Nevyn's CotCT

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

I'm cool with getting another player; especially someone who can heal Ath when he gets himself into trouble. ;)

Dark Archive

Well I don't have a problem with it but Reth does because of his chosen avatar ;-)

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Arctaris wrote:
who can heal Ath when he gets himself into trouble. ;)

Does Cal's healing not count? Fine, no healy kisses for Ath then! :P

Male Human Evoker 3

Another person wielding magic...? Certainly. Very welcome.

Dark Archive

I hope I am not really chasing Calandra off as Reth is acting very emotional at the moment because of the Shoanti issue. I actually like how it's played out so far and I see his feelings toward Ward' grudgingly changing. Ward' is great because he is so stoic and this is not meshing at ALL with what Reth expects from Shoanti thus throwing him way off and will cause him to question his views on them. But yes, he is somewhat of a jerk around the subject at the moment and a bit of a racist. He thinks the Chelish peoples are the greatest people to grace this land because of his upbringing with a father that distorted history greatly. I expect the truth about the Chelish peoples will come out eventually, cause him to sort of have a crisis of faith eventually, and come out the other side a much better man for it.

At his core he is a hopeful optomistic "Can do!" sort of individual. This is his one area of darkness.

Kayos. wrote:
Eek! A lurker! *pokes it* I'm cool with another person joining in :)

Ouch! After the Lamm beating, and the crocodile bites, that just adds another scar to the collection (lol)!

Actaris wrote:
I'm cool with getting another player; especially someone who can heal Ath when he gets himself into trouble. ;)

Healing? What me Heal? I am a Druid, we don't heal no one, just animals! (kidding of course!)

Dark Arioch wrote:
Well I don't have a problem with it but Reth does because of his chosen avatar ;-)

Heh, that avatar is David's, not mine... He is a grumpy old fart, not a young kid like me!

Malik Ventovi wrote:
Another person wielding magic...? Certainly. Very welcome.

Much thanks!

To Nevynxxx,

I created him as a Druid 1, using the Pathfinder Alpha 3 rules, old DMG 28 point buy (+2 to one score), max gold, max hit points. Anything else? (Druid 2?, minor magic item, maybe he nicked a Wand of Cure Light in his dealings with the Druid Cabal?)

Oh, and I have his history detailed in my head, but need another day to let it gel before putting it down on "paper". My wife and I will be getting back from a weeks vacation later today, so I'll get it done either much later today or sometime tomorrow.

-- Talon
(aka david, Papa.DRB)

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Talon 'SharpEye' wrote:

To Nevynxxx,

I created him as a Druid 1, using the Pathfinder Alpha 3 rules, old DMG 28 point buy (+2 to one score), max gold, max hit points. Anything else? (Druid 2?, minor magic item, maybe he nicked a Wand of Cure Light in his dealings with the Druid Cabal?)

Oh, and I have his history detailed in my head, but need another day to let it gel before putting it down on "paper". My wife and I will be getting back from a weeks vacation later today, so I'll get it done either much later today or sometime tomorrow.

Sounds right, chances are you will be level 2 before you get introduced. I can't see it being this side of all the worlds meat, so probably a couple of weeks too....

Emmm, XP will be the group average when they meet you, so ignore for now....Other than that, I really like, can't wait to read the backstory!

The Exchange

Ugh if I'm going to continue this way I so need "Take the Hit" as a feat.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Hey all, my work schedule is settling down, so hopefully my posting schedule will return to some semblance of normalcy within a week. Thanks for your patience.

Dark Archive

Very good news indeed.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Dark Arioch wrote:
Very good news indeed.

So, time again to depart from the adventure as written.....Well, I have to do *something* about you peeps who are reading the adventures and playing them elsewhere, don't I?

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Yay, much fun :) Although I have a habit of forgetting what's where anyways.

Dark Archive

Heh, I have no clue as to what's going on or why. I purposely shelved all the modules until such a time as my face2face group gets back together again and even then who knows what we'll play. I like the ghost showing back up as suddenly we have a couple of binding drives to keep us together now. Don't know if that was something you just threw in but it was cool. So have at it! Go way off story! I won't know until I try and run it later and go, "What the hell?!?! Where are the three firebreathing flying otyughs that the vengeful spirit of Lamm rode in the final apocolypse of Korvosa?!?!"

P.S. I am however using the guide to Korvosa, the gazeteer, and the players guides.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Dark Arioch wrote:
"What the hell?!?! Where are the three firebreathing flying otyughs that the vengeful spirit of Lamm rode in the final apocolypse of Korvosa?!?!" there's an idea.

Dark Archive

Nevyn wrote: there's an idea.

LOL, I'll shut up now before I get us into any more trouble.

Male Human Evoker 3

Othyughs?... a little Presti to give them a taste of soap into the mouth... Voila? Instant rush to the nearest water source... just kidding, Nevin, as you were... hopefully... I'll stop now...

Hi guys,

Sorry to have disappeared for three weeks. There was a family emergency with my wife's younger brother and we had to go to Minnesota (we are in New York) for two weeks, but we are back now and life can return to more or less (ab)normal.

I have updated the Background section for Talon, to where he is actively looking for the folks that took out Lamb and freed the lambs.

For Nevvyn:


Assuming he is still on course to be a Druid 2 when he meets the group, how do we handle hit points (Invisible Castle?). Also, what about possessions for a 2nd level character? My preference would be for a Wand of Cure Light, but just let me know what you want me to do.

-- Talon

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Talon 'SharpEye' wrote:

For Nevvyn:
** spoiler omitted **

-- Talon

Don't worry about it, it will take a day or two to wrap this up before i can work you in.

Hmmm hit points is full at firs level, then rolled at second, with any roll less than 12 being rounded up to half....Don't worry about invisible castle, most of the group seems to use it, but I don't enforce it....After all, there's no point playing if there is *that* big a lack of trust!

As for cash, that gets interesting, as we seem to have a couple of hoarders....So, I will work out what cash a character in a party of four would have at this point, and you will get that to spend how you's that sound?

I'll have a look over the background in a bit...

Nevynxxx wrote:

Don't worry about it, it will take a day or two to wrap this up before i can work you in.

For Nevvyn


Well,I went to Invisible Castle anyway. Dang glad that I did

Rolled a dang 8!!

So I will updated.

Let me know the cash value and I will buy stuff and update his sheet.


-- Talon

The Exchange

ok Wards' been leveled, added knowledge nobility to his skills and ranked up heal.


whoot max hitpoints.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Nychus wrote:

ok Wards' been leveled, added knowledge nobility to his skills and ranked up heal.


whoot max hitpoints.


As for the other thread, I'm waiting for everyone to chip in with what they want to do, and where the search will start.....Oh, I think Ath and Cal should level too.....



Ok, we need to start working you in, I have a few ideas, but just about the only place I can guarantee them going/being findable is the HQ of the Korvosan Guard.

How do you envisage Talon finding the rest of the group?

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Nevynxxx wrote:
Oh, I think Ath and Cal should level too....

Uh ohs, decisions on skills and spells and junk, this may tke a while..

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Kayos. wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:
Oh, I think Ath and Cal should level too....
Uh ohs, decisions on skills and spells and junk, this may tke a while..

Ahhh, you know you love it!

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Mmkay, I'll get right on it.

Nevynxxx wrote:
Talon:** spoiler omitted **



Well, depending on how well you rolled on my Knowledge(local), I was thinking that I may have heard of them going to "All the Worlds Meat" (or whatever it is), or I would have figured out that they would come to the notice of the Guard and wait near there. I am fairly sure that I would have at least gotten a description of Cal (since she is the Charisma one) and maybe Ath, and I could be waiting near the guard headquarters.

I would approach them, if I saw them coming to that place.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Talon 'SharpEye' wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:
Talon:** spoiler omitted **


** spoiler omitted **

Cool, I think I can work with that.....



No rush, since I can add it later, but any idea on how much "cash" he has to spend yet?

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Talon 'SharpEye' wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Errrmmmm ;) I'll try to work that out and post tomorrow evenening.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

K, I leveled. I got max hit points, I think I put the link in my profile.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

HP L.2 (1d8+1=2) - Wowsers and now Cal is officially the party squishy!

Dark Archive

Kayos wrote:
HP L.2 (1d8+1=2) - Wowsers and now Cal is officially the party squishy!

Nevyn said that half is the minimum so you should gain 5 h.p. I woulda been down there too without that rule :) So not quite as squishy.....

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Oh yeah! Forgive my ditzy moment there. She's still squishy just not as squishy now, thanks!

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Dark Arioch wrote:
Kayos wrote:
HP L.2 (1d8+1=2) - Wowsers and now Cal is officially the party squishy!

Nevyn said that half is the minimum so you should gain 5 h.p. I woulda been down there too without that rule :) So not quite as squishy.....


Talon, calculating what the party has collected, and splitting it between 4 (so what the AP assumes you will have massed by now....) means you should have startig gold + 1,250gp....have fun!

By that metric, Reth should have had starting plus 400gp and Ward should have had starting plus 750gp....

Then again between Ath and Cal, none of the money has been split yet, and noone has been on a shopping spree.....You may want to rectify that in the near future, I can easily arrange downtime.

While I'm typing, This last section has been a bit crap for Ath and Cal....I know this, and I'm not too happy about it, it is my fault for not giving you something better to play off while alone. I will try to rectify it a bit over the next few sections.....

So, on with the main thread in the morning......

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Nevynxxx wrote:
Then again between Ath and Cal, none of the money has been split yet, and noone has been on a shopping spree.....You may want to rectify that in the near future, I can easily arrange downtime.

Cal has plans to redistribute the wealth a bit, she will be giving half of what she got from the queen to Ath as promised and the rest will be split into three chunks of varying sizes; bigger ones for her and Malik and a little for Reth as well as he did help when leaving Lamm's. it'll just take her a little downtime to split it all and come to the conclusion that whilst she could skip town with it all and have a happy life with her sisters Desna appears to have written her fate and it is somehow involved with this random grouping of men!

Nevynxxx wrote:
While I'm typing, This last section has been a bit crap for Ath and Cal....I know this, and I'm not too happy about it, it is my fault for not giving you something better to play off while alone. I will try to rectify it a bit over the next few sections....

No worries, really. I keep looking at the thread and trying to think of something for Cal to say and have kept filing miserably!

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3
Kayos. wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:
Then again between Ath and Cal, none of the money has been split yet, and noone has been on a shopping spree.....You may want to rectify that in the near future, I can easily arrange downtime.
No worries, really. I keep looking at the thread and trying to think of something for Cal to say and have kept filing miserably!

Same here. I can't really think of anything for him to say. He's okay just sitting and waiting quietly though.

Nevynxxx wrote:
Talon, calculating what the party has collected, and splitting it between 4 (so what the AP assumes you will have massed by now....) means you should have startig gold + 1,250gp....have fun!

Updated, and he did nick that wand of cure lights....

-- Talon
(david, Papa.DRB)

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1
Talon 'SharpEye' wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:
Talon, calculating what the party has collected, and splitting it between 4 (so what the AP assumes you will have massed by now....) means you should have startig gold + 1,250gp....have fun!

Updated, and he did nick that wand of cure lights....

-- Talon
(david, Papa.DRB)


Did you see your post int he main thread?

Nevynxxx wrote:


Did you see your post in the main thread?

The July 31st post under Spoiler, yup...

Waiting for the appropriate time to chime in.

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Either I really need to get more sleep or Gary's added something new and I missed the announcement. Why is there a little red cross hair next to Nevynxxx's picture and a pair of crossed swords next to Kayos'?

Dark Archive

::looks around suspiciously:: Take my advice, don't trust anyone with a little red cross next to thier names. They are sure to be Chelish spies....

Male Human Husband/1(53 years), Father/2, Grandfather/2
Dark Arioch wrote:
::looks around suspiciously:: Take my advice, don't trust anyone with a little red cross next to thier names. They are sure to be Chelish spies....


Damn you, you Chelish spy!

-- Talon
aka david, Papa

Male Human Husband/1(53 years), Father/2, Grandfather/2

They are Pathfinder Society Faction symbols

-- david
Talan, Papa.DRB

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

Please... do not bicker around over something so trivial as freedom or devils...

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Hehe, bless you all, fighting over the 'big' things and not caring to focus on setting up comfortable existances for yourselves. I plan to retire rather than die in battle over some cause or another..


Dark Archive

Male Elf Sorcerer 1

Oh, I have the red cross on my modern day alias as a sign of honour to the work I will do for Cheliax and the Society. Soon my friends, you will bow to my devil master, and grovel at our feet, and Orision will burn as it should, under the hot sun as nature intended.

The Exchange

Female Gnome Bard 1

*Blows a raspberry at the silly devil worshipper*

Dark Archive

Ok, Miss Raspberry, go post in the game thread and smack Ward' awake while your at it. Let's get this thing movin again! Malik's been pretty quiet too....and well.....Ath is always quiet, he's just that type :)

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

The player of Ward has gone to visit his mother so I don't know if he'll have chance to check in here or not for a few days.

And Cal, by this point is probably half asleep on Atherton's shoulder, she doesn't deal well with boredom :P

Sovereign Court

Male Human IT Wizard Level 5

I am pretty swamped at work atm... sry

The Exchange

Kayos. wrote:

The player of Ward has gone to visit his mother so I don't know if he'll have chance to check in here or not for a few days.

And Cal, by this point is probably half asleep on Atherton's shoulder, she doesn't deal well with boredom :P

That would be impressive given she's in Rhodes at the moment I went to play Heroclix and visit my mothers cats, as it is not needed to cat sit at the moment so back in Pompey,

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