
Just-A-Troll's page

43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


To be fair the dungeon is quite specifically designed for a site based style of play. It is a dungeon crawl in the sense that it all takes place in a massive dungeon. It's not a plot driven adventure path.

Michael Miller 36 wrote:
All too often you run into something far beyond what you should way too early, including a monster that we ran into at 3rd level with epic DR.

Personally I find this one of the best features of the module. I know what encounter you're talking about and yes it is not one the PC's can "win". One of the things I hate about the modern version of the game is this idea that the player's will only encounter CR appropriate beasties and to be able to predict in advance exactly how much treasure they are going to get because it is in the rules.

I think players having to think very hard about how to withdraw from an encounter which totally outclasses them just does not happen enough anymore. Events like this make my imaginary world seem more real to me.

I did it all for me grog,
Me jolly, jolly grog,
All for me beer and tobacco,
I spent all me tin,
With the lassies drinkin gin,
Far across the western ocean,
I must wander.

Troll be going as Brisbane is only a 9 Hr drive from Townsville and I'll be bring Troll Jnr with me.
If there is any Pathfinder activies, offical or unofficial, then we will be sure to give them a good poke.

The Troll

Can one of your talented writers stat up the Tooth Fairy?
Seriously the Tooth Fairy is just creepy.

The Troll

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
He must die. Die die die!

Maaate, relax little lizard. Y'll wake this mob up.

Mate, I mean it. Stop biting me legs like that.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
deathboy wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:



Ha! MOO! Ha!

May I become your Apprentice, Dark Master Logue?

But of course deathboy! Your messageboard avatar name alone screams "Evil Sidekick!" :-)

I would like to be an Apprentice of Dark Master Logue.

...but as I am Just-A-Troll I know that my lot in life is to be an expendable meat shield.

The Troll

Maaate, Hippy, Maaate? Look at moi, feral I ain't.
Run ya eyes ova that Lizard thing, maaate now hes feral, looks like a rat with a gold tooth.

Ain't much happens on this thread eh?

My flying saucer sail back for home,
you will get lost in the universe alone,
My flying saucer end all my fears,
sail back tonight,
love and kiss away my tears.

My Flying Saucer - Woody Guthrie

Bunyip Bunyip Yip Yip Yip,
Tap us a song on your little tapping sticks.

Bunyip - Playschool Nursery Rhyme

Shakor wrote:

Am I speaking a foreign language or not asking the right way?


For what it is worth I spoke to my FLGS today. They told me that they recently got an Email asking them to reconfirm their order, so it should be on its way.

I also asked when Pathfinder was normally shipped and they said "Dunno, pathfinder stuff just comes when it comes, it don't have set shipping dates"

The Troll

Why Oh why did I just read all 4562 posts in this thread?

Oh listen for a moment lads, and here me tell my tale,
How o'er seas from Englnad's shore I was compelled to sail,
The jury says 'He's guilty sir' and the judge, says he-
'For life Jim Jones I'm sending you across the stormy sea.

You'll have no chance for mischief then, remember what I say,
They'll flog the poachin' out of you, out there at Botany bay.
The waves were high upon the sea, the wind blew up in gales,
I would rather drown in misery than go to New South Wales.

The winds blew high upon the sea, and the pirates came along,
But the soldiers on our convict ship were full five hundred strong.
They opened fire and somehow drove that pirate ship away,
I'd have rather joined that pirate ship than come to Botany Bay.

Jim Jones - Traditional

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
They likely pined for their llamas.

Now llamas is spot on.

4e butcherd my sacred cows and replaced them with llamas.
Now some like hamburgers and llama milk but not I.
Not sure where pies come from.

The Troll

Paul Ackerman 70 wrote:
By my count I see two Dungeon Magazines that have Maure content. Anything I missed?


#112 had Maure Castle - filled the whole mag
#124 had the Chambers of Antiquites
#139 had The Greater Halls

and that's all she wrote.

The Troll

DaveMage wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yeah... to me, "Backwards Compatable" means that I print Pathfinder #100 and it uses the Pathfinder RPG rules, but someone who picks up that volume and only has the 3.5 rulebooks and has never seen the Pathfinder RPG can go ahead and run the adventure with little problem.



I would also like all the developers and play testers to tattoo "Backwards Compatable" on the inside of their eyelids so that the whole goal of this beast is not forgotten.

The Troll

I'm as happy as a pig in s$@&.

The Troll

I've never played or read starwars, but many years ago did play a lot of traveller and 2300AD.

How we handled ship to ship combat really depended on what sort of game we were playing.
Our 2300AD game had almost none, the space ship action was all cocktails at the captains table or crawling around in the cargo hold.

Our Traveller games were quite different, the game was all about the ship and landing on world was often just a book keeping task of buying cargo.

The trick to space combat is just to make sure everyone has something to do. As long as players can roll a die or two they always seem to be happy.
In Traveller it was posible to roll 'ship destroyed' on the combat chart but it only happened once in my game. The PCs and their free trader had got into a shooting match and the enemy rolled the big one. I just told them that the ship is breaking up "What do you do?". The PCs had a dice roll to get off the ship with negatives if they wanted to do much more than run for the nearest airlock and then another roll to survive reentry down onto the adjacent planet.
The Gunner wanted one last shot at the enemy and died strapped to his gun, another died on the way down, but they just started again with two surviving passenger's.

So it was not a TPK but it was a campaign changer, space merchants to disaster movie. I pulled out the old GDW adventure Marooned and played that. No one ever did survive the trek back to civilization.

Mate thinking about that was such a great game.

The Troll

CourtFool wrote:

I have seen the topic come up where people suggest the characters live or die by their own actions and the luck of the dice. It seems their interpretation of Game Master (GM) is one of complete neutrality. Furthermore, it seems that favoring the PCs somehow lessens the PC’s accomplishments.

When I was just an ankle biter my father once told me that nothing easily gained is worth having. That's a philosophy that has severed me well in both roleplaying and in the real world. So yes, as I GM I see my role as a neutral arbitrator of events and yes I do believe that favouring the PCs knocks them down a peg from hero to mere actor.

I do hide some die rolls that need to be hidden (secret doors, spotting, hiding etc) but all GM combat die rolls are done right there in the centre of the table for all to see. I don't fudge and my players know that.

CourtFool wrote:
Does being a gamist GM equate to being more of a referee than a co-author? Surely even the most gamist GM must acknowledge they ‘win’ any GM vs. PC conflict. Does this regulate the gamist GM to unsympathetic observer?

I don't like jargon labels, the reason no DM is a 100% "Gamist" or whatever is because Gamist is a simplistic and artificial pigeon hole. That said I do see the role of a DM as a referee rather than a co-author. The co-authoring work I do is done before I even get to the table. As a GM I do the back ground stuff, sketch a rough plot, determine NPC motives and actions but once I'm at the table it's the players who are in control.

As for a DM 'winning' a conflict, well that's just pure nonsense from a referee point of view. How many referees win sporting contests? Or how many judges win an arts prize? In my gaming the players are completely and solely in the spotlight, they own any success or failure.
You see for me, I've done all the hard work before the game. I get my entertainment by watching the players tell me a story, it maybe a classic heroes journey or for that matter a tragedy.
Part of the problem you think you perceive is the mistaken belief that a good story involves PC success. Really this is just the Hollywood movie concept of a story. There are lots of other types of stories, what about Greek tragedies, Shakespeare or even French art house films where nothing really seems to happen?
I do sympathise with the PCs but I'm not going to step in to save them just because I'm fond of a character. Frankly the death of a sympathetic character is always more poignant (ie more entertaining) than the death of a character I could not careless about and I think that goes for both the DM and the player.

The Troll

Just two points,

First this board has always been moderated, the only thing that has changed is that the line has shifted slightly. For example I can't say F+%%, s#*@, drongo* or cock ** the board just wont let me. Plus I bet that a post with a link to my personal collection of naked photos of Piazo staff members*** would not last real long ..even a year ago. What is regarded as civil behaviour is one of those community consensis thingimebob dokickys. Values are not universal and this board holds an international community.

Which leds me to the second point, who decides where the line is? Why that would be Piazo the mob that own the place. 'Cause even those among us who hold the freedom of speach as sacred must recognise that property rights**** are just as important. You can say what ever you like but if I find it offensive then you aint gonna say it in my lounge room. Make no mistake this is Piazo's turf, they are welcoming and let all kinds of vagabonds and swags sleep on the floor, but this is still their turf. I bet Piazo even have a chunk of paper on file that says they own this place. If people want to say things that the Piazo crew find offensive then you will have to find a public place to do so. Now that maybe difficult with the increasing privatisation of public space*****.

The Troll

* Cool I can say drongo
** This makes it difficult to hold a conversation about male chickens.
*** I'm still trying to get Jason to sign his.
**** The thing about rights is that they valid only until they bump into someone elses rights. A distance of not much further than my nose I've found.
***** OK I'll stop there that's another rant.

Erik Mona wrote:

Here's a sneak peek at my unedited Linnorm Kings entry from the Gazetteer.


Is good.

The Troll has long had a Viking fetish.

The Troll

Bumpy bump...

you are allowed to say your not attending you know.

The Troll will not get too angry.

The Troll

Will you be coming?

Sounds like a perfect chance for a tax deductable holiday in Australia to me. I promise to buy a shed full of gear, I'll even buy you a beer if your willing to lend an ear and shake a hand.

So whats the go, any of your mob coming down?

The Troll

For several reasons,

1st: I like to support not just my FLGS but all FLGS, I travel a lot for work and make a point of finding and buying something from every FLGS in every town I visit.

2nd: I'm an impulse buyer. If I see something I want, I want it then and there, either hard copy or pdf. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing something in a shop and knowing I've already got a copy of it comming in the mail.

3rd: Frieght to Australia is not cheap. If I am going to order something I want several items to cut frieght costs, so would rather not have an automatic monthly commitment.

4th: I'm not going to subscribe to Pathfinder until I know when Piazo is switching to 4.0, I'm not somekind of anti-4.0 nazi but I will be sticking with 3.5 until I've tapped out the huge backlog of 3.5 pdf matterial. I went from 1.0 straight to 3.5 and will be happy to wait until 7.0 before making the next edition change.

The Troll

The Troll is disturbed to find he has turned a strange shade of blue.

the Troll

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Kirwyn wrote:
Kobolds taste like chicken!
According to Kobolds, it goes "tastes like Gnome." And no. Kobold does not taste like Gnome.

Kobolds taste like Gnomes because that is what they eat. Now Smurfs taste like magic mushrooms, while Halflings taste like good cheer and aged port.

The Troll is willing to conduct an experiment and feed a Kobold nothing but Kobolds who have eaten nothing but Kobolds. This way we will find out just what Kobolds really taste like.

The Troll

Olaf the Stout wrote:

How did your campaign work out? Is it still going?

Olaf the Stout

A werebaboon ripped out the tongues of all my PCs.

As we were getting ready to roll up new characters two of our players found out they had to go back to Indonesia, so we set SCAP to one side and played several one offs till they left. SCAP is on the back burner for our newly forming group.

As for Wilderlands flavour, I went for a science fantasy angle what with the airlock style doors, Automations and changed some of the illusions into non-magical holograms. It worked a treat and the players lapped it up.
At the end of the first module the party travelled to Rallu to buy some magical kit. There they encountered the wand purchasing high priest and had a run in with the monkeys that infest the abandoned temple of Hanuman.
They hit the Lucky Monkey on the way back where tongueeater was a blast (if bitterseat what with the TPK and all) even to this day they don't know what he was. They all think he was a monkey demon of Hanuman.

Let us know how your game goes.

The Troll

The Troll does not like kobolds they have too many pointy bits and stick in the throat. A well greased halfling is much better, they go down nice and easy.

The Troll

CourtFool wrote:

Yes, there is the Sorcerer option, but Vancian Magic is so entrenched in the game as to make it very difficult to remove it without a major re-work. Even the Sorcerer is limited to X spells per a given period. X is very arbitrary, and again breaks my immersion.

I prefer some kind of pool of mana/points/spell levels/whatever, although, I accept this adds complexity to the system. You could also argue that a pool of points is just as arbitrary as X spells per time period.

The Troll has read this several times but still does not see a great difference between a pool of 'spell levels' and what a Sorcerer does. This maybe no surprise as the Troll only has an Intelligence of 6 (refer page 247 of the Monster Manuel). However the Troll would like it if you explain this difference and why a pool is somehow better.

CourtFool also wrote:

I have heard some claim D&D is a toolkit for Fantasy role playing. In my opinion, a ‘toolkit’ would have more options for a magic system in the ‘core’ rules. It should also allow different systems to seamlessly work within it without having to create completely new rules.

D&D is not a toolkit for Fanstasy role playing, GURPS is and possibly the d20 system but D&D is not generic. D&D is its own genre awkwardly straddling Swords & Sorcery and High Fantasy. As an aside the Troll is of the opinion that part of the outcry over 4e is the undermining of the 'D&D genre' that we all know and love.

For the record the Troll likes to see spells prepared (The Troll would prepare is own but see above re the Troll's intelligence). Wizards cast more spells in D&D, under a spell point system magic-users tend to cast just two spells a day, their most powerful one followed by the most powerful spell they can afford with their remaining points.


On a related note the Troll disliked the evolutionary approach used in some Ecology Of writeups. It disturbed the Trolls verisimilitude.

In the Troll's world maggots and rot grubs spontaneously arise from uncovered meat, rats are spawned by sewers and Red Dragons breath fire because it is their nature to do so.

The Troll

Olaf the Stout wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion Just-A-Troll. I've decided to place the campaign in the Barbarian Atlantis. I'm still tossing up between a couple of spots but it seems to have a lot of jungle there as well as a decent mountain range.

Olaf the Stout

No prob's Mr Stout, the main reason I chose Blest was to help keep the party contained and focused on Cauldron and its environs.

Are you planning to run the adventure as writ? or are you going to have a stab and injecting a bit more Wilderlands in it?


Vaccum Cleaners

The Troll

The Troll is in need of more players.

The Troll can be found in Townsville Queensland. Games are BYO (nope I don't run a tab) but smokers have to step outside with me during smoko breaks (prevents Mrs Troll yelling at me).

The Troll

If Troll finds 4e players he will rip them limp from limp and eat them. This is his nature because he is Troll.

The Troll

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was recently rereading the 30 best adventures in 116 and started thinking about what were my personal top ten Dungeon adventures while it was under the stewardship of Piazo. These were the adventures that said 'please play me now' and narrowing it down to just 10 proved difficult. I thought I was being over judgemental when I first went through the stack but still ended up with 17. Reducing that to just 10 resulted in some cool adventures being left off, such as Obsidian Eye and Gluttony (come on zombie farm animals, now that is inspired)but I got it down to ten.

1) Ill Made Graves by Kevin Carter 133
-Vikings and a dead dragon, it really don't get better than this!

2) Siege of the Spider Eaters by Tim & Eileen Connors 137
-Except maybe for spiders, if this had vikings as well it would be 1st.

3) The Devil Box by Richard Pett 109
-Just made me laugh and was creepy too.

4) Kings of the Rift by Greg Vaughan 133
-War between giants and dragons, crying out for a big budget movie.

5) Touch of the Abyss by Greg Vaughan 117
-Mad kings and lurking evil, the best adventure in the best arc.

6) The Whispering Cairn by Erik Mona 124
-Was going to run SCAP until this, best face trap since THAT Tomb!

7) Test of the Smoking Eye by David Noonan 107
-How I like the outerplanes, no demon towns but still home of the damned.

8) Cavern's of the Ooze Lord by Campbell Pentney 132
-Juiblex could kick Demogorgon's bum any day.

9) Maure Castle by R Kuntz, G Gygax, J Jacobs & E Mona 112
-Kerzit, Kerzit, Kerzit, mate I want to kill my PCs in this dungeon

10) Here there be Monsters by Jason Bulmahn 142
-The players map in my X1 was so covered in pencil marks, and now it has demon monkeys!

What's your top ten.

The Troll

Molech wrote:

Hommlet was published in 1978.

Sterich was published in 1978 (right?)

What else was there?

Saltmarsh came out "way" later in 1981.

-W. E. Ray

Depends on what you mean by published. If you limit it to towns with maps and some description then Saltmarsh don't count (no map) and Istivin IIRC is not even mentioned in G1.

This is what I came up with,

1976 Thunderhold-Castle of the Dwarven King from Judges Guild
1977 Modron from Judges Guild
1977 City State of the Invincible Overlord from Judges Guild
1979 The Keep B1 "The Keep on the Border Lands"
1979 Hommlet T1 "The Village of Hommlet"
1979 Byrny "The Mines of Custalcon" Judges Guild
1979 Trollslore "The Mines of Custalcon" Judges Guild
1980 Mitra's Fist "Dark Tower" Judges Guild
1980 Badabaskor "Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor" Judges Guild
1980 Lightelf "Spies of Lightelf" Judges Guild
1980 Palewood "Spies of Lightelf" Judges Guild

The early 80's D&D grows heaps and you start to get all sorts published an early one the people have left out is Restenford from L1 "The Secret of Bone Hill" 1981 a great module that we had a lot of fun playing at the time.

If you think that Mitra's Fist "Darktower" is more dungeon that town that that will also rule out Badabaskor.

Also all of the above can be purchased as downloads either here at paizo or through drivethru plus undated d20 versions of Thunderhold and Modron can be got from Necromancer for free.

The Troll

Check out this website layout Tripod for an Australian musical/comedy group. Make sure you look at the map and character sheets even the art is spot on!

Olaf the Stout wrote:

My Shackled City AP game is due to kick off next week. I've decided to base it in the Wilderlands of High Fantasy campaign setting (originally by Judges Guild, rereleased for 3.5E by Necromancer Games). The only question now is where to I stick Cauldron and the surrounding area on the Wilderlands map?

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Olaf the Stout


I did a post on this about a year ago ummm here it is
Spoilers ahead here
As you can see I put Cauldren on the Isle of Blest (hex 4402 Map 14). I never posted the other adventure conversions as it was more of a 'in my campaign' than any real generic Wilderslands conversion. With the Wilderlands being what they are you really don't need a careful conversion to fit in with canon!

The big twist I had was that Amlifos and Enlifos were the two sides of the APs BBEG. Mate I still think that was a cool idea


#2 Flood Season


Most of the adventure background in this one can remain the same with the need for but shortage of wands etc. The only real change is that Sarcem travelled to the Temple of Poseidon at Rallu to secure more wands both because as a sea god that is his territory and also as Athena and Poseidon are in the same pantheon his appeal would have a better chance of being heard.


Obviously the players’ handout of a rough map of Cauldron’s surrounds will have to be redone. The features to include and what they represent or replace in SCAP are as follows:
- The Lucky Monkey (hex 4604 map 14)
- Haunted Village (hex 4303 map 14)
- Gormcairn [Redgorge] (hex 4433 map 11)
- Silver Cavern [Lair of Hookface] (hex 4502 map 14)
- The Witch’s Hut [Crazy Jared] (hex 4804 map 14)
- Blackheart Keep [Keep of Jarl Khurok] (hex 4802 map 14)
- Praetor [Kingfisher Hollow] (hex 4833 map 11)
- The Demonskar (hex 4405 map 14)
- Ruins of Shatterhorn (hex 4907 map 14)

The Lucky Monkey inn is located on the banks of the Deer River at the edge of the Jungle only a couple of miles from the hidden tunnel to the Malachite Fortress. This is a very old establishment, an inn as been sitting on this site since the first dwarf/gnomish settlement of Cauldron. These days the clientele is limited to those who travel along the game trail that skirts the north edge of the jungle to Rallu.
Little has threatened the inn in the recent past, jungle pygmies (Halfling barbarians) have learnt the hard way that it was not an easy target and the jungle gnoll tribes rarely raid this far west.

The Alleybashers gang are members of the notorious thieves’ guild of Rallu.

Tongueater: Although the temple to Hanuman the Accursed is abandoned in Rallu, the bloodline of Hanuman still lives on in the surrounding islands, a heritage Tongueater shares.

Room M39: Sarcem’s +1 holy light mace should be changed to a +1 holy short spear.

Shensen Tesserit is the bastard daughter of Maltamron of Entenwold (hex 4532 map 11) and one of his human slaves. She fled as a child fifty years ago and lived for a time at the Lanax Monastery (hex 4828 map 11) where she trained as a monk. Still feeling unaccepted she moved onto Foundation (hex 4831 map 11) and fell in with the Blest Striders. As per her Dark Elf bloodline she is an albino.


The Red-Haired Women: Triel does not hail from Cauldron so the PCs will not be able to discover anything about her with Knowledge checks.

Visiting the Churches:
The Temple of Lordly Might is dedicated to Thor and contains some shrines to the other Norse gods. Attitudes and information gained here otherwise remains unchanged.

The church of Pelor is replaced by a shrine to Modron. The shrine’s only cleric Kristof Jurgensen (Skandik NG Cleric 4) is subservient to the order of Modron citadel (hex 5031 map 11). The shrine is three years old and the order has only been on the island for ten years. The order has had poor success spreading the faith as the local inhabitants see little relevance in a demi-goddess of a river from far off Roglaras. To counter this Kristof has been promoting the idea that the fabled monster of the lake is the daughter of Modron and Amlifos. Followers of Amlifos disagree violently claiming that Amlifos would never take male form. Even so this has enabled Kristof to build a small but devout cult composed of those who claim to have seen the mythical beast.
Kristof is eager to help with the wands but he is unable to offer practical help. None of his order is powerful enough to create them and the order is very low on finances after completing the citadel. He is willing to point the finger of blame towards the clerics of Amlifos, not for any real reason but simply because of his running dispute with them.

The church of Wee Jas is replaced by the Temple of the Moon, Cauldron’s oldest religion. The moon goddess Amlifos (NG- Water, Magic, Good, Dream – Trident) has been worshiped on the isle of Blest since time began. She is said to live under the sea during the day before rising on the onset of darkness. Her holy symbol is a silver crescent with its points upright. Water and silver are seen as holy and her rituals involve baptisms and prayers in the light of the full moon. Cauldron’s Temple of the Moon is the single largest place of worship for Amlifos on the island. Even so Embryl Aloustinai is not the high priest of the cult as a whole, that honour is held by the leader of the secluded monastic temple found beneath the Lake of the Gods (hex 4729 map 11).
Since the war between the Pious and Philosophers the Amlifans have been challenged by the rival cult of the Moon Demon Enlifos (NE - Water, Magic, Evil, Madness – Trident). His holy symbol is a red crescent moon pointing down and his rituals involve sacrifice by drowning. The Enlifan cult is centred with its high priest in Rallu.
It is widely known that Embryl was not pleased to hear the announcement that Cakjak of Abject (hex 4626 map 11) was appointed the Champion of Amlifos as she felt she was more deserving of the title. Since then the Temple of the Moon has slowly been separating their ties with other Amlifos temples. It is even whispered by some that a few of the clerics of the Temple of the Moon now serve the demon Enlifos.
Otherwise the staff of the Temple of the Moon is as haughty and disdainful as they are portrayed in the adventure.


The Kopru were an alien slave race of the Markreb and they helped man the Markreb base under what is now Cauldron.
This ruin was built near the conclusion of the century wars after the Kopru were abandoned by their Markreb masters. The Kopru fought with other slave races and where forced to abandon this complex well before the first Kelnore sailor landed on the shores of Blest.
The dungeon was constructed with the aid of great technological engines. The reason the construction looks half melted is because it was. The surfaces of the dungeon have melted to a smooth black glass which is always cool to the touch, in spite of the hot humid air.
Modern Kopru only have at best half remembered legends of their past achievements and servitude.

The Ebon Triad:
This triad cult is not native to Blest but rather it hails from far off City State and Roglaras. The three component cults serve Harmakhis god of death, a sub cult from the Hellbridge Temple that worship a LE aspect of Morg and Yog god of the outer darkness. They are here to help build the soul cages for the cagewrights in exchange for arcane secrets needed to further plans of their own. Once the last cage is complete they intend to return to the City State.

Skaven is a servant of Yog and is changed to Diviner 5 / Alienist 2. The Air Elemental in his room K24 should be changed to a Fihyr. I would also replace his collection of books and scrolls with a madness inducing Tomb of Knowledge about the outer void.

Triel is an upwardly mobile priestess of Morg. She is of respected, if militaristic, noble stock and her involvement in the Ebon Triad is all about building up a power base both within the Hellbridge Temple and the City State itself. Otherwise she is unchanged.

Tarkilar is however a local, the brother of Vrurag (hex 5005 map 14) and was as mentally unstable as the rest of his kin. A cleric of Harmakhis who found himself involved in the Triad after a divine revelation. Otherwise he is unchanged.

#1 Life’s Bazaar

Cauldron is located on the Isle of the Blest perched on the edge of the Cruaich Mountains overlooking the southern jungles (hex 4402 Map 14).

4402 Cauldron (large town): Conventional; AL NG; TL 7; 3,000 gp limit; Assets 600,000 gp; Population 4,500 (Able bodied 1,250); Mixed (79% human [mostly mixed or Ghinoran], 9% Halfling, 5% gnome, 3% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-elf, 1% half-orc); Resources: Obsidian and Market.
Changed Important Characters: Vortimax Weer (Male Common Orichalan Alchemist 10)

The four primary temples in Cauldron are changed thus.
The Church of St. Cuthbert is replaced by the Temple of the Virgin Owl, dedicated to Athena.
The Temple of Lordly Might retains its name but is dedicated to Thor.
The Church of Pelor is replaced by a shrine to Modron.
The Church of Wee Jas is replaced by the Temple of the Moon, dedicated to the Moon Goddess Amlifos Cauldron’s oldest religion.

Slavery is central to the plot of the first adventure and is also a very common institution in the Wilderlands. In this case Cauldron is one of the exceptions, since the earliest dwarf and gnomish settlements it has been a free city. While slave ownership within the city is not illegal, there are several hundred house slaves within the city at any one time, buying, selling or mistreating slaves is. In accordance with ancient law if an unaccompanied slave can remain in the city for a year and a day they are declared freemen. The arrival of runaway slaves from Rallu or the northern villages is not an uncommon occurrence.

Unlike as stated in the adventure most kidnapping victims have until recently been Dwarves and the odd runaway slave. The capture of the children appears to be a major departure from previous targets. Otherwise information gained about the abductions is unchanged.


Change Ruphus Laro to a Sage 2. As such he does not participate in the fight and remains a helpless victim.

The Temple of the Virgin Owl is primarily dedicated to Athena and all the resident clerics hold her as their patron but it does host small shrines to Aphrodite, Apollo, Poseidon and a generic shrine for the rest of the pantheon.
Half of the temple priests are actually Sages dedicated to Athena rather than clerics.
The temples holy relic, the Star of Justice is changed to a +2 Shield known as the Shield of the Oracle. Its special ability remains unchanged with the cryptic results of divinations appearing as writing on its mirrored surface.
Alek Tercival the paladin is replaced with the no less righteous Alexis Tercival (Female Amazon, Amazon Warrior 4).

The Lantern Street Orphanage is replaced with the Mendicant’s House. In other city states orphans and strays often find themselves enslaved. In Cauldron the Temple of the Virgin Owl takes in orphans and the children of impoverished parents. They are trained in the Mendicant’s House to become clergy of Athena. Those who fail to make the grade in either scholarship or combat arts are apprenticed to city craftsmen (for a modest fee). So the building is more of a place of religious instruction than is portrayed in the adventure.
Both Gretchyn and Williow should become 1st level Adepts. Jaromir changes to warrior class and becomes the combat instructor rather than gardener.

The Striders of Fharlanghn are replaced by the Blest Striders. This is an organisation based in Foundation (hex 4831 map 11) a community in which all the residents are of mixed human and elven ancestry. Likewise the faiths of Amlifos and Beytnorn have blended. The Blest Striders patrol the entire island monitoring disturbances in the natural balance of the world. The Striders are not well regarded by any of the clergy of Amlifos as their faith is seen as heretical. Although only a small minority are actually clerics any in the organisation can pick domains from either god and have the longbow as a favoured weapon. Otherwise their motives and actions in the adventure are unchanged.


Jzadirune is functionally unchanged from the adventure. The gnomes who founded the enclave discovered relic technology left behind by the Markrab slave races that lived under Cauldron during the Uttermost War and through to the Century Wars of Domination. Features such as the gear doors and the Automatons are examples of the technology the gnomes had been able to recover from these ruins. With the abandonment of Jzadirune even this knowledge is again lost.


The Malachite Fortress was once the main entrance to the gnome and dwarvish settlement in Cauldron, long before humans began to arrive. The tunnel at M8 does not lead to the underdark but rather it extends for fifteen miles to the south east where it exits into the jungle (hex 4604 map 14). This forgotten doorway to Cauldron was discovered by Kazmojen soon after Zenith Splittershield abandoned his post. Kazmojen started out using it to transport runaway slaves from Cauldron back to Rallu (hex 0404 Map 15). He then expanded into taking dwarves from Cauldron and selling them to the sea king of Rallu who is currently in great need of dwarven slaves. The capture of the children is a special order for Pyllrak Shyraat.

Pyllrak Shyraat is the head slave keeper for the Temple of Thanatos (hex 4927 map 11). As the residents of the temple are banned from entering Rallu more than once a year, Pyllrak was forced to look elsewhere when Nartork the Holy decided he needed some children for next months ritual.

All the prisoners in M18 and M27 should be changed to dwarves. While Coryston Pike can remain unchanged, she unfortunately found the jungle doorway and was discovered by Kazmojen’s minions.

G'Day people,
I'm in the process of converting SCAP and AWAP to the Wilderlands setting for an upcomming campaign. I thought I might post what I've done in case there is anyone out there using the old judges guild backdrop (got to be at least one!)

First some disclaimers, I don't own the hard cover so these conversions are on the original mags. Rather then detail the conversion all at once I'll do it one adventure at a time.
It's not a masterwork of prose but functional I think.


Riley wrote:

- Greyhawk : 24

- Forgotten realms : 15
- Eberron : 11
- Dark sun : 3
- Spelljammer :
- Ravenloft : 3
- Dragonlance : 4
- Al-Qadim : 1
- Maztica :
- Kara-Tur :
- Oriental adventures / settings : 1
- Mystara :
- Midnight :
- Ptolus : 4
- Iron kingdoms : 2
- Scarred lands :
- Homebrew : 8
- Wilderlands of High Fantasy/City State of the Invincible Overlord: 2
- Birthright : 2
- The Styes: 1
- Council of Wyrms (v.3.5): 1
- Planescape: 1
- Freeport: 1

+1 for Greyhawk, an old girlfriend I still like to look at and +1 for the Wilderlands, my current infatuation

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It was over a year ago I saw the cover of Dungeon #116 while browsing in a newsagent. Crikey! I know that face, I thinks to myself. Now at that point I had not played or even thought about D&D for at least 15 years, but the Green Devil stared me down and forced me to buy the issue.

Since then I've purchased Dungeon religiously and by crawling through the discount bin in the local game shop have managed to get most issues back to #88. Obviously it did not take me long to get the new rules, old module pdfs and even some updated Judges Guild gear from Necromancer.

Last week I run my first game in a very long time. I even got to yell "Bree Yak"! My oldest boy and a mob of his school mates are all hooked and I've had to expand to two campaigns to fit them all in. None of them had ever played before and thought D&D was a computer franchise.

So I thought I would just drop a line and say thanks to whoever was responsible for putting that devils face on the cover. They are directly responsible for reintroducing me to simple pleasure of putting a mob of goblins to the sword and getting some younger lads into the game.
