Shield Question


Liberty's Edge

This is going to sound idiotic, but...

...If you strap a buckler to your head, do you still get the +1 AC bonus?

The Exchange

It is a stupid question, and the answer is no. :-)

(Well, as a DM, I wouldn't allow it, to be more precise.)

Well, if the character is able to use his/her/its head in the same manner that a person would be able to an arm (same range, mobility, limits to perception, etc.), then I could be persuaded to allow it.

But in most cases I'd say "no"...

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

This is going to sound idiotic, but...

...If you strap a buckler to your head, do you still get the +1 AC bonus?

You're right, it does sound idiotic and I would have to say no, you don't get the AC bonus.

Just out of curiosity, why are you asking?

Liberty's Edge

I went and tried it in simulated combat. The answer: no.

Liedown now.

Liberty's Edge

Arctaris wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why are you asking?

I have no idea. It was just one of those things that decided to pop into my head at an odd moment.


Would it provide cover?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Heathansson wrote:

I went and tried it in simulated combat. The answer: no.

Liedown now.

That might have worked better if you hadn't strapped the buckler to the back of your head and defended against my blows with your face. Let's try it again, Heathansson. Strap the buckler over your face and I'll go get the warhammer again.

Liberty's Edge

I'm gonna parry your blow with my head--this time for sure!

Hey, I can't see. No fair.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

This is going to sound idiotic, but...

...If you strap a buckler to your head, do you still get the +1 AC bonus?

Seriously though, if a PC asked me, I would give the player a +2 bonus to intimidate checks (as in "Are you kidding! That guy looks NUTS! He's got a shield on his forehead") and a +1 bonus to AC when confirming the criticals (just as I do for helmets). And I would consider myself generous.

Liberty's Edge

If a p.c. asked me that, I'd just look at him.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Heathansson wrote:

I'm gonna parry your blow with my head--this time for sure!

Hey, I can't see. No fair.

Good, then this shouldn't hurt.



C'mon get up pencilneck...


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Heathansson wrote:
If a p.c. asked me that, I'd just look at him.

If a Player asked me that, I might ask him to leave. :D

Mechanics-wise, I'd say no. If you could just strap it to your head, then you'd get a big, unfair advantage. However, it is not a dumb question because you have a point. The buckler should give some bonus to your head, becausde rthere is one more big hunk of metal between the longsword and your scalp.
Just my two cp.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Helms don't change your AC (which is kind of silly), and they are designed to protect your head. Therefore, no bonus from a buckler on your head unless you're Pierson's Puppeteer.

Anyway, I'd just chalk it up to the fact that the AC system is only slightly less abstract than the HP system and move on.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

If a player asked me that, I would arrange for such a naive guy to receive one of those mixed-blessing cursed weapons. Like maybe a reverse-bane weapon.

'Drow sure seem to have it in for me, Steve. Why'd the wizard come at me with the dagger. Was he out of spells?'

Well, you keep wearing the shield on your head and you don't have bling fight.

Seriously, anyone wearing a shield on their head is certainly not getting the armor class, but suffering the nonproficiency penalty, and granting cover and/or concealment.

Now, with all that working against him, I have a player who would try it if asked.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Mechanics-wise, I'd say no. If you could just strap it to your head, then you'd get a big, unfair advantage. However, it is not a dumb question because you have a point. The buckler should give some bonus to your head, becausde rthere is one more big hunk of metal between the longsword and your scalp.

Just my two cp.

No. Go back and reread the question. He asked about wearing a shield on his head. It's dumb. He knows it's dumb. I wouldn't use the word dumb if I thought Mr' Shiny was serious. Well, maybe I would.

Now, a codpiece on your head - that's nothing but smart.

Liberty's Edge

I think he was serious. I field tested it, and though in theory it has merit, blue chickens really don't say, "WEASEL."

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Ross Byers wrote:

Helms don't change your AC (which is kind of silly), and they are designed to protect your head. Therefore, no bonus from a buckler on your head unless you're Pierson's Puppeteer.

Anyway, I'd just chalk it up to the fact that the AC system is only slightly less abstract than the HP system and move on.

No, helms don't change AC but I remember some alternative rule from somewhere that they could cound for +1 AC against confirm criticals. I use that in some games.

Liberty's Edge

I blew my nose, and all the boogers are bloody.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Heathansson wrote:
I blew my nose, and all the boogers are bloody.

Is that your way of asking me to stop hitting you with this thing?

If you strap a levitation ring on your toe, still get the power?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Patricio Calderón wrote:
If you strap a levitation ring on your toe, still get the power?

Yes, as long as you still have 2 or fewer magic rings in total.

Ross Byers wrote:
Patricio Calderón wrote:
If you strap a levitation ring on your toe, still get the power?
Yes, as long as you still have 2 or fewer magic rings in total.

Well, listen everyone, to use the magical rings on the toes, so no one will steal them.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

If I wear gloves of dexterity on my feet, will I be a better dancer?

Liberty's Edge

Tarren Dei wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I blew my nose, and all the boogers are bloody.
Is that your way of asking me to stop hitting you with this thing?

Dancing lights. Pretty.

Patricio Calderón wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Patricio Calderón wrote:
If you strap a levitation ring on your toe, still get the power?
Yes, as long as you still have 2 or fewer magic rings in total.
Well, listen everyone, to use the magical rings on the toes, so no one will steal them.

And keep your change in your boot.

Grand Lodge

The helm not contributing to AC has always bothered me. But then the AC idea is abstract armor as much as possible. I prefer the GURPS system of adding protection using armor for all parts of the body. Helm, legs, arms, chest etc. BUT that does get into just more bookkeeping. And is it REALLY necessary? usually no.

I'd tie a metal garbage can lid to the players head, hit him a couple of times and let him decide if the +1 bonus was worth it! If he says yes, I'd him him again.....only harder. If he says no, problem solved.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
I'd tie a metal garbage can lid to the players head, hit him a couple of times and let him decide if the +1 bonus was worth it! If he says yes, I'd him him again.....only harder. If he says no, problem solved.


Would you be my DM?

Thanks for throwing out an idea, Mr. Shiny. That's never occurred to me. If you were going to do that, how would you strap it?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

jocundthejolly wrote:
Thanks for throwing out an idea, Mr. Shiny. That's never occurred to me. If you were going to do that, how would you strap it?

That's what SHE said! Ba-Dum-Bum!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

ancientsensei wrote:

Well, you keep wearing the shield on your head and you don't have bling fight.

What if you take levels in the Rapper class, do you have it then?

Liberty's Edge

Tarren Dei wrote:
If I wear gloves of dexterity on my feet, will I be a better dancer?

It worked for Drizzt.

In the books, he wears bracers of dexterity on his legs so he can move faster. No joke.

Tarren Dei wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
I'd tie a metal garbage can lid to the players head, hit him a couple of times and let him decide if the +1 bonus was worth it! If he says yes, I'd him him again.....only harder. If he says no, problem solved.


Would you be my DM?

Sure Tarren Dei, I would be happy to be your DM....does it pay well? What is the insurance plan? Vacation pay?

I'll be over in an hour, what kinda character do you want to play?

Do you want me to bring the munchies or do you have it covered?

Well here's the thing with helmets. Third edition factors them in as part of the armor bonus for the armor. So yeah, you could maybe give a -1 to the AC of the armor for the cool kids who prefer their anime haircuts to actual protective metal plate.

Now the shield thing. I think you'd mostly be replacing a well fashioned helmet that comes with the armor for a really terrible one that's badly balanced and too heavy for your head. It'd add a serious penatly to physical skill use, and would probably cause fatigue and neck strain. Likewise it provides a lot of open areas where a weapon can go in under the shield-helmet and stab the character in the neck. All things concidered it's in all ways worse than the actual helmet made for the suit of armor, but it would do the same job.

Now if the player was naked (or at least unarmored) except for the shield then I'd go ahead and let him take a +1 to AC for it. I would also take every opportunity to have it fall off, or slide over his face leaving him totally blind, or bop him in the head or wrench his neck. It might help a little, but not nearly as much a proper helmet--hence why more people didn't actually wear shields on their heads.

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