Round 4 Wannabes – A Writing Exercise

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6 aka Core

A thread for the Round 4 fan write-ups, a writing exercise. Post em here.

Here is my attempt at linking a Bearcat and Basic D&D Dragon..

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6 aka Core

A Thousand Words

Art from the days of yor can be seen painted upon the cave walls and ceilings where the earliest men once ventured. These paintings had been drawn with red and yellow ochre, hematite, manganese and charcoal - but the purpose of the cave paintings is not known, and may never be. Perhaps they were used as hunting magic, meant to increase the number of animals, or perhaps oracles of old would retreat into the darkness of the caves and paint their visions, drawing power out of the cave walls themselves.

Regardless the ancient and primeval magic therein still hold power that can still be accidentally released to this day. A curious kobold or stray youth may wander into the caves and paint where the men of a bygone age once did. In doing so the sympathetic magic, still powerful, would be incanted and form a magic rendering of the creatures the ancient shamans once saw and recorded. These creatures share the properties of their once living counterpart together with paint and color, and powerful primeval magic.

Thematic Link
Once imbued with fresh pigments, the paintings on the cave walls will come to life in the form of a colorful and magical rendering of the creature depicted. Only one of each type of these creatures can exist at one time, and each fulfils a specific role, as dictated by the shaman of a bygone age. The tasks of each creature is simple and specific; Mosaic Muntjac to feed, The Mosaic Bearcat to test, and the Mosaic Wurm to punish.

Mosaic Muntjac : The ancient cave paintings depict herds of caribou, reindeer and muntjac roaming the wilderness plains. Should these cave paintings be offered additional pigments, the Mosaic Muntjac will be wrought into existence in the surrounding wilderness. The purpose of this magical beast is simple – food. The shaman of old drew such paintings in order to attract various herd animals to the area in order to hunt.

The Mosaic Muntjac will appear as the shape of a small horned elk, with swirling bright colors of reds, black and yellows. The details and patterns on its surface slowly twist and blend, clearly at great contrast to the herds of wild animals that gravitate towards it. The Moscaic Muntjac will wander the plains and tend to its herd as any natural leader would. The magical nature attracts many herd animals who naturally seek it out. Should the Mosaic Muntjac be allowed to survive for a long period its herd can grow into the thousands.


Mosaic Muntjac CR 2
N Medium Magical Beast(Mosaic)
Init +4; Senses Scent; Listen +4, Spot +4

AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12
(+4 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 22 (2d12+8); fast healing 5
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2

Spd 70 ft
Melee Antlers +7 (2d8+2)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 15, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 6, Cha 17
Base Atk +5; Grp +6
Skills Listen +6, Spot +6, Move Silently +6, Hide -2
Special Abilities
Special Ability (Ex/Sp/Su) Fauna Attraction (ex), Mosaic Woodland Stride(ex)

Fauna Attraction (ex) : The Mosaic Muntjac attracts other herd animals, in particular caribou, reindeer and elk. These herd animals follow the Mosaic Muntjac as if they would their natural leader. Left unchecked these herds can amass into the thousands.

Woodland Stride (Ex) : The Mosaic Muntjac may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Environment Woodlands
Organization Solitary, commands normal Herd (80-10,000)

Mosaic Bearcat : The cave paintings depict a strange creature stalking the brushlands and taiga of long ago. The elusive creature is a sleek looking bear with a long prehensile tail. This is the Bearcat, a primeval stalker of man and beast. Should the painting of the Bearcat be offered additional pigments the Mosaic Bearcat will be wrought into being in the surrounding wilderness. The shaman of old summoned Bearcat to test the mightiest of warriors. Should one of these ancient warriors be able to best a Bearcat he would be assured glory to his name.

The Mosaic Bearcat appears in the shape of a large wolverine with a bulky head and a long twisting tail. Swirling patterns of black, azure and red dance across its form as it stalks prey in the thick underbrush or high in the branches of thick trees. The Mosaic Bearcat will prey on all manner of animals and men when it feels the desire to feed. The Bearcat knows no fear of men and will calmly stalk into villages, even dwellings to seek prey when hungry.


Mosaic Bearcat CR 6
N Medium Magical Beast (Mosaic)
Init +6; Senses Scent; Listen +16, Spot +16

AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 16
(+6 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 88 (6d12+40); fast healing 5
Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +12

Spd 40 ft., 20ft. Climb
Melee 2 Claw +12 (1d10+4) and
Bite +12 (2d8+6)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Rend: 2d10+6

Str 18, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; Grp +12
Skills Listen +16, Spot +16, Move Silently +12, Hide +4
Special Abilities
Special Ability (Ex/Sp/Su) Rend(ex), Woodland Stride(ex)

Rend (Ex) : If a Bearcat hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and rakes the flesh with its rear claws. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d10+6 points of damage.

Woodland Stride (Ex) The Bearcat may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Environment Woodlands
Organization Solitary
Treasure none

Mosaic Wurm : Drawn high in the cave ceilings, a beast with large wings mottled with greens, whites, charcoal, azures, and blood is majestically painted. Strange and forbidding, this painting is above reach too high to touch – as if in warning. The shaman of old only summoned the Mosaic Wurm if the old gods demanded penance for a great wrong. If the painting should be offered additional pigment, the Mosaic Wurm will be brought into being in the surrounding wilderness. It has but one purpose – punishment. It will lay waste to the petty cities and pitiful nations of men.

The Mosaic Wurm appears as a large dragon with no front limbs and an overly large head and maw. It is a primal creature with a cascading sheen of white, black, blue, green and red - which cast down upon its form like an endless rain. The Mosaic Wurm is born to punish apostasy and treachery, but also anger and envy by means of great calamity. Normally the old gods dispel such a beast when it has performed its task, but they are long since dead, thus once called the Mosaic Wurm causes devastation with impunity.


Mosaic Wurm CR 16
N Huge Magical Beast (Mosaic)
Init +6; Senses Scent; Listen +16, Spot +16

AC 30, touch 16, flat-footed 24
(+6 Dex, +14 natural)
hp 248 (24d12+144); fast healing 10
Fort +30, Ref +26, Will +18

Defensive Abilities
DR 20/magic

Spd 40 ft., Fly 90ft.
Melee Bite +22 (5d10+12)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks

Breath Weapon: Damage as current Hit Point total.

Str 29, Dex 22, Con 26, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6
Base Atk +18; Grp +26
Skills Listen +16, Spot +16, Move Silently +6, Hide +6
Special Abilities
Special Ability (Ex/Sp/Su) Breath Weapon(su)
Breathweapon (su) : The breath weapon of the Mosaic Wurm is a 80 foot cone of fire. This fire deals damage equal to the Mosaic Wurms current Hit Point total. This fire counts as normal fire. The Mosaic Wurm can use its breath weapon once every five rounds.

Environment Woodlands
Organization Solitary
Treasure none

DM Notes about Mosaic Creatures

Mosaic creatures are wrought into being to perform a specific task; in the creatures listed above - to feed, to test and to punish. They think little beyond this singular objective and strive to uphold it purpose. If they can no longer completely their task they will dissipate. Otherwise they will continue their task in perpetuity.

All Mosaic creatures wrought into being from the cave paintings share the following subtype.

Mosaic Subtype

The mosaic creatures cascade with color, magic and some of their living counterpart’s essence. As such they posses the following traits:

* The distorted and shifting shape offers a +2 Natural bonus to Armor Class
* -8 to any Hide test due to their brightly colored and radiant appearance.
* -8 to any saving throw when resisting any spell or effect that involves light or color.
* Each day, gain the abilities and penalties of the Incorporeal Subtype at will for as many rounds as their Constitution modifier. This does not need to be consecutive rounds.

DM Secrets

If left unchecked the Mosaic Muntjac can attract a herd of thousands which can devastate the local ecology. Only slaying the Muntjac will disperse the herd. The Mosaic Bearcat will likely stalk men and beast until slain, often dragging its victims up trees to devour them at its leisure. The Bearcat can be particularly elusive since it sleeps for long periods of time, 1d10 days, before resuming hunting and it usually hunts at night. The Mosaic Wurm is overt in its task of punishment, burning villages to the ground where it can. It will continue until destroyed, attempting to raze a village, hamlet or city every 1d8 days.

Any of the Mosaic creatures can be countered if a clever party paints upon the cave walls a natural enemy of the creature they wish to defeat. For example, if a Mosaic Wurm is menacing the area the party may paint their own Mosaic Roc next to the beast to combat it. A Mosaic Roc will then be wrought into being to combat the Mosaic Wurm – although it may need assistance from the PCs to be victorious. This should not be immediately obvious, as locating the cave and the method of a Mosaic creature’s nature may be very difficult.

Dark Archive

This is a really interesting idea. I love the idea of cave paintings come to life as some sort of totemic / shamanic invocations.

I don't like the idea of the mosaics being quite that easy to activate (perhaps have them require the painters blood to activate, or even his life?, or rare paints and pigments that require some time and expense to gather).

The idea of someone painting a roc to oppose the worm or whatever seems unlikely in the extreme. It's too open-ended, and suggests that the walls of the cave are what hold the power, and the ancient painters just happened to paint something on the magic wall. I like the idea better if the ancient shamen did something special and magical and at least 'kinda' deliberate* to create these paintings, not just splash some painting on a magic wall and stand in awe as it came to life.

An alternate means of defeating the beast would be attempting to 'wash' the fresh paint off of the walls (the basic painting would be pretty much indestructible, save by Disjunction or other artifact-destroyin'-means), which would weaken the creature and 'shorten it's life,' making it easier to defeat. This would add complexity in that you'd need stats for the 'fresh' beast and the 'weakened' beast, but has the advantage that it still gives the fighty-fight sorts stuff to do, instead of just 'I wash the wall, adventure over.'

*By 'kinda deliberate,' I mean that the shamen/painters might have had the desire to call herd animals while painting the antelope critter, but not actually gone through a formal spellcasting procedure. The magic might have come into the paintings over decades, or even generations, with many shamen adding to the designs in the attempt to invoke the desired effects.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan

Are there any other Round 4 Wannabes out there?

I came up with stuff today, and that new format is actually kind of hard. It's a lot more spread out than the older format I'm used to using from the MM1.

I don't have time to post the details now, but I can give you the gist: three hag-like fey, called the changeling hags, that work extremely well together in a coven.

The Grimalkin is a spry old granny that can turn into a witch's familiar or a powerful cat o' nine tails.
The Harridan is a tall skinny witch that can turn into a knight's nag or a horseshoe-shaped amulet of luck.
The Virago is a jowly equestrian that can turn into powerful hound or a cloak of protection.

There are three primary configurations: The Grimalkin wearing the amulet of luck and using hit and run tactics while flanking with the hound, the Harridan wearing the armored cloak and casting spells with the familiar, and the Virago wielding the cat o' nine tails while riding the nag.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

SmiloDan wrote:

Are there any other Round 4 Wannabes out there?

I came up with stuff today, and that new format is actually kind of hard. It's a lot more spread out than the older format I'm used to using from the MM1.

I don't have time to post the details now, but I can give you the gist: three hag-like fey, called the changeling hags, that work extremely well together in a coven.

The Grimalkin is a spry old granny that can turn into a witch's familiar or a powerful cat o' nine tails.
The Harridan is a tall skinny witch that can turn into a knight's nag or a horseshoe-shaped amulet of luck.
The Virago is a jowly equestrian that can turn into powerful hound or a cloak of protection.

There are three primary configurations: The Grimalkin wearing the amulet of luck and using hit and run tactics while flanking with the hound, the Harridan wearing the armored cloak and casting spells with the familiar, and the Virago wielding the cat o' nine tails while riding the nag.

Cool idea. It sounds complicated at first but as I think about it I think that's more apparent than real. Could be fun!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Aotrscommander

Interesting idea.

Core wrote:

Breathweapon (su) : The breath weapon of the Mosaic Wurm is a 80 foot cone of fire. This fire deals damage equal to the Mosaic Wurms current Hit Point total. This fire counts as normal fire. The Mosaic Wurm can use its breath weapon once every five rounds.

That jump right out at me though, as a fairly large mechanical flaw. That's a TPK right there, even on a 20th level party. An average of 248 damage (no save)? That might not be what you meant, but that's what it says. Hell, most Epic parties won't take that. So if you encounter one everybody's not immune to fire, somebody's definately going to die, probably more than one. Even if you meant to include a Reflex half, it'll still kill anybody apart from a fairly sturdy tank (and DC 30 Reflex (10+12+8 Con) is still a high number at 16th level.)

I mean 24D10 or sotmehing would be bad enough. Damage= hp is more damage than a Disintigrate effect at 24 HD, which only does an average of 168 damage (24 x 7). At maximum, a Mosaic Wurm can do 432 damage. Granted, it's striaght fire damage, which is the most common type to shield against, but anything not immune to fire is toast. I'm not fond of 'you can only fight it this way' monsters unless it's basically plot immunity integral to the main campaign, which as a monster, the Mosaic Wurm really shouldn't be.

Aside from that, not a bad set of ideas.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6 aka Core

Set wrote:

This is a really interesting idea. I love the idea of cave paintings come to life as some sort of totemic / shamanic invocations.

I don't like the idea of the mosaics being quite that easy to activate

In retrospect the cave being active during the week of the Solstice or Equinox would have been better. Or just simply 'when the stars are right', that sort of thing. I fully intended the cave to be activated unintentionally though. The same in regards to the PCs painting on the walls to defeat a beastie.

Aotrscommander wrote:

Interesting idea.

Core wrote:

Breathweapon (su)*snip*

That jump right out at me though, as a fairly large mechanical flaw.

It was intentional to use the OD&D Dragon mechanic - Dragons were quite nasty back then and I had no intention of pulling punches. I mean, its a Dragon, you should loose if your unprepared and sometimes even if you are. I figure some DM fiat would be needed when using the critter, as in the party seeing it obliterate a village with devastating fire then attempt to deal with it. Also I gave a suggestion to make the encounter more playable to lower level groups, using the cave itself to aid in defeating the Dragon.

Anyhow, I hope some others post their three thematically linked critters (I'm looking at you James MacKenzie).

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan

The Changeling Hags

The shapeshifting fey are often found in covens of three.

Grimalkins are short, spry, gray-haired old women with startlingly bright eyes.

Chaotic Evil medium fey (shapechanger)

Init: +10 Senses: lowlight vision, Listen +23, Spot +23

AC: 25 (27 as cat familiar), touch: 19 (21 as cat familiar) flat-footed: (21 as cat familiar)
(+3 deflection, +6 Dexterity, +6 natural armor, (+2 size in cat familiar form))
hp: 153 (18d6+90)
Fort: +14, Reflex: +20, Will: +16
DR: 10/cold iron, SR: 23

Speed: 40 feet (8 squares), Climb 30 feet (6 squares)
+1 throwing axe of returning +16/+11 1d6+3
or 2 claws +17/+17 1d3+2
and bite +12 1d3+1

+1 throwing axe of returning +16 1d6+3 (+17 1d6+4 within 30 feet)

Space: 5 (2 1/2 as cat familiar) Reach: 5 (0 as cat familiar)

Special Attacks:

Sneak Attack (Ex) In her regular form, the grimalkin can use sneak attack to cause an additional +6d6 points of damage.

Channel Magic (Sp) In cat familiar form, the grimalkin can use the aid another action to allow an adjacent ally to cast 1 spell per round as a swift action.

Confound Magic (Sp) In cat familiar form, the grimalkin can use the aid another action to allow an adjacent ally to ready an action to counterspell once per round as a swift action.

Pounce (Ex). In cat familiar form, the grimalkin can make a full attack after a charge.

Before Combat: The grimalkin uses Hide and Move Silently to set up an ambush so she can get off a sneak attack.
During Combat: The grimalkin uses hit and run tactics, along with Spring Attack, to set up flanking attacks to get additional sneak attacks.
Morale: If the grimalkin is reduced to half her maximum hit points, she flees until she has cover or concealment, then uses her alternate form ability to change shape and recover some hit points. If she is still below half her maximum total of hit points, she continues to flee.


Str: 15, Dex: 23, Con: 20, Int: 14, Wis: 15, Cha: 16
BAB: +9, Grapple: +11 (+3 in cat familiar form)
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse.
Skills: Balance +29, Climb +10, Escape Artist +27, Hide +27 (+35 in cat familiar form), Jump +29, Listen +23, Move Silently +27, Spot +23, Tumble +29
Languages: Common, Giant, Sylvan
Special Qualities:
Alternate form (Su) At will, as a full round action, the grimalkin can change between her natural form, a tiny cat familiar form, and into a magical cat o' nine tails. Each time she changes shape, she regains a number of hit points equal to her hit dice multiplied by her Constitution modifier (90 hit points for the typical grimalkin). As the cat o' nine tails, she is a +3 whip that causes 1d6 points of lethal damage, threatens a critical on a 19-20, has a reach of 15 feet, grants a +2 bonus on disarm attempts, and can be used to make trip attacks. Its hardness is 13.

Unnatural Grace (Su) The grimalkin adds her Charisma bonus as a Deflection Bonus to AC and as a Resistance Bonus to her Saving Throws (already included in the statistics block).

Combat Gear: +1 throwing axe of returning. If part of a coven, the grimalkin may also have an amulet of luck.
Other Gear: Basic survival gear in a knapsack.

Environment: Temperate Forests
Organization: Solitary or Coven (1 grimalkin, 1 harridan, 1 virago)
Treasure: Double standard, plus +1 throwing axe of returning
Alignment: usually Chaotic Evil
Advanement: by class. Favored Class: rogue.
Level Adjustment: +6

Harridans are tall, skinny old women displaying a sinister, toothy grin in their long, narrow faces.

Chaotic Evil medium fey (shapechanger)

Init: +3, Senses: lowlight vision, Listen +23, Spot +23

AC: 29 (20 in nag form) touch: 18 (17 in nag form) flat-footed: 25 (17 in nag form)
(Cloak of Protection armor +8, deflection +5, Dexterity +3, natural armor +3, (-1 size in nag form))
hp: 153 (18d6+90)
Fort: +16, Reflex: +19, Will: +18
DR: 10/cold iron, SR: 23

Speed: 30 (60 in nag form)
spiteful touch +9 melee touch 1d6 & unluck
or 2 hooves +15/+15 2d6+7
and 1 bite +10 1d6+3

ray +12 ranged (spell effect)

Space: 5 (10 as nag) Reach: 5

Special Attacks:
Spells: Harridans cast spells as 10th level sorcerers. DC is 15+spell level.
Level 5: 4/day: telekinesis
Level 4: 6/day: black tentacles, enervation
Level 3: 7/day: dispel magic, fireball, ray of exhaustion
Level 2: 7/day: acid arrow, glitterdust, invisiblity, touch of idiocy
Level 1: 8/day: charm person, color spray, grease, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement
Level 0: 6/day: acid splash, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic, touch of fatigue

Spiteful Touch (Su) The melee touch attack of the Harridan causes 1d6 points of damage that cannot be reduced by damage reduction. In addition, the target of a successful Spiteful Touch takes a luck penalty equal to the damage suffered on its next die roll.

Before Combat: Cast and hold the charge on touch of idiocy, cast invisiblity.
During Combat: Cast spells from afar, using black tentacles to hinder opponents, telekinesis to disarm them of ranged weapons and spell component pouches, and then pick them off 1 by 1 or try to capture them for future torture.
Morale: If hit points fall below half, turn invisible, assume nag form, and flee.


Str: 10 (24 as nag), Dex: 17, Con: 20, Int: 14, Wis: 15, Cha: 20
BAB: +9, Grapple: +9 (+20 as nag)
Feats: Empower Spell, Endurance, Improved Counterspell, Improved Natural Attack hoof, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Run
Skills: Concentration +26, Intimidate +26, Jump +21 (+44 as nag), Knowledge arcana +23, Listen +23, Spellcraft +25, Spot +23, Use Magic Device +26
Languages: Common, Giant, Sylvan.
Special Qualities:
Alternate form (Su) At will, as a full round action, the harridan can change between her natural form, a Large nag form, and into a magical horseshoe-shaped Amulet of Luck. Each time she changes shape, she regains a number of hit points equal to her hit dice multiplied by her Constitution modifier (90 hit points for the typical harridan). The Amulet of Luck is Fine, has AC 18, hardness 13, and hit points equal to the harridan's. It allows an evil fey wearer to gain 1 luck reroll (as the Luck domain ability) every round.

Unnatural Grace (Su) The harridan adds her Charisma bonus as a Deflection Bonus to AC and as a Resistance Bonus to her Saving Throws (already included in the statistics block).

Combat Gear: spell component pouch
Environment: Temperate Forests
Organization: Solitary or coven (1 grimalkin, 1 harridan, and 1 virago)
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: usually Chaotic Evil
Advanement: by class. Favored Class: sorcerer
Level Adjustment: +6

Viragos are stout and jowly old women. They conceal their heavy armor under ragged cloaks and robes.

Chaotic Evil Medium fey (shapechanger)

Init: +3 Senses: lowlight vision, scent, Listen +23, Spot +23

Aura: Aura of Agony 20 feet

AC: 32 (30 in hound form), touch: 16, flat-footed: 29 (27 in hound form)
(armor +8, deflection +3, Dexterity +3, natural +6, shield +2)
hp: 153 (18d6+90)
Fort: +14, Reflex: +17, Will: +16
DR: 10/cold iron, SR: 23

Speed: 20 (30 unarmored), 40 feet in hound form
masterwork lance: +16/+11 1d8+6 (20/x3) 10 foot reach
or masterwork flail: +16/+11 1d8+6 (20/x2)
or Cat o' Nine Tails: +18/+13 1d6+9 (19-20/x2) 15 foot reach
or bite +15 1d6+9 and trip attempt +10

heavy crossbow +12 1d10 (19-20/x2) 120 foot range increment

Space: 5, Reach: 5

Special Attacks:
Aura of Agony (Su) All opponents within 20 feet of the Virago must make a DC 22 Fortitude save every time they take damage or suffer a like amount of non-lethal damage.

Before Combat: Line up a mounted charge
During Combat: Use hit and run tactics if mounted, use flail or Cat o' Nine Tails to trip and disarm, or try to maximize the number of opponents in her Aura of Agony.
Morale: If her hit points drop to less than 1/4 her maximum, she will flee.


Str: 22, Dex: 16, Con: 20, Int: 14, Wis: 15, Cha: 16
BAB: +9, Grapple: +15
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Track (B), Trample.
Skills: Escape Artist +20, Handle Animal +24, Jump +17 (+31 as hound), Listen +23, Ride +26, Sense Motive +23, Spot +23, Survival +23 (+27 if tracking by scent).
Languages: Common, Giant, Sylvan

Special Qualities:
Alternate form (Su) At will, as a full round action, the virago can change between her natural form, a Medium hound (wardog) form, and into a magical Cloak of Protection. Each time she changes shape, she regains a number of hit points equal to her hit dice multiplied by her Constitution modifier (90 hit points for the typical virago). The Cloak of Protection has AC 11, hardness 13, and a number of hit points equal to the virago's. The Cloak of Protection provides a +8 armor bonus to AC, with no maximum Dexterity bonus, no Armor Check Penalty, and no Arcane Spell Failure chance.

Unnatural Grace (Su) The virago adds her Charisma bonus as a Deflection Bonus to AC and as a Resistance Bonus to her Saving Throws (already included in the statistics block).

Combat Gear: heavy crossbow and case with 10 bolts, masterwork flail, masterwork fullplate armor (or barding), masterwork lance, masterwork heavy shield. A virago in a coven has access to a Cat o' Nine Tails.
Other Gear: knapsack of basic goods.

Environment: Temperate Forests
Organization: Solitary or coven (1 grimalkin, 1 harridan, and 1 virago)
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: usually Chaotic Evil
Advanement: by class. Favored Class: fighter
Level Adjustment: +6

(SORRY! Coding lost in Copy & Pasting)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan

Anyone else interested in posting some thematically linked monsters?

Or throw a theme out, and we can come up with some concepts/full-fledged baddies.

SmiloDan wrote:
Or throw a theme out, and we can come up with some concepts/full-fledged baddies.

I can do that.

I had been thinking about two themes when I was considering trying to work on this task but I just didn't have the time to go further than the basic concepts with either:

  • Botanical
    Basically, three unique plant-type creatures, perhaps with some kind of relationship between their life cycles (but that wasn't a necessary component of the idea). After all, who doesn't need more strange plant things hiding in the forest or jungle that catch adventurers unawares or provide unexpected boons?

  • Symbiosis
    Three creatures that were all symbiotes, ideally one for each distinct type of symbiosis: mutualism, parasitism, commesalism.

Anyone care to expand on these ideas?


Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

I have a group of monsters in note form, but the first week back at work has pretty much brought me to a standstill when it comes to writing. I hope to post them after round 5.

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