Lisa, Erik and Paizo -- Thank you!

Alpha Playtest Feedback General Discussion

In the Gut Check thread I said:

Tars Tarkas wrote:

3. If Paizo does not convert to 4.0, I will continue my Pathfinder, Pathfinder Chronicles, GameMaster Modules and Planet Stories subscriptions. (The reason I would cancel Planet Stories also is because it would no longer make shipping cost sense to ship it alone.) If Paizo does not convert to 4.0, I will also support any new rulebooks Paizo publishes to continue the availability of v3.5 rules (a Paizo Golarion Handbook similar to a PHB would be a multiple-book purchase! ;-)

And in the Thought Exercise thread I said:

Tars Tarkas wrote:


If Paizo publishes a v.3.5 or v.Paizo core rule book, you can count me in for at least 3 copies!

I've just placed my order for 4 copies of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Hardcover due in August 2009, and all of my subscriptions will remain intact.

Thank you Lisa, Erik, and the rest of Paizo for asking questions and listening to the answers.

I hope the orders are flooding into the website!

Dark Archive

I want to chime in on the thank you's. I just got off of the phone spreading the good news to my group. We are looking forward to running solely Pathfinder games.

Thank you for the risk you are taking in moving out of the pack to provide us with what we want. I know that we will be supporting you all the way! My wife and I have also made a commitment to only purchase RPG products from your website as a gesture of our support. (If we had a local game store we would also purchase your products there, but we do not.)

Keep up the fantastic work,


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Today, I bought a nice shiny new 2008 Chevy Cobalt. (I was gonna buy a Nissan Rogue because rogues are cool, but hey, the metal cobalt was named after kobolds so I'm driving a Kobold). Afterwards, I came home and saw the Paizo website.

Just to give you an idea of how much this excites me, I present a sample of dinner table conversation in the Dei residence:

Wife: So with the wider wheelbase, I guess the ride is smoother, right?

Me: Umm, yeah. So son, the OGL allows them to draw upon all the rules we know and love but add some of the suggestions and ideas of the brightest minds in the RPG business today.

Wife: I guess the Cobalt ended up selling to the same customers as the Optra and that's why they cut the Optra line after 2007, eh?

Me: And with the alpha version online today, they are actually inviting us to tell them what we think. We, in effect, become playtesters of this game.

Son: Cool, dad. But where's mom going and why does she seem ticked?


Dark Archive

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is awesome!

Tarren Dei wrote:

Today, I bought a nice shiny new 2008 Chevy Cobalt. (I was gonna buy a Nissan Rogue because rogues are cool, but hey, the metal cobalt was named after kobolds so I'm driving a Kobold). Afterwards, I came home and saw the Paizo website.

Just to give you an idea of how much this excites me, I present a sample of dinner table conversation in the Dei residence:

Wife: So with the wider wheelbase, I guess the ride is smoother, right?

Me: Umm, yeah. So son, the OGL allows them to draw upon all the rules we know and love but add some of the suggestions and ideas of the brightest minds in the RPG business today.

Wife: I guess the Cobalt ended up selling to the same customers as the Optra and that's why they cut the Optra line after 2007, eh?

Me: And with the alpha version online today, they are actually inviting us to tell them what we think. We, in effect, become playtesters of this game.

Son: Cool, dad. But where's mom going and why does she seem ticked?



Scarab Sages

Tarren Dei wrote:

Just to give you an idea of how much this excites me, I present a sample of dinner table conversation in the Dei residence:

Wife: So with the wider wheelbase, I guess the ride is smoother, right?

Me: Umm, yeah. So son, the OGL allows them to draw upon all the rules we know and love but add some of the suggestions and ideas of the brightest minds in the RPG business today.

Wife: I guess the Cobalt ended up selling to the same customers as the Optra and that's why they cut the Optra line after 2007, eh?

Me: And with the alpha version online today, they are actually inviting us to tell them what we think. We, in effect, become playtesters of this game.

Son: Cool, dad. But where's mom going and why does she seem ticked?



My wife was at a Mom's Night Out for our homeschooling group when the news broke but my kids were also excited about possible new rules, which I told them about at our dinner table as well. They agreed to play test them with some excitement.

Liberty's Edge

My dinner conversation was very much dominated by PRPG talk too - with my non-RPGing husband. He has been listening to me talk about the whole 3.5 4e thing for too long. I am so glad the decision has been made. I think he is too :-)

Thank you Paizo!

Liberty's Edge

Celebrations are in order!!!

I'll be heading back to the Paizo site in a few days to order all the Pathfinder RPG stuff. If you offer it as a subscription, let me know.

I'm confident you've made the right decision (and the only decision possible given the state of the OGL). You have my support from now until the day I die - I'll put Paizo purchases above food and rent. At least one a month, anyway.

You have always proven how much you value and respond to the customers. As one satisfied customer, let me thank you again.

Liberty's Edge

I love everybody! OK, maybe it's the medicine talking, but man, I feel shiny about everything. Yeah.

Dark Archive

I'm just so... unbelieveably happy. This is the thing I've been wanting since the announcement of 4th ed. Thank you all.

Wow ! I just ...! It's like ...! You guys ...! How did ...? I can't ...! Dudes ! What the..? Whoo hoo ! When was ...? Gkh .. ! Dit ..! Aqt .. ! TILT !

This makes me so happy I realy feel like an giddy idiot, it's just weird!

Thank you all at Paizo, I'll be back when I catch up with my mind!

Quick question; how does pre-ordering work? What information I am looking for: when will I be charged (and will that change if the price goes up/down), when will I be notified my Pathfinder books have shipped (and how? e-mail, I presume), and if I want to add ,say, another copy or three do I need to make a new order or can I modify the pending one?

Thank you.

And preorders aren't charged until they ship :)

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I love everybody! OK, maybe it's the medicine talking, but man, I feel shiny about everything. Yeah.

For a while in my life, medicine was talking more sense than I was, so letting it do the talking was the best way to go. Shine on, Mr. Shiny.

I just wanted to chime in and add my "thanks" to the many you've already received. I moused-over a few "cancel my subscription because you're not going 4E" posts, and wanted to put my support of your bold move on the boards. I was going to go along with whatever decision Paizo made on the issue (proud to call myself a Fanboy), but was secretly hoping you'd stay 3.5 for many reasons, not the least of which was the unhappy prospect of owning a small fortune in 3.5 books. What I wasn't expecting was a full-on 3.5 revision. FANTASTIC. I skimmed the Alpha download and saw several modifications that I have already made in my own game. I'm on your wavelength.

Oh yeah, just to be official... don't cancel my subscription!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

I have to also say thank you to Team Paizo as the continuation of Pathfinder as 3.5 is the most AWSOMESAUCE bit of news I've heard since GenCon! My players will be thrilled to have continuing 3.5 support from the company we feel hands down makes the best gaming material for our group!

--"Vrock N Roll!"

AWESOME!! You guys and girls are the bestest!

**Dances around clapping hands**

done have the alpha gonna buy the beta and the hardcover shall be mine. [dances badly and laughs like an idiot}. thanks guys this is the best I could have hoped for .

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I absolutely agree, it was the best decision you could have made.

Thank you, Paizo! I'd been hoping that you guys would be continuing to support 3.5, but the Pathfinder system looks better than I could have hoped.

Picture of a female sheep--space--A plus sign--space--Picture of a rock

You saw a bad rebus and somehow actually wanted the inside scoop? Shame on you. Get out of my secret hidey place and shut the door behind you. Shoo!

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Wow everybody,

Thanks for all of your support. I am pretty sure I speak for everyone in this regard.


As always, if you keep liking it, we'll keep making it.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

The cancellation of the magazines a year ago (almost) pulled the rug out from under my gaming feet. 4th edition's announcement didn't help, but now I'm starting to get happy again about my gaming future. Thanks Paizo.

primemover003 wrote:
I have to also say thank you to Team Paizo ....

Wow, man, glad to see you back. Is life normal again?

Sovereign Court

Paizo, this move will guarantee you much income from me! I was holding back due to the uncertainty of the 4th Edition announcement, but now you have me... totally!

I'll be placing a big order soon to pick up everything I missed, and in a few months, will hopefully be a Pathfinder Superscriber!

Thank you!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
farewell2kings wrote:

The cancellation of the magazines a year ago (almost) pulled the rug out from under my gaming feet. 4th edition's announcement didn't help, but now I'm starting to get happy again about my gaming future. Thanks Paizo.

Farewell, I could not have said it any better.

I'd also like to add my thanks to the Paizo team.

Seriously, bravo! Thanks for listening to us, your consumers, instead of just ramming changes down our collective throats. Thanks for taking the lead on keeping 3.5 (3.6?) alive. Thanks for keeping it OGL.

Liberty's Edge

Team Paizo rocks the effin' casbah. The Clash agrees. News at 11.

Tarren Dei wrote:

Today, I bought a nice shiny new 2008 Chevy Cobalt. (I was gonna buy a Nissan Rogue because rogues are cool, but hey, the metal cobalt was named after kobolds so I'm driving a Kobold).

As long as it isn't a gremlin.

Liberty's Edge

You've made my day. Thank you for supporting and improving the 3rd Ed. rules.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Blackdragon wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:

Today, I bought a nice shiny new 2008 Chevy Cobalt. (I was gonna buy a Nissan Rogue because rogues are cool, but hey, the metal cobalt was named after kobolds so I'm driving a Kobold).

As long as it isn't a gremlin.

Ahhh, ... a gremlin was my first car. My dad gave me his old one because the backseats were small.

Tars Tarkas wrote:

In the Gut Check thread I said:

Tars Tarkas wrote:

3. If Paizo does not convert to 4.0, I will continue my Pathfinder, Pathfinder Chronicles, GameMaster Modules and Planet Stories subscriptions. (The reason I would cancel Planet Stories also is because it would no longer make shipping cost sense to ship it alone.) If Paizo does not convert to 4.0, I will also support any new rulebooks Paizo publishes to continue the availability of v3.5 rules (a Paizo Golarion Handbook similar to a PHB would be a multiple-book purchase! ;-)

And in the Thought Exercise thread I said:

Tars Tarkas wrote:


If Paizo publishes a v.3.5 or v.Paizo core rule book, you can count me in for at least 3 copies!

I've just placed my order for 4 copies of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Hardcover due in August 2009, and all of my subscriptions will remain intact.

Thank you Lisa, Erik, and the rest of Paizo for asking questions and listening to the answers.

I hope the orders are flooding into the website!

Tars Tarkas! When did you beam over from Mars?! You know, I based one of my very first D&D characters on you back in 1978! When the DM killed him with green slime (because the DM didn't like me) I was so depressed I didn't play D&D for a week! (In those carefree college days we used to play D&D every day of the week.) :-D

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