With Pathfinder 7 pdf coming out today (hopefully), I was wondering who else on the boards is planning on running it?
I will be running a PbP for it. I'll be posting an invite thread as soon as 1) I get the PDF, and 2) I decide on dice vs. Point Buy.
I am also thinking of running it for PBP....
I'm running it as soon as I feel that I and my players have the time to do it. I might not be able to start until next year, but I say; f$*+ that! If I have to, I'll run it every-other-week, and alternate with RotRL. or, I'll find a day somehow. I could always do short sessions (some people seem to only do 3-hour. I wonder how that would be).
i'll be running it in about a week or two (if i get it today)
Running a PbP on dis 'ere website.
Oooo, the PDF comes out today, maybe?
I'll actually have something to do at work then! Huzzah!
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
My GM refuses to start until the city-book and the second module are out; he's thinking of running Hangman's Noose as a lead-in, so that we can start. The waiting is driving me crazy. I haven't gotten to play in a long time.
We're two fights from the end of RotRL, but there's more enthusiasm for CotCT, frankly. 17th level play is just not our thing.
I'll be running it, after the Runelords campaign. Since we're not even done with Skinsaw, it will take some time. But I intent to run the AP.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
i'll be running it at Hero Central, via PbP.
I'm going to start running it as soon as I have both volume one and the citybook. I expect I'll purchase the pdf version of the latter from Paizo to supplement the pre-order I already made locally, just so we can get started more quickly.
I plan on running it over on the Gleemax PbP forums.
I'm a firm believer that there needs to be a strong Pathfinder presence over there.
King in Yellow wrote: I was wondering who else on the boards is planning on running it?
I am running RoRL with a four players group. We are in the middle of the Skinsaw. I will start RoCT with a second group as soon as possible making good use of the HDeck. I plan to have the two groups interact at some point of the AP.
Yeah, I'll be waiting for the citybook, too. probably. In the meantime, I can hype the setting, and give my players a good long while to come up with great characters.
I'll be running it. Since we are just starting Skinsaw, hopefully we can start it this fall.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
I will be running the AP, though it will be in roughly a year methinks. Just started Burnt Offering.
I'll be running it over on Myth Weavers, where I'm also running Rise of the Runelords and a campaign set in Falcon's Hollow.
If I can convince my wife, I'll probably run it for 1 player. She's a bit hesitant, though, as she never played D&D on a one-player-basis. If not, I'm considering something along the MapTool/TS line.
I'm hoping to run as a play by post here, I will probably wait to get the hard copy (in the UK) before I do though, since I prefere reading the adventures in the flesh...
I'll be running it almost immediately for my table group(well, once I've digested it and the city guide). I might run it PbP as well.
Probably running it for my tabletop group using stuff out of Book of Experimental Might.
I'll run it, but it'll be sometime far in the future - certainly never before it's out in its entirety.
Arnwyn wrote: I'll run it, but it'll be sometime far in the future - certainly never before it's out in its entirety. Are you sure, Arnwyn? There's a real edge-of-the-whirlpool thrill to starting up the game without knowing where it's going to end. :D
tbug wrote: Are you sure, Arnwyn? There's a real edge-of-the-whirlpool thrill to starting up the game without knowing where it's going to end. :D Absolutely sure. I'd never run a series unless I have all of it right in front of me and have read the entire thing.
I've discovered I can give the best experience to my players if I know all the details beforehand. And even doing that, I still don't know where it's going to "end"... :)
Running something without full details? So not my thing.
Well, when I started RotRL, I only had BO, Skinsaw, and Hook Mountain, and it didnt stop me from running anything. now, I'm halfway through Hook mountain (just about to spring black magga on them) and never regretted starting early. Spires of Xin-Shalast is in the distant future, and I'm having too much fun with Hillbilly Accents and Troll Graffitti to worry about it.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I ran RotRL hot off the presses as it came out, and *did* regret it. Lots of times I could have done a better job if I'd known where I was going. This was particularly prominant in the transitions between #1 and #2, and #3 and #4. But also, the gazetteer material in #3 would have been really helpful earlier on, and so would the Lamashtu writeup.
So I understand why my GM is making me wait, even though it is driving me crazy.
Change of plans: We'll play it on a PbP basis at a german board. I'll start it as soon as possible (doesn' matter at this point what I know or not know cause what I know is that I'll have PF #12 in my hands long before we are through "Edge of Anarchy").
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