Reciprocity - A Dark Sun PbP

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

right on, daddy-o!

Sounds good boss!
Gives me a chance to catch up on your other thread! I'm,..... WAAAAY behind! ;P

I'll check in fairly frequently, say hi and all.



Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Waiting is not a problem; I expect to still be around; just let us know somehow when there is an update so my bird brain chick can rock the world.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

The waiting is the hardest part.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

Hola! Hey Kruelaid, how is the lady by you doing with the thyroid?

She's cool.

Her husband works with me here in China, and she lives in Korea (It's a one hour flight) and she'll come over to China to visit him next week.

It sounds like things are pretty smooth for for her.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

Awesome, that's good to hear. Thyroids are a biyotch to regulate, it would appear.

They are indeed.

Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving? Eat too much turkey, all that jazz?

Hey, how do you celebrate Thanksgiving when your living in CHina? Or do you even try? ;)

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

sheesh; my holidays have been wierd; at least new years is gonna be normal; but my last two xmas' have been Italian; all lassana and stuff like that; heck I cant even spell it; good; but not hte xgivings and xmases that I am used to.; still very tasty; but sheesh; heavy food; lots and lots of desserts and cheese; I just read in the paper zeppelins are flying again; dont want to be one of them.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

Welcome back, happy holidays all. ;) Everyone still interested in getting back up and running?

"R...r...r...frackin' ready!"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Wake up Radik."

I'm sure you've already thunk this, B-man, but may I propose you move the narrative on a bit and bring everyone together, because we left off in a bit of confusion. Added time off = big muddle, "where the frack is I?".

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"I know where I am. Right here."


<Sends a flea toward Shenker.>

"F...f...f... eat up!"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

catches the flea with chopsticks made from the femur bones of a zerg ploogno ratlizard, whatever that is; buffed smooth on a zibzib rock.
Daintily places the verminous arthropod in Radik's left nostril.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrrmmm.....reciprocity is a mo*&^%$#@*er..."

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1
Kruelaid wrote:
I'm sure you've already thunk this, B-man, but may I propose you move the narrative on a bit and bring everyone together, because we left off in a bit of confusion. Added time off = big muddle, "where the frack is I?".

Agreed. I've been thinking of a few other minor deviations as well to line everything up. Not a reboot, just a few pokes in the butt wih a sharp stick.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:

catches the flea with chopsticks made from the femur bones of a zerg ploogno ratlizard, whatever that is; buffed smooth on a zibzib rock.

Daintily places the verminous arthropod in Radik's left nostril.

The flea twitches several times and dies. The tiny squeak may have been vapors escaping from the insect's body, or perhaps a tiny dying shriek. Whatever. The bug drops from Radik's nose, becoming invisible on the sandy ground.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

" awake?"


Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

checks my bow and arrows; flexes my claws



Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:



Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Quit rattling your bone boxes. You barmy lot of sods'll be penned in the dead book if you don't stow it.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

"Declaration: This one... not this one."

Wakey! Wakey!

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

"Silly softskin, us kreen never sleep."

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:



Ferris Beeler's Day Off


Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

"HMm?! Wha,... Of course I'm awake! Dragon-Kings preserve me from the terminally uneducated!"

"Wake up lazy rock! It's time to go to work! Why didn't you TELL me they were moving?!?'

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Whats moving; just dust and trash and little guys lips?

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1
Kruelaid wrote:
Ferris Beeler's Day Off

Sweet Jesus I hate that movie, and I've never even seen it. Sorry for the holdup, they've been laying off people from our division and I've been batting cleanup. Will try to get things moving soon.

Heh. Actually, I Loved that movie when I first saw it. (What, 20 years ago?!? sheesh!) SO I may not like it as much anymore. But in my minds eye it's a lot better than at least some of the CR@P he's made since then!

Good luck batting cleanup! I'll keep checking in,... with my rock,...

You okay B-man?

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

Just dropping a quick line in both PBP discussion threads:

Sorry about the lack of updates, they laid a few people off at work and it has been crazy, not to mention even if I could get extra time there, the new routing prevents me from hitting the boards (the boards being down all the time hasn’t helped, either).

I’m working on the problem though, and hope to be able to start updating again soon. Option A is getting an AT&T cellular modem, but in order to justify the cost I’d have to drop my subscription, which offends my sensibilities (stopping payment on a company’s product so I can pay another company to make use of company 1’s free services). Option B might take a couple of weeks, but I’ve been thinking of getting a Kindle for a while and using the EV-DO browsing as there is a Sprint repeater over my head.

We finally closed on a new AWD vehicle, and I have a rebate check coming from it, I just have to try justifying buying something for myself when what we really need is a new roof. Ah well, just letting everyone know I’m still here and thinking about you! Sorry for the delay.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

that lay off thing is going around; sheesh; they laid-off a lot of peeps at my work too; are marketing guys need to find us some customers fast; yikes; we are all kind of holding our breath.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

It's bad; financapololypse everywhere you look. Everything is on sale, but who has any money to buy it? Buying a car when jobs are on shaky ground scares the hell out of me. Took a lot of legwork, but we managed to get a great rate thanks to how anal we are about our credit.

You don't have to tell me!
We bought a friggin' house based entirely on the fact that my wife finally had a decent (paying) job,... and it didn't work out. :(

Calling us a 'little nervous' right now is like calling HItler a 'little militaristic'.

Good luck to everybody, just keep us informed MWB. I hope to have time to catch up on all the OTHER threads I haven't been reading lately!

Yeah, right, that's gonna happen,... ;P

<Aso pulls out his Merisel blow up doll and starts humping it frenetically.>

Yes, my character is an extension of myself. Me stay away from blog now.

Liberty's Edge

Aso wrote:
Me stay away from blog now.

Good idea.

Liberty's Edge

Aso is Dark Sun's GG Allin.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

Well, my life has been in turmoil for about the last 3 years; so what is happening now and over the last six months has hardly made me blink. i still have a job today, still have a little cash in pocket; so am living for today; not worrying about tomorrow. Seems like the Prez wants to create a lot of contruction jobs, wonder how many people can do road, bridge and public works construction.

At least you dont have to do it in Dark Sun's intense heat, sun and wind. DS is one world and world economy I wouldnt want - ever, fun to play in though; hope it starts up again.

Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1

The stimulus package gets so much hype, it makes you want to get fired so you can get benefits and a sweet construction job.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

It stimulates my package....hrrrrmmm.

Shenker wrote:
It stimulates my package....hrrrrmmm.


THERE's an image that will haunt me!

Excuse me while I poke myself in my mind's eye!


male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

How you think I feel? Hrrmmm?...

mwbeeler wrote:
The stimulus package gets so much hype, it makes you want to get fired so you can get benefits and a sweet construction job.





Male Humanoid Expert 2 / Magewright 1


Liberty's Edge

2002nd post!

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