Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Olaf the Stout |
I don't believe we have any plans at this time to reprint "Skinsaw Murders." Once we know where we're standing regarding 4th edition, that may change, but for now... there aren't any reprint plans for the immediate future.
I remember one of the pros that Paizo talked up about Pathfinder was that it would never be out of print. It was a book, unlike Dungeon which was a magazine.
So why is it that I can still buy most of the Dungeon magazine issues from #100 to #150, yet a book that Paizo put out less than 6 months ago may be forever out of print?
Olaf the Stout
Edit: I'm not trying to be argumentative just for the sake of it, even if that's what it may look like. I understand that 4E may have changed the situation a little and it would be silly for Paizo to do something if they knew it would lose them money.
However but it seems like Paizo have backtracked on one of the pros you put forward when you were first pimping Pathfinder. Why make such a claim in the first place if you weren't sure that you could back it up?
Mike McArtor Contributor |
Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
I remember one of the pros that Paizo talked up about Pathfinder was that it would never be out of print. It was a book, unlike Dungeon which was a magazine.
To be fair, they said the benefit was that it could be reprinted, not that there would never be a period it was out of print.
Olaf the Stout |
Olaf the Stout wrote:To be fair, they said the benefit was that it could be reprinted, not that there would never be a period it was out of print.
I remember one of the pros that Paizo talked up about Pathfinder was that it would never be out of print. It was a book, unlike Dungeon which was a magazine.
Oh, I know that there may be periods where it is out of print due to the time it takes to order a reprint. That is understandable. My post was in response to James Jacob's post that there were no plans to reprint Pathfinder #2. That seemed to go against the fact that they said Pathfinder would always be in print, unlike Dungeon magazine.
2 other Paizo staff have said that a reprint is now an option. If they do reprint it then I don't think there is an issue. If Paizo decide not to reprint it then they're going back on what they originally said was a pro of Pathfinder compared to Dungeon magazine.
Olaf the Stout
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Oh, I know that there may be periods where it is out of print due to the time it takes to order a reprint. That is understandable. My post was in response to James Jacob's post that there were no plans to reprint Pathfinder #2. That seemed to go against the fact that they said Pathfinder would always be in print, unlike Dungeon magazine.
2 other Paizo staff have said that a reprint is now an option. If they do reprint it then I don't think there is an issue. If Paizo decide not to reprint it then they're going back on what they originally said was a pro of Pathfinder compared to Dungeon magazine.
The point is, of course, that Pathfinder being a book = it CAN be reprinted. You can't do that with a magazine, unless you reprint it as a book, really. It sounds like we are indeed looking at possibly reprinting Pathfinder 2, though (I'm not always the first to know about everything Pathfinder-related).
Whether or not we decide to reprint a Pathfinder doesn't change the fact that we CAN reprint. That's not something we could even consider with the magazine, really.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:Why can't you reprint a magazine?
Whether or not we decide to reprint a Pathfinder doesn't change the fact that we CAN reprint. That's not something we could even consider with the magazine, really.
Because getting a reprinted magazine on the shelves and into magazine distribution would cost enough money that in the end, even if you sold every reprinted issue, you'd lose money.
You can certainly reprint the contents of a magazine in a book format, but at that point it's sold as a book, not a magazine.
The magazine industry and the book industry are entirely different beasts.
SirUrza |
Not to mention returns policies.
Magazines that go unsold get destroyed at the retail level. Only Mass Market Paperbacks get destroyed by retails, hardcovers and trades all get sent back and end up being resold on some secondary bargain market.
These days you either have to be a Oprah bookclub book or be under printed to get sold out.
bugleyman |
Not to mention returns policies.
Magazines that go unsold get destroyed at the retail level. Only Mass Market Paperbacks get destroyed by retails, hardcovers and trades all get sent back and end up being resold on some secondary bargain market.
These days you either have to be a Oprah bookclub book or be under printed to get sold out.
Or be Pathfinder #2. Yay! :D
SirUrza |
PF2 seems to fall in the under printed category.
If I had to bet, I'd bet they based their print run off the sales of PF1. What they didn't expect/plan for was that PF2 would sell faster/better then PF1 initially sold.
Meaning people were still buying PF1 when PF2 came out because it was still a very new product. The run PF2 print run was based incomplete data because the sample time was too short. I'd further bet the P3-6 sales have died off quicker then PF 1 and 2 since less people are "just discovering it."
Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |
Matthew Morris RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 |
Jeremy Mac Donald |
hardcovers and trades all get sent back and end up being resold on some secondary bargain market.
Specialty books tend to be destroyed at the retail level as well (I've certianly torn the covers off enough of them), presumably becuase there is not really a secondary market in many specialty books. Also books that go into a new edition every year are often destroyed, though thats probably just to save everyone money as you'll never sell the out of date version even discounted and why would the company want to compete with its own new edition?
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
klofft |
If there's enough demand, we'll reprint it. (As some of you have already heard, we're currently surveying the retail channel to gauge demand.) But reprinting it when there isn't sufficient demand would be silly—that's how companies go out of business.
Forgive the threadomancy, but I've just been converted to the wonders of this setting and I really would like to get a print version of this for less than $50 (for a used copy no less). So consider me part of the demand! Thanks!
Hoping for good news soon,
Richard Pett Contributor |
hogarth |
Ouch @ prices. qid=1209748406&sr=8-1
This one's a little better: 3/Side note: It's always nice to see that there's no correlation between US and Canadian prices, as usual. :)
Richard Pett Contributor |
Richard Pett wrote:You would think the elf hottie would have help that one sell too wouldn't you? :)Hey James, is #3 sold out?
Thought not..
A fine point, and a very palpable FOUR! I think.
Logue out for another duck.
Richard Pett Contributor |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Kirth Gersen |
So it would just take a teensy bit of extra effort to wrap a single cover around them all and sell it as one book, right?
My very next question. People are still clamoring for a hardcover AoW collection, knowing full well it'll never happen. It seems like a hardcover RotRL or CotCT would almost certainly sell.
Insert Neat Username Here |
hogarth wrote:So it would just take a teensy bit of extra effort to wrap a single cover around them all and sell it as one book, right?My very next question. People are still clamoring for a hardcover AoW collection, knowing full well it'll never happen. It seems like a hardcover RotRL or CotCT would almost certainly sell.
I'd buy it, and I already have the individual volumes.
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
Kirth Gersen |
We're sure it would sell. It would also encourage some customers to stop buying the monthly releases and just wait for the collection. Sales of the monthly releases are necessary for us to stay in business.
(quickly retracts earlier statement.) Vic, I've got a great idea! Why not just keep selling monthly releases? (waves hands, jedi-like) "I do not need a hardcover. There is nothing to see in this thread..."
Seriously, thanks for the reply, and it makes a lot of sense. I just wonder at what point, after the monthly releases have been out of print, it becomes feasible to do a hardcover?
Mikaze |
We're sure it would sell. It would also encourage some customers to stop buying the monthly releases and just wait for the collection.
Sounds like the "Waiting for the trades" problem that the comic industry has been struggling with.
And the RPG industry certainly doesn't need to start borrowing the comic industry's problems.
Christopher Hauschild |
I think that August 2009 is a good time. They would have the new pathfinder rules out and could update the setting to fit those rules, and if someone is willing to wait 2 years to get a trade paperback.... well then they would probably be willing to wait 100 years to get one one. They could then bring out updated hardbacks every 6 months and create a 2 year reprint cycle.
Esmee Bethune |
Kirth Gersen wrote:I'd buy it, and I already have the individual volumes.hogarth wrote:So it would just take a teensy bit of extra effort to wrap a single cover around them all and sell it as one book, right?My very next question. People are still clamoring for a hardcover AoW collection, knowing full well it'll never happen. It seems like a hardcover RotRL or CotCT would almost certainly sell.
Same, simply because I have book OCD and would want the individuals AND the collected edition.
Shem |
I don't know if this means anything, but I just saw a copy on eBay for around 20 bucks. I've got a copy, so I don't need it, but for anyone else, it's there.
That is just the recent bid. The buy it now price is $40.00. No telling what it will go for in the auction if someone doesn't guy it straight out.
There is another auction and the current price is $5.00 - that one may be worth bidding on...