
Mr. Pett: Aaauuughhhh.... (Sound of leg being rippied of from the hip followed by the sound of a meat grinder.)
Ok Ok I'll tell you. P-p-please give me my leg back and drop me off at the hospital. The Safe is in the other room the combination is 12-15-7-21-5. Take it take it....
(Sound of meat grinder bogs down as the leg hits it.)
Just-A-Troll: Thank you mr. Pett, but my orders stand that once I got the infomaion you are to become ground chuck for the Master's pets.
A creul chuckle from Just-A-Troll is drowned out by the screams of terror from Mr. Pett.
End Scene.
See you can be useful for The Master. All you need to do is be willing to take thuggery to a new level, a, dare I say it, a Logue Level.
(This is all pretend everyone. I am sure Mr. Logue and Mr. Pett are good friends and take to gentle chidding with one another on these boards. If Mr. Pett takes offense to my post I ask for his forgiveness, as it was just ment to be funny.)

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An interest in objet d'art could come in handy:)
Cool. I've always wanted to play a character like that UK TV show Lovejoy.
A social rogue hunting down expensive items. Crackpot schemes to steal art items from nobles and expensive parties would be de rigueur.
Not all the best stuff is found in dirty dungeons after all. }; )
Paint yourself with fake orange tan, and you could be David Dickinson, from 'Bargain Hunt'.
Or the camp guy from 'Cash in the Attic'?

Richard Pett Contributor |

No not just a meat shield but an information gatherer...
Just-A-Troll: My Master wants the information Mr. Pett.
Mr. Pett: Never! That Bastard has done enough wrong,. he will never get to tarnish my Adventure with his his cruelity.
Just-A-Troll: Then you won't be needing this leg now will you?
Mr. Pett: Aaauuughhhh.... (Sound of leg being rippied of from the hip followed by the sound of a meat grinder.)
Ok Ok I'll tell you. P-p-please give me my leg back and drop me off at the hospital. The Safe is in the other room the combination is 12-15-7-21-5. Take it take it....(Sound of meat grinder bogs down as the leg hits it.)
Just-A-Troll: Thank you mr. Pett, but my orders stand that once I got the infomaion you are to become ground chuck for the Master's pets.
A creul chuckle from Just-A-Troll is drowned out by the screams of terror from Mr. Pett.
End Scene.
See you can be useful for The Master. All you need to do is be willing to take thuggery to a new level, a, dare I say it, a Logue Level.
(This is all pretend everyone. I am sure Mr. Logue and Mr. Pett are good friends and take to gentle chidding with one another on these boards. If Mr. Pett takes offense to my post I ask for his forgiveness, as it was just ment to be funny.)
I only take offence when you suggest Logue and I are friends...

Richard Pett Contributor |

Richard Pett wrote:An interest in objet d'art could come in handy:)Alex Draconis wrote:Cool. I've always wanted to play a character like that UK TV show Lovejoy.
A social rogue hunting down expensive items. Crackpot schemes to steal art items from nobles and expensive parties would be de rigueur.
Not all the best stuff is found in dirty dungeons after all. }; )Paint yourself with fake orange tan, and you could be David Dickinson, from 'Bargain Hunt'.
Or the camp guy from 'Cash in the Attic'?
Damn, my main villain is unmasked...

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Richard Pett wrote:An interest in objet d'art could come in handy:)Alex Draconis wrote:Cool. I've always wanted to play a character like that UK TV show Lovejoy.
A social rogue hunting down expensive items. Crackpot schemes to steal art items from nobles and expensive parties would be de rigueur.
Not all the best stuff is found in dirty dungeons after all. }; )Paint yourself with fake orange tan, and you could be David Dickinson, from 'Bargain Hunt'.
Or the camp guy from 'Cash in the Attic'?
Well I have been doing some redecorating like that show "While you where out". Nobody seems to be happy with the result though. }; )

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Well I have been doing some redecorating like that show "While you where out". Nobody seems to be happy with the result though. }; )
"We tidied up your room while you were out; threw out those nasty 'Dungeon' magazines (sooo not the sort of image we want to project, dear). And there were all these little metal men; they had to go, sooo bad for the Feng Shui..."

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Alex Draconis wrote:Well I have been doing some redecorating like that show "While you where out". Nobody seems to be happy with the result though. }; )Yeah,
"We tidied up your room while you were out; threw out those nasty 'Dungeon' magazines (sooo not the sort of image we want to project, dear). And there were all these little metal men; they had to go, sooo bad for the Feng Shui..."
Nah, more like while you where out I burned your dungeon down.

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I've just had 'amazon recommends' in my inbox telling me to buy some Nick Logue stuff.
I feel tainted.
And its not the FIRST time I have to tell you...
See, he's gotten to Amazon now. When will it end? His insidious plan is working all too well.
I got Curse of the crimson throne #1 in the mail yesterday.
Nicolas Logue Contributor |

it'll end in tears I'll tell you...he has a masterplan...
Hey Alex...did you see THIS yet? Pett's pain can only deepen...
You'd think! Until you check the Dark Vistas page and scroll down to the second book there...then Alex...then, the world goes mad.

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Richard Pett wrote:it'll end in tears I'll tell you...he has a masterplan...Hey Alex...did you see THIS yet? Pett's pain can only deepen...
You'd think! Until you check the Dark Vistas page and scroll down to the second book there...then Alex...then, the world goes mad.
The Horror, The Horror. I will have nightmares for a year.

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Richard Pett wrote:it'll end in tears I'll tell you...he has a masterplan...Hey Alex...did you see THIS yet? Pett's pain can only deepen...
You'd think! Until you check the Dark Vistas page and scroll down to the second book there...then Alex...then, the world goes mad.
I can only imagine pain the likes of Tomb of Horrors proportions in that one. Needless to say, I must purchase this in June.
Oh and Giant Shark!? What's with you and giant beasties from the water?
I suppose attacks on that one are as equally ineffective?
I wonder what's in a giant shark.

Kruelaid |

Pirates? Swashbuckling? Nick, you must have been reading my mind. Err, wait, my players would have to chew their eyes out were I to disgorge some of your aberrant oospore on them.