cwslyclgh |

Going through the skills section, I couldn't help but feel tripped up by the idea of Open Lock being rolled into Theft. Being a mechanical process that allows you to essentially "break" the device, it would make more sense to roll it into Disable Device.
I tend to agree with the idea that open lock and disable device are a better fit together.

Jaimsley Cooper |

Going through the skills section, I couldn't help but feel tripped up by the idea of Open Lock being rolled into Theft. Being a mechanical process that allows you to essentially "break" the device, it would make more sense to roll it into Disable Device.
At first thought, I also agree.

Amaril |

I reposted this topic in the Alpha Release 1 forum. Please post additional replies in that thread.

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I certainly agree from a fluff perspective. I'm wondering if that keeping the skills separate in that way was done more for mechanical balance. Open lock and disable device are often seen as the two needed rogue skills(at least as far as the dungeon delving variety goes). Maybe having them separating into the groups they are was done to ensure skills are spread out?
I figure the same situation is what keeps knowledge arcana and spellcraft separate, both are already near necessity, if combined there wouldn't be a wizard without them and would come close to simply giving a wizard an extra skill point.

see |

Hmm. Yes, I'd say Open Locks certainly is more closely related to Disable Device than to Sleight of Hand.
That leaves Theft a bit light, stripped down to just the old Sleight of Hand abilities plus reading thief signs. I'd roll Escape Artist (which seems pretty light as a skill of its own) into Theft.

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Sleight of hand was always a pretty versatile skill, including pick pocketing, palming, magic tricks, cheating at games of chance, juggling, and concealing or hiding items. It's had uses in hiding a knife in order to flat foot a foe, stuff like that.
It could be expanded to boost the ability to catch items, perhaps?
Well, whatever happens to sleight of hand/theft, Open lock should definately be part of disable device. It looks like a pretty unanimous call there.