Legion of Super Heroes


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Valegrim wrote:
well lovely prophetess; in actuality you would be deconstructed into pure light and move as such with a small corona which should appear a bit like a rainbow as various wavelength of your energy would arrive at different speeds; but once the energy is reformed and reconstructed near instantaneously, to your mortal eyes anyway, you would reform into the very pleasant aspect in which you now enjoy; any possible discomfort or such would be counted in fractions of a second that most mortal eyes cannot percieve; thus as most require sight to believe; your attractive physical display would not be percieved as interupted.

So your saying your going to reduce me to light, I zippity travel, and come back not having a bad hair day?

yes; in theory :)
call it your chariot of light if you want a flowery name or somesuch or Riding the Rainbow hehe

Set wrote:
As a long-time fan, I kinda live in dread of Dan 'I like to kill people' Didio having his sights on the team...

QFT!!! The man has SLAUGHTERED several important characters in the DC universe. Look at what he did to the Flash, for God's sake! The only good thing he did was kill Blue Beetle(as much as I hated it, his death was poignant and touching, even for people who don't like BB) and subsequently bring him back.

It's okay Prophet Girl(I'm calling you that from now on, it starts with the same letter as Phantom Girl, and you have similiar..uh..hairstyles?), you didn't ruin my day- the network did. Still, I can't wait to buy Legion of Super Heroes on DVD and watch it at my leisure.

Can't wait for the next issue of legion, which is coming out on the 26th. I'm loving this incarnation, mainly because as an above poster said, the new writer had the stones to NOT reboot it.

Valegrim wrote:

yes; in theory :)

call it your chariot of light if you want a flowery name or somesuch or Riding the Rainbow hehe

Naaa, sound too much some new game I can think of. By the way I'm STILL looking for a better word (and list of) for 30th century skills. As EVERYONE already knows currently it is ACCOMPLISHMENTS but I'm not super thrilled with it and I want something that serves the same purpose but not used (at least much), read into this, no SKILL. ANYBODY, ANYBODY?

Freehold DM wrote:
Set wrote:
As a long-time fan, I kinda live in dread of Dan 'I like to kill people' Didio having his sights on the team...

QFT!!! The man has SLAUGHTERED several important characters in the DC universe. Look at what he did to the Flash, for God's sake! The only good thing he did was kill Blue Beetle(as much as I hated it, his death was poignant and touching, even for people who don't like BB) and subsequently bring him back.

It's okay Prophet Girl(I'm calling you that from now on, it starts with the same letter as Phantom Girl, and you have similiar..uh..hairstyles?), you didn't ruin my day- the network did. Still, I can't wait to buy Legion of Super Heroes on DVD and watch it at my leisure.

Can't wait for the next issue of legion, which is coming out on the 26th. I'm loving this incarnation, mainly because as an above poster said, the new writer had the stones to NOT reboot it.

It's OK, I'm glad I didn't ruin your day. I have the two DVD's for the cartoon, found them at Walmart. I'm glad to hear that the new issue comes out on the 26th, on the 29th I am going to make another Legion comic shopping spree.

I wouldn't worry to much about this Dan guy. I'm guessing as a writer he would have to get approval from others to kill of any major characters, so if he did it would be the fault of others as well. Although clearly we would need someone to chastise for doing so. I've heard others say this as well, worrying about him. I wasn't unhappy when I found out they had killed off Karate Kid in the original series as well. I realize it was Levitz and I hope he totally ashamed of himself. He should have asken my permission first. I wish they would have found ways to ressurct Karate Kid, Ferro Lad, and Invisible Kid (the original), I never liked the French guy. I also read on the WIKI that they killed off Bloc, how and when did this happen? By the way in the original series, when the founders retired, did they ever rejoin?


This thing about having the 3 Legions meet and some kind of Universe thingy, can you elaborate more than you did? I missed the whole Crisis of the Universe thing so I'm really behind on the times still. I thought the Crisis (whatever that was) already happened so how is it they are bringing it back up again. Exactly what was the crisis? I heard Supergirl died. Was it the Supergirl from the original Legion or some other Supergirl? I wasn't reading at the time as you all recall I took a big gap in my reading from when I was little. I have heard rumors but never really undertood what transpired. Do we have a teacher in the house?

have you looked into the skill set in the rpg game Space Master? It has sets of skills from near future to far future; might help you find a starting place for examples.

Valegrim wrote:
have you looked into the skill set in the rpg game Space Master? It has sets of skills from near future to far future; might help you find a starting place for examples.

No, is Space Master currently in print or do I have to go online to check it out. Would it be worth the price tag for this aspect of my game? Contrary to popular belief I'm not independently wealthy...yet!

hmm; will see what i can do; I know I havent dont to well by you yet.

Valegrim wrote:
hmm; will see what i can do; I know I havent dont to well by you yet.

I have no complaints! You give me what time you have, I understand.

someday I will actually go home :)well maybe...

Valegrim wrote:
someday I will actually go home :)well maybe...


well, since I have been dating; uhm; well you can do the math; not that I am doing uhm that, but is nice to cuddle; for...research, yeah, am doing research and uhm...recharging my processors and getting out more; hehe feel bit like a transient who owns a few to many toothbrushes. hmm; wonder if we can tap the power of the closeness of two peoples; hmm it must be like a capacitor; as the two plates of differing charges move closer in proximaty and the gap between the plates decreases - the charge on the two plates begins to build. I could actually write the math for this; but I dont want your eyes to have that glossed over lost look; sigh; wake up ;this is interesting; really; think if we could tap the energy of millions of couples engaged in closeness; if that could solve the energy crisis; wouldnt that be a great world; hold someone a few hours and your electric bill drops dramatically cause your feeding; uhm; the system? hehe who says level 12 intellects dont have good ideas; Brainiac - seeking to solve the energy crisis one snuggle at a time. :)

Eileen Said:
So what you guys are telling me is that they created new characters which mimicked the Legion to a degree rather than actually had the X-men and Legion TOGETHER in the same story right? Please say yes...please say yes....I always thought DC/Marvel crossovers were, oh I don't know weird. I guess this makes me a snob huh?

Ok, I just caught this

Astra: Your beloved Phantom Girl, down to the twin ponytails...yum.

I don't know who this Astra chick is, but I'm telling you right now she is some kind of fraud and that this is some strange sort of bizzaro world universe, Time Trapper, Legion of Super villain sort of evil plot. Twin ponytails and all. How could you even possibly like this imposter? Honestly, what has she got that Phantom Girl hasn't? Don't answer that unless your going to say "Nothing". There is only 1 Phantom Girl and your looking at her baby. I just officially went from snob to....well I don't know but it is definently worse than a snob.

I suppose now your going to tell me that Mike Grell drew these......characters....as well?

(Breaks down in tears)!

Dear Diary, today I learned just how valuable (not to mention powerful) female tears are to altering the behavior of the male species. I must remember to pull this stunt more frequently in order to get my way. Some may see it is shoddy manipulation, I prefer to look at it as positive reinforcement.

Valegrim Said:
With a dropper; I quickly gather some of these tears with a dropper; put them on a lab slide and run off to investigate :)

Are you kidding; such a cheap supply of readily availabe emotion and mood enhancing chemicals that could be used to cure so many of the depressed; sick of heart; unimpassioned, unfeeling, including those so low as to kick puppies <-- said with a smirk and somewhat convicing crooked smile

well, since I have been dating; uhm; well you can do the math; not that I am doing uhm that, but is nice to cuddle; for...research, yeah, am doing research and uhm...recharging my processors and getting out more; hehe feel bit like a transient who owns a few to many toothbrushes. hmm; wonder if we can tap the power of the closeness of two peoples; hmm it must be like a capacitor; as the two plates of differing charges move closer in proximaty and the gap between the plates decreases - the charge on the two plates begins to build. I could actually write the math for this; but I dont want your eyes to have that glossed over lost look; sigh; wake up ;this is interesting; really; think if we could tap the energy of millions of couples engaged in closeness; if that could solve the energy crisis; wouldnt that be a great world; hold someone a few hours and your electric bill drops dramatically cause your feeding; uhm; the system? hehe who says level 12 intellects dont have good ideas; Brainiac - seeking to solve the energy crisis one snuggle at a time. :)

Eileen Said:
Ok, let's see if I got this right...

1. Female cries
2. Admits that crying serves as a male manipulater
2. Valegrim collects a sample of the tears
3. Valegrim admits to making mood enhancing chemical from said tears in order to cure the sick of heart
4. And now Valegrim is dating (apparently he collected more than one set of tears)

What's wrong with this picture?

Valegrim wrote:
think if we could tap the energy of millions of couples engaged in closeness; if that could solve the energy crisis; wouldnt that be a great world; hold someone a few hours and your electric bill drops dramatically

I wouldn't know!

Liberty's Edge

Yeah. They were pretty much identnickel to the Legion.
And the X-men would whup up on them most of the time cept in #137 where Jean Grey committed suicide on the moon. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard was pretty much workin' the X-men.
I shoulda been there, but I didn't reach pooberty yet, so I didn't have my powers. Just my vast intnillect.

Heathansson wrote:

Yeah. They were pretty much identnickel to the Legion.

And the X-men would whup up on them most of the time cept in #137 where Jean Grey committed suicide on the moon.

It's all in the writing Heathy. I could write a story where Underdog defeats even you, Darkseid, and Modru, all within a single page if I wanted to. This is the Legion thread your suppose to be PRO Legion. If your going to draw these horrible comparisons, at least let the Legion win. You just ruined my night. Now I got to go find someone to hit....just so I feel better.

Liberty's Edge

Kickem in th' jiblets. Works for me.

Heathansson wrote:
Kickem in th' jiblets. Works for me.

You reccommend anyone specific?

Liberty's Edge

Mon el. Wear those green crystal slippers too.

Heathansson wrote:
Mon el. Wear those green crystal slippers too.

What green crystal slippers? And why should I hit Monel, he's invulnerable and I would hurt my foot, regardless of where I kicked him.

Liberty's Edge

Not with those kryptonite slippers on.

Heathansson wrote:
Not with those kryptonite slippers on.

Heath....I am so disapointed. Mon-el isn't from Krypton, he's from Daxam. Allow me to edjumicate you.

This was taken from Wikipedia:
Lar Gand is a Daxamite, an alien from the planet Daxam. Exploring the galaxy, he landed on Krypton, but was immediately warned by Jor-El of the planet's imminent destruction and was given a map to Earth. He then went into suspended animation. After a few years, he landed on Earth and met Superboy. Although Gand suffered from amnesia upon landing on Earth, he and Superboy became good friends. Under Earth's yellow sun, he had powers like those of Superman; this led Superboy to believe that Gand might be his heretofore unknown long-lost brother. Superboy named the amnesiac alien "Mon-El": "Mon" because he landed on Earth on a Monday, and "El" for Superboy's own Kryptonian family name. Monel is also a metallic alloy, an appropriate name for the brother of the man (or boy) of steel.

Mon-El moved into the Kent home and created his own human secret identity (Bob Cobb) to integrate into Superboy's hometown of Smallville; when in alien garb, he accompanied Superboy on his heroic feats. However, when Mon-El failed to experience pain during an unnoticed inadvertent exposure to kryptonite (which is radioactively poisonous to all Kryptonians), Superboy suspected Mon-El was deliberately pretending to be a Kryptonian for some nefarious purpose. Understandably infuriated over what he believed to be a deliberate manipulation of his desire for ties to his original Kryptonian family, Superboy created a fake kryptonite meteorite made of lead and, when Mon-El was debilitated in his presence, Superboy believed his reaction to be proof of deception. However, Mon-El turned out to be in genuine pain because, in a remarkable piece of irony, Daxamites are highly sensitive to lead, even more so than Kryptonians are to kryptonite; whereas Kryptonians can recover from kryptonite poisoning if removed from exposure in time, even a small amount of lead exposure causes fatal, irreversible poisoning to Daxamites. Having regained his memories of meeting Jor-El and of his true nature, "Mon-El" was dying, so a guilt-ridden Superboy transported him into the extradimensional Phantom Zone until a cure could be found. Gand spent one thousand years as a poisoned, insubstantial, telepathic phantom, able to watch everything that happened in the outside world, but unable to affect it in the slightest.

In the 30th century, Saturn Girl created a temporary antidote to this poisoning allowing him to be released from the Zone for brief periods of time. During this period, he was considered an honorary Legionnaire. Brainiac 5 later created a permanent antidote, based on Saturn Girl's serum, with the addition of Kryptonite.

After passing his Legion test (including inventing flight ring metal) under the name "Marvel Lad", Lar Gand then joined the Legion of Super-Heroes, using the "Mon-El" moniker Superboy had given him. During this time, he was considered one of the Legion's big 3 (along with Superboy and Ultra Boy). In fact, his Daxamite abilities coupled with his immunity to the effects of Kryptonite and lead (and later, red solar radiation) made him the most powerful of all the Legionnaires. He served two terms as leader. Many years later, he married fellow Legionnaire Shadow Lass, with whom he had a long romantic relationship.

Early in his Legion career, Mon-El apparently died after failing to take a dose of Brainiac 5's anti-lead serum in a timely fashion. Eltro Gand, a distant descendant of Mon-El's older brother, sacrificed his life force to restore Mon-El to life (Action Comics #384, January 1970).

As Paul Harvey would say...."And now you know.....The rest of the story." I was looking for someone to hit and I think I just found him...so..."Smack".

Ok, the next issue I would like to request assistance with on my Legion of Super-Heroes roleplaying game pertains to skills (at this point in time many of you know they are called Accomplishments).

Last night I complied a half-way decent list of skills using the Wikepedia to fill in my lack of scientific expertise. What I need to do now is compile a list of skills that EACH Legionnaire is portrayed having. For example, Saturn Girl I believe developed the original serum to assist Mon-el with his lead poisoning. This would give her some sort of chemistry skill I suppose. Many of the ladies were dancing in the 60's so that should be included as well. Karate Kid was known to be proficient with martial art weapons, and so on. These skills can range from hobbies, to educational skills, combat skills, science skills, spacecraft piloting, anything you can think of. I am working with the original Legion, so I'd like feedback on all the Legionnaires ranging from Cosmic Boy to say whomever joined at the end of the original comic line (White Witch, Polar Boy, whomever was right at the end). Although I am not directly dealing with characters added or drastically changed with reboots feel free to include skills of the original characters that do come up in roboots. For example, if say in the current comic run, an original character like Shrinking Violet is shown to possess a particular skill or hobby, please include it as well. Feel free to also include other characters from the original Legion series, such as villains, the Legion of Substitute Heroes, the Science Police, etc.

I would like to ask everyone to list the name of the Legionnaire, the skills they would have, and if possible the comic and issue # so I can read and reference it.

I've got the base rules worked out for accomplishments (they work pretty much the same as powers and ability scores (Characteristic traits) so the system is fairly uniformed from the beginning. Things are moving along fairly well overall.

Damage system is in place just need to play test it over the next several months to see what its lacking and what needs to be improved or changed. Came up with a system that really doesn't require tracking any specific hit points (although you do need to circle a 1, 2, or 3 on the character sheet, if people have a tough time with that I'm going to throw it all in the garbage). So far, there are eight damage conditions ranging from Healthy to Dead. As one is injured penalties on the various die rolls begin to accumulate. Also there are glancing blows and solid blows, as well as damage effects of staggered, reeling, and stunned which when they occur cause a loss of actions during the action sequence (round). I will be looking for a way to possibly work in rules for specific body locations as well, so if anybody is up to the challenge of suggestions I'm listening.

I've also made quite a bit of headway on the character creation system. It isn't finished yet and basically is being developed together with other aspects of the game (the accomplishments, powers, and characteristic traits).

Please give me some solid feedback on these issues if you will (especially the list of skills the specific Legionnaires are shown to have).

Anyway, Me Happy! Thanks Much.

Ultra Boy can be such a jerk sometimes. So what did you think of my underwear shot in issue #37, pretty hot huh?

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Not with those kryptonite slippers on.

Heath....I am so disapointed. Mon-el isn't from Krypton, he's from Daxam. Allow me to edjumicate you.

This was taken from Wikipedia:
Lar Gand is a Daxamite, an alien from the planet Daxam. Exploring the galaxy, he landed on Krypton, but was immediately warned by Jor-El of the planet's imminent destruction and was given a map to Earth. He then went into suspended animation. After a few years, he landed on Earth and met Superboy. Although Gand suffered from amnesia upon landing on Earth, he and Superboy became good friends. Under Earth's yellow sun, he had powers like those of Superman; this led Superboy to believe that Gand might be his heretofore unknown long-lost brother. Superboy named the amnesiac alien "Mon-El": "Mon" because he landed on Earth on a Monday, and "El" for Superboy's own Kryptonian family name. Monel is also a metallic alloy, an appropriate name for the brother of the man (or boy) of steel.

Good thing I know that now. I gots mad levels of old skewl lead mini's.


Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Not with those kryptonite slippers on.

Heath....I am so disapointed. Mon-el isn't from Krypton, he's from Daxam. Allow me to edjumicate you.

This was taken from Wikipedia:
Lar Gand is a Daxamite, an alien from the planet Daxam. Exploring the galaxy, he landed on Krypton, but was immediately warned by Jor-El of the planet's imminent destruction and was given a map to Earth. He then went into suspended animation. After a few years, he landed on Earth and met Superboy. Although Gand suffered from amnesia upon landing on Earth, he and Superboy became good friends. Under Earth's yellow sun, he had powers like those of Superman; this led Superboy to believe that Gand might be his heretofore unknown long-lost brother. Superboy named the amnesiac alien "Mon-El": "Mon" because he landed on Earth on a Monday, and "El" for Superboy's own Kryptonian family name. Monel is also a metallic alloy, an appropriate name for the brother of the man (or boy) of steel.

Good thing I know that now. I gots mad levels of old skewl lead mini's.


Well, clearly Mon-el should fear you. "And Knowing is half the battle".

Yay Heath!

Liberty's Edge

Punk ass Mon-el.

Heathansson wrote:
Punk ass Mon-el.

Funny, that's what he said about you! He also said you'd wet your fur if you ever got into a real fight!

Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Punk ass Mon-el.
Funny, that's what he said about you! He also said you'd wet your fur if you ever got into a real fight!

Mon-el wears Heathansson underoos.

Heathansson wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Punk ass Mon-el.
Funny, that's what he said about you! He also said you'd wet your fur if you ever got into a real fight!
Mon-el wears Heathansson underoos.

He said you wear one of those big white cones around your neck to keep you from scratching all the time. He also thought it was kinda tacky when you lifted your leg and went all over the fire hydrant. Personally, I think he exaggerated about the white cone. You really don't wear one do you?

Liberty's Edge

Mon-el sure does run on and on.

I heard he wears a James T. Kirk girdle to keep his paunch sucked in.

Heathansson wrote:

Mon-el sure does run on and on.

I heard he wears a James T. Kirk girdle to keep his paunch sucked in.

Too funny. I always liked Kirk. I have noticed a trend, you like to pick on Mon-el. That's ok, at least your picking on one of my least favorite Legionnaires. I heard he took the day off anyway. By the way, with Mon-el on vacation, Shadow Lass was looking for you. Seems Mon-el isn't keeping her satisfied lately if you know what I mean. Anyway, she heard some "rumors" about you and wanted to see if they were true for herself.

O prophetess, hehe girls I date dont cry; quite the opposite actually

hehe I enjoy your banter, but sometimes you and Heathy have such long little talks that I dont post; seems like an intrusion; hehe, enjoy your singular wit though.

now about the energy crisis and you not knowing; is that lack of data about not informed there is a crisis or lack of data on the energy from closeness or something else; thought you were all part of a super duo teamup though your post to some owl about not watching movies with him was interesting hehe. On this thread he can be Hawkman hehe

so...of our little legion of super posters in this thread; do you have a list of active members and alternates or whatever the backup guys are called? would like to see it if you do.

well, off to the lab to see if I can quantify the effects of eggs producting more excess mental energies on this day vs that of the normal energies of other days; am trying to determine if a set of preselected imbedded datafiles; uhm, memories and smells to you living beings, can be used to predetermine selected actvities by activating certain neural pathways; thus, eliminating the desire for negative stimulus, for example, such things as graft and crime. Ah; to interface; what joy (meaning I am working today and it sucks :) but had nothing else to do.

will be going home tonight; will try to put the old spacemaster game in the vehicle if I can move all the vials of girls tears out of the way; might need to rent some more space.

Valegrim wrote:

so...of our little legion of super posters in this thread; do you have a list of active members and alternates or whatever the backup guys are called? would like to see it if you do.

Eileen said:
I don't understand the question Valgrim, please repeat, rewording the sentance structure so that I may comprehend what your talking about. Once again, I'm clueless.

Valegrim then said:
well, off to the lab to see if I can quantify the effects of eggs producting more excess mental energies on this day vs that of the normal energies of other days; am trying to determine if a set of preselected imbedded datafiles; uhm, memories and smells to you living beings, can be used to predetermine selected actvities by activating certain neural pathways; thus, eliminating the desire for negative stimulus, for example, such things as graft and crime. Ah; to interface; what joy (meaning I am working today and it sucks :) but had nothing else to do.

And I responded with:
Never been a fan of easter eggs. I like eggs though, scrambled, fried, just not eastered.

And then the last thing he said was:
will be going home tonight; will try to put the old spacemaster game in the vehicle if I can move all the vials of girls tears out of the way; might need to rent some more space.

And I replied by saying:

Wow, sounds like you got quite the collection going on there. Could you send me your email address again. Everytime I send you one I seem to get it sent back to me? I think I have you entered inorrectly under "contacts" so it prints the address incorrectly when I try and send you something.

sure; anytime; just sent you one

eggs scrambled ect; Eastered heh ;made me really laugh out loud; are cyborgs allowed to laugh? must be my new emotions chip. I tend to Devil them Eastered eggs; but then you probably already guessed that :)

when a green cyborg is pink with embarassment; what color is he?

this is the post that got my attention and make me a Fan :)

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

Oh boy, Legion fans....

I enjoy the current stories the best in the comics, art wise, nothing beats Mike Grell from the mid 1975-1977 (approximate). Costumes may look outdated by today's standards, but I think they rocked.

I like the personality of Lightning Lad in the cartoon version because he's so competitive. I think the comic version could use a little splash to it. He's got a great power though, and I really like the relations worked into the character (his sister Allya and brother Mekt). The cartoon version has picked up on this as well.

Phantom Girl's clothes off....Haven't seen that one yet. I thought she was so awesome (going back to the way Mike Grell drew her in the 70's). I love her power, her hair, personality, current costume (uniform) is ok, hated the cape version. Although I do have a great swimsuit picture of her with ponytails and sunglasses. Totally Awesome. Usually is my desktop picture.

I was really excited when I found the cartoon version. I thought it would be like teen titans (which I don't care for) but they kinda went in between serious and silly (this season seems a lot more serious), which I prefer over the silly. Now I just want to see a great real action movie) not animated). I'm sure I'd be hoping for to much and most likely be disapointed but still.....most of the other superhero movies in the past 7 years or so have been pretty good.

Chameleon Boy in the comics is far better, though again I prefer the 70's art and how he was drawn then.

So who are your favorite Legionnaires and why? How about favorite stories. I really was impressed with the Death of Ferro Lad in the cartoon version. He was short lived but always one of my favorites. Love supergirl in the new comics, very funny, like the little girl personality.

I am currently (slowly) trying to bring my first passion of Legion and bring it together with my second passion, RPGs. The result being a Legion of Super Heroes role playing game. Everything is in the beginning stages. I'm doing my best to make it...

<== comes running out of the lab; face a bit dark from smoot and oil; alarms blaring in the distance and klaxons wailing in the distance


cough, cough; resets the alarms

can be heard mumbling as he goes back into the lab:

who knew? that just shouldnt happen; the probablility of such things are way beyond....and the safety measures....crisis; going...critical...crisis... i better check dimentional stability around the base!

anyone interested in supers might want to keep an eye on this as it develops http://www.champions-online.com/

Valegrim wrote:

<== comes running out of the lab; face a bit dark from smoot and oil; alarms blaring in the distance and klaxons wailing in the distance


cough, cough; resets the alarms

can be heard mumbling as he goes back into the lab:

who knew? that just shouldnt happen; the probablility of such things are way beyond....and the safety measures....crisis; going...critical...crisis... i better check dimentional stability around the base!

Oh, way to go, the dimensional stability of Earth and Bgztl no longer share the same space of different dimensions. I can feel the dimensional force pulling me....I'm phasing out....trying to retain solidity....not working....voice fading.....leaving earth....wait that's not Bgztl...B..r..a..i..n..i..a..c....F....i....v....e....(gone!)

Brainiac 5, what in the cosmos just happened, smoke, alarms, and all I found was this (holds up Phantom Girls costume)? What happened? Where she go? And what is she wearing? The United Planets are going to have a heck of a time with this once they hear about it. Hang on, incoming message on the flight ring.....Go ahead Dream Girl....Uh, huh, oh great, delay them if you can we have a situation. Brainiac, the Science Police are on their way.....

Liberty's Edge

Allright....I'm in control now.

(lights Cuban cigar)

Heathansson wrote:

Allright....I'm in control now.

(lights Cuban cigar)

Ahem...what can I do for you officer?

Liberty's Edge

I'm Ra's Al Haig. Acting President of Everything.
I need a sitrep pronto.

(Blows smoke rings from his Cuban cigar dramatically).

Heathansson wrote:

I'm Ra's Al Haig. Acting President of Everything.

I need a sitrep pronto.

(Blows smoke rings from his Cuban cigar dramatically).

Ummmm....I'm sure Brainiac 5 has a perfectly good explanation for the alarm systems going off, allow me to locate him for you.....Brainiac 5, your presence is needed at the entry. I'm discussing the incident with officer Ra's Al Haig of the Science Police. He would like to interview you. I tried to assure him that nothing is wrong but he seems a bit irritated with the situation....Brainiac 5, you there, (whack, whack, whack), Oh, great, what a time for the flight ring to go on the fritz (Sprokk). Ummmm officer, this isn't really a good time at the moment, would you like to come back later perhaps, or maybe Dream Girl or Triplicate Girl could keep you entertained while we locate a certain Legionnaire? Could I see your identification Sir?

BOING....BOING....BOING.....BOING.....(coming from down the hall), BOOOOOIINNNNNG, Weeee, hey Cham, look at me, I'm a bowling ball, and that Science Officer talking to Cos is a bowling pin....

Cant say much now; gotta go; really bad; uhm; it involved a new toaster and a pastry and uhm well; something fell in that shouldnt have and uhm; gotta go; now; uhm; stay out of the lab unless you have a dimentional anchor level 12 or can adapt to changing phase reality spikes level 8 or transmatter phasic sheilds level 10 and a hyperspace atomic collider; uhm; the elevators are not safe yet; uhm; you might not want to use them....gotta go

hehe hope you faded out to check out my pbp thread; hint hint shameless plug hehe

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

<== comes running out of the lab; face a bit dark from smoot and oil; alarms blaring in the distance and klaxons wailing in the distance


cough, cough; resets the alarms

can be heard mumbling as he goes back into the lab:

who knew? that just shouldnt happen; the probablility of such things are way beyond....and the safety measures....crisis; going...critical...crisis... i better check dimentional stability around the base!

Oh, way to go, the dimensional stability of Earth and Bgztl no longer share the same space of different dimensions. I can feel the dimensional force pulling me....I'm phasing out....trying to retain solidity....not working....voice fading.....leaving earth....wait that's not Bgztl...B..r..a..i..n..i..a..c....F....i....v....e....(gone!)

Boing.....Boing.....Boing....Boing....CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bodies go flying everywhere.

Bouncing Boy, what the heck are you doing, how many times have I told you not to bounce in the hallway. See what you've done, you knocked out the Science Police officer (kicks him slightly). Do you think he's still alive?

Ok, now that the Science Police is momentarily disposed of....Brainiac 5, how the heck can you open up a rift in dimensional space with a toaster? I think you should check that piece of equipment over for sabatage. Then I want a well laid out plan on how you are going to fix this problem. If Phantom Girl didn't return to Bgzt then it very well may not occupy the same dimensional space as earth. Which means you very well may have erased an entire planet with your toaster. I have Phantom Girl scheduled for a mission next week and now I have to send someone else. The only person left on the roster who isn't all that busy is Bouncing Boy, and I don't think he is up to a diplomatic meeting with the Khunds.

Liberty's Edge

I'm Ra's Al Haig. I have the Lazarus Pit. You can't stop me. I'll come back.

Well Mr. Haig, it is good to see you have awakened. You are currently in the infirmary at Legion Headquarters in Metropolis. Please lie still, I'm afraid you were injured and suffered a severe blow to the head. We have done a cerebrum neuratical analysis and determined that you have suffered some memory loss and possible personality disorder. Perhaps you can tell us once again why you are here? I would like to ask Brainiac 5 to conduct further Psi scans of your brain in order to determine the full extent of your injuries. I understand that the damage could be more severe than the initial test detects. Is that all right with you? Our medical expert Brainiac 5 would be conducting the medical procedure. Perhaps if he stepped in he might be able to explain things better than I.

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